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THIS IS TO CERTIFY that MRS. JOSEPHINE ANAS ANDES, of legal age, married, Filipino, has a postal
address and is a resident of House No.: ____, Pavia Blvd., Purok Sunflower , Brgy. 4, Pio Duran, Albay which is
considered a Pio Duran Marine Zone (Sona Marina).

The aforementioned name and her family was known to this office that they were residents on the said specific
address based on the details below.

1. From Year 1990, the Andes Family utilized the said address as their “Kamalig” or storehouse of their
processed fish (tuyo / daing) business.
2. From February 18, 2002, right after the huge fire incident happened in Brgy. 4, Pio Duran, Albay, the Andes
Family officially moved to their storehouse and resides at said address until the present date.

THIS IS TO CERTIFY FURTHER that MRS. JOSEPHINE ANAS ANDES and her family have no derogatory
record filed in our barangay and of civic-minded citizens.

This certification is hereby issued in connection with the subject's application for DENR certification
for marine zone residency and for any legal purpose it may serve.

Given this 22nd Day of August 2023 at the Office of the Punong Barangay, Brgy. 4, Pio Duran, Albay, Philippines.

Punong Barangay

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