Einstein Hilbert

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hs ses we he if he seperti i at ‘binds tg of ern ho asta ea ‘rfc abot o ANGIEDES 32 hr ace oped ou SUE ihre ol poo fm SCI) anda ge so sho (Raced Seman 381978) ‘instein and Hilbert: Two Months in the History of General Relativity JOHN EARMAN & CLARK GLYMOUR Communicated by .D, Nowe 1. tnedaction ‘The vast majority of carreat Eapih language textbooks on relativity ‘ory teat either expiclyor imply, the eld equations of bene Te iauty as EmsrEO's equations." By const, Paul® ced Miaent ting coieover ofthe Feld equations Guri* hat claimed that Laext deserves ao eri ine he new of ENTE formletion of the Fl equ tions before procsling tan afer-the‘act dation fom Yarational pen tine, GUTH claims ave ia turn been disputed by MERA Question sou the prionty ‘of discoveries are or among the ets! interesting awd least Importot eues in the Nistor of scenes a our tain purpve hore ft ihaminate the development of Elta? eas rather tha to ensige A Iririty dspotes. It tems oo, howovet, tha for she tru petod ot 918 These eo mattos ae intimal linked Envsru corresponded replay with MICHELE Besso, PAUL ExReNFESr, EaWIN FREUNDLICH, ILA. LORENT, and ARNOLD SoMMeRret0, But dung the period tom late October tole November of 1313, the eorespondene val xases~in the EMTEIN Pups at Praccon thee reo lees om Eran Atay Wet nactaet © Sad a Raa wisonachafee, 0 (1992) 37-58, “50 Jaine Retalvitathecrie™ ih, 38 (1981), 78-8 Ft cay ey {Eanes & ©. Gu MoU nsrfin to any ofthese figures for the period in question * The reason for {inate pico by EIssn in a dramatic ler to SOMMERFELD, ded NNovoriee 25,1915 Daur Sommer ‘Don't be angry with me for only today answering your Tend and iatrewing lene, Bot hist month I bad one of the mo exci, most exude of ny i suo ogc ofthe ment fwarding, 1 could not onceatate on wen T rogues, namely, tha my former gravitational eld equations were completly unfounded [ter he had sbexceded in forming the “coerce equations, chte was a food otters om EASSTEIN fo bis cna, explaining the details of What he poe ed assihe mst ples Hind T have made my ife*® The mai ouine Sete ty whch Eaysrea atived at tis "ost pics fd” can be ‘octal rom rhe four papers be pablnbed in the Prowedings ofthe Bern eSdeay uring November of 91S. But additonal ight i shed by the ‘Aeviving posterds and lees of the eartespondence between TINSTEN ahd Huet Using this month? This corempoadence Tinks the. matter of Enerzn press with the of riot But Before uring to the deta, SA ba emarks abou he respective approathes of ERSTE and HILBERT bein order, inert had been working intensively on gravitational theory singe 1912 Bose the il equations wih le propose in 1913 (se Sesion 2 below, be Pee Slcloped and published much of the Camework of general relay, Tiehing he dene Ut gravitational elfets require a tenor theory, tat thee {este determine a non lean geometry, tat this trie ole of gravitation ‘nul in Fo ait ani the ening of light psing eas & masie body Galfadon ‘had become o lively field of exeatch during thse years wih ‘Seales, Icons, propowed by ABRAMAM, Mit, NORDSTROM, and) many Sires or among these aby thors, there i ite evidenot hat Bore + ig i rl Som iil el Se ant sc rans tte Eira eta coespende {Sistowtdaustist rower yeanianmotnetm Ways he Blom ewe to SouaienrEu dated December 9, 1915: Bistet/Sommee sepa ee, wih we ey ct by ie andr, wed Bre snd sna mens Rte 7 Fs Sie ae Clg To xh tee oe oi Fe Ia Pea our disomy th ae ne ered eee ote ape at eof grt! thay ih Ave De sy cer ea divey hd bs an fs nea Sean noe neon pvr Nuc Cine (914 sp ani nen To ae” mate Pye 912 SEES Un aR a a ee Smsrung are dr Gres aera certs teats door de Pht (31 3735 isi, Hit ne General Relay a 1916 unsrensideas were aod any pil prominne, despite th incoce of thei auihon vars anna ‘While ne do not Snow euscy when HILBERT beeume interested in gan tational heory, we do Kooy that by m9 be was wel acusted With Ssrane's work for that sunrner EMSTEIN aed seminar n Gottingen HILBERT attended and EINSTEIN reported to SOMMERFELD that “tn Gittingen T'was extemaly peed tht crething wan understood ts de tai"! usar was also fear wih, Gustav MIF thor tnd Was ‘ork on combining Mies approach to a tcory of mater with sme of Ensen ideas on gravitation (e Seton 3 bale), HEBERT an war ot simply yaoi: wa, uc 10 ln the power of tease ethos inthe domain of pea = 2 he Kimtein-Gromana theory In 8 paper of 1913, writen jointly with his rend and iy his ind aed collaborator Man. cm Grown ENT ha rope the wing fl gation fe Mayr "VB ala 8 haw Hee sat HE Beale hee the 1 are the contrava . ant component of the energy-momentum {eur for "mater eld" the @ and he gare respectively the tntevarant nd covariant components ofthe metric testo, an i the deetinant f ‘In public, EnsTEIN continued fo maintain this theary anti! November of 1913; but his private attude lacked the wolseated ommitment thet was, 3 ‘hares of his approach fo piysce EIN Tn’ abvalence evident ‘eter to SonbeERFTLD, ded uly 15, 1915, On the one hand, ENSTED is foneered to make i clear thatthe theory of which (I) the cones teary 0 Grossman will ever chim to be eovdizoveret. He only ixiped me to ‘ent mya ihe that eat at contd nog me terially to the results! cen 2 eto bat. © Formate PrenGOn The Ginn Retin Gora st Joes Hophig Unite. 157 ine Gowran iA neran M.GKGO “Esa dns vereendotee Rai [Ss un eer ‘Theoe dee rovaon” Zatti fr Metheny 2 Us, 38 nares mon bn ocho, Pres de sevens atedoacl bya coma snd cara tay eam clon Lai indore ‘mm Ito 4a be En soaion cnet fete es ed | Sahat. " "lc Sommereld Brecht 9.50, We all dices Ensreiv+ ening ‘gers tamer! af Gkesdsv ott atte pape the ESTO Grosuaio colibri dng 115 191 Ps 1. Beane C.Lys0uR than eathasiastic about ‘on the other hand, sD’ 1s obviously les thin enthai Seater pln to include the pape on "general aii” i9 8 new talon of The Principle of laity. Sine a mraintactacmron er ie ct Fe tr sen see sore eat an BREST cep pm 1257-128, and “Prnarilen aw were ined eat SC cht ee eget hr tect ciara aS eg i ep nn ey tn 16 nein iter, and Gens Relat 5 9-15 0 where 4, represents the gravitational field itself and whore 7y=y/—@',. The Seivation Pegibs with & version of the piscine of ralatity:aamely, ne ‘oguitement thatthe field equations be covariate abitary linea coor liste tansorations: From this reghirement, ETE agus tat fhe) wher H s+ fnein of and of He then argues ht 1 tec up ts comtat lator by he farther egirent tat it bea Honore ftom fie sin dep of hep Th matron that Ean ‘As mara i pebapy, th lice of this derivation was byt 4 competing reson for abandoning the theory, he a ta one aca to Juni the tary fis doesnot show that no othe: juan ir prea Imac les hat te theory nore Bat or sre wo chaste ‘ought to ound graviational theory on some seein rnc, his nab ‘nhs cae to found his fl equtns om the prac ten ay ane ‘en safe! to undermine hit condones Soho equation temacve Tis Ine paper of November 115 he wr 4 a Tar el ot ye ton Sh SoMa rar mise pont ‘There wes, however, oer considerations which may have been eren more important cases ofthis loss of onfdeace. In eorponéence Ensrb eee the consideration about the choke of the Harsonian in conjunction wth ‘ther more compeling factors. nthe ier to SonrnFELD of Nevembor 28, sre tists thre reasons for is ls of eoneaoe in the metho and ess ofthe EDSTEIN-Gnossitant theory 11 proved hat he savas ld fora ior otaig stern tat sty the ad guatonn neon eos 2) The motion ofthe peiblion of Mercury yielded 18 instead of 4° per cet. 5) The covariance requirement in my paper of lst yea di not yield the Haina fonson Hk permit apropeaty sme, a ‘he same rons at ised in a eter LORENT.daed Tanvary 1, 1916: the ony ileence is ta the onder of points 1 ad 2 i verted. Point 2) was obviously serious Bow sings from very carly on EISSN Ske, pm 2 Eisai 2.38 2% 2. Baran & © GLymoUR ud belied thatthe pstsson ofthe pertlin of Mercury was a genera {Shui en ora to understand point 1) i i necessary 40 ake note of eee Pin hs peer of 1914 inthe Proetdiags of the Berlin Academy ha fa jim paper wit CROSSMIANN published thal same yea. Ev Tun egued tat although the equations {I} are not valid in all coordinate ‘jee hy are vai insti system saying the coordinate condton (=H Ban aay a CCoorinate stems sisi) ae called “adapted” an! coordinate tans ‘Gaon betwen we such ystems ae cll "justified Send, EINSTEIN Thought that beets the used transformations ean be notinest they therctore ila transformations tetweeastaonary aod rotating syste nd, rma that the egotons (1) fll "principle of equraence” for cotaing tnd pomotting syst To BESS he woe in March 1944 From ths (the evalance of the Geld equations (1) under justified coor [oue traatration), 1 follows that there azecunsformatons repeat. ngceslerasous of very varied natre which nsform the eqeations ito iMemscives fr example, stations) so thatthe equivalence Rypothes is owohsafed soil frm.” ‘ch an cguivalenes between ftatng aad noo-oating stems was thot 10 fect nseary conition for 4 rsluion of "MACs Paradox” Indeed. the paper Einsrein presented to the Berlin Academy on November 4 1915, Tre Eas, Stpteation” of the tw eld aquations was Yo demonstrate fat they were covant under trasformation to a unfrmly rotating cordate "ra, it may be that 1) and 2) wee the main reasons for, Esra rejection of the Evsre-GkossMas theory an that 3 served hil the SESS? dune. Enaren’s postcard to Hnaest on. November 7 cases the ‘Sretiog pomsihity that HIDMERT wa the sower ofthe se EINSTEIN the ‘epee thar Sonnacrezo hes ween to hie Ghat HILBERT hae voiced objec {dpe tothe paper of 1914 inthe Proceedings of the Betin Academy. Since ‘Sonarrrio' fete to EINSTEIN has bse Tost, one enn only speculate about the abjsttonn SonnrEL seported 10 EINSTEIN Dot we do know thatthe ‘Rise eat Huge sed in his investigation of gravitation and clestomas ‘Tetum was the vation eacpl wndthat oe of his main desiderata onthe 2. a insane & M. Grosso, *Kovracignctaton de elipeicung cic Yoragrociee Resishoors ertndeen Gravina” Zeit ‘i Mota and Phy 6 (918). 215-23, Eien ee) Abert Bin Misle Beas Corespniance (Puss: Hecanh Fy importance of *MacitsPuader" or Foren’ inking aot grantin uring ther en be men om his pes “Bsr Pages due There ‘Sittin eis de Smee Pye tele 37 (1918) 5-12, a “ZO Reisen Seon 8 (1919, 37-84 Soe abo RE 3 ow. eRe Soc isin, ter, and Genera Relay » anitonian fncton was eh ett Sint of usent econ ef Fare aiimarny an is paper of 114 fo the Btn Acne Pointe out that in dering (2, bee had ed the mens relation Aes. “ ete ee —0! Lats express th difrase bsien the component pete abd Uae teams ich ar Sain a feds etor ia ltr to HIRBERY tol Marcy By the begining of Novenber 19 fener 1915 the, EMS was haat sept alent is onto! pps ak fen! crying ou this tsk; what mat ied as ae cote the Pn of crane inte amen pois by tp ps Smile athena! gray As wea ey ese of vo} may ao averaged ep fom Hae 3 Fc tes Lonard the ei equations Jn spor of November 7, 1915, sei to of Nov 18, EN te Hae en pos the po his pape Neve a cinerea ct vit you wl we Spe as skh ean save ta ne Ses ea, lin, fate nen El sinus a Se ver te oll Eneiain Grosse ort ol eons, areal not gear ‘in tht pope Bsr spt ace far Gin Ws mare GR tS Bantink i ond ° swell La stent sete mre gt desea i Th te hatha © ee ale (9 ss ee “covariant, However, 1 0 the equation (9 ema sea they re avant or sate tana a ‘Byori Papers, Pinon Unies on fo 1, a1. ao, econ ce oo th Ens abe ae ” Ae a) ce hen Ry efor ke “vmciem “Ra ftp sno i a rt cut ne opty Sea le ee Wi Sats awen=* his paper of FDU forthe Bein Aces Ma cw go ht Tek ® ue the Kar the components of the extra ors and erie ti he fora Fede ay HEAL o whe 7=y/ATf and fy —EK Hse ne ine of howe ee {orhve been tht since the dstaction betwecn tensa faa.) nn be costed as Tepe aK 9 1 sixiiea be cory tes for the entire mater fl, Ens Mm Ks veh and (10 edo to : niet tt wei > nan an eee =f a cnn ft sein” hows that an oreay cowservation law fo he combined mater and gah taal ested in the sense that (oy s sida Renee ome: a eet sir folie Bie een tae a ee wl guts a et ca AMS bance fcanalyaye be made to vanish at a pint by teans eee rae ‘nor sgl to zo In one coordina sys tm sual to ero al Se blo pint Che) and (12), Es ers (Moe AL exDT SAS By aa, we ae tent of comaon Bsr dl if wl vanish in those coordinates But ¢ | nin, Her, aod General Reltivig ~» ‘fom which he concludes thatthe coordinate ape cannot be 0 chosen that V-g-consant since then the energy salar T=3°7, forthe matter hes Would vanish EINSTEINS procedure is incoherent. Bgution (10) is equivalent to the ondion Ti)=0 with )—(logy/—), 77. But for arbitrary TY, K, vais it and only fp isa conta [EINSTEIN dil wot remain content for very lang with this ange theory, On ‘November 11 he submited a second paper to the Bett Asadeny®* the per te eld equations are now fake to Be Ge og ‘Ths next day he seat a postcard to HLaSkr announcing that he fad finally achieved eeeraly covariant fed equations The cqualios (dha ceaaay general covariant, but they appear to involve a fal iffcaly. pine oe faye general covariance, 1 are fee to choose the coordinate sytem so that constant Then Sy vanishes aad the fd equation (6) rue to the ‘revows equations (6} Further, equation (Il) ani is comequencet are new valid forthe ebosen coordinates, 40 by (3) we bive the memagly shoo result T~0, ‘Over the past thee years, EINSTEIN bd imagined detest jsity the reetion of general covarianes. Now, faced wil 2 Eetng dale fe ‘opois fo mntingsueal covariance ai argue tha he dicly oe apparent. Aer aoting that ja the ual lectromagnetic theory the ence ‘salar for the eeevomsgnetc eld i te, be ses ‘There ate not jst afew who hope tht matter ean be reds to 4 purely tlectromagaetic phenomenon which, however, would have ta felon a theory more general dn Maxwel' eletodyramic, Now kt ws ops for the moment that ia sucha general elctiodynamiy the tals of ergy would ao vanish! Would this ret yuo that matter could sot be onsircted with the bel ofthis theory? Ibs that this question Son te answered inthe negative, fori entry posible that grisea fs sre an esemial ingredient in “matter” .- Then STS ea mem to be Pasiive, whereas in realty only (1/2) ix postive while 7! vanishes renter * ° Now Finsruis ith io gene covariance isso strong that in order to Achieve it hes pepared to risk a highly speculative Motes aboot ue Sonstitution of matter. Theresa rated dlety with equation fhe ae EOSSTED did ot noe a the tins, bot which can be dealt wih bythe ent even conjunction withthe coseevacon lay for the total tes Ded 2 Aste "Zaallscnen Relator Nag Stampede ingles Peaches Ahaiome de Wisenon vu Bole LA Rese 1 sre Paper, Prineon User, mii re LB se Pe Ree pp. 8, 2. bangs & © GLYMOUR Tyo a mens (GAG=0 a6) tr the crate sea, (2 sts ak cont nee cou mater Hels ae ot allowed.” —_ eng ic pots about the equations (4) should be mentioned. Fg sey dose the cote equstions For hee pace ese Ga! 9 ‘hy sag ots (14) ae ao coe they cm be a 1 te leat polio Tr te eee css arte, thy ca be we roc hve ofthe portion of cay Sometine eee he wea ie sof Novem re sued In ng ht) ae 5 ctomos ster of Maenypebtan ad on ie 1 He om sale nse toh Brie Aiden. # sony ee, he ane Biyhce pe fo Hache opera i ose The cad do SNe ety ha stn now no Brvatonaltbeory has succeded in ing this" “The seco pot about the equitons (14) is that EMSTEIN and Gross ah won tho 919 bat a ote ho he ene [unde tat they do 20 have te cpt Newtonian Hai Of suse, a we ve Jn se, equatens (4) ve grave iis, or 2 Fuon Ss doje that had they not hoes rejected out of and in 1913 the ‘Slaton would have emerged Yong bee the end of 1915. 44 The tna eld equations an the coespodence with Hihert J sono ovamber 2 san sits i uth pein sig the Wal Ay conned the aw fing he equations fee sty he teh vz "nsvenvspupee makes no selerence to Huser: How dié EINSTEIN ave at se tnstion om Tc equnst Wht sole irs. Hac py mh ston Cito Gay And wat ae te tof he config elms of poy 7 Epasremn does not reer to the identity (16) in any of his papers of 1915, An im: mene me aeemeseige ener eee Sper Petco sept venus arta ag Ped se saan aa, | eae Ts trical fo ope Lot in us Coane one em a te ee ae ee scars «fc ni, Hb, ané General Reltivy x A nun of uc coniied inthe etant Rist thincer ene retondeos for Nov Asad noe he beginning of ce sins on November? ake by pnd ich ere sono both in wacion of te noe GncanasNn they ead ee ee 4 shboatdin his pape of Novem 4h the Brn Reese Pees Jnr Eira wrote to HHLBERY again to tlh that haat a fod general covariant el aatione tha the unto tut ees on ae not onthe ern card of November 12 Eeraake ees HILaKs fri ind tte” wich wun roma sem tad acd twee te 7 andthe 12" bu wich emt i he ENSTEIN Pape tare rept onthe 4 wih slong mesa writen on to spn Poa ia risy dees something of is mn now teary eaphadeng at the eletromagnctie fl equations sre 8 Comequeaee Hf the paont Sustons ina poster, that hi theory is whose hea Esra hry unc wb he was ering Betas ey of November 4 (auations (or to ENgIEiy theny of Nove {esunions (14, oft both HLaERT sho extended a nution oer {0 come to Ontingn to ha lotr mich Hb ws dees Mathesatisce Gselichat on Novominr 23 Seve! thngs shoo! fe sod shou hee twin ead Fist HILBERT des aot aculy Se he he cae {ions Send mathematical expen lm L's amy se oo ae ut any explanation, sgartng tat ere was eras ot een ‘sic crete en he sme of ch Hen ctl Finally he tone of the cars yery cordial “Hisar uges Ent fo come f9 Oingen dy befor the te dps the ig at asad “The next communication i an dadaed card fom EINSTEIN, smote any ‘sent on November 15 Init ENSTEIN expres gest ces HiLtasinestiations on a “bps betwen ration So as actin" the dens tt ber aviation on he oud of oe eet omic sliment. Pens th was oly» pole ese, phan ers ‘ssverd rapa forthe ned thre dye te completed hsealaoe aah ‘dvanoe of Mercy perl Most ngucanty Ensen aed eas io tend him proto tre * ‘We surmle tat HiLaGe sessqutly sent sme dsl fhe lect or nthe 1" Eire wrote ano eat fo TLBon ip wich ease tal {2 Ensran Pape, Pnecion Unive, aces tos A 01 The rsd | Yoon of tiex etre (Re 7 gies 39 Nene 313 hee hea ‘ih a deere But Fist, wring Stay, ove anes te | Sten Sn lure on "Diss" presumably Tues, Novant 38 We tne ho ‘Sinan fo hs dep) Hc invatoa Ei to spend the ight ahs han ws ot exodus, sod yeateiformed by G Karat tat Runes ewer el bases fe eee | ns tam Fare Prnceon Uses ican el 18 The ped ing date Monty herd of Nova oye“ Newent Saicke eile, vena mgh og Korea ver Une, in meiner Unga ntagcnaonen x» J. Bana & © Gumoon far ase can see, HILRERs system agrees with the one he fas found within the ist vest and has communicate to the erin Aeademy'*—that i the Theory of Noveube {1 lequtins (1), Now te ld equations of HILT Prod leuteae foralyeghivalent to EINSTEINS equations (1) of Nove Bees and noc to Einsretes equations (1) of November TL, which sugges {hat eer Ens wos mastaken in lag the equivalence ofthe stems, Great whatyer Ties sent EINSTEIN’ was quite difaren Som the ‘Susleta veion of te Tess: As vl be sen inthe nex sectin, ower, her of then eepanations ot be comeet.Oiven the mathematical the ius which formed te bass of HILDERT’'s appre, te later explanation ‘comms improbable tat tn be dimsed lm urher attention, Moreovey, weil argue that in EINSTEIN ejes HILBERT publthed equations may very ve been equivalent to tose of ENSTENS paper of November 1. this same card of November 1, EINSTEIN remarks that he had known tout he Squats (14) for thee Years" Bat that he ad GROSSMAN ad rowed then on the gvoands thi in the Newionin Timi they Wee not ‘Rhnpate with "Newrows Law", meaniag NEWTONS of more propely Ponow's eld equation. Finally, EINSTEIN safonned HILBERT that be had ‘edneda in expining tbe advance ofthe peielon of Mercury ftom gneral fetaty alone mihout the aié of any sueiiary hypothess. The nett day, ‘November 19 iene pent his coogratlations and remarked cheerfully at Tne cout celeulate as susckly a" INSTI, he woul he able to explain why {helen in the Ryctogen atom does nt tadiate** He alo asked EINSTEIN to kep him abreast of forte developments Te summary the extant coreespoadene inthe EINSTEIN Pagers shows Fs that thee was an ingenaive exchange baween [INSTEIN and HILBERT oa the foc of gravitational theory in te moath of November 1915; seoad, tht GrNovember 1g-Emestei asked for proofs of HIERTslctrg and since ystan wrote Hater three Ys Inter that thir systems were i agro: fen, presumably that he seve something In response co his request thir that is Jadge ftom the laguage of the correspondence, the two Men Were 0B food tame although ther mutual covialty may bave covered a dopet fost of temper 5 ini’ vow of Hier theory How di nose intrpuet HULBERT: fehd equations? And why id he thigh that his equations (1) and HILBESs equations were in agreement In {Be pated verso of bis lature” HILAEI wes tbe variational peincile diy cad!xn0, andthe poatlte that H=G'L, where L may depend upon "> Das wo then gan Sy tnt — sows ch ie ~ sean mi dee stern mck losen Woshen een a der Akeni hero Ee ‘Stra Papers easton Users min sel LB. 3 S pirtueny, De Grundlagen dehy Nacren vom der Koi Gantt dr Wiebe 8 agen 319. 395-47 li lst, nd Gr Reavy ‘he mete potenti bt not thei derivatives, o obtain the eld uations tv Boe” =eLVe—) we define 7 by the eight hand sie of (19, then (19) assumes the fort Gb Tas us ‘hi oma cual (19 eee neo hat = Howe (9) he eg repeats iiss aos. 1 Mi hal enone sss oy ge a toto mae etn seme: of eceuganate ity ‘er cms ts nyo star ah ENS ng seg riba, homee nally Ms pte ven Ha thea adamts een vie hae Este ein oe wergoesa i swLy ie Stes opponent eso mse ‘aati oe se Than Ha pei Eo Seimei satyfom t dongats Poa ats Or eomagnc etd epee cine A ae ‘appearing in (19) is sot the same as that EINSTEIN inten the equations {IE Tennent we mpc Wb eon by ame we Gah = TE 099) Now ifone asus, 8 ERSTEN di th point at which head ‘hat the nary seat asocted with 7!" yunkhes then contacting exh sides of 19") wth ea to _mne mecing eo 6 oo So G0 and (19% reduces to an 4nd (2 is eguiaent to (14) under the hoe ofits 21 and thease ton tat Tithe compe coy tno or alters, a astmpon harmony with EISEN spcltion sh “ater can bev learomagnetic phenomena” * Sete 1 poly This te Fo erlnatin we cn ofr for Bre el that hi pata we eto Hehe, Ne ny te shea it hich Ente wat mute, for sven Sout eats {i reduce othe equations (21) which sr the Spesel assumptions me ond ea trm cet fo (8 he equine [9 ar nl thence cuanto (4) Mot importa the sqatos (1) cal te oar eG. Mr Cranage inet Tek er Mari Amen de Py, 191 1-586 9 (ha, TW 090) es Nc aged pupae ma et they pn the stomachs ann ems) se wo dene Ate phenome se mat ook Ua 9 35h oe J. eanau & ©. GLynouR conservation law (15) bot the equations (14) do not. This does not contradict SUPeltanon fra wl be acen sort, EINSTEN id not eae a the aera thatthe ovarant Svegence of Gy —18j? Flower, the mutual adnan wae reiter niform ror uogulied. To an etondinsy fete dated Deceaber 2, 1915, EINSTEIN wrote to HILMERT! want to tke this opportunity 19 someting to you whic is mpotat ‘Phas has ben a certain spel of coolness between ute cae of which rer want to nals: Tivo, 40 be Ae, Suge mpanst any resent seat ang wits complete stecest think of you once again with uatrouled FMondtisy and Task you tory 10 tink of me inthe same way. Ii ‘aly ashame when two soch real flows, whose work has taken them ‘Shave thiahabby mel, pve one aother no pleasure = While otter explanations ate certainly posible it seems most pawsible tat the "pat of cole” read rom the events srroanding the publiation of Ae pd equatonn Ener hnew thtt HIRT Was t work on graviation, (a serving srgaled with the problem for so Tong, EINSTEIN was srely ethos tat the fal sluion be hi Conce fo the pros of the dncoren, tbe Held squtions was almost certainly part of the motivation for Elasteans Sortapendence wish Hunseny dung November of 11S-—there i Finns no other pase explanation eter forthe coten of the correspon Tee orth act hat so suddenly and completely dspicod EINSTEIN “Ggular contapondence with tose fends who had hibecto served ws wounding ‘Sard forks strogges wit general slaty. The realy tone of the No- enter covtesponsence ited above in Seton 4 all of which exer one Einers's pubicaton of the “vorrct™ Delt equations on November 25 Einarein’s fare on Decomber 20 that “I think of yor once apa with ‘RRnowbled Esonlinesy” te iklbood tat HILBERT did communicate Bi Ted estions bere the 25" of November, andthe fact that in his paps of Neverthe 25 Ensen makes no mention of HIER work, tether soe arthur soe hard feclings may ave developed over the authorship ofthe ‘ets equation, I thats the dspute never became publi K ‘tenet saree a he coolness a easonale goes that ENSTENGS tetas af December 20 was prompted in past by the tne and content ofthe (Bint cron of HitaeRr Jerre In this poper™the proof of wach od inser rec 3, 5 Quoted n Rab en : 2 Boat Pape Princo Univesiy,mlofin reel 18.1, 18, Be ea cg aege i du am ch Saag, as wi See Cm cle vies Verstinmong ewes, een nach 1h ok noe Uh Gopnik vebunete Ge er Bitertbabe heheh ‘ques gam El ch gene er se ng Pedic Rae ia eae. Er nt bet [1 scade wean ko SIRES SE IGeTSah a ler egea Net eens tiger bss OS mvc sr Fede ees” Sein, Hie, and Geeal Relativity » robably reached Ensen 7 oly eathe EDTEN by the 20 of Decembe*—HoK eey al apes for November including the fourth paper in which the Savatons (1 are potted Hh the i unto tesa his putes ks heer oF Simply combing and enping the log of hs ‘eb combing ind wun hens fsa tM Noe Ens erred thew fetes matte re Ensten ince the eae a mun af cy, Mc avs edo aes the aise ane il tot pen wit sey rates, he eld nl hae aio o spond in Mia 8. Concaions ‘equations (14) But whether HiLaeRr’s field equation sneer iim Se te fal Ste cee he ‘er ar ec ee Sen aygidteneaon er Geen teat sho taal nue Dan's ite senna daa Ihe nates eaeegrame in a= ieee Sou Ph nom ‘sass of prioritynamely HILeRs infuenee ‘on EINSTEIN’ lopmer Se recent Sener rea weet ttt ca Sohne oS ew mt mn EES estas fame eee Sy ORS eva cin ot re nt f theory may well account for the fact that HILBERT. chs Moet -sencral theory of relativity. norms ns cet Gr he Is snore important than the Angsty, thy a a him bythe 98 fe Fosiotaatn tat‘ ia ane thers ngs cee tof eprtote whith apo he ene fhe aaah enna ls wh Mi” Ea rec, pane one space oy th Me Etna rh pS “ evel March 25,1898) EDITORIAL BOARD Jen RAVETZ Depa of Poy ‘iverity of Lands inedton, New Janay SeeNatrviveates ©. sommma sFLocce sayeth W.HARTNER Ths Joe opin J.vaN mesyeNooR? J-D.NoRTE

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