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Code No: X0225/R07 II B.

Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELDS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.

SET - 1

Max Marks: 80

a) Obtain an expression for electrical field intensity at a point due to infinite number of point charges b) Find the total charge in a volume defined by the six planes for which 1 x 2, 2 y 3, 3 z 4 , if D = 4x a x + 3y 2 a y + 2z 3 a z C / m 2 . a) Derive Poissons and Laplaces equations b) Calculate the potential due to a dipole of dipole moment 45 10 10 C/m at a distance 1m from it, i) On its axis ii) On its perpendicular bisector. a) Obtain the expression for energy density in a static electric field b) A parallel plate capacitor consists of two plates each 30 cm x 30 cm spaced 2 mm apart and 2 dielectrics each 1 mm thick having relative permittivities of 3 and 5. If the P.D. between the plates is 5000 V, calculate the voltage gradient in each dielectric. a) Using Biot savarts law, find H inside a long solenoid carrying a current I and show that H at the ends of a such solenoid is half of that in the middle. b) A circular loop of wire of radius a, laying in xy plane with its centre at the origin carries a current I in the + direction. Using Biot-Savarts law, find H (0,0, z ) and H (0,0,0) a) State and explain Amperes circuital law b) A z directed current distribution is given by, J = (r 2 + ur ), for r a. Find B at any point r a using Amperes circuital law. a) Derive an expression for the torque on current loop placed in a magnetic field. b) A distribution line consists of two straight parallel conductors supported on the cross arms of wooden poles spaced 100 m apart. The normal spacing between the two conductors is 20 cm, suppose a current of 10,000A flows down one conductor and back the other during a fault. Determine the force on each 100 m section of conductor. a) Explain the concept of scalar and vector magnetic potentials b) A toroidal coil of 1200 turns has a mean radius of 30cm and a radius for the winding of 2 cm. What is the average self-inductance i) With air core, ii) With an iron core of relative permeability, r =900? a) State and explain poynting theorem b) In a given lossy dielectric medium, conduction current density J c = 0.02 sin 10 9 t ( A / m 2 ). Find the displacement current density, if = 10 3 S / m and r = 6.5 1 of 1








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Code No: X0225/R07 II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELDS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours

SET - 2



Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks a) Derive Maxwells first equation as applied to the electrostatics, using Gausss law b) The concentrated charge of 0.25 C is located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of 10 m of side. Find the magnitude and direction of force on one charge due to other two charges. a) Derive the expression for electric potential due to a dipole b) Verify whether the potential fields given below satisfy Laplaces equation. i) V = 4 x 2 6 y 2 + 2 z 2 ii) V = p cos + 4 z a) Derive the expression for the capacitance of parallel plate capacitor with two dielections b) The polarization within a region having R = 2.7 has the uniform value of
P = 0.2 a + 0.7 a y + 0.3 a z C / m 2 . Find


i) E , ii) D and 4.

iii) magnitude of voltage gradient

a) State and explain Biot-savart law b) Calculate the magnetic flux density due to a coil of 100 A and area 50 cm2. i) On the axis of the coil at a distance of 10 m from centre and ii) At a point 10 m in a direction at right angles to the axis. a) Using Amperes circuital law, find H due to infinite long straight conductor b) A H due to a current source is given by, H = [ y cos( ax )] a x + ( y + e x ) a z . Describe the current density over the yz plane. a) Derive the expression for Lorentz force equation b) A solenoid 25cm long and 1cm mean diameter of the coil-turns has a uniformly distributed winding of 2000 turns. If the solenoid is placed in a uniform field of 2 wb/m2 flux density and current of 5A is passed through the solenoid winding. What the maximum i) Force on the solenoid, ii) Torque on the solenoid, iii) What is the magnetic moment of the solenoid? a) Derive the expression for vector magnetic potential A which satisfies the vector poissons equation b) A magnetic circuit comprising a toroid of 500 turns and an area of 6 cm2 and mean radius of 15 cm and carries a current of 4 A. Find reluctance and flux. Assume r = 1 a) Explain about induced emf and derive the expressions for statically and dynamically E b) Do the fields E = E m sin x sin t a y and H = m cos x cos t a z satisfy Maxwells





equations? 1 of 1

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Code No: X0225/R07 II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELDS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks

SET - 3

Max Marks: 80

a) State and prove Gausss law b) A line charge density is uniformly distributed over a length of 2a with centre as origin along xaxis. Find E at a point p which is on the z-axis at a distanced


a) Briefly explain the behavior of conductors in an electric field b) Obtain the solution of Laplace equation in spherical co-ordinates a) State and explain continuity equation of current in integral form and point form b) Determine the capacitance of a capacitor consisting of two parallel metal plates 30 cm 30 cm, surface area, separated by 5mm in air. What is the total energy stored by the capacitor if the capacitor is charged to a P.D. of 500 V? What is the energy density? a) Derive the expression for Maxwells second equation b) A uniform solenoid 100 mm in diameter and 400 mm long has 100 turns of wire and a current of I= 3A. Find the magnetic field on the axis of the solenoid i) At the centre ii) At one end, and iii) Half way from the centre to one end. a) Using Amperes circuital law, find H due to an infinites sheet of current b) Consider the volume current density distribution in cylindrical coordinates as




J ( r , , z ) = 0; 0 < r < a
= J 0 2 az ; a < r < b a = 0; b < r < 6. Find the magnetic field intensity H at various regions a) Derive the expression for force on a straight current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field b) (i) What is the maximum torque on a square loop of 100 turns in a field of uniform flux density is 1 wb/m2 . The loop has 10cm side and carries a current of 3A. ii) What is the magnetic moment of the loop? a) Derive the expression for energy stored in a magnetic field b) A toroidal coil of 500 turns is wound on a steel ring of 0.5 m mean diameter and 2 10-2 m2 cross sectional area. An excitation of 4000 Am-1 produces a flux density of 1 Tesla. Find the inductance of the coil. If a 10 mm long gap is cut in the ring, find the current required to maintain the flux density at 1Tesla. Also find the inductance under these new conditions. Neglect all leakage and fringing. a) Explain Faradays law of electromagnetic induction and derive the expression for induced emf b) Find the displacement current density within a parallel plate capacitor having a dielectric with




r =10, area of plates A = 0.01 m2, distance of separation, d= 0.05 mm, applied voltage is V=200
sin 200 t.

1 of 1

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Code No: X0225/R07 II B.Tech I Semester (R07) Regular Examinations, Nov- 2010 ELECTRO MAGNETIC FIELDS (Electrical & Electronics Engineering) Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1.

SET - 4

Max Marks: 80

a) State Coulombs law of force between any two point charges and state the units of quantities b) Find the electric field at any point between the two concentric spherical shells, inner spherical shell has charge Q1 and outer spherical shell has charge Q2. a) Derive the expression for torque on an electric dipole in an electric field b) In cylindrical coordinates, V= 60V at =6 mm and V=0 at =66 mm. Find the voltage at =140 mm, if the potential depends only on . a) Derive the ohms law in point form b) Deduce an expression for the joint capacitance of two capacitors C1 and C2 i) In series and ii) In parallel. If C1=100 F , C 2 = 50 F , calculate iii) The joint capacitance and iv) The total energy stored with a steady applied P.D. of 1000 V, in each case. a) Using Biot-savart law, find H on axis of circuits loop b) A steady current of I amperes flow in a conductor bent in the form of square loop of side a. Find magnetic field intensity at the centre of the loop. a) Derive the Maxwells third equation b) Obtain the expression for H in all the regions if a cylindrical conductor carries a direct current I and its radius is R m. Plot the variation of H against the distance r from the centre of the conductor. a) Define magnetic dipole? What is magnetic moment? Discuss how a differential current loop behaves like a magnetic dipole b) Two long parallel conductors carry 80 A. If the conductors are separated by 30 mm. Find the force per metre of each conductor, if the current flow is in opposite direction. a) Derive the expression for mutual inductance using Neumanns formula b) A solenoid with 300 turns is 300 mm long and 30 mm in diameter. If the current is 500 mA, find i) Inductance and ii) energy stored in solenoid. Assume r = 1 a) Write and explain differential and integral forms of Maxwells equations for fields varying hormonally with time b) Find the frequency at which conduction current density and displacement current density are equal in a medium with = 2 10 4 mho and r = 81. 1 of 1








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