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Progress Test II

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I. Read the following text and do the exercises below.

Distinguishing meaningful transformation from temporary changes is difficult. The moment of
transformation from one system to another is not immediately obvious. Still, certain times are
especially likely candidates. Major turning points in world politics usually have occurred at the
ends of major wars, which typically disrupt or destroy preexisting international arrangements.
In the twentieth century, World Wars I and II and the end of the Cold War stimulated
fundamental breaks with the past and set in motion major transformations, providing countries
with incentives to rethink seriously the premises underlying their interests, purposes and
priorities. Similarly, many concluded that the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 produced
a fundamental transformation in world affairs. Indeed, many felt that 9/11 changed everything,
perhaps forever: in US President George W. Bush’s words “Night fell on a different world”,
adding later “This is our life now... This battle’s just begun.”

Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
1. It is difficult to notice changes from one system to another. ………..
2. The biggest changes happen after big wars. ………..

II. Write synonyms: endeavour, to start work, aim, establish, facilitate, accelerate, deal with,
1. a goal
2. to promote
3. to handle
4. an attempt
5. focal
6. to set up
7. to speed up
8. to come into existence 8/-----

III. Fill in the following prepositions in the phrases below: in (3), on (2), into, of, at,
with (2).
1. ---- the 13th summit
2. ---- an annual basis
3. to be concerned -----
4. to come ----- power
5. the illegal spread ----- weapons
6. to be instrumental ----- launching
7. to result -----peace
8. ---- attempts to
9. to comply ----
10. to rely ----

IV. Fill in the following words in the sentences below: / competition / established / right-wing /
well-being / nonproliferation / maintain / executive / failure / one-party states / diverse /
1.Apart from political science, International Relations draws upon such ……….. fields as
economics, history, law, geography and philosophy.
2.At the summit meeting all the politicians were concerned about ……….. of nuclear weapon.
3.Sanctions are usually a first resort after the ……….. of diplomacy.
4.In most countries, except ……….. , there are several political parties.
5. The two countries ………..  a mutual trade agreement.
6. We should make every effort to ……….. world peace.
7. The ………..  of the country took place early in the morning when the army reached the city
8. The ………..  of our families was based on the development of economics.
9. The department had a ……….. to see who could present and manage the project best of all.
10.The President is the chief  ……….. of the United States of America.



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