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Universidad del Norte – Instituto de Idiomas

Performance Task 1-2023-10
Grade: _____/20 points

Performance Task 1


● Your teacher will organize you into groups of 4 to 5 people.

● Each group will be given one of the 5 topics (see below) to discuss and get time to prepare for it.
● Each topic has a text source and a video source that everyone in the group shares. Each student will
be assigned their own guiding question. (SLO 1: Interpret information from written texts and
visuals) (SLO 2: Infer meaning in written and spoken texts) (SLO 3: Identify main ideas, support,
and examples in arguments or persuasive written and spoken texts) (SLO 8: Accurately use
Level 7 Pronunciation Concepts)
● Your teacher will make a speaking schedule (15 min. per group--roughly 3 min. per person + feedback
from audience or teacher). The entire activity can be done in roughly 1.5 hours. (SLO 5: Explain ideas
in an extended discussion on abstract topics)
● As each group discusses their topic, you will listen and take notes. (SLO 2: Infer meaning in written
and spoken texts) (SLO 3: Identify main ideas, support, and examples in arguments or
persuasive written and spoken texts)
● Once all the groups have finished their discussions, you will write one short paragraph (4-5 sentences
long) describing your opinions on the ideas that stood out to you in one presentation different from your
own and then post. (You teacher will inform you whether to post in ‘google classroom’ or in ‘black

The purpose of this activity is to help students discuss abstract topics in a way that relates them to Unit 2+3,
and the Project. The following student learning outcomes will be evaluated as mentioned with each point in the

- SLO 1: Interpret information from written texts and visuals

- SLO 2: Infer meaning in written and spoken texts
- SLO 3: Identify main ideas, support, and examples in arguments or persuasive written and spoken texts
- SLO 5: Explain ideas in an extended discussion on abstract topics
- SLO 8: Accurately use Level 7 Pronunciation Concepts

1. Many movies want to give us easy solutions to difficult social problems. Use the following questions
to talk about Don’t Look Up! Use the following questions to talk about Don’t Look Up!
A. What do you think are some of the main themes of ‘Don’t Look Up’?
B. How is ‘Don’t Look Up’ related to the climate warming issue?
C. How much attention does social media pay to science subjects?
D. What were some of the negative effects of social media during Covid19?
E. What are the best role models we could have? Did you see any in the movie?

Text source: Don't Look Up text source

Video source: Don't Look Up movie review

2. Colin Stokes asks for more movies that send positive messages to boys: that cooperation is heroic,
and respecting women is as manly as defeating the villain. You may also use your textbook and other
class material.
A. Can strong competent women teach boys about manhood? Why or why not?
B. Is it okay for men to display typical traits of masculinity such as aggression and violence when
having a conflict? Why or why not?
C. Movies often portray the male hero as those who use violence to achieve their goals. Are those
good role models to have in our current society? Why or why not?
D. This masculine society that we live in has demonstrated that it is flawed with wars and conflicts.
It has also been predominantly led by men. Do you think that it is time that women took total
control of all the governments in the world? Yes? No? Why or why not?
E. What do you consider might be the benefits or disadvantages to having female led teams,
companies, societies? Why?

Text Source: Would more female leaders lead to less global conflict?

Video Source:the_likability_dilemma_for_women_leaders

3. We have read and identified the persuasive argument in Erik Killmonger is a Role Model for Black
Children. You may also use your class material.
A. Do you think it matters what race or ethnic background you come from that determines what
type of role model you look up to? Why? Why not?
B. Erik Killmonger is an example of hyper-masculinity? Do you think that traits from this type are
beneficial for boys in today’s society? Why? Why not?
C. What might be some good arguments to say that we need more role models like Killmonger?
D. We should be ruthless when trying to reach our goals! Do you agree or disagree with this
statement? Why? Why not?
E. How does a person’s upbringing affect a person’s personality?

Text Source: Beyond Male Role Models?

Video Source: Is Black Panther's Killmonger the Best Villain Since the Joker? – Wisecrack Quick Take

4. Unit 3 talks about the economics of happiness and our preconceptions regarding poverty and
happiness. You may also use your textbook and other class material.
A. How does poverty affect happiness? Do we romanticize poor, but happy, people?
B. At what point do you think people have too much money for happiness?
C. What makes a nation happy? How does the social safety net, like health care, contribute to that
D. Colombia is supposedly a country with happy people? Do you think the data is wrong?
E. How does education affect poverty and happiness?

Text Source: Poor but happy?

Video Source: Happiest Countries In The World: Explained | NowThis World

5. Unit 3 talks about economics, aspirations, and happiness related to income and a related topic is
what our response to poverty should be—especially if we are in a position to help. You may also use
your textbook and other class materials.

A. Is poverty an ethical issue? How do you feel people should help others?
B. Will sustainable development help to end poverty? What are your favorite kinds of sustainable
C. Can rural income serve as an indicator of the level of poverty in an undeveloped country like
Colombia that has a large rural demographic component? Are there other indicators?
D. How can we alleviate poverty in the agricultural sector? What about urban populations?
E. How is the pandemic affecting poverty? What kinds of businesses have succeeded during the

Text Source: The Drowning Child and the Expanding Circle - EA Forum

Video Source: Poverty & Our Response to It: Crash Course Philosophy #44 (Watch at a slower speed,
it’s very fast.)

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