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Of the Blessed Sacrament


FRATER: __________________________________

Of the Blessed Sacraments



Prepared and designed for the use of the Parochial Knights of the Blessed Sacrament, Knights of
the Altar, Altar Boys, and Tarcisians of the Archdiocese of San Fernando by the Rt. Rev Msgr.
Constancio R. Panlilio, H.P. Diocesan Master of Ceremonies and first Archdiocesan Apostolate
Director of the Knights of the Blessed Sacrament.

1 History of the Organization…………………………………………………….1
2 Rules and Regulations [REGIMENT]………………………………………….7
4 General Rules………………………………………………………………….11
5Procedure of the Meeting………………………………………………………12
6 Organization…………………………………………………………………...14
7 Dismissals & Withdrawals…………………………………………………….20
8 Meetings & Services…………………………………………………………...21
9 Regimental Flag………………………………………………………………..24
10 Reception Ceremony………………………………………………………….26
11 Induction Ceremony…………………………………………………………..30
12 Ceremony of the Knighthood…………………………………………………33
13 Installation Ceremony………………………………………………………...38
14 Knight’s Pledge……………………………………………………………….40
15 Ceremonial Hymns……………………………………………………………41
16 Common Prayers of a Young Knight…………………………………………45
17 Rules and Regulations [FEDERATION]……………………………………..62
18 Organization…………………………………………………………………..69
19 Meetings………………………………………………………………………74
20 Ceremonials…………………………………………………………………...76
21 General Rules…………………………………………………………………79
22 Appendix……………………………………………………………………...83
23 Form Knight One……………………………………………………………..90

1. History of the Knights of the Blessed Sacrament

Archdiocese of San Fernando
San Fernando, Pampanga

The history of the Knights of the Blessed Sacrament formally started when Fr. Constancio R.
Panlilio, then the Dean of Discipline and at the same Professor of the Mater Boni Consilii
Seminary was assigned as the personal secretary and Vice Chancellor of the Diocese of San
Fernando in October 1958, He is an attaché to the Cathedral while having residence at the
Bishop’s Palace in San Jose. He is also the Master of Ceremonies at the Cathedral and Seminary.

Being the Official second Master of Ceremonies of the Diocese, he saw the need of an organized
group of Mass Servers. There were volunteer boys who are either taught by the Sacristan Mayor
of the Parish Priest himself but in most parishes they have paid servers known as sacristan. There
are organization for the old men and women like the Holy Name Society, the Catholic Women
League, the Adoracion Nocturna, the Senior Legion of Mary and there is one organization for
young girls known as the Sodality or Children of Mary but there is none for the boys. Hence, the
need for such a group.

To distinguish the group from the paid servers, sacristan, it needs a dignified name. There are
Altar Boys of Knights of the Altar in America and in Europe. Research was made from books
and pamphlets, personal observations around the world were done. An experimental set of rules
and regulations was set up and applied experimentally with a group of around fifteen boys at the
Cathedral and at the Bishop’s Palace. They studied and memorized the rules and they practice
weekly on how to serve at different functions even at the Pontifical Masses. The good behavior
of the Charter members attracted the attention of other boys, so that by December 8,1958 the first
Induction and Reception was made at the 10 o’clock Mass at the Cathedral. At first, there is no
Lay Apostolate Director but just Fr. Panlilio handling everything from the set of rules, the
uniform, the rituals, etc. Discipline is inculcated and constant guidance was set up so that the boy
is watch at home by the parents, in school by his teacher and in church by Fr. Panlilio.
Documents have to be signed by the parent, the teacher [homeroom teacher] and the boy himself
which become part of his permanent record with the organization.

The Knights of the Blessed Sacrament was finally chosen though it started with the KOA
[Knights of the Altar] so as to pins as an identifying insignia. This is an organization of young
men from age ten up to adulthood as long as he remains single dedicated to the service of God
through the ministration of the priest when dispensing with the sacraments and in offering the
Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. In the course of fifteen years by trials and error, the rules were
perfected together with the three distinctive ceremonies, namely, Installation of Officers,

Reception of Neophyte, and the Induction to Higher degrees. The discipline in the organization
makes it such that if the boy stays with the organization in two years, he will be molded into a
good Christian and a loyal citizen of the country. It has four degrees which are a challenge to the
character formation of the boy, self discipline, and learns how to challenge himself in his daily

From the Cathedral, other parishes asked Fr. Panlilio to start the organization in their places. The
first outreach program was done in Sta. Monica, Mexico, with the group of Fr. Len Flores as the
first batch, then Guagua when the late Msgr. Ben Henson was the curate, the one at G.N.C did
not flourish because there was no Lay Apostolate Director trained to take care of it. Angeles
followed during the time of Msgr. Serafin Ocampo, and this continued till around thirty parishes
were reached. A monthly meeting for all Knight Commanders was organized to have control of
the organization. At first, there was stiff opposition in some parishes due to their ignorance about
the aims and ideals of the KBS. We have to emphasize that this is the Knight does not receive
pay or any monetary remuneration from his service individually. Whatever is given has to be
surrendered to the Master Burser, the treasurer, as property of the order.

By 1960, the first assembly was made to create the Federation of the Knights of the Blessed
Sacrament. Twenty four member Regiments were presented and SK Benjie Garcia was the first
appointed Lay Apostolate Director while the Knight Commander of the Cathedral Regiment was
elected the first Primatus, SK Antonio Chan. Knight Mario Santos was chosen the first Knight of
the Year. The meetings of the Federation is always at the Chancery (Bishop’s Private Chapel).
An annual retreat was introduced and seminar for the Knight Commanders became a regular
yearly affair.

It became apparent that the meetings for Saturday and Sunday became necessary, the Saturday
meeting is for practice for serving while the Sunday meeting is for Study on the Rules,
Regulations and Custom of the KBS. The Master of Neophytes were given special lecture for
their duties and responsibilities. Friendly games called “Intramurals” were conducted as part of
the training on camaraderie and sportsmanship. This eventually evolved into the Sportsfest
which is conducted annually and the Tuklas Talino held every year.

By the seventies, the Rules and Regulations were formally printed and used all over the Diocese
up to the present. The prescribed uniform for all Knights is emphasized and specification for the
banner was determined. This was patterned after the CONSOMOL flags of the German youth of
Hitler. They are larger and longer than the usual flags.

Since it was found out that each parish has its peculiar rules as deemed proper by each parish
priest, the rules became a sort of guideline which could be adjusted to the discretion of the

incumbent parish priest in a given parish. Even the idea of the Federation was changed. The idea
is like the Federation of the different states of the USA. Each parish has its own set of
government and follows the general rules for all Knights. They just affiliate with the Federation
for guidance and solidarity.

By the eighties some members of the Knights became the Apostolate Lay Director and most of
them are already professionals and some are even married but they still remain loyal to the aims
and ideals of KBS. Some of the Honorary members those who have graduated from college or
have gotten married are the most rabid in spreading the organization even as far as Bataan,
Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac. At last the KBS has reached the fullness of maturity. Despite its
growth, it has not been recognized as it should by the Archdiocese. Its help and its value as a
source of vocations to the priesthood has never been appreciated.

In the nineties, there is need for the revision of its Rules and Regulations as well as the need for
the full development of the separate set of Rules and guidelines for the Federation. A new
concept was born regarding the establishment of the Federation Knights members and the
creation of the College of Lay Apostolate Directors for most of them now are former Knight
Commanders or Honorary Members. With the present Archdiocesan Lay Apostolate Director,
the move is veering more on the logistics and trend of the Boy Scouts just like the Altar Boys of
America was, in yester years. While before everything comes from the head of the founder and
still present Archdiocesan Spiritual Director now the work is distributed among the different
Commissions of the Federation manned by former Knights now Lay Apostolate Directors. But
still the trademark of its founder, the Panlilian Spirituality is still much evident in the
organization. Despite the different organizations among the youth he will continue blessing it
fervently so that it may achieve its purpose of spreading the Word of God among the youth and
in forbearing, planting and nurturing vocations to the Priesthood.


Archdiocese of San Fernando

San Fernando, Pampanga


Adopted to the original rules:
The KNIGHTS OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT is an organization of young men
bound together for the service of God through the priest at the altar or any of his ministrations of
His priestly office. Originally this is the Sanctuary Section of the Sodality of our Lady.

1. Any Catholic man (single) who has completed the age of ten (10) may be admitted to this
pious organization. He should have the following qualifications;

 Baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church

 Regular Communicant (at least weekly)
 Sound of health and of good moral character

2. He may apply personally to the Director (priest or Layman) either orally or in writing. His
acceptance is signified by the inscription of his name in the official register of the organization.
His formal reception, however, is through the sponsorship of a bonafide member and financed by
an elderly male and female person in a special ceremony.

3. The organization is divided into four degree; Apprentice, Page, Esquire, and Knight. During
the probation he is called NEOPHYTE, which may last from one day to six months before his
formal reception into the order, he is called an ASPIRANT.


The uniform of this degree is black leather shoes, white socks, white polo (short sleeves), tucked
in and blue or black long pants. To qualify for this degree the NEOPHYTE should have

1. Served 30 Holy Masses

2. Earned at least 30 good points
3. Visited daily the Blessed Sacrament as a Neophyte
4. Passed oral and written test on:

 Mass serving in English and/or Pampango

 Rules and Regulations
 Common Prayers for Catholic and Knight’s Pledge
 Sacraments and Sacramentals
 Identification of church vestments, structures and appurtenances
5. Voted by the Officers and Counselors


The uniform of this degree is the same as that of the Apprentice with the addition of a dark blue
long tie. To qualify for this degree the apprentice must have;
1. Served 50 Holy Masses and 5 Benedictions of the Blessed Sacrament

2. Earned at least 30 good points

3. Visited the Blessed Sacrament at least twice daily
4. Passed actual serving at sung mass, concelebrated Mass, Benediction, ordinary Mass & KBS

5. Performed one daily sacrifice for more vocation to the Priesthood


The uniform of this degree is the same as that of the Page with the addition of a silver
ring with a cross on the stone. This is worn on the left finger with the foot of the cross nearest the
finger nail. To qualify for this degree the Page must have;
1. Served 50 Holy Masses and ten Benediction
2. Earned at least thirty good points

3. Recited the Holy Rosary daily

4. Adore the Blessed Sacrament exposed for half an hour at least once a month
5. Visited the Blessed Sacrament daily

6. Done one good deed and one sacrifice daily

7. Passed the test on Solemn Benediction, Sunday Sun Mass, Concelebrated Mass and
Holy Rosary

The uniform of this degree is the same as that of the Esquire with the addition of a cape
whose outer side is dark blue and inner lining is a blue light satin. The ring is worn on the right
forefinger for ceremonies. To qualify for this degree the Esquire must have;
1. Served 100 Holy Masses either recited or sung
2. Served at least three Solemn Benediction
3. Earned at least fifty good points
4. Visited twice daily the Blessed Sacrament
5. Done one good deed and one sacrifice daily

6. Adored the Blessed Sacrament for one hour daily

7. Served at Baptism, Sick call, Marriage, Communion of the Sick, Enthronement and
House Blessing

TIME INTERVAL between the degrees

Neophyte - Apprentice - 3 months
Apprentice - Page - 6 months
Page -Esquire -6 months
Esquire - Knight - 1 year

Date of Reception may be any feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary or of our Lord and all
First Sunday of the year. There are proper ceremonies for each degree.
Installation of Officers is held on the First Sunday of December or on December 8,
before the reception of members
General Mass and Communion for all members is every first Sunday of the month and
great feast days of the church. Each member should be dressed in uniform according to his
degree. They should answer all the prayers just like the acolyte at Mass.

1. Each member must wear his uniform when serving at mass on Sundays either at the
main church or in the Barrios and daily at the main altar of the church. Exceptions may be given
at the discretion of the Director.
2. He should receive Holy Communion at the first mass he serves except during General
Mass and Communion Days when he receives our Lord together with his fellowmen members
during their designated Mass.
3. A good knight should try to help any priest who needs his aid especially in the
celebration of the Mass and dispensation of the Sacraments. At this occasion he may not be n
4. He should always give due respect to the Blessed Sacrament, the object of his devotion
and to the priest, the representative of Christ on earth.
5. He should follow the mass schedules posted for Sunday and daily assignments. He
may not change assignment with anyone without permission from the Director or the Knight
Commander ahead of time, so as substitute could be appointed.
6. The meeting of the organization is once a week at the discretion of the director,
preferably every Saturday.


 Opening prayer
 Roll call ( Master Scribe)
 Scriptural Reading/ Sharing or reading of the Rules and Regulations (MON)
 Reading and approval of the minutes (MS)
 Appraisal
 Financial Report (MB)
 Report of Committees
 LAD/SAD Message
 Closing Prayer
During the General Mass and Communion, there may or may not be any meeting. In this
meeting, tests and demonstrations may be given aside from the usual explanation of the rules and
regulations or projects of the organization. The rules are always read for ten minutes at the
beginning of each meeting to acquaint the member present at these meeting of his duties and

7. Each member is expected to help one another. Charity should be their trade mark. They are
expected to help any boy or girl who is in distress.

8. Each member is expected to provide his uniform. If he cannot afford it, he may with the
consent of the Director solicit for benefactors. He is not permitted to solicit more than what is
9. The organization does not have dues. It receives donations from the benefactors, the parish or
the sponsor at the first reception to the order, these are put in the bank in the name of the
10. No member may receive monetary compensation for his service. If such an offering is given,
he should turn it over to the director or the burser to be added to the common fund.

11. Lower ranks should give due respect to those in higher rank but those in higher/upper degree
should not abuse this esteem.
12. Group visits to the Blessed Sacrament and Stations of the Cross are encouraged to foster
camaraderie and friendship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and with one another.
13. The General adoration of the Blessed Sacrament exposed is at eight o’clock every first
Saturday of the month or on any day designated by the Director. All should attend in uniform
according to rank. The officers are in charge of the whole proceedings. The Knight Commander
assigns the leaders.
14. The Neophytes together with the Apprentices take care of chairs and things needed during
meetings and Mass gatherings, while the Pages are in charge of the meeting room at the altars.
The Esquires are to take care of the side altars and the Knights take care of the Altar of the
Blessed Sacrament.

The whole organizational unit is called the COURT. This is composed of 12 regiments each
comprising of 30 members. The highest officer of the organization or COURT is the Primatus.
He is chosen from the 12 regiments officers who are called KNIGHT COMMANDERS. Each
regiment is compose of the officers and members as follows:

 Knight Commander
 Master of Neophytes
 Master Scribe
 Master Burser
 Four Counselors
 Liaison Officer
 Lay Apostolate Director

They are either elected or appointed by the Director

THE KNIGHT COMMANDER is the highest officer in a regiment. His insignia of office is a
medal pinned to the flap of his cap. He holds office for three years with re-appointment, or re-
election for another term. In case of inability or withdrawal from office (voluntary or at the
discretion of the Director) the Director appoints a substitute who will hold office till the
expiration of that term. His duties consist of:

1. Presiding over the meeting when the Spiritual Director is not around.
2. Assigning servers on Sundays, Feast days, and Weekdays.
3. Testing apprentices and other member for advancement.
4. Any other job assigned him by the Director.
5. Presiding on First Saturday Adoration..
6. Managing the behavior of members and arrangement for general mass and communion.

The Knight Commander should be a KNIGTH but in case there is no KNIGHT in the
organization an ESQUIRE will do.
THE MASTER OF NEOPHYTES is the second highest officer of the organization. His
insignia of office is badge with a medal. His tenure of office lasts for three years. He is directly
appointed by the Director. In case of inability or withdrawal, the Director simply appoints
another who will hold office till the expiration of the term. His duties consist of:
1. Teaching and training of aspirants on all requirements for the degree for which they aspire.
2. Preparing and checking things necessary for any service or ceremony entrusted to the

3. Acting as Scribe during written test when does not participate in it.
4. Carrying out all the wishes or order of the Director or Knight Commander.
He should at least be an Esquire and past 15 years old.
THE MASTER SCRIBE is the secretary of the organization. He does not have any insignia of
office. His tenure is three years without re-election if elected, but if appointed he may have a
consecutive elected term or appointment. In case of inability or withdrawal, the Director appoints
a substitute to finish the term. The substitute may be re-elected or re-appointed for another term.
When election is permitted by the Director, only Knights, Esquires and Pages may be qualified
to vote for him. His duties consist of:
1. Recording of attendance at meetings, rehearsals, practices, assigned jobs for mass, etc.,
general mass & communion, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, procession etc.
2. Recording merits and demerits, good & bad points

3. Keeping and filling old mass schedules and board notices

4. Posting of notes and bulletins on meetings, rehearsals, receptions, general mass & communion
5. Checking of Mass Servers
6. Taking of notes during Council meetings and keeping records on file.

7. Carrying out the wishes of the director and other official of the organization.
He should at least be a page not younger than 14 years old.
THE MASTER BURSER is the treasurer of the organization who keeps accurate tabs of the
money of the organization. He is directly appointed by the Director upon the recommendation of
the officers in secret balloting. Honesty and efficiency must be his trademark. His main duty is to
see that the money of the organization is deposited in the bank. He should have a checking
account on all expenses and income of the organization and give report once a month or during
the weekly meeting or at the request of the Director/Body. He should be at least an Esquire and
16 years or older.
THE FOUR COUNSELORS together with the above mention officers make the deciding body
of the organization regarding the admission and expulsion of members under the chairmanship of
the Spiritual Director. They are the Spiritual Director’s consultants on the general tenor and
individual behavior of the members. Each of the degrees should be represented, hence each is
elected by the members of each degree so that there is one Apprentice, one Page, one Esquire,
one Knight. These are elected for three years term, and they should not be younger than 16 years
old. Older members are preferable for this job. Their insignia of office is a yellow red cape with
yellow lining worn at ceremonial and services.

THE LIAISON OFFICER OR THE COURIER is the public relation officer of the
organization. He is in charge of notifying and running after truant members. He may ask other
members as his sub-courier to help him in notifying members for special or regular meetings. He
is also responsible for the peace and order during meetings and other gatherings of the members.
During picnics or outings he acts as the chief security officer together with his deputies. In
general, he carries out the orders of the Director or the Knight Commander.
THE LAY APOSTOLATE DIRECTOR is the appointed or chosen from among the older
members or Honorary members of the organization with the approval of the Spiritual Director or
parish Priest. His main duty is to assist the Spiritual Director or the Parish Priest. He may handle
the organization with the minimum guidance of the Spiritual Director.

MEMBERS to this organization are divide into ACTIVE, HONORARY, AND CHARTER.
1. ACTIVE are those actually engage in the work and aims of the organization
2. HONORARY are those who retire due to reasonable cause, like college students, those who
study elsewhere
3. CHARTERS are those who enter seminary for the priesthood.
These are promoted to full KNIGHTHOOD, “Honoris Causa” and they are given the charter
CHARTER members are two kinds
a) The first inducted member at the start of the organization in a parish or locality

b) Those who enter the seminary for priesthood, these are promoted to Full Knight “Honoris
Causa” when they receive their Charter Cross during the departure ceremony.


1. No member may be dismissed dishonorably without due process

2. Reasons for dismissal or dishonorable discharge are:

 Five consecutive failures to fulfill assigned tasks

 Serious infraction of rules and regulations of the KBS.
 Irresponsible conduct adjudge by the ruling body as serious reason for discharge.

 Habitual use of bad words of obscene language

 Smoking below 21 years old

 Drinking (alcoholic beverages) below 21 years old

 Gambling

 Stealing

 User of prohibited/regulated drugs

 Courting seriously while still a student

 Using the KBS to enhance chances with girls of further his personal pursuits

 Fighting and bad temper

 Rebellion to legitimate authority

3. Before any culprit is discharged, the parents should be informed about the behavior of his son,
then followed that he should have a fair trial and ample time to correct himself from his habits.
After three warnings from the Spiritual Director, Lay Apostolate Director, and Knight
Commander, he is formally tried by the whole assembly with the Spiritual Director as presiding
Judge and the Lay Apostolate Director with the officers as Associate Judges. His final dismissal
is when the majority of the members voted for his removal from the organization.
4. Anyone who whishes to withdraw from KBS, he should make a formal letter addressed to the
Spiritual Director, Lay Apostolate Director or Knight Commander, attested by the Knight
sponsor. Final separation from the regiment is when the officers post his name on the board as
separated from the organization.


1.The KBS has three distinct meetings. The General Assembly, the Officers meeting. Trial
meeting. The first is weekly meeting, while the second is at the discretion of the KC, LAD, and
SD, and last for correction of members, hence disciplinary in nature.
2. There are three distinct services in the organization. The Reception of the new members,
Induction to a degree, and Installation of Officers.

3. THE RECEPTION is to receive new members who have been aspirants. In this ceremony
permission of the parents is necessary and lay sponsors who will shoulder the expenses of the
aspirant for his stay in the organization are solicited. The offering is P100.00 from each of his
two sponsors. A Bonafide KBS member has to sponsor an Aspirant to be formally received into
the Order. The Two Benefactors/ Sponsors must be above 21 years old.
4. The member sponsor is responsible for the conduct of his protégé as well as for his attendance
at meetings, etc.
5. THE INDUCTION is to raise the member to a higher degree in a regiment. No sponsor of
any kind is necessary. The only condition is that he had passed on his required test and practices
and that he has the uniform for the degree. This service is done after any reception before mass
of after the gospel at Mass.
6. THE INSTALLATION is for officers only. This may take place either before the mass or
before the final blessing of the Mass. If done before the mass, the officer’s pledge is done before
his communion while the sacred host is raised before him. The ceremony for all three is found in
the appendix of this manual.

MASS- white cape with two inches dark blue band on the edge, front and lower edge with a dark
blue Chinese collar. An addition of dark long tie is optional.

Ceremonial Capes
Knight Commander Dark blue with white lining
Master of Neophytes Brown with yellow lining
Master Scribe Violet with yellow lining
Master Burser Violet with yellow lining
Counselors Crimson red with yellow lining
Liaison Officer Green with yellow lining

Official Pages Crimson with apple green lining

Lay Apostolate Director Yellow with white lining


The official flag of the order is a white background measuring five feet long, four feet
wide with five inches dark blue border. The order’s logo is at the center consisting of a
circle bordered by a laurel vine meeting at the top. Within the circle is a table under
which the motto is written in a circular manner, “AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM.” On
the top of the altar (table) is a chalice and host with rays flanked by two acolytes with
lighted candles. Above the logo are the six inches words, ‘KNIGHTS OF THE
BLESSED SACRAMENT’ forming an arch over the logo. Below the logo in straight line
is the name of the parish. The flagpole is fifteen feet tall.

As soon as the priest enters the sanctuary, the aspirants in procession down the aisle with the
sponsors, go to their assigned seats in the pews. Each is flanked by his sponsors so that the male
is at his right with the female is at the left. When the priest is seated at his sedilla in the middle of
the sanctuary facing the people, all sit down. The Master of Neophytes stands before the
presiding priest requesting for the Reception.

MASTER OF NEOPHYTE: Very Reverend Father, we have some young men who are
seeking admission into the order of the Knights of the
Blessed Sacrament.

PRIEST: Are they here and well informed of our requirements?

MASTER OF NEOPHYTE: They are, Reverend Father.

KNIGHT COMMANDER: Master Scribe, call their names.

(the Master Scribe call their names like this; NOEL DELA CRUZ JR,. SON OF MR & MRS
KNIGHT COMMANDER: Reverend Father, these young men have approached the
altar requesting your Reverence to admit them to the
PRIEST: Are they ready and prepared to assume the duties and
regulations, obligations and privileges of the Knights of the
Blessed Sacrament?
KNIGHT COMMANDER: With the grace of God, they are Reverend Father.

PRIEST: Before I question them, let us invoke the guidance of the

Holy Spirit.


PRIEST: Young men, do you come here freely to serve at the altar of
ASPIRANTS: We do come freely, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Do you know and understand the rules and regulations of
the Knights of the Blessed Sacrament?
ASPIRANTS: We do know and understand them, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Do you promise to abide by them from now on?
ASPIRANTS: We do promise, Reverend Father.

PRIEST: Well, then let us recite the APOSTLES’ CREED, the

profession of our faith.
PRIEST: Pages, bring in their emblems.

After the prayer, the priest intones the “OH SACRAMENT MOS HOLY” which all members
sing while he blessed the ID’s then give them to the Aspirants who approached him two by two
as they kneel before him. When all have received their paraphernalia the priest stands while they
all kneel before him. If there are capes to be given, these are blessed and given to the aspirants
who bring them to their sponsors who will help them wear the white capes.
PRIEST: By the authority invested upon me, I formally receive you
as members of the Knights of the Blessed Sacrament. And
as such, you enjoy all the rights and privileges of your
order. You have received your ID cards as a sign of your
fidelity to the rules. May God, the King of Love and
Prisoner in the Blessed Sacrament help and guide you as
his Loyal Neophytes.
ASPIRANTS: Thanks be to God.
PRIEST: Master flag bearer bring here the flag. It is lowered and
front liners hold it with their left hands. Their right hands
raised for swearing.

The recitation of the Knights Pledge follows and the kissing of the flag. All stand up and sing the
Holy God We Praise Thy Name. After the offertory procession the aspirants go to their reserved
place in the Sanctuary. At communion time, they go down to the pews to bring their sponsors for
the Holy Communion down the aisle. He receives first holding the plate, then the male, and the
female sponsor. He hands the plate to the aspirant behind and goes to his assigned place. Then
after the mass he goes to his benefactors/sponsors to thank them.

This ceremony is for all degrees with slight difference except for the Knighthood. When all are in
the sanctuary, the priest standing at the middle of the Altar intone “COME HOLY GHOST”.
After the song all are seated, the Master of Neophyte stands before the officiating priest and
MASTER OF NEOPHYTE: Reverend Father, we have some members here seeking to
be raised to the degree of __________. They are (he calls
their names)

PRIEST: My dear __________ do you know what you are

CANDIDATES: We fully know, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Have they passed all the tests and other requirements for
the degree they are seeking?
KNIGHT COMMANDER: Yes, your Reverence.
PRIEST: Is there among you who objects to any of these being raised
to the degree of ___________?
MASTER OF NEOPHYTE: (After the space of one Hail Mary) There is no objection
Reverend Father, let us proceed with the induction.
PRIEST: My dear ___________ do you come freely to be raise to the
degree of __________?
CANDIDATES: We do come freely, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Do you know and understand the requirements of this
degree for which you aspire?
CANDIDATES: We do know and understand them, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Are willing to assume the responsibilities that this degree
will require you? Like daily visit, daily rosary, monthly
adoration, weekly communion and the Like?
CANDIDATES: We are willing, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Pages, bring in the ID’s and insignia of this degree.


PRIEST: Now that you have been raised to the degree of _____ of
the Knights of the Blessed Sacrament, I now receive you as
his loyal __________ of the Regiment. Be faithful to your
new duties and enjoy all the privileges accorded to this
degree, but should you fail it is our Lord in the Blessed
Sacrament who will be disappointed in you. May He bless
and guide you as His loyal __________. (HE GIVES THE
PRIEST: Master flag bearer bring in the flag.

The pledge of the order follows, each holding the flag with the left hand while the right is raise

The conferring of the Knighthood may have two or more sponsors. For this ceremony the whole
assembly must be present. ALL approached the priest as in the induction ceremony after the
names are called. When they are assembled, all kneel with the priest and sing the “COME HOLY
GHOST”, then recite the six Pater saves and Glorias, the priest sit himself facing them. The
Esquires to be Knighted remain kneeling.
KNIGHT COMMANDER: Very Reverend Father, behold these Esquires, kneeling at
the foot of the Altar, asking your Reverence to raise them
to the highest degree of the order. For a year today, they
have strived to fulfill the rigid requirements of the
Knighthood. Our consultors and we have voted them
worthy to this high honor and degree.

PRIEST: Have they passed all the test required for the degree?
KNIGHT COMMANDER: To the best of my knowledge, they have, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Well, then I will ask the whole assembly to voice their
opinion regarding the fitness of the candidates to the
Knighthood. Is there among you, my friends, who objects
to any of these candidates elevation to the highest degree of
CONTINUES) My dear Esquires, now tell me truly, do you
promise to recite daily for the rest of your life the Holy
Rosary and visit Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament as far as
human frailty goes?
ESQUIRE: With God’s help we do promise.
PRIEST: Do you promise further to adore the Most Blessed
Sacrament exposed at least half hour monthly till your
dying day?
ESQUIRE: With God’s grace, we do promise, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Will you try your best to lead a clean life and from now on
strive to be a model youth to the best of you ability?
ESQUIRE: We will try, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Do you fully know that what you have promised is binding
though not sinful if you fail to do so?
ESQUIRE: We do realize fully, Reverend Father.
PRIEST: Let us kneel down a second time to ask our Master’s

Oh God, the greatest sovereign Lord of Heaven and Earth, behold us prostrated at your feet,
imploring your aid before proceeding to the final step of the ceremony. Enlighten our minds and
purify our hearts so that we may proceed with confidence and assurance through the merits of
Jesus Christ our Lord, AMEN.

At a signal, the assembly seat while the Esquires remain kneeling before the seated priest
PRIEST: My dear friends, for the last time, I ask you, are you still
willing to assume the responsibilities and duties of the Knighthood for the rest of your life? I will
pause for the space of one Hail Mary before I repeat my question. (THE PRIEST PAUSE AND
PRIEST: My dear Esquires, do you deliberately desire to assume the
duties and responsibilities of a FULL KNIGHT of the Blessed Sacrament?
ESQUIRE: We are aware of our actions at this hour, Reverend Father
we are willing to do so.

PRIEST: Pages, bring in the emblem of the Order.

The Pages get the capes and present them to the priest for his blessing to which all answer
While the priest and the Knight Commander dresses the Esquires with the cape and the beret.
The Knights (the candidates) recede to their place in the middle of the sanctuary. Each
approached the priest who dubs them with the sword as each kneels before him. He touches the
shoulders first the left then right and say.

PRIEST: With the power vested upon me, I command you rise, Sir
Knight - __________ (when all have been knighted)
PRIEST: My dear Knight you have received the blue cape of the
Order as a symbol of your ever readiness to protect and
defend the Blessed Sacrament and his priests, yes even unto
the shedding of your blood for in doing so you will be
dying for you faith.
Your beret is a sign of your superiority over all your
brothers in the regiment. But with this seniority is added
the duty to protect your brothers of the lower rank. Its blue
color signifies courage and brotherly love. Go now and
always act like a true Knight of Christ in the Blessed

Esquires sing “HOLY GOD WE PRAISE THY NAME” as the newly Knighted return to their
place in the Sanctuary. The mass follows. At communion time they make their pledge before the
Sacred Host before receiving the Holy Communion. They receive both species. White gloves may
be worn to complete their uniform.

After the hymn, COME HOLY GHOST, the priest goes to the gospel side of the altar and face
the officers to be installed. They are standing before the Blessed Sacrament.

PRIEST: My friends, you are gathered here in the Sanctuary of our

Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, to assume the responsibility
of guiding and leading your fellow members of the Knights
of the Blessed Sacrament. In you, will rest the destiny of
the regiment. So try your best to accomplish the task
entrusted to your care.
To the KNIGHT COMMANDER (He goes to the highest step) Yours is the task to
lead the whole Regiment for the greater leadership and I give you this sword, for courage. The
plume of the beret should remind you of a pure and umblemish life that you must live. The blue
color of your beret stands for your loyalty to Christ and His priests. Wear them with honor and
To the MASTER OF NEOPHYTE (He stands a little off behind the Knight
Commander so as to give place to the Scribe and the Burser) Yours is the task of training your
brothers, keeping ever watchful that they must remain loyal to the ideals of a true Knight of Jesus
Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Receive this badge as a sign of the tremendous task upon your
frail shoulders. Patience, diligence and humility should be your outstanding virtues
To the MASTER SCRIBE (He stands directly on the left side of the Master of
Neophyte) To you my friend, we entrust the right and faithful rendering of the activities of the
regiment. It is but fitting that you cultivate the virtues of obedience, perseverance and efficiency
which are badly needed in your task. May you ever be like your Guardian Angel, ever watchful,
ever solicitous, ever faithful in recording the good and evil deeds of your brothers. Work in the
peace of Lord. We give you this book of records as a symbol of your office, the plume for

To the MASTER BURSER (Stands on the right side of the Master of Neophyte)
We entrust to you the temporal possession of our Order. Take good care that you imitate not
Judas who turned away from Jesus because of greed and avarice but John the faithful disciple.
Bear in mind you are just the caretaker and not the owner of the material goods of the order.
Keep an accurate and couple accounts of the goods of the Order.
To the FOUR COUNSELORS (All stand behind the three petty officers just
installed) To you care is entrusted the wise decision and prudent counsel of the Knighthood. Be
vigilant for the good of the order. Be frank in tackling problems and situation for trust is our best
defense and guide. But most of all be sincere and holy for the good of our little community.
Receive this red yellow cape the symbol of your office. Their colors recall wisdom, sincerity,
maturity of judgment and prudence.
To the LIAISON OFFICER (All stand behind the counselors) Yours is the task
to take care of all communications within and outside the order. Your are the link between the

superiors and the members. Be sure that all orders, notices, and the likes are relayed correctly,
efficiently to the persons concerned. Be tackful and polite, humble and reliable for without you
the Order cannot function smoothly.

To all the members, gathered here, take cognizance of this ceremony. Cooperate with your
officers for God and Country.

ALL ANSWER: With the grace of God, we will try our very best.

The song HOLY GOD WE PRAISE THY NAME ends the ceremony after the pledge to the

Prisoner of Divine love in the Blessed Sacrament, My King and my Master, behold, I am
kneeling before you Divine Majesty, imploring your Divine grace, so that I may able to commit
myself, totally and whole heartedly, to the ideals and aims of the Knights of the Blessed
Sacrament. I promise on my word of honor, to study and obey its rules and regulation and to be
faithful to you till my dying day. Further do I pledge myself to defend the Holy Catholic Church,
your Blessed Sacrament and your Priest. I will honor Mary, your Mother, the patroness of every
loyal Knight. And finally, I bind myself to your Church which you have founded under the rock
of Peter so that I may find peace and happiness now and forever, AMEN.



Come, Holy Ghost, Creator Blest

And in our hearts take up Thy rest,

Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid
To fill the hearts which thou has made. (2x)

Oh Comforter to Thee we cry,

Thou heavenly gifts of God most high;

Thou fount of Life and Fire of Love

And sweet anointing from above. (2x)


Oh Sacrament most Holy,

Oh Sacrament Divine

All praise and all Thanksgiving

Be every moment thine


Holy God we praise Thy name,

Lord of all we bow before Thee;

All on earth Thy scepter claim,

All in heaven above adore Thee.

Infinite Thy vast domain,
Everlasting is Thy reign. (2x)


O Salutaris Hostia
Quae caeli pandis ostium;
Bella premunt hostilia;
Da robur fer auxilium.
Uni trinoque Domino

Sit sempiterna Gloria,

Qui vitam sine termino
Nobis donet in patria. Amen.
(English Version)
Oh saving Victim, opening wide
The gate of heaven to man below,
Our toes press on from every side;

Thine and supply, Thy strength bestow.

To Thy great Name be endless praise,
Immortal Godhead, One in Three!
Oh, grant us endless length of days
In our true native land with You. Amen.


Tantum ergo Sacramentum

Vereremur cernui;
Et antiquum documentum
Novo cedat ritui;

Praestet fides supplementum

Sensuum defectui.
Genitori, Genitoque
Laus et jubilation;
Salus honor, virtus quoque
Sit et benediction;

Procedenti ab utroque
Compar sit laudation. Amen

V. Panem de coelo praestitisti eis.

R. Omne delectamentum in se habentem.
Deus, qui nobis, sub Sacramento mirabilis, passionis tuae memoriam reliquisti; tribue,
quaesumus; ita nos Corporis et Sanguinis tui sacra mysteria venerari, ut redemptionis tuae
fructum in nobis jugiter sentiamus: Qui vivis et regnas cum Deo Patre in unitate Spiritus Sancti
Deus, per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.

(English Version)
Let us bow in adoration to this

Sacrament so great.
Here is new and perfect worship,
All the old must terminate;

Senses cannot grasp this marvel,

Faith must serve to compensate.

Glory, honor, adoration, let us sing

With one accord.
Praise be God, almighty Father,

Praise be Christ, His Son, our Lord,

Praise be God the Holy Spirit,
Truine God head be adored. Amen.
V. You gave them bread from heaven (Alleluia)
R. Containing all that is delicious (Alleluia)


The Purposes of Prayer

By prayer we adore God

For His infinite perfections,
We thank Him

For His many gifts,

We express our sorrow to Him
For the sins we have committed;
We ask Him
For all the things we need
Both spiritual and temporal

The Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father,

And of the Son,
And of the Holy Spirit, Amen.

The Apostle’s Creed

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,

Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit

And born of the Virgin Mary.

He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, died, and was buried
He descend into the dead. On the
Third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven, and is seated
At the right hand of the Father.

He will come again to judge the

Living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Catholic Church,
The communion of saints
The forgiveness of sins

The resurrection of the body

And life everlasting life. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father in heaven,

Holy be Your name;
Your kingdom come
Your will be done, on earth as

It is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us our sins as we forgive
Those who sin against us.
Do not us bring us to the test.
But deliver us from evil. Amen

The Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you!

Blessed are you among women, and blessed is
The fruit of you womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us

Sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen

The Doxology (Glory Be)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and

to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is

Now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.


Hail Holy Queen

Hail, Holy Queen,/Mother of Mercy,/

Hail, our life,/our sweetness/and
Our hope./To you do we cry,/poor.
Banished children of Eve;/to you do

We send up our sighs,/mourning and

Weeping /in this valley of tears. /Turn,
Then,/most gracious Advocate,/your
Eyes of mercy towards us,/and after
This our exile/show unto us/the
Blessed fruit of your womb,/Jesus./

O clement,/O loving,/O sweet Virgin Mary.

Act of Faith

Lord Jesus Christ,

I firmly believe
That you are here present

In person,
In this tabernacle
O my God,
I believe all the truths
Which the Catholic Church teachers.
Because You have revealed them

Who can neither deceive

Nor be deceived. Amen

Act of Hope

O my God
Relying on Your great goodness,
And on all Your promises,
I hope to obtain pardon for my sins,

The help of Your grace

And life everlasting
Through the merits of Jesus,
My Lord and Redeemer. Amen

Act of Love

O my God
I love You above all things,
With any whole heart and soul
And with all my strength,
Because You are all good
And worthy of all my love

I love my neighbor as myself

For the love of You,
I forgive
All who have injured me,
And ask pardon
Of all whom I have injured. Amen

Act of Contrition

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having

Offended You, and I detest all my sin, because I
Dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell.
But most of all because I offended you, my God,

Who are all good and deserving all my love. I

Firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to
Confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my
Life. Amen


Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that

Never was it known that anyone who fled to your
Protection, implored your help and sought your
Intercession, was left unaided.

Inspired with this confidence, I hasten to you,

O Virgin of Virgins, my Mother. To you, I com;

Before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful.

O Mother of the World Incarnate, do not

Despise my petition, but in your mercy hear and
Answer me. Amen.

Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make me an instrument of you peace,

Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith,

Where there is despair, hope;

Where there is darkness, light; and
Where there is sadness, joy

O Divine Master, grant that I

May not so much seek.

To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love,
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in dying that we are born to
Eternal life.

Prayer to Our Guardian Angel

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom

His love commits me here. Ever this day be at my
Side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Prayer to Jesus Crucified

(After Communion)

Behold, O good and gentle Jesus

I cast myself upon my knees In you sight
And with the most fervent desire of my soul

I pray and beseech you to impress upon my heart

Lively sentiments of Faith, Hope, and Charity
With true sorrow for my sins and a most firm
Desire of amendment while with deep affection
And grief in my soul
I consider within myself and contemplate your

Five most precious wounds having before my

Eyes, that which David, your prophet, long ago,
Spoke in your person concerning You, my Jesus.

“They have pierced My hands and My feet,

They have numbered all My bones.”
(Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be)

Prayer before Meals

Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts which

We are about to receive from your bounty,
Through Christ our Lord Amen.

Prayer after Meals

We give you thanks, O Lord, for all you gifts,

Which we have received from your bounty,
Through Christ our Lord Amen.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Have mercy on us.

Sweet heart of Jesus, I put my trust in You.

Prayer for Vocations

Lord Jesus Christ, Shepherds of souls, who

Called the Apostles to be Fishers of men, raise up
New Apostles in Your Holy Church. Teach them
That to serve you is to reign. To possess you is to
Possess all things. Kindle in the young hearts of
Our people the fire of zeal of souls. Make them

Eager to spread your kingdom upon earth. Grant

Them courage to follow You, who are the Way,
The truth and the Life, who lives and reigns
Forever and ever Amen.

Prayer before Serving

Lord, here I am, all Yours, ready to serve You.

May this my service be pleasing to You and help
Me to serve you, this day, in others Amen.

Prayer after Serving

Thank you Lord for Your love. Help me to

Continue giving good example to all and help
My Christian brothers and sisters respect your
Home. May I live the Holy Mass in my every day Amen.

Anima Christi

Soul of Christ __________ sanctify me.

Body of Christ __________ save me
Blood of Christ __________ inebriate me
Water from the side of Christ __ wash me

Passion of Christ __________ strengthen me

O good Jesus ______________hear me
Within your wounds ________ hide me

Do not permit that we be separated from You

From the Malicious Enemy ____ defend me

In the hour of my death _______ call me


And bid me come to You

That with your Saints I may praise You
Forever and ever Amen.

The Morning Offering

O Jesus, through the Immaculate heart of Mary,

I offer you my prayers, works, joys and
Sufferings of this day, for all the intentions of the
Sacred Heart, in union of the Holy Sacrifice of the
Mass, throughout the world in reparation for my
Sins, for the intentions of my associates

And in particular for all

The intentions of the Holy Father for this month

The 3 O’clock Prayer

You died Jesus, but the source of life flowed

Out for souls and the ocean of Mercy opened up

For the whole world O Fountain of Life,
Immeasurable Divine Mercy, cover the whole
World and empty Yourself out upon us. O Blood
And Water which flowed out from the heart of
Jesus as a Fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You!

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,


Have mercy on us and the whole world (3x)

Jesus, King of Mercy we trust in You!

The Angelus

A. The Angel of the Lord declared unto Mary

R. And she conceived by the Holy Spirit

Hail Mary…
A. Behold the handmaid of the Lord
R. Be it done unto me according to Your word
Hail Mary…
A. And the Word was made flesh

R. And dwelt among us

Hail Mary…

Pray for us O Holy Mother of God

That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ

Let us pray;
Pour forth, we beseech You O Lord,
Your grace into our heart that we to whom the
Incarnation of Christ, Your Son, was made known
By the message of the angel, may by His passion
And Cross be brought to the glory of His
Resurrection, through the same Christ our Lord Amen.

Glory be… (3x)


Regina Coeli
(replaces the Angelus during the Easter time)

A. Queen of Heaven rejoice, Alleluia!

R. For He whom you deserve to bear, Alleluia!

A. Has risen as He said, Alleluia!

R. Pray for us to God, Alleluia!

A. Rejoice and be glad, Alleluia!

R. Because the Lord is truly risen, Alleluia!

Let us pray;
O God, You mercifully brought joy into the
World by the resurrection of You Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ. Grant that we may come to the joy of
Everlasting life through the prayers of His Mother,
The Virgin Mary. Through the same Christ our Lord Amen

Glory be… (3x)


Mysteries of the Rosary

Joyful Mysteries ( Mon. & Sat. )

1. The Incarnation of the Son of God
2. The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
3. The Nativity of Jesus Christ

4. The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

5. The Finding of Jesus in the Temple.

Sorrowful Mysteries ( Tues. & Friday )

1. The Agony in the Garden
2. The Scourging at the Pillar

3. The Crowning of Thorns

4. The Carrying of the Cross
5. The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus.

Glorious Mysteries ( Wed. & Sun. )

1. The Resurrection of Jesus
2. The Ascension of Jesus

3. The Descent of the Holy Spirit

4. The Assumption of Mary
5. The Coronation of Mary

Luminous Mysteries ( Thurs. )

1. The Baptism of Jesus

2. The Wedding at Cana

3. The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God

4. The Transfiguration
5. The Institution of the Eucharist

N. B.
At the beginning recite the Apostles’ Creed,
Then one Our Father, three Hail Mary’s and one Glory Be

After each mystery recite one Our Father

10 Hail Mary’s, one Glory Be and then the Fatima Intercession.

At the end of the fifth mystery simply recite the Hail Holy Queen.

KNIGHT’S FORMAL VISIT to the Blessed Sacrament

+ Sign of the Cross

+ Recite “Oh Sacrament Most Holy”
+ Recite seven Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be
+ Repeat “Oh Sacrament Most Holy”
+ Sign of the Cross

(Recite this before the Blessed Sacrament before and after any gathering, meeting, ordinary
groupings, etc.)

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