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Decision Support Systems

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Business Decision Making and the Decision-Making Process

Decision-Making Levels:

• Senior management

• Middle management and project teams

• Operational management and project teams

• Individual employees

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Information Requirements of Key Decision-Making Groups
in a Firm

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Types of Decisions

Unstructured decisions:

• New, non-routine decisions requiring judgment and


• Examples: Approve capital budget; decide corporate


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Types of Decisions (Continued)
Structured decisions:

• Routine decisions with definite procedures

• Examples: Restock inventory; determine special offers

to customers
Semi-structured decisions:
• Only part of decision has clear-cut answers provided
by accepted procedures

• Examples: Allocate resources to managers; develop a

marketing plan

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Systems for Decision Support

There are four kinds of systems that support the different levels
and types of decisions:
• Management Information Systems (MIS)

• Decision-Support Systems (DSS)

• Executive Support Systems (ESS)

• Group Decision-Support Systems (GDSS)

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Stages in Decision Making

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Support Systems
• Decision support systems (DSS)
• Offer potential to assist in solving both semi-structured
and unstructured problems

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Making as a Component of
Problem Solving

making Design

Choice solving



ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Solution Types
• Optimization model
• Finding the best solution
• Satisficing model
• Finding a good -- but not necessarily the best -- solution
to a problem
• Heuristics
• Commonly accepted guidelines or procedures that
usually find a good solution

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Problem Solving Factors
• Multiple decision objectives
• Increased alternatives
• Increased competition
• The need for creativity
• Social and political actions
• International aspects
• Technology
• Time compression
ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations
Characteristics of a DSS (1)
• Handles large amounts of data from different
• Provides report and presentation flexibility
• Offers both textual and graphical orientation

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a DSS (2)
• Supports drill down analysis
• Performs complex, sophisticated analysis and
comparisons using advanced software packages
• Supports optimization, satisficing, and heuristic

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a DSS (3)
• Performs different types of analyses
• “What-if” analysis
• Makes hypothetical changes to problem and observes impact
on the results
• Simulation
• Duplicates features of a real system
• Goal-seeking analysis
• Determines problem data required for a given result

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Goal Seeking Example
• You know the desired result
• You want to know the required input(s)
• Example:
• Microsoft Excel’s “Goal Seek” and “Solver” functions

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Capabilities of a DSS (1)
• Supports
• Problem solving phases
• Different decision frequencies

Merge with How many

another widgets
company? should I order?

low high

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Capabilities of a DSS (2)
• Highly structured problems
• Straightforward problems, requiring known facts and
• Semi-structured or unstructured problems
• Complex problems wherein relationships among data
are not always clear, the data may be in a variety of
formats, and are often difficult to manipulate or obtain

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Making Levels

Strategic-level managers
involved with long-term
Tactical decisions
managers involved with
daily decisions
High Low

Decision Frequency

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Integration of
• In many organizations they are integrated through a
common database
• Separation of DSS transactions in the database
from TPS and MIS transactions may be important
for performance reasons

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Support Systems

• Web-based decision support systems

• Decision support system software provides business
intelligence through web browser clients that access
databases either through the Internet or a corporate

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Components of a DSS
• Model management software (MMS)
• Coordinates the use of models in the DSS
• Model base
• Provides decision makers with access to a variety of
• Dialogue manager
• Allows decision makers to easily access and manipulate
the DSS

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Database Model base


Access to the
internet, networks, External database External
and other computer access databases

Dialogue manager

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Model Base

• Model Base
• Provides decision makers with
access to a variety of models and
assists them in decision making
• Models
• Financial models
• Statistical analysis models
• Graphical models
• Project management models

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Advantages and Disadvantages
of Modeling
• Advantages
• Less expensive than custom approaches or real systems.
• Faster to construct than real systems
• Less risky than real systems
• Provides learning experience (trial and error)
• Future projections are possible
• Can test assumptions
• Disadvantages
• Assumptions about reality may be incorrect
• Accuracy of predications often unreliable
• Requires abstract thinking

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Group Decision Support System
• Group Decision Support System (GDSS)
• Contains most of the elements of DSS plus software to
provide effective support in group decision-making

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations


Model base GDSS processor GDSS software

Access to the internet

and corporate intranet,
Dialogue External database External
networks, and other manager access databases
computer system


ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a GDSS (1)
• Special design
• Ease of use
• Flexibility
• Decision-making support
• Delphi approach (also known as Estimate-Talk-Estimate (ETE)) is a
structured communication technique or method, originally
developed as a systematic, interactive forecasting method which
relies on a panel of experts.)
• Brainstorming
• Group consensus
• Nominal group technique

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of a GDSS (2)
• Anonymous input
• Reduction of negative group behaviour
• Parallel communication
• Automated record keeping
• Cost, control, complexity factors

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Components of a GDSS and GDSS
• Database
• Model base
• Dialogue manager
• Communication capability
• Special software (also called GroupWare)
• E.g., Lotus Notes
• people located around the world work on the same
project, documents, and files, efficiently and at the same

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

GDSS Alternatives


Local area Wide area

Decision frequency

decision network decision network


close distant
Location of group members

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Decision Room
• Decision Room
• For decision makers located in the same geographic area
or building
• Use of computing devices, special software, networking
capabilities, display equipment, and a session leader
• Collect, coordinate, and feed back organized information
to help a group make a decision
• Combines face-to-face verbal interaction with
technology-aided formalization

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations
Wide Area Decision Network
• Characteristics
• Location of group members is distant
• Decision frequency is high
• Virtual workgroups
• Groups of workers located around the world working on
common problems via a GDSS

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Executive Support System

• Characteristics Board of directors

• A specialized DSS that includes all
the hardware, software, data,
procedures, and people used to President
assist senior-level executives within
the organization
Function area
vice presidents

Function area

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Characteristics of ESSs
• Tailored to individual executives
• Easy to use
• Drill down capabilities
• Support the need for external data
• Help with situations with high degree of
• Futures orientation (predictions, forecasting)
• Linked with value-added business processes

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Capabilities of an ESS
• Support for
• defining overall vision
• strategic planning
• strategic organizing and staffing
• strategic control
• crisis management

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Artificial intelligence technologies
in business

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

An Overview of Artificial Intelligence
• Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of science and
technology based on disciplines such as computer
science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and

• The goal of AI is to develop computers that can simulate

the ability to think, as well as see, hear, walk, talk, and

• Some of the attributes of intelligent behavior. AI is

attempting to duplicate these capabilities in computer-
based systems.
ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations
Attributes of Intelligent Behavior
• Think and reason.
• Use reason to solve problems.
• Learn or understand from experience.
• Acquire and apply knowledge.
• Exhibit creativity and imagination.
• Deal with complex or perplexing situations.
• Respond quickly and successfully to new situations.
• Recognize the relative importance of elements in a situation.
• Handle ambiguous, incomplete, or erroneous information.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

The Domains of Artificial Intelligence

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Examples of some of the latest commercial
applications of AI.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Examples of some of the latest commercial
applications of AI.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Expert Systems

• An expert system (ES) is a knowledge-based

information system that uses its knowledge about a
specific, complex application area to act as an
expert consultant to end users.

• Expert systems provide answers to questions in a

very specific problem area by making humanlike
inferences about knowledge contained in a
specialized knowledge base.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Components of an Expert System

The components of an expert system include a

knowledge base and software modules that
perform inferences on the knowledge in the
knowledge base and communicate answers to a
user’s questions.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Components of an Expert System

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Four ways that knowledge can be represented in an
expert system’s knowledge base.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

Virtual Reality
• Virtual reality (VR) is computer-simulated reality.
Virtual reality is a fast-growing area of artificial
intelligence that had its origins in efforts to build
more natural, realistic, multisensory human–
computer interfaces.
• Virtual reality will be integrated into daily life and
activity and will be used in various human ways.

ITEC 1010 Information and Organizations

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