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Puncak Jaya is the highest point in this plain.

The ritual was carried out by six

people dressed in black robes. The full moon at Jaya's peak looked stunning that
night. on the other hand, the six black-robed people gave the situation a mystical
feel. One of them lit a torch and made an offering on a triangular stone with the
size of a mini van which was carved with difficult-to-translate Ancient letters.
Then, they formed a circle around the stone and performed a movement that
looked like they were praying by kneeling and having their hand on the air. One of
them approached the stone with a book in his hand, while the other five formed a
neat line behind the person.

The atmosphere became more tense when one of them who was walking slowly
stopped and chanted a spell. What he was reading was incomprehensible, but as
soon as he said 'wake up,' a red light began to slowly emerge from within the rock
and illuminate the area, and a flames gradually grew and took shape.

"This is exactly what we’ve been looking for, a master that can give us eternal
power," said someone who had just approached the stone.
then, the fire took on a form of a sinister figure. There is a demon with two V-
shaped horns, another pair two horns on his shoulder, fiery red eyes, and two bat
wings on his back. Two big tusks burst out from his mouth, and gave him even
more sinister appearance.
The demon’s entire body was completely covered in flames, and its long
fingernails revealed that he was a powerful demon.

"Finally, I can be free from this seal that has bound me for a long time," the
demon exclaimed as he emerged from the rock. Then he gave the robed people a
hateful look. No one dared to look at the his two eyes, but one person who had
been standing in front of the rock asked everyone in there to kneel and said.

"Our respects to the strongest demon lord, ruler of hell, allow us to have a little
knowledge from you my Majesty," said the black robed person, stretching his
hands up as if begging.

"Who are you to say such a thing to me? You should get out of my way!" The
demon exclaimed, staring at them with blazing eyes.
"We are your illustrious followers, and we have come to set you free. We've been
waiting for this moment for a long time, and now, with knowledge passed down
from generation to generation, we can finally free you."

The demon reacted when he heard that statement.

"What exactly do you mean? Do you believe I won't be able to break free from
this seal? Do you think I'm a helpless creature? Are you underestimating my
abilities?" The demon spoke in a deep tone and appeared enraged.
Of course, that reaction made them nervous; they feared that the demon would
attack and kill them.

"No, Your Majesty, we are here to worship you and ask for your presence so that
you can get out of the stone as soon as possible," said the person who didn't
appear to be afraid.
"I'm Ifrid, and I'm here to tell you something. I, the most powerful demon lord of
hell, do not require human assistance; rather, it is humans who should require my
assistance. Since the creation of the first human millions of years ago, I have
never wanted a weak creature like a human to be my master, and I have never
wanted to bow down to humans. It was because of them that I had to accept
God's punishment. To atone for all your mistakes in the past, you must bow down
at my feet; I am Ifrid, ruler of one of hell's seven strongest demons." Ifrid, the
demon, finally wanted to spare everyone there and took them as his followers.

"I'll share some of my power with you, but there is one condition you must find,
and bring someone from the Vincent family, the one who has kept me here, so I
can will rip off all of his skin and consume his entire family." Ifrid instructed his
followers to locate the individual he was referring to as soon as possible.
Of course, his followers were confused who Vincent is. Who exactly is their
master referring to?

"Excuse me, your majesty, but who is this Vincent you are referring to? Because
there are so many people with that name? "asked the man once more.
"Hello, aren't you the ones who claim to be smarter than demons? So why should
I bother telling you? Use your brain to find this person I'm talking about, and as a
gift, I'll give you more great powers," said Ifrid, who then vanished from their

"He vanishes!"

"What does he mean?"

"Do you have any idea who Vincent is?" one of them inquired.

"Seems to have something to do with history of old tales, or someone who once
sealed our master," another said.
"Does that mean he will be extremely difficult to find? Because, as you may know,
Ifrid has been sealed there for thousands of years," one of the others explained.

"No, we'll track him down."

In one of the major cities, the marketing office of a construction company

affiliated with the Rock group is located. Frans, a member of the marketing team,
was typing away in front of the computer that afternoon.
"Wow, it's incredible, Lina's thighs are the most stable. Even if her cleavage is
small, it's okay because the most important thing is that her smooth thighs are
always exposed," said the person who turned out to be watching a girlband video
A man with a stocky build emerged from his room and shouted quite loudly.

"Frans! Come over here, you damn bastard, and tell me what you've done to your
job." Everyone in the room gasped in surprise when they heard it.

 "You die, Frans, the boss will scold you again, even though I have reminded him
many times but he still can't focus on your job," one of the men sitting far away
from Frans' chair mumbled. The man appeared to be familiar with Frans.
 "What on earth does that chubby guy want? Despite the fact that I have
completed all of my reports correctly." Frans stood up after hearing the boss's
screams, as if he was used to such events.

The stocky man yelling was Frans's boss at the company where he worked. Frans
has always neglected his work since the departure of the woman he loves, and he
has never completed his work properly, despite the fact that he believes it is
finished. His work is said to be the worst other than his friends'.

 "What exactly does this mean? How come we didn't meet our goal last month?
And what about all of your false reports? What the hell do you mean?" said the
boss with unstoppable emotions.

Frans was confused by his boss’ rant, after all he did it on purpose to teach his
boss a lesson, because his boss always cut Frans' salary every month for irrational
"Ha ha ha," Frans laughed with a stupid expression on his face.

 "Boss, don't worry, I only did it to please you," he said as he rubbed his boss's

"What exactly are you doing? Please, no more smacking! I'm now firing you!" The
disastrous words came from his boss's mouth, causing Frans to frown his

"What? Are you serious? Please don't let me go; I need money, I don't have any
skills, and I don't want to be a loser. Have mercy on me, I am a lone person who
has been lonely for a long time; now you are going to fire me; don't you have a
heart?" With that lying tearful expression, Frans tried to persuade his boss not to
fire him.

"Ah, I already know all your act, you're just pretending; now leave my office or I'll
call security."

"Come on, boss, think again," Frans said, still attempting to persuade his boss not
to fire him.


Soon after, two security guards stormed into the office and forcibly dragged Frans
out. When he arrived outside Frans's office, he seemed to be talking to himself.
"Hey, you're my friends; why are you dragging me out of here?" Frans inquired of

"Sorry Frans, but we also don't want to be fired; there is no such thing as friends
when it comes to money," one of the security guards explained.

"Damn you guys, okay I don’t need you guys anymore, and I'm not going to give
you a link to the latest Lina movie, you'll never see Lina's thighs anymore," Frans
said as he exited the establishment. But he returned with a slightly flat

 "Oh, I almost forgot, do you have twenty dollars? I'd like to borrow some money
because I'm hungry," Frans stated.
"You said you didn't need us anymore, so I gave you this; you don't have to return
it," the Security said.

"Oh my goodness, you are very calculating to your friends," Frans, who had
actually left the office at this point, said.

Frans walked out of his office, muttering to himself and cursing his boss.

"he is insane; if you're going to fire someone, it should be done properly, not in
this manner. Oh, you're a jerk!" Frans yelled so loudly that a person who was
washing a car in front of him turned around.
"Did you just say my name?"
"Yes, good afternoon."

"Oh, good afternoon as well."

Frans walked in wearing a black shirt and a sloppy tie because he had just argued
with Security. He passed through an alley that led to a small crossroads, where at
the end of the alley was a terrifying house.

"Eh, I just discovered an old house at the end of this alley, but the aura is very
strong; is there a creature nesting there?" Frans inquired, then looked to the right
and left, only to find an empty field. It was discovered that there was only one
house. I was the only one who remained.
"Don't force me to use my abilities again, I promised not to use my abilities again,
this ability has brought a lot of bad luck in my life," Frans said as he dashed out of
from the house and into his rented house.

When the Frans arrived, the landlord was taking out all of Frans' belongings. A
woman was waiting for Frans in front of his rented house.

"It's just a coincidence that you came home. I'm officially kicking you out starting
now because there will be actresses who contract this place, especially since
you've been in arrears for two months, so I'll kick you out." The landlord spoke
softly but painfully.
"What exactly is this? How can this be? Damn, damn, damn. Today was extremely
unlucky! What happens now that I've been kicked out of the office and am now
out of rent?" Frans exclaimed loudly.

"What exactly are you doing? Do you believe your screams have the power to
change everything? You should go get all of your belongings."

"You're so mean." Frans was unable to do anything and was forced to leave on a
bicycle parked in front of the rented house.

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