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Is this Indian Government really protecting India????

A) Is this Government really protecting us??!! 7/11 2006: Mumbai Train Blasts. 209 Killed. 25/8 2007: Hyderbad Blasts: 42 Killed Oct 11 2007: Ajmer Blasts : 2 Killed May 13 2008: Jaipur Blasts : 68 Killed July 16th 2008: Ahmedabad Blasts : 57 Killed July 25th 2008: Banglaore Blasts: 1 killed Sept 13th 2008: Delhi Blasts: 26 Killed Sept 27th 2008: Delhi Blasts: 2 Killed Sept 29th 2008 : Gujrat Blasts : 1 killed Oct 21st 2008: Imphal Blasts : 17 Killed Oct 30th 2008: Assam Blasts : 40 Killed Nov 26th 2008: Mumbai Attack: 180 killed Every major city in India has been attacked consistently over the last two years. Since 2004, 3850 Indians have died in Terror attacks in over 3000 incidents. Is the common Indian on the streets really safe ? Did you know that on the day of the Mumbai train blasts, the Government gave Rs 150 crores for earthquake relief in Pakistan ? Last year our Govt. has given Rs 3000 crores (600 Million Dollars) to Afghanistan? This, when victims of terror in India have not yet got aid? Whats going on? B) Is this Government really secular ? 1) When Madrasas are being shut down in Pakistan, the Indian Government is giving them CBSE status !! It is depriving Muslim children in getting secular education. A Madrasa educated person can get a job in any government office without going through the secular education system. Can India afford to have fundamentalists in government departments? Why cannot the government shut down Madrassas and let Muslim children study with the rest? 2) Our Government has given 25 lakh scholarships ONLY to minority students. What sin have the majority done not to deserve these? Why cannot poor students of all communities be given scholarships instead of only Muslim children? 3) Thanks to the Congress led Government, out of 36000 temples in Andhra Pradesh, 28000 have closed down in the last five years. Do you want the same trend to continue in other parts of the country? Do you want a Nagaland type of situation in the whole of India? While government controls most of the Hindu temples, the minority community has had full freedom to organize their religious bodies. The minority communities now have the first right over resources. Is this not a blatant violation of fundamental rights of the majority community? 4) Why have the minorities in Nagaland, Mizoram & Kashmir not got the similar privileges like the minorities in other states? Why is the Govt following different rules for different religions? C) Is this government really making friends or enemies for India ? Thanks to a weak and visionless foreign policy, India has created enemies all around. By the Home Ministers own admission : "India is surrounded by a circle of fire". Rajiv Gandhi's vision of a powerful "SAARC" is now defunct. 1) Today, India commands little respect from all its neighbours, despite being the largest democracy in the world. 2) Terrorism has engulfed the country from inside and outside. Of course Pakistan,the motherland of international terrorism continues to be a big threat. 3) China has territorial ambitions on India. 4) Nepal, is now being headed by a Maoist government and is ideologically more aligned to China. While India helped to dismantle the dynastic rule in Nepal our own Government surreptitiously supports dynastic rule within its

own party. 5) Myanmar is increasingly aligning with Chinese forces with huge Chinese investments in that region. 6) Indian Policies in Srilanka have made Tamil Nadu burn. Will Tamils ever forgive India for encouraging military assault rather than facilitating peaceful dialogue on their north and north east regions. 7) Bangladesh continues to repeatedly aid and abet terrorism. D) Is this Government really pro-poor? The number of people living below the poverty line has increased by a horrifying 20 per cent. India had some 270 million people below the poverty line in 2004-2005, when the present Government took office. That number has gone up by 55 million, or 20 per cent! E) Does this Government really care about the nation? The Pakistani flag is now being hoisted in five districts of states like Assam where the Muslim population has gone up significantly. 92000 Hindu and 6000 Christians are now languishing in refugee camps. The government has turned a blind eye to this. In the name of security, innocent people have been put in jails, whereas people like Yaasin Malik who has 23 murder charges on him, are moving Scot free and gathering their own strength. Is it acceptable to any patriotic Indian? Can the Congress led UPA promise a non-muslim CM in J&K ? Reservation for a Hindu student in Nagaland ? If so, we wholeheartedly support them. Otherwise they should sit at home the next few years and rethink their policies. Can our politicians stop stooping down to any lengths just for money and power ? Like Mr.Sharad Pawar, who first ditched the Congress and then ditched the people and aligned back with the Congress, just to be in power. Dont be deceived. What appears to be communal is not communal, and what appears to be secular is not secular. It is time we change our thinking. Stand up for this most tolerant and ancient civilization and prevent this great nation from becoming a communal battleground. As citizens of India we must vote for change.


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