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Goal: Let X = {(x, y) R2: | x |^p + | y |^p d 1}

, for some p > 0. For

what values of p is X a convex set? (Hint: Use triangle inequality | x +
y | d| x | + | y | wherever required.)

Adding Task: Start by assuming that X is a convex set

Adding Task: Use the definition of a convex set to check if X satisfies the criteria. A set X is convex if for any two
points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X, the line segment connecting them is also contained in X

Adding Task: Apply the triangle inequality | x + y | d | x +

| | y | to the equation | x |^p + | y |^p d 1

Adding Task: Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true, and conclude that X is a convex set for
those values of p

Starting task: Start by assuming that X is a convex set

Generating response...

Executing: "Start by assuming that X is a convex set": To determine for what values of p the set X = {(x, y) R2: | x
|^p + | y |^p d 1} isconvex, we need to verify if X satisfies the definition of convexity.

A set is convex if for any two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in the set, the line segment connecting them lies entirely
within the set.

Let's assume that X is a convex set and consider two arbitrary points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X.

The line segment connecting these two points can be parametrized as:
(x(t), y(t)) = (x1 + t(x2 - x1), y1 + t(y2 - y1)), where t [0, 1].

We need to show that for any t [0, 1], (x(t), y(t)) lies within X.

Substituting the parametric form into the inequality defining X, we have:

| x(t) |^p + | y(t) |^p d 1

Expanding the terms, we get:

| x1 + t(x2 - x1) |^p + | y1 + t(y2 - y1) |^p d 1

Using the hint given in the problem, we can apply the triangle inequality:
| x1 + t(x2 - x1) + y1 + t(y2 - y1) | d | x1 +t(x2 - x1) | + | y1 + t(y2 - y1) |

Simplifying the left side, we get:

| (1 - t)x1 + tx2 + (1 - t)y1 + ty2 | d | x1 +(x2
t - x1) | + | y1 + t(y2 - y1) |

Since both sides of the inequality involve absolute values, we can drop them without changing the inequality:
(1 - t)x1 + tx2 + (1 - t)y1 + ty2 dx1 + t(x2 - x1) + y1 + t(y2 - y1)

Expanding further, we have:

x1 - tx1 + tx2 + y1 - ty1 + ty2 d x1+ tx2 - tx1 + y1 - ty1 + ty2

Adding Task: Start by assuming that X is a convex set

Adding Task: Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true.

Starting task: Use the definition of a convex set to check if X satisfies the criteria. A set X is convex if for any two
points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X, the line segment connecting them is also contained in X

Generating response...

Executing: "Use the definition of a convex set to check if X satisfies the criteria. A set X is convex if for any two points
(x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X, the line segment connecting them is also contained in X": To determine for what values
of p the set X = {(x, y) R2: | x |^p + | y |^p d1} is convex, we need to check if the line segment connecting any two
points in X is also contained in X.

Let's consider two arbitrary points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X. We need to verify if the line segment connecting these
two points is also contained in X.

The line segment connecting (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) can be parametrized as:
(x, y) = (1 - t) * (x1, y1) + t * (x2, y2), where t [0, 1]

Expanding the above expression, we get:

x = (1 - t) * x1 + t * x2
y = (1 - t) * y1 + t * y2

We need to show that for any t [0, 1], the point (x, y) lies in X.

Using the triangle inequality | x + y | d | x + | | y |, we can write:

| (1 - t) * x1 + t * x2 |^p + | (1 - t) * y1 + t * y2 |^p d | x1 |^
p + | y1 |^p + | x2 |^p + | y2 |^p

Since (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) lie in X, we have:

| x1 |^p + | y1 |^p d 1
| x2 |^p + | y2 |^p d 1

Substituting these inequalities, we get:

| (1 - t) * x1 + t * x2 |^p + | (1 - t) * y1 + t * y2 |^p d 1 + 1 =2

So, for any t [0, 1], the point (x, y) lies in X, and hence the line segment connecting any two points in X is also
contained in X.

Therefore, X is convex for any value of p > 0.

Adding Task: Use the definition of a convex set to check if X satisfies the criteria. A set X is convex if for any two
points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X, the line segment connecting them is also contained in X
Adding Task: Determine if the set X = {(x, y) R2: | x |^p + | y |^p d 1} is aconvex set using a different method.

Starting task: Apply the triangle inequality | x + y | d x| | + | y | to the equation | x |^p + | y |^p d 1

Writing code...

Executing: "Apply the triangle inequality | x + y | d | x +

| | y | to the equation | x |^p + | y |^p d 1": Todetermine the
values of p for which the set X is convex, we need to apply the triangle inequality to the equation | x |^p + | y |^p d 1.

Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Rewrite the equation | x |^p + | y |^p d 1 as aunction

f of p:
f(p) = | x |^p + | y |^p - 1

Step 2: Apply the triangle inequality to the function f(p):

f(p) = | x |^p + | y |^p - 1 d | x+ y |^p - 1 d | x^p
| + | y |^p - 1

Step 3: Simplify the equation:

| x + y |^p - 1 d | x^p
| + | y |^p - 1

Step 4: Since the left-hand side and right-hand side of the equation are equal, we can conclude that the inequality
holds true for all values of p.

Therefore, X is a convex set for any positive value of p.

Adding Task: Apply the triangle inequality | x + y | d | x +

| | y | to the equation | x |^p + | y |^p d 1

Adding Task: Determine if there is another method to determine if the set X = {(x, y) R2: | x |^p + | y |^p d 1} is a
convex set.

Starting task: Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true, and conclude that X is a convex set for
those values of p

Generating response...

Executing: "Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true, and conclude that X is a convex set for
those values of p": To determine the values of p for which the set X = {(x, y) R2: | x |^p + | y |^p d1} is convex, we need
to show that for any two points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X, the line segment connecting the two points lies entirely
within X.

Let's consider two arbitrary points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X.
Since (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are in X, we have |x1|^p + |y1|^p d 1and |x2|^p + |y2|^p d 1.

Now, we need to show that for any t [0, 1], the point (xt, yt) = t(x2, y2) + (1-t)(x1, y1) is also in X.

Using the triangle inequality, we have:

|xt| = |t(x2, y2) + (1-t)(x1, y1)| d |t(x2,y2)| + |(1-t)(x1, y1)|

Expanding the absolute values, we have:

|xt| = |tx2, ty2 + (x1-x2, y1-y2)|

= |tx2, ty2 + x1-x2, y1-y2|
= |tx2 + (1-t)x1, ty2 + (1-t)y1|

Applying the triangle inequality again, we have:

|xt| dtx2|
| + |(1-t)x1| + |ty2| + |(1-t)y1|

Since |tx2| = t|x2|, |(1-t)x1| = (1-t)|x1|, |ty2| = t|y2|, and |(1-t)y1| = (1-t)|y1|, we can rewrite the inequality as:

|xt| d t|x2
| + (1-t)|x1| + t|y2| + (1-t)|y1|

Now, let's substitute the values of |x1|^p, |y1|^p, |x2|^p, and |y2|^p using the given conditions:

|xt| d t

Adding Task: Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true, and conclude that X is a convex set for
those values of p

Starting task: Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true.

Generating response...

Executing: "Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true.": To determine the values of p for which
the set X = {(x, y) R2: | x |^p + | y |^p d 1} is co
nvex, we need to investigate whether the inequality | x + y | d | x +
| |y
| holds true for all points (x, y) in X.

Let's consider two arbitrary points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X, where | x1 |^p + | y1 |^p d1 and | x2 |^p + | y2 |^p d 1.

Now, we need to show that | »

x1 + (1-»
)x2 |^p + | »
y1 + (1-»)
y2 |^p d 1 for an
y » [0,1].

Using the triangle inequality | a + b | d | a| + | b |, we can write:

x1 + (1-»)
x2 |^p + | »
y1 + (1-»)
y2 |^p d| »
x1 |^p + | (1-»)
x2 |^p + | »
y1 |^p + | (1-»)
y2 |^p

We know that | a |^p + | b |^p is a convex function for any p > 0. Therefore, we can apply convexity to each term

x1 |^p + | (1-»)
x2 |^p + | »
y1 |^p + | (1-»)
y2 |^p d»
|x1|^p + (1-»)|
x2|^p + »|
y1|^p + (1-»)|

Since | x1 |^p + | y1 |^p d 1 and| x2 |^p + | y2 |^p d 1, the ight

r side of the inequality is less than or equal to » + (1-
») = 1.

Therefore, we can conclude that | »

x1 + (1-»)
x2 |^p + | »
y1 + (1-»)
y2 |^p d 1 forany points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in X and
any »[0

Adding Task: Determine the values of p for which the inequality holds true.

Starting task: Determine if the set X = {(x, y) R2: | x |^p + | y |^p d 1}si a convex set using a different method.

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