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Aims of the assessment:

Leadership Power and Policy for Managers is a module which looks at the contribution and
effectiveness of leaders in organisations. The module acknowledges that leaders perform a
critical role in organisations and society. It evaluates a range of leadership theories and looks
specifically at the leadership qualities of acknowledged leaders past and present. The module
also examines leadership in the public sector and how leaders shape and drive policy.
The learning outcomes assessed in this assignment include the student’s ability to:
 Critically evaluate theoretical models of leadership and analyse their application within
an organisational context.
 Synthesise and critically appraise contingency and situational approaches to
international leadership and their effect on followers.
 Critically evaluate the link between leadership and organisational change.
 Review and critically appraise the role of ethics in leadership behaviour.


In 2010 IBM conducted a survey of more than1,500 CEOs from 60 countries and 33 industries
worldwide. The results showed that creativity was considered to be the most important quality
for leaders to ensure success in business. Indeed, successful leaders were considered to both
practice and encourage experimentation at all levels within their organization. Discuss.

Important information

Assignment medium:             Academic Essay / Reflective essay

Word limit:                               3,000 words (+10%)
Number of references:            a minimum of 20 sources should be cited
Format:                                     Word-processed (Arial 11; 1.5 line-spacing)
Referencing:                            QMU Harvard referencing system (as per Write and Cite)

Marking schedule: Essay Marking Schedule:

Analysis 50%
Conclusions 30%
Presentation 10%
Referencing 10%
50% of marks are allocated to the interpretation of and analysis presented in the essay.
Students should examine appropriate theoretical concepts and frameworks. They should
demonstrate an awareness of the wider context and apply theory to practice. They should
present an in-depth discussion of relevant current issues. Better students will demonstrate
critical analysis skills and communicate their arguments in a clear and coherent manner.
30% of marks are allocated to the conclusions drawn. The conclusions should identify the key
themes or issues under consideration. Conclusions should be well supported from the analysis
and highlight the significance of arguments, evidence and insights
10% of marks are allocated to the presentation of the essay. The student’s work should be
typed with clear use of paragraphs to create a well structured argument. Typographical and
spelling errors should be avoided.
10% of marks are allocated to appropriate referencing of content. Students should familiarise
themselves and make use of the Harvard referencing system and should cite and reference
material properly. Students should make use of a range of resources (books, journal articles
etc.) and the literature used should be appropriate to the arguments made.

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