Modals Ws

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Name: _____________________ Date:

Roll No: ____


Q.1 Fill in the blanks with correct modals.

1. Rahul knew that he _____ (would/must) be able to reach the railway station in time.
2. You ______ (dare/could) not enter my cabin again.
3. I thought they _______ (should/would) be at home.
4. John _______ (can/could) run fast when he was young.
5. I _______ (can’t/couldn’t) write what you spoke.
6. You _______ (should/can) have told me earlier.
7. You ______ (must/will) see the lawyer at once.
8. There are plenty of vegetables in the kitchen. You _________ (need not/must not)
buy more.
9. You _______ (need not/must not) smoke in a hospital.
10. Since our bags looked similar, you _______ (can/could) have taken mine by mistake.
11. _______ (Would/Should) you excuse me for a moment?
12. Take an umbrella. It ______ (can/may) rain.
13. Drivers ______ (must/may) stop when the light is red.

Q.2 Fill in the modals as per the clues given in the brackets.

1. I ______ not come today. (small possibility)

2. It ______ rain soon. (possibility)
3. The boss _______ agree to what he is saying. (small possibility)
4. Sriya _______ be taller than Reena. (to express a conclusion)
5. We ______ follow the traffic rules. (to express necessity)
6. ______ I go now, Sir? (asking permission)
7. ________ you mind if I use your phone? (seeking permission)
8. She _____ dance. (ability)
9. We _____ work together and finish the work. (future action)
10. I ______ run very fast when I was your age. (past ability)

Q.3 In each of the following sentences, provide the blanks with suitable modal of
permission, ability, possibility, probability etc. according to the context of sentences.

1. Radha is ill today. She ____ not come to school.

2. _______ I talk to Ms. Kavita, please?
3. The sky is not clear today. The flight to Goa ______ be delayed.
4. If you believe in yourself, you _____ definitely do it.
5. ______ I request you for your name madam?
6. The lid of the box is very tightly fixed, _____ you help me to open it?
7. He _______ be there at his friend’s home.
8. Rinky, you _____ wait for the director in the lobby. He ______ be there in 20-30
9. Driving without putting on the seat belt _____ really prove to be harmful.
10. He ______ solve even complex mathematics in a jiffy.
Q.4 Use ‘should/must/ought to’ appropriately in the following sentences.

1. The students ________ respect their teacher. (advice)

2. Every student _____ carry his or her I-card during the examination. (compulsory)
3. You _______ study more if you want to pass the exam. (moral duty)
4. Seema seems to be quite exhausted. She _______ take some rest. (advice)
5. I _____ go otherwise the warden will not allow me in the hostel. (rule)
6. What you are doing these days is a wild goose chase. You ______ rather
concentrate on your own project. (advice)
7. Every citizen of the country _________ respect and obey its constitution. (moral duty)
8. One ________ wear helmet while riding a two-wheeler. (compulsory)

Q.5 Complete the passage, with the appropriate answer.

Self-miracle refers to your need to change your life to what you really (a) ______ create. The
simple truth is only you possess the power to improve your conditions in line everything you
(b) _____ like to carry out. You (c) ______ live your dreams to be able to improve your life
permanently. This (d) ______ be done immediately if you wish to attain what you have

Q.6 Pick out the correct the sentence from among the four sentences in each of the
following examples.

1. a) I was able to pass the exam. But I could not appear for it.
b) I could pass the exam. But I did not appear for it.
c) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appeared for it.
d) I was able to pass the exam. But I did not appear it.

2. a) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He may was there in Doha.

b) Nobody knews his whereabouts. He is there in Doha.
c) Nobody knews his whereabouts. He must be there in Doha.
d) Nobody knows his whereabouts. He might be there in Doha.


Q.7 Describe an incident that starts with sentence “It was a dark and stormy night”.


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