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Ea ravasare WORK PROCEDURE FOR WHITEWASH AND PAINTING WORK epee =z ‘i KGPL PIPELINE PROJECT f ae? (GRoup - 14) kerutoctnaruc.oee roup-14 of KGPI Pipeline Project: 16"/10.75"/8.625" 274.25 KM LOANO, 3 INBIKGPLI20.APLCCIKGPL. IHBICLIZ0018/Group-14 CLIENT : M/S IHB LTD. Puc + INDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED. CONTRACTOR : KALPATARU POWER TRANSMISSION LTD. am | owme [PEScREMON eREPDoy | cucosy | Revewen ay | APPROVED crmenocn) eee” | SHR’ | PRGRUER EY | “ee a EE 1 | wwtozaz | Forse! Poge 1 of 99 HORTA ~~ ee i | WORK PROCEDURE FOR POWERTRANSHISSIONLIMTED | WHITEWASH AND PAINTING WORK tngianoi IHB REV-2 KGPL PIPELINE PROJECT parca! (GROUP - 14) KPTLAOCLKGPLCLO12 TABLE OF CONTENTS SLNO DESCRIPTION PAGE i PURPOSE 2 2 SCOPE 3 3 REFERENCES 3 4 METHODOLOGY a 5 HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT 03-05, 6 QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL 06 FORMATS 06 Page 2 0f8 TART WORK PROCEDURE FOR | POWER TRANSMISSONLMTED | WHITEWASH AND PAINTING WORK | KGPL PIPELINE PROJECT —| REV-2 | NO: (GROUP — 14) | xenuaootixorueLot2 1 1.0 PURPOSE ‘The purpose of this work instruction is to lay guidelines and requirements and to establish a method or a system to control the Plastering / Pointing & Painting work and inspection to be used in the KANDLA GORAKHPUR Pipeline Project GROUBS/ ty De 2.0 SCOPE aul The scope covers the type of Painting (Building works) i.e. white wash / colour washing, oil bound distempering, Plastic Emulsion Painting and aggregate finish work that shall be carried out in accordance with approved drawings & IOCL specifications. 3.0 REFERENCES + IOCL Specification: IOCL (PL)-CIVIL-SPEC + IS 15489(2004) 4.0 METHODOLOGY The sequence of operations/activities and corresponding method is as follows: = Materials: Acrylic emulsion paint,putty, dry/oil bound distemper, lime etc. All materials should be confirmed with IOCL specifications. ‘+ All materials for color wash/distempering/painting work shall be obtained directly from approved manufacturers and shall be brought to site in makers drums with sealed unbroken, In case of ready mixed paints, if necessary the brand of thinner shall be as per recommendations of manufacturer. Paint shall be applied by brushing or spraying. The brushing operations may be adjusted to the spreading capacity advised by the manufacturer. Spray machine used may be of high-pressure type or low pressure depending on the nature and location of work. After work, the brushes to be cleaned off paint and shall be hung in thinner. + After the finishing work, the adjacent surfaces not to be washed/distempered/painted, shall be thoroughly cleaned of all paint patches and shall be finished in accordance with surface finishing of such surfaces. ‘© SCAFFOLDING: Wherever scaffolding is necessary, it-shall be erected in such 2 way that as far as possible no part of scaffolding shall rest against WORK PROCEDURE FOR | POWER TRANSMSSIONLITED |) WHITEWASH AND PAINTING WORK ce THB t | KGPL PIPELINE PROJECT REV-2 >. NO.: (GROUP — 14) | xerinoeL HaPLACL-ot2 the surface to be white/color washed. For white washing of ceiling, proper stage scaffolding shall be erected 4.1 WHITE WASHING/COLOUR WASHING: + Before wash, the surfaces shall be thoroughly brushed free from mortar dropping and foreign matters. + The wash shall be prepared from fresh stone shale lime. The lime shall be thoroughly soaked and screened through a clean coarse cloth and admixed ‘with gum and indigo. 3 gm. of indigo, 20 gm. Of gum per kg of lime shall be used approximately, one kg of lime will produce 5 litres of white milky solution. The solution shall be got approved by the Site Engineer before application. Number of coats shall be as per specification and each coat shall be allowed to dry before next one is applied. For color washing, pigment as per manufacturers specification is required. 4.2 Dry Distemper: * Dry distemper of approved brand and manufacture shall be used. The shade shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before application of the distemper. The dry distemper shall be stirred slowly in clean water using 0.6 litre of water per kg of distemper or as specified by the manufacturer. Warm water shall preferably be used. it shall be allowed to stand at least 30 minutes and the mixture shall then be well stirred before use. The finished surface shall be even and uniform and shall show no brush marks. 4.3. Water Proof Cement Pait + The water proof cement paint shall be "Snowcem" or equivalent of approved brand and manufacture. The same and the color of the paint shall be got approved by the Site Engineer before application. + The surface to be coated with water proof cement paint shall be thoroughly cleaned of all dust and falling mortar by washing and scrubbing. The surface shall be thoroughly wetted with clean water before the water proof cement paint is applied. Water proof cement paint shall be mixed in such quantity as can be used up within an hour of its mixing. Curing shall be done as per manufacturer's specifications. 4.4 Oil Bound Distemper: 4.4.1 Materials: + Oil bound washable distemper of approved shade; brand and manufacture ___shall be used. The primer shall be of the same manufacture as oil bound distemper. The distemper and primer shall be procured by the contractor in (© sealed tin in sufficient quantities at a time to suffiée Tor, 2 fortnight's work \ and the same shall be kept in the joint custody of thé contractor and the Site [ eer ‘we oe = - = || Fae | | EG) FRUPATARU oN | | Rid BRP TAR WORK PROCEDURE FOR THB | | WHITEWASH AND PAINTING WORK —— | KGPL PIPELINE PROJECT Rev-2 | Nos | (GROUP — 14) KPTLADeLNSeLCL-Ot2 Engineer. The empty tins shall not be removed from the site of work, till this item of work has been completed and passed by the Site Engineer. 4.4.2, Preparation of Surface: + The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, old white or colour wash if any by washing and scrubbing and then be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours, It shall then be send-prepared to remove any unevenness. Depressions if any shall be made up with plaster of paris putty. 4.4.3. Application: + The primer coat shall be applied first horizontally and then vertically immediately afterwards. The surface shall be finished as uniformly as possible leaving no brush marks. It shall be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours before oil bound distemper is applied. The surface thus prepared shall be lightly sand papered to make it smooth for receiving distemper, taking care not to rub out the primer coat. One coat of distemper properly diluted with thinner (gs stipulated by manufacturer) shall be applied with brush in horizontal strokes followed immediately by vertical ones which together constitute one coat, The subsequent coat shall be applied in the same way, 50 as to obtain an even shade. A time interval of at least 24 hours shall be allowed between consecutive coats to permit proper drying of the preceding coat 4.5 PAINTING: 4.5.1 Paints, oil etc, of approved brand and manufactures as approved by the Site Engineer shall be used. Paints manufactured by M/s. Johnson & Nicholson, Asian Paints, British Paints, ICI, Nerolac, Bombay paints Ltd., and Shalimar shall only be approved. Primer and thinner used shall also be of same manufacture and brand. Ready mixed paints as received from the manufacturer without any admixture shall be used as per manufacturer's instructions. If for any reason thinning is necessary (in case of ready mixed paint) the brand of thinner recommended by the manufacturer or as Instructed by the Site Engineer shall be used. 4.5.2. The surface shall be thoroughly cleaned and dusted, All the rust, dirt, scales, smokes and grease shall be thoroughly removed before painting is started. ‘The prepared surface shall have received the approval of the Site Engineer after inspection, before painting is commenced. 4.5.3 The wood work to be painted shall be dry and free from moisture. The unevenness shall be rubbed down with smooth sand paper and shall be well dusted. Knots, if any, shall be covered with preparation of red lead made by grinding lead in water and mixing with strong glue, sized and used hot. 4.5.4 Measurement shall be made on square metre basis for the area painted. en Page 5 of T aay FRUPA-TARU 1 sn Kid FAUPA TARY WORK PROCEDURE FOR | THB WHITEWASH AND PAINTING WORK = |_smdianoit | KGPL PIPELINE PROJECT : ae | (GROUP — 14) Perper neLaaa 5.0 HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT + Approved procedure for Health, Safety & Environment plan shall be followed, To comply with Owner's commitment to 1SO-standard requirements the following precautions/measures shall be taken at the work place. 5.1 All employees working within the battery limit shall wear personnel protective equipment (PPE). 5.2 All employees shall confirm and follow company's Health & Safety Policy, Environment Policy, HSE Plan and also Owner's Environment Policy and Plan. 6.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE & QUALITY CONTROL Quality Assurance & Quality Control of plastering/colour wash/distempering work shall be as per Quality Plan and corresponding Inspection & Test Plan. Necessary record/formats as appended to this procedure shall be maintained and submitted to IOCL for the major activities. 7.0 APPENDICES/FORMATS 1. Inspection and Test Pian: KPTL/IOCL/KGPL/ITP/CL-012, Rev-2 2. Inspection Report : KPTL/IOCL/KGPL/CL-012/1R,REV-2 Note:- In case of any conflict between the above procedure & IOCL specifications, the later shall govern without any prejudice to the terms & condition of the Contract. Page 6 of mera KANDLA GORAKHPUR PIPE LINE PROJECT ser ws iH uMETED Roan ve is INDIAN O11 CORPORATION LINITED Jeonraacron KALPATARU POWER TRANSMISSION LIMITED [pate INSPECTION REPORT FOR WHITE WASHING AND PAINTING (84LDING) Location: SLNo. DESCRIPTION ° REMARK { 1 1 vende & pproved brand vender & S eae wO ANS 3 rane shace ‘ as 4 |surface preparation / Repacg s lhopcation of Primer 6 io of coats of Paints 7 Final tnepection CHECKED & VERIFIED BY M/S KeTL sion sien ame name pote ate (Doe: KPTLASCLxGPL-14/FT/CL 04 KANDLA GORAKHPUR PIPE LINE PROJECT = (HB 2, Rev-2 — i iS a aR CTED ne [ws INoIAN On. CoRPCRATION ENTTED comTscTon [WS KALPATARI POWER TRANSWISSION NITED TINSPECTION TEST PLAN FOR WHITE WASHING AND PAINTING (GUILDING WORK) sine ee a an suomisson 8 Approval ot w en en + Freee ryrocuKsir 2 [Cameleon of aurtce w ® PTUROCUKGITIPICL-012 [econ of 3 {rater anuctrecs tet w wan crete (herein reed) 4 [Contemig of coto sae na) y i ‘for | Ow w | eenocuKerrcto12 © exeting any w R agen: A = ARONA. vw emess ron __ Revew DocutsNTs repay KOT “acta KFT. -apwroved by TOCuINe here | [son

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