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Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly packaging on the purchase intention of

Senior High School Student in Our Lady of Fatima University

Andrea T. Abella1,2,3, John Carlo Balbin1,2,3, John Louie Dee Cabrera1,2,3, Marcus Joaquin De Castro1,2,3,
Vincent G. De Castro1,2,3, Guenne Axelle F. De Leon1,2,3, Wilson del Rosario1,2,3, Alyssa Omoyon1,2,3, Shyra
Sta. Ana1,2,3, Mrs. Ma. Roxanne Roxas1,2,3,4

Senior High School Department

Research Project

Our Lady of Fatima University

Research Adviser

April 2022


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… ii

Certificate of Originality

We hereby declare that this thesis, entitled “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly
packaging on the purchase intention of Senior High School student of Our Lady of Fatima University”
is truthfully our own work and it is based on our own and original investigation. To the best of our knowledge
and belief, it contain no material previously published or written by another person nor material to which to a
substantial extend has been accepted for award of any other degree or diploma of a university or other institute
of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement is made in the text.

We also declare that the intellectual content of this thesis is the product of our work, even though we
may have received assistance from others on style, presentation, and language expression.

Vincent G. De Castro

Principal Investigator


Andrea T. Abella

John Carlo Balbin

John Louie Dee Cabrera

Marcus Joaquin De Castro

Guenne Axelle De Leon

Wilson del Rosario

Alyssa Omoyon

Shyra Sta. Ana

Mrs. Roxanne Roxas

Research Adviser


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… iii


This is a chance for the researchers to express their gratitude and appreciations. During this voyage,
researchers received warm and heartfelt support from certain people, so this paper is to show researchers
gratitude to them.

To begin, thank and praise the almighty God for the blessings and guidance He has provided to us in
doing the study. His guidance and provision when difficulty arises is a support for the researchers to continue
despite the hardships. This study would not be possible without Him.

Researchers also like to thank the enthusiastic participation and cooperation of many people; this
study was a success. This research is dedicated to their families for their love, sympathy, prayers, and
unwavering support in the completion of their study report.

The researchers would like to acknowledge Our Lady of Fatima University and those Senior High
School Students who are enrolled here for their trust and willingness to engage in the study so that data could
be collected. Researchers are extremely indebted for the assistance and support they have given.

This study would not have been possible without their participation and desire. To their members;
Abella, Andrea T., Balbin, John Carlo C., Cabrera, John Louie Dee B., De Castro, Marcus Joaquin L., De
Castro, Vincent G., De Leon, Guenne Axelle F., del Rosario, Wilson B., Omoyon, Alyssa I., Sta. Ana, Shyra
B. and to their colleague, classmates, and peers, researchers want to express thankfulness for the support and
encouragement they have given to the group. Also, for the tireless effort that every member shows in doing
the study, especially pandemic, the data and information may be limited due to the situation, but the members
overcome it even in a difficult moment everyone executes and does their part precisely.

Lastly, the researchers would like to express a sincere appreciation to their research mentor, Mrs.
Roxanne Roxas for providing assistance and guidance to conduct this study, her invaluable support performed
a big part along the process of this research to become more suitable and reliable for making this study a
success. This study would not be possible or successful without her – for her support, time, attention, care,
and knowledge that she shared.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… iv


There are a lot of students in Our Lady of Fatima University – Valenzuela Campus, especially Senior
High School students. This research study aims to determine what is the impact of eco-friendly packaging on
the purchasing intention of Senior High School students. With that being said, fifty (50) Senior High School
students that fit the researchers’ criteria were asked to answer the survey questionnaire to gather data vital to
the study’s goal. To analyze the data, the researcher used Descriptive Statistics particularly the Frequency
Percentage to determine the results of the data that is collected. The researchers also used the formula of the
Mean to investigate the results. The findings revealed the overall mean of every sub-variable. The overall
mean for Customer Satisfaction is 3.38; the overall mean for Customer Loyalty is 3.46; the overall mean for
Brand Image is 3.42. Based on the indicators, these overall means fall in the range of 4.00-3.00 (Strongly
Agreed). These results demonstrate that eco-friendly packaging, therefore, has an impact, influence, and
relationship to customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and the brand image of the company.

Keywords: Eco-friendly, Packaging, Purchase, Impact, Customers, Loyalty


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… v


Certificate of Originality _________________________________________________________________ii

Acknowledgement _____________________________________________________________________ iii
Abstract ______________________________________________________________________________iv
CHAPTER 1 (Introduction)
Introduction __________________________________________________________________ 1-2
Statement of the Problem ________________________________________________________2-3
Hypotheses ____________________________________________________________________ 3
Significance of the Study ________________________________________________________3-4
Scope and Delimitation ___________________________________________________________4
Definition of Terms_____________________________________________________________4-5
CHAPTER 2 (Review of Related Literature)
Local Literature________________________________________________________________6-8
Foreign Literature______________________________________________________________8-10
Theoretical Framework_________________________________________________________10-11
Conceptual Framework___________________________________________________________11
CHAPTER 3 (Research Methodologies)
Research Design_________________________________________________________________12
Research Locale_________________________________________________________________12
Population and Sampling__________________________________________________________12
Research Ethics_________________________________________________________________13
Research Instruments__________________________________________________________13-14
Data Collection_________________________________________________________________14
Data Analysis________________________________________________________________14-15
CHAPTER 4 (Results and Discussion)
Table 1_____________________________________________________________________15-16
Table 2_____________________________________________________________________16-17
Table 3_____________________________________________________________________17-18
Table 4_____________________________________________________________________18-19
Table 5_____________________________________________________________________20-21


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… vi

Table 6_____________________________________________________________________22-23
Table 7_____________________________________________________________________24-25
CHAPTER 5 (Conclusion and Recommendation)
APPENDIX A (Interview Questions) _____________________________________________29-33
APPENDIX B (Informed Consent) _________________________________________________34
APPENDIX C (List of Tables) __________________________________________________35-39
APPENDIX D (Survey Questionnaire) ______________________________________________40


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 1

1.0 Introduction

Our society has changed as a result of the increasing number of enterprises that are being founded.
Changes are both positive and negative. Due to the growing number of firms, business owners must take
steps to ensure that they can compete with their rivals. For them to be able to get the attention and the
loyalty of the people and to be able to compete with their competitors, they should know what is the needs
and wants of their target market. Packaging is one of the factors that might help them gain the trust and
loyalty of their customers.

According to The Alliance (2021), plastics have a unique set of qualities that make them extremely
useful. Plastic is almost irreplaceable in many applications due to its low cost, strength, lightweight, and
corrosion resistance. Plastic is most commonly used in packaging and building components such as
pipelines. However, according to Recycle Coach (2021), approximately 8.3 billion tons of plastic have been
produced globally to date. Also, by 2030, annual plastic water pollution might be 53 million tons (Amy
Barrett & PA Science, 2020). People and organizations are becoming more environmentally sensitive as
plastic garbage continues to grow at an alarming rate. With that being said, organizations are now shifting
from non-reusable packaging to eco-friendly reusable packaging because people are now more
environmentally aware of the ecological problems that plastic can do. Organizations are now thinking about
the environment's long-term viability as well as their corporate social responsibility.

Business owners yearn to satisfy their customers with the better production of products and it
includes their packaging. According to Moreau (2020), the primary physical contact of a retailer with a
consumer is what we called packaging. Packaging is not just a package. It also gives an impact on your
product. Using Eco-friendly products is one of the goals of the business owner as it has benefits for nature.
There is one level of connection with nature that amends the therapeutic occurrence in an environment of
the urban areas, which helps in activities such as substantial mental activity, this level of involvement is
"Observing" (Kaplan, 1984). Business owners tend to see the nature issues and became aware of it. In the
existing online retail, one of the earning traction is the materials that are connected to Eco-friendly
(Escursell et al., 2021). Eco-friendly packaging has also a standard, for knowing what is right and what the
considerations to call Eco-friendly packaging are. According to Nguyen et al., (2020); Prakash and Pathak,
(2017), there is a standard or characteristic that has been recommended in defining eco-friendly packaging,
which is suggested by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (2011). There is a study that goes through the
viewpoint of the dimension of sustainable packaging. Eco-friendly packaging refers to one of the needed
things in your product, which is containing recycled materials, none hazardous materials, and even
renewable materials that permit effective recovery (Sustainable Packaging Coalition, 2011). Bamboo can
be an example of Eco-friendly packaging, this can be used for calendars and many products. Furthermore,


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 2

Compostable or Biodegradable Packaging is one of a trend right now, as we go through the issue of nature,
this can be a resolution such as it gives a second life to our gardens. As seeds are part of the packaging, after
utilizing them you can just use them in your garden and let them grow.

The major objective of this study is to determine how eco-friendly packaging affects the purchasing
intentions of SHS students in Our Lady of Fatima University. Not only the purchase intention, the
researchers also aims to know the advantages of eco-friendly bag instead of using plastic bags that can harm
the marine life. It threatens ocean condition and marine species. For instances, some marine animal
especially turtles tend to eat micro plastics, it's really a threat for their health. So in this study, the researchers
will know the significance of eco-bags and how it can affect consumers’ intention of buying. The
researchers conduct this study for us to know that the greatest contribution of using eco-friendly packaging
can help our economy clean, improve economic conditions and prevent from pollution. This paper examines
to determine the impact of eco-friendly packaging to the purchase intention of SHS students in Our Lady
of Fatima University especially among 15-20 years old, for us to know the important role of eco-friendly
packaging on our society. The study also aims to find out the advantages. Also, this research aims to locate
what are the consumer's behavior and attitude towards purchasing the eco-friendly packaging.

1.0 Statement of the Problem

The study examines the Impact of Eco-friendly packaging on the purchase intention of SHS
students in Our Lady of Fatima University. A.)Analyze how the packaging affects the purchase intentions
of student consumers in OLFU. B.)Determine how effective these packaging is.

In this study, this are the following questions that needs to answer:

1. What is the respondents' background in terms of;

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Grade Level

1.4 Strand

1.5 Frequency of purchased in a shop

2. How do students-respondents' perceive the practice of businesses on the implementation of eco-

friendly packaging in terms of;


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 3

2.1 Customer's Satisfaction

2.2 Customer's Loyalty

2.3 Brand Image

3. Does eco-friendly packaging affect the Customer’s Satisfaction?

4. What is the influence of eco-friendly packaging on the Customer’s Loyalty?

5. Is there a significant relationship between eco-friendly packaging and brand image?

1.1 Hypotheses

Ho1: Eco-friendly packaging does not affect the Customer’s Satisfaction.

Ho2: Eco-friendly packaging does not influence Customer’s Loyalty.

Ho3: There is no significant relationship between eco-friendly packaging and brand image.

1.2 Significance of the Study

In this study, the researchers will conduct an investigation and analysis about Reduce, Reuse,
Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly packaging on the purchases of each person or each student from SHS
students in Our Lady of Fatima University. Also, what is the benefits of doing the Reduce, Reuse and

The result of this study would benefit:

To business owners

 The outcome of this research will help business owners to be more aware that using eco-friendly
packaging in their business is very efficient and useful for everyone.

To the community

 Results from this study will help in the improvement of the community by practicing reduction,
reuse, and recycling programs. Awareness will be raised on how this program will help in the
betterment of our community.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 4

SHS Students from OLFU

 Outcomes yielded from this study will help SHS students from OLFU to know the importance of
using eco-friendly packaging in their daily lives.

To the researchers

 To know the good effects of this research and the vital role of these effects in everyone's lives.

To future researchers

 This present study may also serve as a reference in other related research especially those
concerning reducing, reusing, and recycling programs.

1.3 Scope and Delimitation

This study aims to know the impact of eco-friendly packaging on purchasing intentions and what
are the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing the product. Also, this research study aims to locate
what are the consumer's behavior and attitude toward purchasing eco-friendly packing products. The
participants in this study are the Senior High School students in Our Lady of Fatima University aged 15-20
years old in all strands.

There will be 50 respondents who will answer the survey questions that the researchers have
prepared. The main source of data will be the survey questionnaire, which is prepared by the researchers
who will conduct this study. Through this strategy, the researcher will be able to know how eco-friendly
packaging affects the purchasing intentions of the SHS students of Our Lady of Fatima University.

1.4 Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined operationally, in which it defined based on how these terms used
in this research study and also it is used to create a better understanding and comprehension towards this

Biodegradable - number of waste that is defined as garbage that can be digested by bacteria or other living
organisms without causing pollution.

Business Owners - number of persons in charge of the operational and financial aspects of a firm.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 5

Buying Intentions - the number of persons who are willing to purchase a specific item.

Eco marketing - the process of advertising products or services based on their environmental benefits.

Environmentally aware - conscious of the natural environment and making decisions that benefit rather
than harm it.

Non-reusable - number of waste that is unable to be reused or not meant to be reused.

Packaging - the number of materials used to wrap or protect items.

Plastic - a variety of materials, both synthetic and natural, that can be molded when soft and then
solidified to keep their shape.

Recycled - refers to waste that has been recovered and reprocessed for use in new products.

Retailer – a person who sells products directly to customers in environmentally friendly


Reusable - number of waste that can be used again and again.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 6

2.0 Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the related literature and studies both from local and foreign sources. This
section also serves as a background information and evidence that this research has been conducted to fill
a gap between this sectors.

2.1 Local Related Literature

2.1.1 Purchasing habits of students toward Green Marketing in Nueva Ecija, Philippines
According to the findings of KES Santos (2017), green marketing can assist some
consumers in taking environmentally friendly actions. They also determine the green consumer
values, consumer behavior toward green products, the impact of green marketing on customer buy
intent, and factors influencing green product purchases. They also stated that people who purchase
environmentally friendly products do not immediately imply that they are environmentally
conscious. It is contingent on willingness and cost, as well as a preference for green products.
Consumers' purchase intentions are also influenced by their encounter with green marketing. They
urge that people be educated about their social obligations when purchasing, especially when it
comes to choosing green items over the not so eco-friendly products. They also mention that some
businesses and organizations want to boost their brand image by focusing on green marketing. In
addition, the government should take steps to protect our environment.

2.1.2 Designing Eco Bags for Product Attachment

According to Aguilar, A. et. al (2020), consumer knowledge of the harmful consequences
of single use plastic bags moved the focus of consumers to utilizing eco bags. However, it is
theorized that the user's use of the eco bag is intermittent due to a lack of emotional attachment.
The goal of this study is to see if design, elements like color, form, and material, which target
emotions, might influence product attachment. A total of 98 middle age women took part in a
masked experiment in which they were given eco bags as an incentive. After two weeks, a post
experiment interview was conducted to determine if the bag was discarded, kept, or used. And
here's what happened: colors and materials have been found to influence the attachment of
consumer products. In terms of consumer’s activities, those who abandoned the eco-bag had no
attachment to the product, and those who left it as it was preferred their eco-bag because of its


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 7

design. Finally, participants who used this product liked the look of the eco bag. This result shows
how to design an eco-bag not only for storage, but also for its intended purpose.

2.1.3 How eco design can shape a greener future for the planet and the next generation.

Iya Gozum (2020) suggested that rethinking plastics that can improved product and
material design that makes them recyclable after use would reduce product and material leakage
into the environment. As a result, implementing eco-design guidelines will encourage
manufacturers to eliminate all unneeded packaging and replace it with recyclable, reusable, and
even compostable alternatives. And Redesigning PH’s waste system could be the solution to have
a greener future for the planet and the next generation. As according to the World Wide Fund for
Nature (WWF), plastic trash in the world's oceans could amount to 300 million tons by 2030. By
2030, or a decade from now, international organizations, governments, and industry leaders hope
to have cut carbon emissions in half, reduced carbon footprint, eliminated plastic, and designed
greener systems.

2.1.4 Brands, Consumers more conscious on zero waste ways

According to Andaya, K. (2020), the current global problem of plastic trash is becoming
more serious. Some firms and customers are reducing their usage of single-use plastic items to help
tackle this problem. Because some people are becoming minimalist and zero-waste consumers,
businesses are exploring alternatives in their product packaging. Customers that are more socially
conscious are supporting and investing in ecologically mindful brands. Some companies take action
about this concern. These include the Alcohol refilling station of the brand Cleene and they
collaborate with Mercury Drug. Consumers would need to bring their own clean, empty alcohol
bottles even from other brands that can contain liquids in 250ml, 500ml, or 1-liter sizes for them to
serve themselves the refill. With that being said, this initiative from different companies helps
consumers to contribute to the zero-waste value chain. Another example is the removing single-use
plastics in school supplies’ packaging. This action is organized by the French brand Carrefour
which replaced single-use plastic packaging with 100% recyclable packaging. Furthermore, due to
consumer expectations and environmental concerns, firms from many industries are constantly
upgrading their packaging techniques and materials. Additionally, based on the findings of Mintel,
more consumers are opting to incorporate more sustainable practices into their daily lives, and this
will serve as a reminder to brands to be more conscious when they develop products and packaging.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 8

Companies that provide items with minimal waste or a lower carbon impact will attract more
environmentally concerned customers. This shows that brands and consumers are now more
conscious about the environment and now sticking to zero waste ways.

2.1.5 PH consumer increasingly shifting to green packaging

According to Manila Bulletin (2020), eco-friendly packaging with smart and simple
designs will continue to influence the market and Filipinos. Filipino consumers will become more
aware of the effect of plastic packaging on the environment. The President of the Philippine
Institute of packaging stated that the Philippine manufacturing sector has appreciated stable growth
in the past years, especially in chemical products, electronics, and also for food. Go along with this
growth is the development of new packaging technologies. Also, there is a big transformation from
the global point of view favoring sustainable packaging with rising environmental awareness
among the shoppers. Manufacturers are now finding a way how to reduce their carbon footprints
and discover or find greener solutions for their packaging. To meet the increasing demand of the
consumers for eco-friendly packaging, the packaging industry is standing up to the challenge of
collaborating between retailers, recyclers, and packaging companies.

2.2 Foreign Related Literature

2.2.1 Consumers’ Purchase Intention and Willingness to Pay for Eco-Friendly Packaging in

According to Nguyen et. al (2021), most businesses employed plastics as packaging for
their consumers' items, which was only used once and then discarded. Plastic packaging could pose
a significant environmental impact with only one usage. Some firms are facing increased pressure
to reduce their usage of plastic packaging, not only from their customers but also from the
government and investors. As a result, a growing number of food manufacturers are adopting eco-
friendly packaging to protect their products. They also looked at the relationship between consumer
demographics and their attitudes toward environmentally friendly packaging. They also highlighted
that consumers' willingness to pay for environmentally friendly packaging varies depending on


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 9

2.2.2 Intention to buy eco-friendly packaged products among young consumers of India: A study
on developing nation

From the study of Prakash and Pathak (2016), the goal of their paper is to look at how eco-
designed packaging affects consumer responses. The current study adds to our understanding of
environmentally friendly purchasing in the Indian context and provides insights into consumer
demand for environmentally friendly packaging in the Indian market. The study's findings indicated
that personal norms, attitude, environmental concern, and willingness to pay all influence buying
intention toward eco-friendly packaging. The research also offers some fascinating insights into
the attitudes of young customers regarding environmentally friendly packaging. These valuable
insights can aid marketers in establishing targeted tactics for young consumers and encouraging
them to lower their packaging's global environmental footprint.

2.2.3 The Impact of Eco-Friendly packaging on consumers purchasing decision

According to MJS Packaging (2012), the world packaging has changed, especially today
in the new information age where customers or consumers can buy the things they want anytime
and anywhere. Consumers are now highly informed and intelligent about the products they want to
buy. Since there are so many environmentally aware consumers, some companies need to create
environmentally friendly packaging to meet the desires of their customers or consumers.
Companies a create packaging that is recyclable, reusable, and biodegradable to help the
environment. Consumers also want a product packaging that is convenient to them and not hard to
use. Eco friendly packaging examples are glass, pouches, tubes, hot fill, multilayer, and more. One
of the main demands of consumers nowadays is eco-friendly packaging. The study stated that 30
percent of the shoppers choose eco-friendly packaging products today than in 2010. A quarter of
shoppers say that they are willing to buy in a brand that has an eco-friendly packaging and one-
third of shoppers conceded that they bought more of the product of the companies that have a tag
or mark "Recyclable" or "Made by Recyclable Material".

2.2.4 The Next Generation of Sustainable Food Packaging to Preserve Our Environment in a
Circular Economy Context

According to the study by Guillard, V. et al., (2018) Packaging is a critical component of

the international response to core concerns of sustainable food consumption, which is obviously
about reducing the environmental footprint of packaged food. An innovative sustainable packaging
solution attempts to reduce food waste and loss while also addressing food safety concerns by
preventing food-borne diseases and chemical contamination. Furthermore, it must address the long-


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 10

term critical issue of persistent plastic trash accumulation in the environment, as well as the
conservation of oil and food material resources. Some solutions are presented to solve significant
international problems such as food and plastic waste reduction, as well as recurring material end-
of-life issues. By decoupling the food packaging industry from fossil feed stocks and allowing
nutrients to return to the soil, the production of microbial biodegradable polymers from agro-food
waste residues appears to be a promising route to creating an innovative, more resilient, and
productive waste-based food packaging economy. Mathematical simulation, based on modeling of
mass transfer and reactions into food/packaging systems, is a promising method to address the lack
of tools and approaches for correctly designing and adapting food packaging to food needs. The
next generation of models and tools in this area should aid the food packaging industry in validating
the benefits of new packaging in terms of usage.

2.2.5 Consumer attitudes on the use of plastic and cloth bags

Erkan Ari and Veyzel Yilmaz (2017) investigated Turkish customers' attitudes and
behaviors about the use of plastic and cloth bags. It is suggested that a structural equation model
be used. Environmental awareness of the use of plastic bags, societal pressure support for banning
plastic bags, and a desire to use cloth bags instead of plastic bags to limit the use of plastic bags. In
the structural model, these are referred to as endogenous latent variables. To summarize, consumers
who are ecologically conscientious and under social pressure are more likely to minimize their
usage of plastic bags and use cloth bags instead.

2.3 Theoretical Framework

The Green Marketing Theory is used to support this research paper. According to Fernando (2022),
green marketing is a technique of formulating and advertising products based on their perceived
environmental sustainability. Susan Ward (2020) also stated that green marketing is a technique of
advertising a product and services based on their benefit to the environment. It is also called Eco-marketing
and Environmental marketing. This type of marketing is commonly practiced by those companies that are
committed to making sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. This practice brings
awareness to the consumers about the problems that may arise in the environment. The concept of green
marketing happened as the after-effect of humans' negative doings on our planet. These show brands shift
their mission and practices from being profit-driven to environmentally conscious by using business
methods that have the least environmental impact (Lesley Vos, 2019). According to Indeed Editorial Team
(2022), the implementation of green marketing can help businesses efficiently rebrand their products to


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 11

boost profits and brand loyalty. Furthermore, it becomes more popular as more people are now concerned
with environmental issues (Shopify, n.d.). Send Pulse (n.d.), also said that more people become aware of
the happenings in the environment. Consumers became more ecologically aware and now are eager to
purchase eco-friendly products despite their higher prices.

Through the years, there are so many businesses are being established whether it is online
businesses, food businesses, and other types of businesses because of that, there is also a vast amount of
consumers purchasing from different stores. Most of these businesses used non-reusable packaging. It is
one of the major contributors to plastic waste in our world. In relation to our research study, the researchers
thought that it is the most relevant to the aims of this study. Businesses that promoted and practice green
marketing have a higher chance of getting the loyalty of the customers, and a greater purchase intention
rate that can also lead to a good brand image. Furthermore, due to the ecological problems, consumers are
now more aware and they are now more conscious that is why they tend to buy from businesses that practice
sustainable development. Additionally, the researchers used this theory because it talked about creating an
alternative to sustain and protect our environment such as implementing the usage of eco-friendly and
reusable packaging rather than non-reusable packaging.

2.4 Conceptual Framework

DV (1)


DV (2)
Eco- Friendly
Packaging Loyalty

DV (3)

Figure 1. The hypothesized relationship of usage of eco-friendly

packaging and its influences on the variables.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 12

3.0 Methodology

3.1 Research Design

In conducting this study, the quantitative approach-descriptive design research design is defined as
a research method used by the researchers. Descriptive research design is a form of study that systematically
focuses on describing the population, phenomenon, or situation. Quantitative research includes a variety of
strategies for systematically studying social problems utilizing statistical or numerical data. As a result,
quantitative research entails measurement and presupposes that the phenomena under investigation can be
quantified. Its goal is to look for trends and correlations in data and to double-check the measurements
taken. (Watson, Roger 2015). Descriptive research aims to characterize a population, condition, or
phenomenon in a methodical and precise manner. It can answer the questions of what, where, when, and
how, but not why questions. A descriptive research plan can study one or more variables using a range of
research methodologies. Unlike experimental research, the researcher does not influence or change the
variables; instead, they are observed and measured. (Shona McCombes, 2019)

3.2 Research Locale

This research was conducted at Our Lady of Fatima University-Valenzuela Campus located in
Valenzuela City. This location was chosen because of its dense population. The students from Our Lady of
Fatima University-Valenzuela Campus, specifically the Grade 12 Senior High School students from the
ABM, GAS, HUMSS, and STEM strands, are the subjects of the study. The researchers are unable to
personally administer this study due to the intention of the COVID-19 pandemic that is currently circulating
in the country. The research study was conducted in the respective areas of the researchers and the
respondents who were taking part in the study.

3.3 Population and Sampling

The researcher used a purposive sampling technique, this technique is also known as judgement,
selective or subjective sample. Purposive sampling is a form of Non-probability sampling in which the
researchers depend on their own judgement when choosing individuals in participating in this research
study. The researchers intended to identify the impact in purchasing habits, advantages and disadvantages
of eco-friendly packaging in Senior High School Students of Our Lady of Fatima University in all strand.
The researchers gathered student’s ages 15-20 years old. There is 50 possible respondents who can
participate in the research survey. The researcher’s criteria in choosing the respondents for this research
study. [1] Male or Female. [2] A Senior High School Students. [3] Studying at Our Lady of Fatima
University. [4] Willing to participate.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 13

3.4 Research Ethics

Research Ethics guided the rules of behavior for scientific researchers. To protect the dignity,
rights, and wellbeing of study participants, it is critical to follow ethical guidelines (WHO, n.d.)

The study of ethics, sometimes known as moral philosophy, is concerned with what is ethically
good and bad, right and wrong. The researchers should apply it while conducting their study. Participants'
confidentiality and privacy are very important. So in this study, the researchers will give a consent form
where their chosen respondent will answer if they are going to participate or not. The researchers will be
considerate of the respondents' rights. They have the freedom to choose whether they want to participate or
not in the research that we’re currently discussing. The researcher assured the participant’s safety. The
researchers will put honesty and quality of the study. Furthermore, any pieces of information about the
respondents will be kept confidential and keep private. Nonetheless, the researchers assured only the
truthful information.

3.5 Research Instruments

Due to the unexpected phenomena that we are facing, researchers tend to give alternatives to the
traditional way. Likewise, the researchers used the power of technology and the internet to gather the data
needed for the study. The researchers used the effectiveness of the Google Forms, whereby the researchers
will send the forms to the qualified respondent through the use of social media, such as messenger,
Facebook, and their OLFU Gmail account. The researcher's survey questionnaires are composed of 5 main
parts. Part 1 is composed of the demographic profile of the qualified respondents, such as age, sex, grade
level, strand, and how frequently the respondents purchased in a shop. Part 2 is composed of the
implementation of eco-friendly packaging, it contains 3 varied parts, (1) Customer Satisfaction (2)
Customers loyalty (3) Brand Image. Part 3 is composed of the effect of eco-friendly packaging on the
customer's satisfaction, which contains (insert the number of questions.) Part 4 is composed of the influence
of eco-friendly packaging on the loyalty of the customer, which contains (insert the number of questions).
Part 5 is composed of the relationship between eco-friendly packaging to the brand image. These questions
help the researchers to obtain the data for the study.

The researchers always want to have the consent of the qualified respondents. Through this,
researchers establish an informed consent that will solidify that the respondents are willing to answer the
survey honestly and correctly. Furthermore, this will not leave pressure on the respondents for permitting
them such as they have their own decisions and free will if they will be a part of this study or not. Qualified
respondents will go through the process of comprehension of the study and engaging with the needs of
informed consent.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 14

The Likert scale, according to Kushak Anjaria (2022), is a largely utilized psychometric scale in
doing questionnaires. It is the most approachable way to measure the respondent's answer. Similarly, it is a
rating system that many people operated to assess, evaluate and analyze the perspective and perceptions of
the respondents. (Susan Jamieson, 2007). In inclining to the research question, qualified respondents can
select from several options, respondents can either select "strongly agree," "agree," "neutral," "disagree,"
or "strongly disagree." It can either be numerically classified. If the respondents strongly agree, it is
equivalent to number 1, and so on. The researchers more likely used this because they want to know if the
respondents agree or disagree with the given set of questions. Furthermore, researchers can easily identify
and evaluate the answer of the respondents about the customer's satisfaction, loyalty, and brand image on
using eco-friendly packaging.

3.6 Data Collection

The researchers’ will gather 50 respondents to answer the questions using Non-probability
sampling technique which is purposive or judgmental sampling method. This method collects the selected
sample using the criteria set or rules. The respondents must be ages in 15-20 years old Senior High School
students in Our Lady of Fatima University specifically any or all strand. After looking for the qualified
respondents, the researchers must first ask the respondents if they wanted to be part of the research study
but they have the rights to answer or not the questionnaires given to them. After they agreed, the researchers
will send the survey questionnaires to them and they will explain what the aims are and how important their
participation is. Assuming that the data is gathered, the researchers will analyze it thoroughly.

3.7 Data Analysis

After the researchers collected the data from the respondents, the results are analyzed by using
Descriptive Statistics, particularly Frequency Percentage wherein it determines the percentage of the result
for each data. It also allows the researcher to simplify wide amounts of data.

In this study, the researchers used the formula of % = F/N x 100 wherein:

F= is the number of answers

N= total number of respondents


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 15

This formula is used to get the percentage of the profile of the respondents. The researchers divide
the frequency of answers by the total number of respondents and then multiply by 100. With that, the
researchers can get the frequency percentage.

Furthermore, the respondents also used the formula of the Mean and Standard Deviation to analyze
the results of the respondents' answers about the impact of eco-friendly packaging. So the
researchers add all the answers and divided them by the number of respondents who answered. And
to get the Standard Deviation, the researchers subtract the Mean2 to Mean.

4.0 Results and Discussion

4.1 Demographic Profile

Table 1
Respondents' Demographic Profile (N= 50)
Demographic Value Percentage
15-16 0 0%
17-18 45 90%
19 and above 5 10%

Male 16 32%
Female 34 68%

Grade Level
Grade 12 100 100%

ABM 27 54%
STEM 16 32%
HUMSS 7 14%
GAS 0 0%

Frequency of Purchase in Online Shop

Once a month 18 36%
Twice a month 19 38%
More than thrice per month 13 26%

Age. It shows that 90% of the respondents are from the age group of 17-18 years old (45), and 10%
are from the age group of 19 and above (5). The data shows that majority of the consumers of eco-friendly


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 16

packaging that the researchers had surveyed online are from the age group of 17-18 years old. Lauren
Manning (2021) also stated that Gen. Z is willing to spend more for products that meet its sustainability

Sex. It shows in table 1 that most of the respondents that the respondents had surveyed are Female
with 68% (34), and 32% of the respondents are Male (16). This shows that the majority (68%) of the
respondents that we surveyed about eco-friendly packaging are female. This is also shown in the study
conducted by the University of Notre Dame in 2016. They stated that shoppers that are more engaged in
the green behavior are stereotyped by other people as more feminine. They also find out that if they changed
the traditional marketing message about green products, and make them more masculine, then men were
more willing to go green.

Grade Level & Strand. The respondents in this research study are Grade 12 students of Our Lady
of Fatima University. It shows in table 1 that 54% of the respondents who answered the survey are from
Accountancy, Business, and Management Strand (27). Students from Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics are 32% (16), and only 14% are from the Humanities and Social Sciences (7).

.Frequency of Purchase. Based on the data in Table 1, 38% of the respondents are buying products
in a shop twice a month (19). Of the respondents who answered once a month 36% (18), and 26% of the
respondents chooses the option more than thrice per month. The data shows that the respondents that
researchers surveyed purchased in the shop twice a month.

4.2 Respondents’ perception of the green practices of businesses

Table 2
Respondents’ perception of the green practices of businesses
A. Customer’s Satisfaction
No. Item Mean SD
1 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I received made me 3.42 2.96
2 The eco-friend packaging of the product that I bought gave benefits 3.22 2.79
to my daily life.
3 The eco-friendly packaging that I bought is very appealing. 3.28 2.84
4 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I bought is very unique 3.3 2.86
and inviting.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 17

5 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I bought is not legit 2.36 2.04
and made me unsatisfied.

Table 2 shows the respondents’ perception of green practices and how it affects customer
satisfaction. It has an overall mean rating of 3.12. The following questions have the highest number of
responses on their perception of green practices and their effect on customer satisfaction: ranked 1; satisfied
by the eco-friendly packaging (Mean = 3.42), ranked 2; the packaging of the product is unique and inviting
(Mean = 3.3), ranked 3; the packaging is appealing (Mean = 3.28). The respondents believe that the
following questions have the least and lowest number of responses on their perception of green practices
and their effect on customer satisfaction: ranked 4; the packaging gave benefit in their life (Mean = 3.22),
ranked 5; the packaging they received is not legit and made them unsatisfied (Mean = 2.36).

Based on the results of the survey, it shows that eco-friendly packaging affects their satisfaction. It
shows that most of the respondents agreed that the eco-friendly packaging satisfies them, and they also
agreed that the product’s eco-friendly packaging is very unique and appealing, and with that, the
respondents are satisfied with it. It is also evident in the study of Paul Ward (2017), it stated that people
tend to buy and are willing to buy from those businesses that offer eco-friendly packaging rather than those
who are not. That only means that the respondent is more willing to buy and get satisfied with those
businesses that offer eco-friendly packaging.

Table 3
Respondents’ perception of the green practices of businesses
B. Customer’s Loyalty
No. Item Mean SD
6 Eco-friendly packaging can make me a loyal consumer. 3.12 2.67

7 High-quality eco-friendly packaging satisfies me, so I'll buy at the 3.28 2.86
store again.
8 Eco-friendly packaging with custom designs can make me visit the 3.26 2.81
store again.
9 The store's strong eco-friendly packaging can convince me to be a 3.12 2.70
loyal consumer.
10 I’ll be a loyal consumer if the store offers Eco-Friendly packaging. 3.14 2.73


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 18


Table 3 demonstrates the beliefs of the customers' loyalty with an overall mean rating of 3.18. In
customers' loyalty on eco-friendly packaging: ranked 1; high-quality eco-friendly packaging satisfies me,
so I'll buy at the store again. (Mean = 3.28), ranked 2; eco-friendly packaging with custom designs can
make me visit the store again. (Mean = 3.26), ranked 3; I’ll be a loyal consumer if the store offers Eco-
Friendly packaging. (Mean = 3.14), ranked 4.5; eco-friendly packaging can make me a loyal consumer.
(Mean = 3.12), ranked 4.5; the store's strong eco-friendly packaging can convince me to be a loyal
consumer. (Mean = 3.12).

The ranking results of the survey that was performed and responded to by respondents are shown
in this table. The majority of Grade 12 students across all strands are purchasing products with
environmentally friendly packaging, making them loyal customers. Based on the results of an online poll
conducted by the researcher, most of the students strongly agree that high-quality eco-friendly packaging
satisfies them made them buy to the store again, it results in the highest rank, which is 3.28, compared to
eco-friendly packaging can make me a loyal consumer, and The store's strong eco-friendly packaging can
convince me to be a loyal consumer, who both got 3.12.

To conclude, eco-packaging has a big impact on your business. The table shows that consumers
prefer eco-friendly products. You are not only helping the environment, but you can also gain loyal

Table 4
Respondents’ perception of the green practices of businesses
C. Brand Image
No. Item Mean SD
11 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I bought influence 3.36 2.90
other people to buy on their brand too.
12 The implementation of eco-friendly packaging made me trust their 3.32 2.88
13 The implementation of eco-friendly packaging made me satisfied and 3.5 3.05
repurchase to their company.
14 The mission of the company to reduce waste made me purchase to 3.38 2.93


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 19

15 The mission of the company on making it reusable made me love their 3.28 2.84

Table 4 shows the respondents’ perception of green practices of customer and its effect to brand
image. The respondent’s answer inflict an overall mean rating of 3.37. The following questions have the
greatest and highest number of response: ranked 1; the implementation of eco-friendly packaging made
them repurchase (Mean = 3.5), ranked 2; the mission of the company to reduce waste made them purchase
(Mean = 3.38), ranked 3; the eco-friendly packaging of the product that I bought influence other people to
buy on their brand too (Mean = 3.36), ranked 4; the implementation of eco-friendly packaging made me
trust their company (Mean = 3.32), ranked 5; the mission of the company on making it reusable made me
love their brand (Mean = 3.28).

It shows in the table 4 the result of the survey that was conducted by the researchers. Most of the
respondents agreed that the implementation of the eco-friendly packaging made them repurchase in the
company, which is 3.5, the highest rank in the survey. This means that they are most likely engaged in the
implementation of the eco-friendly packaging that made them satisfied and repurchase the company. And
the lowest is the mission of the company on making it reusable made me love their brand. In addition, the
overall rating based on the table, the customer will purchase the product because the packaging was eco-
friendly, and also purchasing the product without hesitation that they can help to reduce waste material.
The data shows that eco-friendly packaging affects the brand image of the company because the respondents
agreed that they love and repurchase to the company that offers eco-friendly packaging.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 20

4.3 Customer’s Satisfaction on Eco-friendly packaging

Table 5
Respondents’ answer to the customer’s satisfaction on eco-friendly packaging
No Item Mean SD

16 The unique uses of eco-friendly packaging allow me to attain my 3.34 2.88

17 The sufficiency of eco-friendly packaging allows me to attain my 3.32 3.10
18 The purpose of eco-friendly packaging allows me to attain my 3.32 2.90
19 The environmental advantage of eco-friendly packaging allows me to 3.52 3.07
attain my satisfaction.
20 The eco-friendly packaging encourages me to purchase. 3.3 2.86

21 Less use of plastics as packaging helps me to reach my satisfaction. 3.38 2.95

22 The convenience of the use of eco-friendly packaging helps me to 3.34 2.89

reach my satisfaction.
23 The usefulness of eco-friendly packaging helps me to reach my 3.4 2.95
24 The benefits that eco-friendly packaging provides help me to reach my 3.4 2.95
25 The eco-friendly packaging makes me fascinated. 3.44 2.98

Overall Mean 3.38

Table number 5 proposes customer satisfaction regarding eco-friendly packaging. The respondent's
answers inflict an overall mean rating of 3.38. The following questions have the greatest and highest number
of responses in answering the effect of eco-friendly packaging on customer satisfaction: ranked 1;
Environment advantage of eco-friendly packaging (Mean = 3.52), ranked 2; Fascinated by the eco-friendly
packaging (Mean = 3.44), ranked 3.5; Usefulness of eco-friendly packaging (Mean = 3.4), ranked 3.5;
Benefit of eco-friendly packaging (Mean = 3.4), and ranked 5; Less use of plastic (Mean = 3.38). The
respondents believe that the following questions have the least and slightest number of responses in
answering the effect of eco-friendly packaging on customer satisfaction: ranked 6.5; Unique uses of eco-
friendly packaging (Mean = 3.34), ranked 6.5; Convenience of eco-friendly packaging (Mean = 3.34),
ranked 8.5; Sufficiency of eco-friendly packaging (Mean = 3.32), and ranked 8.5; Purpose of eco-friendly
packaging (Mean = 3.32).


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 21

As a whole, the table shows that the customers "Agree" that the eco-friendly packaging meets their
satisfaction. Löfgren & Witell (2005) state that the quality attributes of packaging, such as recyclable
material and resealability, are attractive to customers and influence the decision to buy and use the product.

Based on the results that have been performed by the researchers, most of the respondents affect
their customer satisfaction by the environmental advantage of eco-friendly packaging. This means that they
are more likely to engage with eco-friendly packaging because it helps the environment. According to
Kautish et al., environmental knowledge and recognition influence the possible and actual behavior of
consumers. This also entails the product prices, quality aspects and the most important is the manner of
being responsible.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 22

4.4 Customer’s Loyalty on Eco-friendly packaging

Table 6
Respondents’ answer to the customer’s loyalty on eco-friendly packaging
No Item Mean SD

16 In purchasing eco-friendly packaging, I tend to purchase when I knew

I can use it personally. 3.42 2.50

17 I tend to purchase eco-friendly packaging to save the earth. 3.5 2.69

18 As a student, I just purchase eco-friendly packaging when I meet the

expectations of the quality of the product. 3.4 2.54

19 I know that purchasing eco-friendly packaging can help our society to

have less plastics. 3.56 2.95

20 Purchasing eco-friendly packaging can influence other people to buy it

too. 3.46 2.60

21 I tend to buy eco-friendly packaging products to help the environment 3.48 2.72

22 Eco-friendly packing teach the consumers and other people to help the
environment. 3.5 2.69

23 I buy eco-friendly packaging because it is more aesthetic and

minimalist than packaging that is not eco-friendly. 3.28 2.19

24 Eco-friendly packing is more convenient. 3.52 2.69

25 I can use it repeatedly or i can use eco-friendly packaging in different

ways. 3.52 2.73

Overall Mean 3.46

In table number 6, it demonstrate the beliefs of the customers' loyalty with an overall mean rating
of 3.46. In customers' loyalty on eco-friendly packaging: ranked 1; eco-friendly packaging can help our
society to have less plastics (Mean = 3.56), ranked 2; more convenient (Mean = 3.52), ranked 3; can use it
repeatedly or can use eco-friendly packaging in different ways (Mean = 3.52), ranked 4; purchase eco-
friendly packaging to save the earth (Mean = 3.5), ranked 5; teach the consumers and other people to help
the environment, (Mean = 3.5). The following are the questions that got the least number of responses to


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 23

Customer's Loyalty: ranked 6; eco-friendly packaging products benefit the environment (Mean = 3.48),
ranked 7; purchasing eco-friendly packaging can influence other people to buy it (Mean = 3.46), ranked 8;
personally used it (Mean = 3.42), ranked 9; met product quality expectations (Mean = 3.4), and ranked 10;
more aesthetic and minimalist (Mean = 3.28).

This table shows the ranking results of the survey that was conducted and answered by respondents.
It is clearly stated that the majority of the Grade 12 students of all strands are purchasing products with eco-
friendly packaging that makes them loyal customers. Based on the researcher's findings through an online
survey, most of the students strongly agree that the benefits that eco-friendly packaging provides to society
in removing the use of plastics remind them to purchase products and stay loyal, which results in the highest
rank, which is 3.56, compared to its aesthetic and minimalist features that has 3.28.

Hughes Enterprises (2022) stated that by choosing eco-friendly packaging, you're demonstrating
that your company is committed to reducing its environmental impact. Consumers are now inquiring not
only about the things they buy, but also about the impact of their purchases. As a result, the data show that
customers' loyalty to sustainable packaging influences respondents' purchasing intentions.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 24

4.5 Brand image of eco-friendly packaging

Table 7
Respondent’s answer to brand image of eco-friendly packaging

No. Item Mean SD

An eco-friendly packaging that has an easily identifiable brand name 3.28 2.83
that creates attractions will help to develop brand loyalty to a
Eco-friendly packaging minimizes the amount of packaging material 3.48 3.02
used to ship goods and Reduce Contamination of Recycling or
A company that offers eco-friendly packaging leaves a good image on 3.46 3.01
The brand image that the product's packaging promotes should 3.4 2.97
differentiate it from competitors, especially when the products are
If the brands that they use consistently deliver a positive experience, 3.3 2.86
they’re giving consumers a peace of mind when buying.
As a student, I am willing to buy a product if the company has a good 3.4 2.97
For me, a product that have an eco-friendly packaging reflects a good 3.46 3.02
quality to the market.
I will likely to purchase a product if it has an eco-friendly packaging. 3.46 3.00

In my own opinion, products with eco-friendly packaging may increase 3.48 3.03
the good brand image of the company.
Brand image of the company has a direct impact to the consumer's 3.48 3.04
decision in buying their products.
Overall Mean 3.42

Table 6 presents the significant relationship between eco-friendly packaging and brand image. It
has come up with the total mean of 3.42. The following questions have the highest number of responses in
answering to brand image of eco-friendly packaging: ranked 1; Eco-friendly packaging minimizes the


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 25

amount of packaging material used to ship goods and Reduce Contamination of Recycling or Compost,
Products with eco-friendly packaging may increase the good brand image and Brand image of the company
has a direct impact to the consumer's decision (Mean = 3.48), ranked 2: Eco-friendly packaging leaves a
good image on me, Product that have an eco-friendly packaging reflects a good quality to the market and I
will likely to purchase a product if it has an eco-friendly packaging (Mean = 3.46), ranked 3: Product's
packaging promotes should differentiate it from competitors and Company has a good image (Mean = 3.4),
ranked 4:Brands that they use consistently deliver a positive experience (Mean = 3.3, ranked 5: Eco-friendly
packaging that has an easily identifiable brand name (Mean = 3.28)

Based on findings on the online survey that is conducted by the researcher, the majority of the
students believes that the eco-friendly packaging that minimizes the amount of packaging material used to
ship goods and Reduce Contamination of Recycling or Compost affects the brand image of the company
and products with eco-friendly packaging increases the good brand image of the company. Furthermore,
the respondents also believes that the brand image of the company has a direct impact to the consumer's
purchasing decision. All the three questions have the highest rank and mean compared to the eco-friendly
packaging that has an easily identifiable brand name got a lowest rank and mean. Therefore, this result says
that having eco-friendly packaging can improve the brand image of the company or a business.

According to The Unique Group (2018) a lot of customers are appreciate the companies who used
eco-friendly packaging products because it helps the environment. If a company wants to improve its brand
image eco-friendly packaging is the best way to do because a lot of people nowadays are concern in the
environment. Therefore, the findings reveal there is a significant relationship between eco-friendly
packaging and brand image, eco-friendly packaging also affects the purchasing intentions of the customers.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 26



4 4.00 - 3.00 Strongly Agree
3 2.99 - 2.00 Agree
2 1.99 - 1.00 Disagree
1 1.00 - 0.99 Strongly Disagree

Sub-variable Overall Mean Every Sub- Explanation

Perception of Green practices in terms of:
Customer Satisfaction 3.12 Strongly Agree
Customer Loyalty 3.18 Strongly Agree
Brand Image 3.37 Strongly Agree

Customer Satisfaction 3.38 Strongly Agree

Customer Loyalty 3.46 Strongly Agree
Brand Image 3.42 Strongly Agree

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

Researchers reached the following results after conducting a comprehensive investigation and
analysis. Going green is one of the most controversial things in society, especially in businesses. Through
the years, many people became more environmentally aware of the issues in our environment, and are now
engaged and have the will to buy into the businesses that have green practices. The primary goal of this
study is to know the impact of eco-friendly packaging on the purchase intention of consumers, specifically
when it comes to customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the brand image of the company.

After evaluating the findings, the researchers discovered that the majority of survey respondents
were female and ranged in age from 17 to 18 years old. According to the result of the frequency of purchase
in an online shop, 19 participants answered twice a month, which is the highest among the three possibilities
with 19 responses. The result determined that the environmental advantages of eco-friendly packaging
allow the consumer to attain satisfaction and have the highest rank on the survey on customer satisfaction
with a mean of 3.52, which means that the respondents are more satisfied with the eco-friendly packaging
because of the contribution that it gives to the environment. The lowest rank on the survey is the eco-


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 27

friendly packaging that encourages them to purchase with a mean of 3.3. The difference between the mean
of the highest and the lowest is not that big but it only shows that there are people who consider not just
eco-friendly packaging to purchase in a shop. In terms of Customer Satisfaction, respondents most
frequently answered that the effects of eco-friendly packaging that lessens the plastic in the society make
them loyal to a brand. This only shows that people are more aware of the effect that eco-friendly packaging
bring. Eco-friendly packaging that meets the expectations, ranked as the least answered by the respondents
with a mean of 3.4. For the brand image, a company that offers eco-friendly packaging, the brand image of
the company, and the usage of eco-friendly packaging to lessen the materials used got the highest rank with
a mean of 3.48. This only means that the implementation of eco-friendly packaging in a business makes a
big impact on the company, especially on its brand image of them. The positive experience that the company
constantly gives got the lower rank with a mean of 3.3.

The results showed that eco-friendly bags influence customer purchasing intention, specifically
their satisfaction, loyalty, and the company's brand image. As the researchers evaluated and analyzed the
data from researcher respondents. It encourages customers to shop at stores that utilize environmentally
friendly packaging rather than plastic bags. It also encourage everyone to be more environmentally aware.
Based on the findings of the study, retailers should consider consumer intentions to increase their income
and target market. Not only that, but they might also reduce the use of plastic bags, which would benefit
the environment.

The findings also revealed the overall mean of every sub-variable. The overall mean for Customer
Satisfaction is 3.38. The overall mean for Customer Loyalty is 3.46, and the overall mean for Brand Image
is 3.42. Based on the indicators for the 4-point Likert scale, these overall means fall in the range of 4.00-
3.00 which means that the student-respondents “strongly agreed” with the survey that the researchers
conducted. These results demonstrates that eco-friendly packaging, therefore, has an impact, influence, and
relationship to the customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, and brand image of the company.

5.2 Recommendation
This study revealed the impact of eco-friendly packaging on the purchase intention of the Grade 12
Students of Our Lady of Fatima University. Based on the conclusion presented, the following
recommendations are hereby suggested:

Since the impact of eco-friendly packaging has been presented, it is suggested that practicing and
implementing eco-friendly packaging in a business is important. As more people become environmentally


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 28

aware of what is the effect of plastics on the environment, they are more engaged and willing to buy in the
company that offer eco-friendly packaging. Additionally, the researchers suggested that businesses should
implement the usage of eco-friendly packaging as it helps the business to satisfy, and gain the loyalty of
their consumers, as well as make their brand image more impactful.

This research encouraged business owners in considering eco-friendly packaging as it has more
impact on the customers and consumers. Moreover, eco-friendly packaging helps to lessen the possible
damage by pollution and trashes. It is more appealing to the customers if your business, product, or even
your packaging has contributed to having a healthy environment and diminishing chaos in our ecosystem.
Furthermore, this research helps the business owner to know the importance and possibilities for the growth
of their packaging. This research also suggests that consumers should constantly consider eco-friendly
packaging when purchasing products, according to this study. This benefits both their community and the
environment. As a result, future researchers will have a better understanding. Future studies may be able to
understand the significance of eco-friendly packaging as well as the factors that impact customers' decisions
to purchase products with eco-friendly packaging. In addition, this researcher also suggests taking this as
an opportunity to gather more knowledge and widen the study on this topic. In that way, many people can
benefit from this study


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 29



Part I. Profile of the Respondent

In this section, please select one (1) item from the choices.

Age 15-16 y/o

17-18 y/o
19 y/o and above

Sex Male

Grade Level Grade 12

Strand Science, Engineering, Technology, Mathematics (STEM)

Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
General Academic Strand (GAS)

Frequency of
Purchase in a Shop Atleast once a month
Twice a month
More than thrice per month


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 30

Part II: How student-respondents perceive green practice.

In this section, we are assessing how student-respondent perceived green practices. Please
select one (1) from the scale given below.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
(3) (2)
A. Customer's Satisfaction (4) (1)
1. The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I
received made me satisfied.
2. The eco-friend packaging of the product that I
bought gave benefits to my daily life.
3. The eco-friendly packaging that I bought is very
4. The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I
bought is very unique and inviting.
5. The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I
bought is not legit and made me unsatisfied.

Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
(3) (2)
B. Customer's Loyalty (4) (1)
Eco-friendly packaging can make me a loyal
High-quality eco-friendly packaging satisfies me, so I'll
buy at the store again.
Eco-friendly packaging with custom designs can make
me visit the store again.
The store's strong eco-friendly packaging can
convince me to be a loyal consumer.
I’ll be a loyal consumer if the store offers Eco-Friendly

Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
(3) (2)
C. Brand Image (4) (1)
11. The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I
bought influence other people to buy on their brand
12. The implementation of eco-friendly packaging
made me trust their company.
13. The implementation of eco-friendly packaging
made me satisfied and repurchase to their company.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 31

14. The mission of the company to reduce waste

made me purchase to them.
15. The mission of the company on making it reusable
made me love their brand.

Part III. Effect of Eco-Friendly packaging to Customer's Satisfaction

In this section, we are assessing how eco-friendly packaging affect the Customer's Loyalty.
Please select one (1) from the scale given below.
Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree
(3) (2)
(4) (1)
The unique uses of eco-friendly packaging allow me
to attain my satisfaction.
The sufficiency of eco-friendly packing allows me to
attain my satisfaction.
The purpose of eco-friendly packaging allows me to
attain my satisfaction.
The environmental advantages of eco-friendly
packaging allow me to attain my satisfaction.
The eco-friendly packaging encourages me to
Less use of plastics as packaging helps me to reach
my satisfaction.
The convenience of the use of eco-friendly packaging
helps me to reach my satisfaction.
The usefulness of eco-friendly packaging helps me to
reach my satisfaction.
The benefits that eco-friendly packaging provides
help me to reach my satisfaction.

The eco-friendly packaging makes me fascinated.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 32

Part IV. Influence of Eco-Friendly Packaging on the Customer's Loyalty

In this section, we are assessing the influence of the eco-friendly packaging. Please select one (1) from
the scale given below.
Strongl Strongl
y Agre Disagre y
Agree e (3) e (2) Disagre
(4) e (1)

26. In purchasing eco-friendly packaging, I tend to purchase

when I knew I can use it personally.

27. Since there's an issue about our environment today, I tend

to purchase eco-friendly packaging to save the earth.

28. As a student, I just purchase eco-friendly packaging when I

meet the expectations of the quality of the product.

29. I know that purchasing eco-friendly packaging can help our

society to have less plastics.

30. Purchasing eco-friendly packaging can influence other

people to buy it too.

31. I tend to buy eco-friendly packaging products to help the


32. Eco-friendly packing teach the consumers and other people

to help the environment.

33. I buy eco-friendly packaging because it is more aesthetic and

minimalist than packaging that is not eco-friendly.

34. Eco-friendly packing is more convenient.

35. I can use it repeatedly or i can use eco-friendly packaging in

different ways.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 33

Part V. Relationsip of Eco-Friendly packaging and Brand Image

In this section, we are assessing the relationship of eco-friendly packaging and brand image. Please
select one (1) from the scale given below.
Strong Strongl
ly Agre Disagre y
Agree e (3) e (2) Disagre
(4) e (1)
An eco-friendly packaging that has an easily identifiable brand
name that creates attractions will help to develop brand loyalty
to a consumer.
Eco-friendly packaging minimizes the amount of packaging
material used to ship goods and Reduce Contamination of
Recycling or Compost.
A company that offers eco-friendly packaging leaves a good
image on me.

The brand image that the product's packaging promotes should

differentiate it from competitors, especially when the products
are similar.
If the brands that they use consistently deliver a positive
experience, they’re giving consumers a peace of mind when

As a student, I am willing to buy a product if the company has a

good image.

For me, a product that have an eco-friendly packaging reflects a

good quality to the market
I will likely to purchase a product if it has an eco-friendly

In my own opinion, products with eco-friendly packaging may

increase the good brand image of the company.

Brand image of the company has a direct impact to the

consumer's decision in buying their products


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 34



Good Day, Respondents!

We are senior high school students from Our Lady of Fatima University-Valenzuela from ABM 12-5
(Group 5) and are currently conducting a research on the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-
friendly packaging on the purchase intention of Senior High School Student in Our Lady of Fatima
University" as part of our requirement for the subject, Research Project. If you are a senior high school
student of Our Lady of Fatima University, Valenzuela and is currently enrolled in 2st semester, SY 2021-
2022, we humbly request your kind participation to complete this short survey questionnaire in order to
fulfill the objectives of this research.

This survey questionnaire would take for about 8-10 minutes to be completed. If you have any concern
regarding this research study, feel free to contact the representative of this group at: or 09687094929

Thank you very much!


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 35



Table 1
Respondents' Demographic Profile (N= 50)
Demographic Value Percentage
15-16 0 0%
17-18 45 90%
19 and above 5 10%

Male 16 32%
Female 34 68%

Grade Level
Grade 12 100 100%

ABM 27 54%
STEM 16 32%
HUMSS 7 14%
GAS 0 0%

Frequency of Purchase in Online Shop

Once a month 18 36%
Twice a month 19 38%
More than thrice per month 13 26%

Table 2
Respondents’ perception of the green practices of businesses
A. Customer’s Satisfaction
No. Item Mean SD
1 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I received made me 3.42 2.96
2 The eco-friend packaging of the product that I bought gave benefits 3.22 2.79
to my daily life.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 36

3 The eco-friendly packaging that I bought is very appealing. 3.28 2.84

4 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I bought is very unique 3.3 2.86
and inviting.
5 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I bought is not legit 2.36 2.04
and made me unsatisfied.

Table 3
Respondents’ perception of the green practices of businesses
B. Customer’s Loyalty
No. Item Mean SD
6 Eco-friendly packaging can make me a loyal consumer. 3.12 2.67

7 High-quality eco-friendly packaging satisfies me, so I'll buy at the 3.28 2.86
store again.
8 Eco-friendly packaging with custom designs can make me visit the 3.26 2.81
store again.
9 The store's strong eco-friendly packaging can convince me to be a 3.12 2.70
loyal consumer.
10 I’ll be a loyal consumer if the store offers Eco-Friendly packaging. 3.14 2.73


Table 4
Respondents’ perception of the green practices of businesses
C. Brand Image
No. Item Mean SD
11 The eco-friendly packaging of the product that I bought influence 3.36 2.90
other people to buy on their brand too.
12 The implementation of eco-friendly packaging made me trust their 3.32 2.88
13 The implementation of eco-friendly packaging made me satisfied and 3.5 3.05
repurchase to their company.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 37

14 The mission of the company to reduce waste made me purchase to 3.38 2.93
15 The mission of the company on making it reusable made me love their 3.28 2.84

Table 5
Respondents’ answer to the customer’s satisfaction on eco-friendly packaging
No Item Mean SD

16 The unique uses of eco-friendly packaging allow me to attain my 3.34 2.88

17 The sufficiency of eco-friendly packaging allows me to attain my 3.32 3.10
18 The purpose of eco-friendly packaging allows me to attain my 3.32 2.90
19 The environmental advantage of eco-friendly packaging allows me to 3.52 3.07
attain my satisfaction.
20 The eco-friendly packaging encourages me to purchase. 3.3 2.86

21 Less use of plastics as packaging helps me to reach my satisfaction. 3.38 2.95

22 The convenience of the use of eco-friendly packaging helps me to 3.34 2.89

reach my satisfaction.
23 The usefulness of eco-friendly packaging helps me to reach my 3.4 2.95
24 The benefits that eco-friendly packaging provides help me to reach my 3.4 2.95
25 The eco-friendly packaging makes me fascinated. 3.44 2.98

Overall Mean 3.38

Table 6
Respondents’ answer to the customer’s loyalty on eco-friendly packaging
No Item Mean SD
16 In purchasing eco-friendly packaging, I tend to purchase when I knew 3.42 2.50
I can use it personally.
17 I tend to purchase eco-friendly packaging to save the earth. 3.5 2.69


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 38

18 As a student, I just purchase eco-friendly packaging when I meet the 3.4 2.54
expectations of the quality of the product.
19 I know that purchasing eco-friendly packaging can help our society to 3.56 2.95
have less plastics.
20 Purchasing eco-friendly packaging can influence other people to buy it 3.46 2.60
21 I tend to buy eco-friendly packaging products to help the environment 3.48 2.72
22 Eco-friendly packing teach the consumers and other people to help the 3.5 2.69
23 I buy eco-friendly packaging because it is more aesthetic and 3.28 2.19
minimalist than packaging that is not eco-friendly.
24 Eco-friendly packing is more convenient. 3.52 2.69
25 I can use it repeatedly or i can use eco-friendly packaging in different 3.52 2.73
Overall Mean 3.46

Table 7
Respondent’s answer to brand image of eco-friendly packaging

No. Item Mean SD

An eco-friendly packaging that has an easily identifiable brand name 3.28 2.83
that creates attractions will help to develop brand loyalty to a
Eco-friendly packaging minimizes the amount of packaging material 3.48 3.02
used to ship goods and Reduce Contamination of Recycling or
A company that offers eco-friendly packaging leaves a good image on 3.46 3.01
The brand image that the product's packaging promotes should 3.4 2.97
differentiate it from competitors, especially when the products are
If the brands that they use consistently deliver a positive experience, 3.3 2.86
they’re giving consumers a peace of mind when buying.


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 39

As a student, I am willing to buy a product if the company has a good 3.4 2.97
For me, a product that have an eco-friendly packaging reflects a good 3.46 3.02
quality to the market.
I will likely to purchase a product if it has an eco-friendly packaging. 3.46 3.00

In my own opinion, products with eco-friendly packaging may increase 3.48 3.03
the good brand image of the company.
Brand image of the company has a direct impact to the consumer's 3.48 3.04
decision in buying their products.
Overall Mean 3.42


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 40




Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Impact of Eco-friendly… 41


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