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Data collection is the process of collecting and evaluating information or data from multiple sources to find
answers to research problems, answer questions, evaluate outcomes, and forecast trends and probabilities.

Observation Interview Questionary Survey Census Logbook

Interview refers to an exchange A questionnaire is a Interprets the subjective
We refer to the process of A census is a type of
detailing a phenomenon
of ideas among a group of two
quantifiable data collection part of the investigation, in It is a research tool that
or more than two people, survey based on the
with analytical intent and technique that takes the collaboration with the contains all the data
where the Interviewers ask the collection, compilation,
the purpose of gathering questions to interviewees in form of a series of investigator, make possible
analysis, evaluation, collected in a field
as much objective questions asked in a certain to do a good following investigation.

order to extract the requisite publication.

information as possible. data from them. order protocol for the reserch.
Determinates a data collection
Describing behaviors and The process of interview It is generally used to
tool that allows to show the And dissemination of
situations: Observation consists of acquiring This tool is used for research relationship of the variables record observations and
statistical data on the
allows you to describe and information by putting purposes that can be both raised in the hypothesis; the thoughts in an orderly
population, housing, its
record the behaviors and forward various verbal qualitative and quantitative
information obtained from this manner, as this record
resource provides important geographical location and
situations you are stimuli and getting the allows you to collect clues
elements for quantitative analysis other data.
studying. responses in verbal forms. about how it works.
of the data.

Validate theories and Objective-Oriented : • It is a technique of data and Detailed population data: A Includes the exact
information collection. Generates the most conditions under which
hypotheses: Interview cannot be said as a simple, census provides complete
informal exchange of ideas, rather it • There are several types of important parts of and detailed data on the the project has been
Observation can be

is an interaction carried-out with questionnaires, depending field research. entire population, in addition worked on.
used to validate or particular objective, i.e. to acquire
on the way they are Set general and to demographic, social and Describes every and which
refute theories and the data related to a particular field
specific objectives. economic characteristics,
presented and the use of the one aspects of context in
hypotheses. of study. etc.
data. the course of application.
Generate new research Verbal Communication • Several techniques can be used
It is based on the Helps define samples: It allows to give feedback at
questions: Observation can to place the answers to the
In the method of investigation based on the A census can help the registered mistakes once
help generate new research questions.
interview, questions are context of application. the investigation is completed.
questions by revealing • Most questionnaires have the provide the necessary
It allows the development of Coments, results, survey and
patterns, trends, or behaviors asked verbally in order to following parts: Header, Body of framework for results, as the time, date and
that are unexpected or not the analysis and
draw verbal responses. the questionnaire, Questionnaire obtaining samples for responsable must be
explained by existing theories interpretation of the
footer future field research. registered.
or hypotheses. researcher. .


It is an essential phase in all types of research, analysis, and decision-making, including that done in the social
sciences, business, and healthcare.

Observation Interview Questionary Survey Census Logbook

Usually the interviews It is applicable in almost
There is the possibility It is a comprehensive Allows to register the
of gathering new are pre-planned as per • There is less chance of bias all contexts.
study. The survey actions taken at
the convenience of time if a standard set of Allows the general
information that may provides intensive and investigation development
and place. Hence, it questions is available for analysis. of answers. Contemplates the
be useful for new in-depth information
the target audience. Disclose specific

offers comparatively covering many facets subjective part registered

hypotheses. individual results
high response rate. of the issues. for its improvement

Allows data to be There is a possibility of Consider the questions

• You can use feature-rich Reliable results. Because Allows to be a space
collected at the time getting valuable Insights and answers, based on a that can be used on a
survey software to design, every element of the
and place it occurs. on the basis of depth of scientific framework daily basis for data.
distribute, and analyze your universe is considered in
Allows data collection information acquired Professional data Actively involves the
questionnaire response this type of research, the
without measuring and the knowledge of handling by the process of research
data. conclusions are more
devices the primary informants. researcher accurate and reliable. formation.

• Every manager expects to It can generate confusion at

Requires more time and Reluctance to Answer It's expensive. Because Often it is done by
get conscientious answers, the time of analysis final
money due to Inhibitions : the data is obtained for employees and sometimes
but there is no way to know conclusions.

The frequency of errors there are chances that the It needs a large part of or from each and every there are human errors.
if the respondent has The design of blogs often
during observation is interviewee is reluctant to individuals to be carried out, unit in the population,
thought about the question does not perfectly meet
difficult to control answer due to inhibitions. at least generally in research especially if the
before answering. the needs.
contexts. population is large
Consistency : • The problem with not It can be complicated by
The observed facts It is not suitable for a large I register many times I
Due to the influence of the asking users questions face- questions proposals if
are subjective and it population. This method have filled since the
interviewer and the to-face is that they can be they are not raised does not make sense in the
is difficult to reach a registration
circumstances, attaining interpreted differently. correctly. case of an infinite universe
more objective development must
stable and reliable data is • With questionnaires, some Compiles information where the number of
solution. provide
somewhat difficult. questions may be omitted. from a database.. elements is unlimited.

Through the techniques and tools of data collection, we can carry out a more
objective investigation, guaranteeing that the information gives us the results we
want, which is why, as a team, we can conclude that these techniques are absolutely
necessary to be able to optimize and guarantee the information we collect.

The purpose of acquiring new knowledge and techniques is to obtain a higher quality
of research, taking advantage of all possible resources to guarantee the success of
our future projects.
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