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Interview Bahasa Inggris? Siapa Takut!

❖ "Why did you decide to apply for this job?" (Mengapa Anda memutuskan untuk melamar
pekerjaan ini?)

Interviewer menanyakan hal ini untuk mengetahui seberapa inginnya kamu bekerja diposisi ini
dan pengalaman apa saja yang dapat kamu tawarkan, lalu kontribusi apa yang bisa kamu berikan
ke perusahaan tersebut.

Contoh ;
"Company XXX is one of the leading Digital Marketing in Indonesia. I am very interested in the e-
marketing industry which is one of the fastest growing industries. I am very enthusiastic about
the fast-paced work culture so that I can learn many new things while working at the company. In
my previous experience, I worked as a Junior Digital Marketing where I was responsible for the
branding of products produced by the company and was also tasked with increasing brand
awareness, web traffic and company visibility."

❖ Why should we hire you over other candidates? (Mengapa kami harus memilih Anda daripada
kandidat lain?)

Saat apply kerja, kamu pasti akan bersaing dengan kandidat-kandidat lainnya dengan jumlah
posisi yang terbatas. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, ceritakan pengalaman pribadi yang
menggambarkan kelebihanmu atau pencapaianmu secara relevan dengan lowongan pekerjaan
yang kamu lamar.

Contoh ;
"I have all the skills and experience listed in the job description, and I'm confident that I can make
an immediate impact on your company. It's not just my background in covering huge impactful
stories for my past company, but also my passion for the industry that drives me to succeed. If
chosen for this role, I will continue to deliver high-quality work for the continued success of your

❖ Where do you see yourself in five years? (Di mana Anda melihat diri Anda dalam lima tahun?)

Pewawancara ingin mengetahui apakah kamu seseorang yang mempunyai motivasi dan rencana
untuk masa yang mendatang.

Contoh ;
'Five years from now, I see myself becoming an expert in the field of consulting as I would have
been involved in various engagements from different industries, especially in IT digital
transformation. I would be improving myself by taking courses to enhance my IT skills. I would
also achieve a higher position in my career and have a team of my own and be a great mentor to

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