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Review Article

Anaesthesia for patient with chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease

Address for correspondence: Devika Rani Duggappa, G Venkateswara Rao1, Sudheesh Kannan
Dr. Sudheesh Kannan, Department of Anaesthesiology, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru, 1Department
314/2/5 Durganjali Nilaya, of Anaesthesiology, Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences, Bellary, Karnataka, India
1st H Cross, 7th Main,
Subbanna Garden, Vijayanagar,
Bengaluru ‑ 560 040, ABSTRACT
Karnataka, India.
E‑mail: drsudhi@rediffmail.com;
The chronic obstructive pulmonary disease has become a disease of public health importance.
Among the various risk factors, smoking remains the main culprit. In addition to airway obstruction,
Access this article online
the presence of intrinsic positive end expiratory pressure, respiratory muscle dysfunction
contributes to the symptoms of the patient. Perioperative management of these patients includes
Website: www.ijaweb.org
identification of modifiable risk factors and their optimisation. Use of regional anaesthesia alone or
DOI: 10.4103/0019-5049.165859 in combination with general anaesthesia improves pulmonary functions and reduces the incidence
Quick response code of post‑operative pulmonary complications.

Key words: Anaesthesia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, management, perioperative

INTRODUCTION occurs. Chronic bronchitis without chronic airflow

obstruction is not included with COPD.[2]
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a
chronic progressive inflammatory condition resulting Risk factors
in expiratory airflow limitation that is not reversible. 1. Cigarette smoking: 80% of patients with COPD
The global initiative for COPD guideline (GOLD) have significant exposure to tobacco smoking[3]
defines COPD as follows: ‘COPD is a preventable and and manifest with accelerated decline in the
volume of air exhaled in the forced expiratory
treatable disease with some significant extrapulmonary
volume at 1 s (FEV1), in a dose response
effects that may contribute to the severity in
relationship to the intensity of cigarette
individual patients. The airway limitation (pulmonary
smoking. Effects of passive smoking on COPD is
component) is usually progressive and associated
with an abnormal inflammatory response of the
2. Increased airway responsiveness to various
lung to noxious particles or gases and is not fully
exogenous stimuli
3. Respiratory infections
4. Occupational exposures: Exposure to dust at
COPD is a disease of increasing public health
importance around the world. GOLD estimates suggest
that COPD will rise from the sixth to third most
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
common cause of death world wide by 2020.[1] Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
COPD includes: (i) Emphysema a condition
For reprints contact: reprints@medknow.com
characterised by destruction and enlargement of the
lung alveoli; (ii) chronic bronchitis a condition with
chronic cough and phlegm; and (iii) small airway How to cite this article: Duggappa DR, Rao GV, Kannan S.
disease in which small bronchioles are narrowed. Anaesthesia for patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
COPD is present only if chronic airflow obstruction Indian J Anaesth 2015;59:574-83.

574 © 2015 Indian Journal of Anaesthesia | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow

Duggappa, et al.: Anaesthesia for COPD

work e.g. coal mining, gold mining and cotton total lung capacity). During spontaneous breathing,
textile dust the high expiratory airway resistance, combined with
5. Ambient air pollution expiratory flow limitation, low elastic recoil, high
6. Genetic: Severe anti‑trypsin (α1 AT) deficiency is ventilatory demands and short expiratory time due
a proven genetic risk factor for COPD.[2] A recent to the increased respiratory rate, may not permit the
study has found a genetic variant (FAM13A), respiratory system to reach the elastic equilibrium
associated with the development of COPD in volume (i.e., passive functional residual capacity [FRC])
the COPD gene study.[4] at end‑expiration. This phenomenon is commonly
referred to as dynamic hyperinflation.[6,7] Thus, an
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY elastic threshold load (intrinsic positive end expiratory
pressure [PEEPi]) is imposed on the inspiratory muscles
COPD is a combination of inflammatory small airway
at the beginning of inspiration and increases the amount
disease (obstructive bronchiolitis) and parenchymal
of the inspiratory effort needed for gas flow.[8]
destruction (emphysema) and affects central and
peripheral airway, lung parenchyma and pulmonary Auto positive end expiratory pressure [Intrinsic positive
vasculature. This leads to poorly reversible narrowing end expiratory pressure (PEEPi)]
of the airway, remodelling of airway smooth muscle, Patients with severe COPD often breathe in a
increased numbers of goblet cells and mucus‑secreting pattern that interrupts expiration before the alveolar
glands and pulmonary vasculature changes resulting pressure has decreased to atmospheric pressure. This
in pulmonary hypertension.
incomplete expiration is due to a combination of
Airway obstruction factors which include flow limitation, increased work
The major site of obstruction is found in the smaller of respiration and increased airway resistance. This
conducting airway (<2 mm in diameter). Processes interruption leads to an increase of the end‑expiratory
contributing to obstruction in the small conducting lung volume above the FRC. This PEEP in the alveoli
airway include disruption of the epithelial barrier, at rest has been termed auto‑PEEP or PEEPi. During
interference with mucociliary clearance apparatus spontaneous respiration the intrapleural pressure will
that results in accumulation of inflammatory mucous have to be decreased to a level which counteracts
exudates in the small airway lumen, infiltration of the PEEPi before inspiratory flow can begin. Thus, COPD
airway walls by inflammatory cells and deposition patients can have an increased inspiratory load added
of connective tissue in the airway wall. Fibrosis to their already increased expiratory load.[9]
surrounding the small airway appears to be a significant
contributor. This remodelling and repair thickens the Respiratory muscle dysfunction
airway walls, reduces lumen calibre and restricts the Hyperinflation can push the diaphragm in to a
normal increase in calibre produced by lung inflation. flattened position with a number of adverse effects:
1. By decreasing the zone of apposition between
Increased resistance of the small conducting the diaphragm and the abdominal wall,
airway and increased compliance of the lung as a positive abdominal pressure during inspiration
result of emphysematous destruction, causes the is not applied as effectively to the chest wall,
prolonged time constant. This constant is reflected in hindering rib cage movement and impairing
measurements of the FEV1 and its ratio to forced vital inspiration
capacity (FEV1/FVC), which are reliable screening tools 2. Because the muscle fibres of the diaphragm
because they are affected by both airway obstruction are shorter than those of normally curved
and emphysema.[5] In contrast to asthma, reduced FEV1 diaphragm they are less capable of generating
in COPD seldom shows large responses to inhaled
inspiratory pressures than normal
bronchodilators, although improvement up to 15%
3. The flattened diaphragm must generate greater
are common. Maximal inspiratory flow can be well
tension to develop transpulmonary pressure
preserved in the presence of markedly reduced FEV1.[2]
required to produce tidal breathing.[2]
Dynamic hyperinflation
In COPD there is ‘air trapping’ (increased residual In COPD dynamic hyperinflation, excessive resistive
volume and increased ratio of residual volume to total load and high ventilatory demands are factors leading
lung capacity) and progressive hyperinflation (increased to respiratory muscle dysfunction.

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Gas exchange impairment Table 1: Signs and symptoms in patients with COPD
Non‑uniform ventilation and ventilation‑perfusion Signs and symptoms Clinical correlate
mismatch are characteristics of COPD, due to Orthopnoea, dyspnoea Pulmonary and cardiac impairment
the heterogenous nature of the disease process Happy wheezer, pink puffer COPD
Cyanosis Severe restriction, right to left shunt
within airway and lung parenchyma. Ventilation/
‘Barrel chest’ decreased Emphysema
perfusion (V/Q) mismatching causes reduction in PaO2: breath sounds
but shunting is minimal. This finding explains the Prolonged expiration, wheeze Asthma
effectiveness of modest elevation of inspired oxygen Rough breath sounds Pulmonary oedema, retained
in treating hypoxaemia due to COPD. PaO2 usually secretions, pneumonia
Fine crackles Pneumonia, atelectasis, fibrosis
remains near normal until FEV1 is decreased to 50% of
Friction sounds Pleuritis
predicted and elevation of PaCO2 is not seen until FEV1 Inspiratory stridor Interstitial oedema
is <25%.[2] Hypercapnia, if present, reflects both V/Q Expiratory stridor Asthma, COPD
mismatching and alveolar hypoventilation, the later COPD – Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
resulting from both respiratory muscle dysfunction
and increased ventilatory requirements.[10] A positive cough test and smoking more than 40 pack
years were found to be among the best predictors
Pulmonary hypertension severe enough to cause of PPCs.[18] Age over 60 years, spirometric
corpulmonale and right heart failure is seen when changes (FEV1  <1 L), duration of anaesthesia (>3 h),
there is marked decrease in FEV1  <25% along with surgeries of upper torso, and use of nasogastric tube
chronic hypoxaemia PaO2 <55 mm Hg.[2] pre‑operatively increase the incidence of respiratory
Extrapulmonary effects
It also has significant extrapulmonary effects, the Simple bedside pulmonary function tests using Wrights
so‑called systemic effects of COPD. Weight loss, respirometer, De Bono’s Whistle still have some utility
nutritional abnormalities and skeletal muscle in clinical assessment of severity of disease.[20] A study
dysfunction are well‑recognised systemic effects carried out by Viecili et  al. found a good correlation
of COPD.[11] Cardiovascular dysfunction is usually between maximum voluntary breath holding time and
related to acute and chronic blood gas derangement, pulmonary function tests (FEV1 and FVC), with lower
dynamic hyperinflation and increased right breath holding times in patients with COPD compared
ventricular afterload.[12] Pulmonary hypertension is with that of controls.[21] Electrocardiogram helps to
increasingly being recognised as a contributing factor rule out ischaemic heart disease in these patients.
to the morbidity, and mortality associated with COPD. Although not regularly recommended in stable COPD
Approximately, 10–30% of patients with moderate patients, (NICE guidelines) chest X‑ray is useful to rule
to severe COPD have elevated pulmonary pressures out lower respiratory infection and occult malignancy
and severe acidosis occurs in < 5% of patients.[13] in patients showing recent deterioration in symptoms.
Left ventricular dysfunction is commonly associated The presence of extensive bullous disease on a chest
as these patients are frequently old and suffer from X‑ray highlights the risk of pneumothorax.[22] FEV1,
several risk factors for coronary artery disease.[14] FVC and the ratio of the two will help us differentiate
between obstructive and restrictive pathology.
PRE‑OPERATIVE EVALUATION AND OPTIMISATION A reduction in PEFR indicates early airway obstruction
and a reduction in FEF 25–75% indicates small
Pre‑operative evaluation aims at finding out the airway obstruction.[23] The incidence of PPCs (except
degree of impairment, identification of modifiable risk atelectasis) most often parallels the severity of
factors and their optimisation which can influence the respiratory impairment (moderate, if FEV1‑50–80%;
perioperative outcome. Signs and symptoms of COPD severe, if FEV1  <50%). In patients undergoing lung
are listed in Table 1. resection, a FEV1 below 60% has been shown to carry a
two to threefold increased risk for operative mortality
Upper respiratory infections should be ruled out and and major respiratory complications.[24]
treated as a cause of increased secretions and airway
hyper‑reactivity. History of smoking and presence of Presence of pulmonary hypertension worsens
wheeze, prolonged expiration increases the risk of prognosis. Patients with mean pulmonary artery
post‑operative pulmonary complications (PPCs).[15‑17] pressure >50 mm Hg, pulmonary artery systolic

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pressure >60 mm Hg, Right ventricular systolic studies in cardiac surgery, and studies in other surgical
pressure >70 mm Hg, presence of mixed pulmonary specialities have failed to confirm the findings. Most
hypertension (those with pulmonary capillary wedge centres therefore now advocate stopping smoking
pressure >15 mm Hg and pulmonary vascular regardless of the interval before surgery. Nicotine
resistance (PVR) >3 Wood units) are at high risk of replacement therapy, varenicline or amfebutamone
developing perioperative cardiac and pulmonary are options for motivated patients, but should
complications.[25] Arterial blood gas measurement is only be prescribed alongside behavioural support.
useful in patients with marked symptoms, PaCO2>45 Varenicline (Champix) is a partial agonist at the α4
mm Hg and PaO2  <60 mm Hg (on room air) are both β2 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor and has
associated with a worse prognosis. Clinical assessment been shown to reduce withdrawal and craving by
of functional status with simple and safe tests such as preventing nicotine binding to the receptor.[22]
stair climbing and the 6 min walk test correlates well
with more formal exercise testing. A more objective Anticholinergic bronchodilators such as ipratropium,
way of assessing functional ability of patient is act by inhibiting cyclic guanosine monophosphate
cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). Peak VO2, formation and block vagus nerve‑mediated
the ratio of minute ventilation to CO2 production bronchoconstriction, which is an important
(VE/VCO2) slope, and partial pressure of end tidal component of bronchospasm in patients with COPD,
carbon di oxide (PETCO2) are primary CPET variables and hence are more useful in patients with COPD.[32]
used for assessing the severity and prognosis for both
COPD and interstitial lung disease patients. Peak Suzuki et al., in their study, observed longer duration
oxygen uptake (VO2) values >15 ml/min/kg predict of improvement in pulmonary functions with
no increase in operative risk for pneumonectomy or tiotropium bromide compared to ipratropium in
lobectomy compared with the lowest‑risk patients, patients having moderate to severe lung cancer with
even for patients whose resting pulmonary function or COPD.[33] Addition of formoterol and budesonide to
predicted post‑operative pulmonary function is poor, tiotropium further improves pulmonary functions
whereas peak VO2 values <10 ml/min/kg is associated in perioperative period.[34] Addition of short acting
with poor prognosis.[26,27] β2 adrenoreceptor agonists such as salbutamol,
terbutaline helps in reversing bronchospasm and may
Poor nutritional status with a serum albumin be added to anticholinergics in patients remaining
level <3.5 g/dl is a strong predictor of PPCs. A blood symptomatic even after anticholinergic treatment.
urea nitrogen level of <8 or >21 mg/dL was also Levalbuterol, an enantiomer of albuterol, is thought
associated with an increased risk of PPCs.[28] to produce less tachyarrhythmias based on limited
evidence. Routine administration of oral steroids is not
Pre‑operative optimisation of these patients include necessary in patients with COPD and is indicated only
cessation of smoking, improvement of pulmonary in resistant cases. Only 20–25% of patients with COPD
functions using bronchodilators and steroids, will respond to corticosteroids.[35] Pre‑operative use of
pre‑operative chest physiotherapy and training of inhaled corticosteroids have not shown to increase risk
patient with lung expansion manuoevers.[29] Reversible of respiratory infections or affect wound healing.[36,37]
components of COPD such as bronchospasm, Methylxanthines inhibit phosphodiesterase enzyme
infections, and pulmonary oedema should be actively thus preventing degradation of cyclic AMP, which aids
looked for and treated aggressively. bronchodilatation. Oral theophylline is occasionally
used in the treatment of severe COPD or in those unable
Cessation of smoking is an important measure to to use inhaled therapy; intravenous aminophylline
reduce perioperative pulmonary complications in is used during perioperative management of these
COPD patients. Maximum benefit is obtained if patients. It also enhances diaphragmatic contraction.
smoking is stopped at least 8 weeks before surgery However caution has to be excised during its use to
with some studies showing increased risk with prevent the toxic effects of methylxanthines such
cessation <8 weeks before surgery is associated as, tachyarrhythmias, seizures and rhabdomyolysis,
with increased risk of post‑operative complications, which may occur because of narrow therapeutic index.
whereas other study showed decreased incidence In addition, the inhaled anaesthetics, particularly
of complications with >4 weeks of cessation.[30,31] halothane, may sensitize the heart to the toxic effects
However, these data are largely from observational of theophylline.[38] Doxofylline, a next generation

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methylxanthine has shown similar or better efficacy preventing atelectasis.[18] Diaphragmatic position,
than theophylline in relieving spasm both in adult presence of alveoli at the upper flat end of the
and paediatric age group with lesser cardiovascular, alveolar compliance curve, all increase the work of
nervous and gastrointestinal side effects due to breathing and hence depression of ventilation under
its reduced affinity towards adenosine A1 and A2 anaesthesia can seriously hamper ventilation when
receptors.[39,40] The role of oral or inhaled mucolytic not assisted. Duration of surgery more than 2.5–4 h
therapy in COPD is controversial, though the recent is an independent risk factor for development of
evidence favours its use in COPD.[41,42] It may be post‑operative complications, so also is the use of
helpful, particularly in those with increased secretions long acting muscle relaxants such as pancuronium,
with minimal side effects and its continuation is found and opioids such as morphine.[44] There is increased
to reduce the incidence post‑operative complications risk of bronchospasm, laryngospasm, hypoxemia
in these patients. and barotrauma during general anaesthesia in these
patients. Regional anaesthesia, including central
Patients with COPD have fewer PPCs when a neuraxial block eliminates the need for airway
programme of intensive chest physiotherapy is manipulation and was associated with 50% reduction
initiated pre‑operatively.[43] Of the different available in PPCs in a study.[45] These factors make regional
modalities (coughing and deep breathing, incentive anaesthesia a popular choice where ever feasible in
spirometry, PEEP and continuous positive airway these patients. Combined spinal epidural anaesthesia
pressure), there is no clearly proven superior method. has been successfully used as a sole anaesthetic
It is possible to improve exercise tolerance with a technique in major abdominal surgeries in patients
physiotherapy programme, even in the patient with with COPD.[46] In spite of conflicts in opinion with
the most severe COPD. Of patients with COPD, those regards to benefits of epidural analgesia in COPD
with excessive sputum benefit the most from chest patients,[28] recent evidence favours use thoracic
physiotherapy. A comprehensive programme of epidural anaesthesia and analgesia in these patients
pulmonary rehabilitation, featuring physiotherapy, to reduce post‑operative complications.[45,47] Use of
exercise, nutrition and education, can improve the interscalene block in patients with COPD remains a
functional capacity of patients with severe COPD.[35] concern due to ipsilateral phrenic nerve paralysis
Prophylactic use of antibiotics without bacteriological and loss of sympathetic tone due to stellate ganglion
confirmation of infection is not recommended but block resulting in bronchospasm.[48] Hence it is
every lung infection should be properly treated before contraindicated in patients who cannot tolerate 25%
surgery. Benzodiazepine pre‑medication should be reduction in pulmonary function.[49]
used cautiously, since it can blunt response to hypoxia
and hypercarbia in addition to reduction in respiratory Laparoscopic surgeries may reduce the incidence of
drive. post operative respiratory muscle dysfunction, and
reduce morbidity. However, abdominal insufflation
INTRAOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT with carbon di oxide should raise concern during
intraoperative ventilator management of the patient. 5
The primary goal of anaesthesia in these patients is
to maintain oxygenation and ventilation and minimise Management of patients under general anaesthesia
airway manipulation to prevent complications. During management of patients under general
anaesthesia, tracheal intubation should be avoided by
Type of anaesthesia using the laryngeal mask airway or similar device where
Choice of anaesthesia depends on the patient possible. Propofol, ketamine, or volatile anaesthetics
factors (clinical state) and surgical factors (type and are the induction agents of choice; barbiturates may
duration of procedure). General anaesthesia and sometimes provoke bronchospasm. Adjuvants to
endotracheal intubation is associated with increased increase the depth of anaesthesia and blunt airway
morbidity. The fall in FRC and atelectasis noted reflexes before intubation such as lidocaine or opioids
in normal patients may also be seen in patients may be useful. However, laryngotracheal lidocaine
with chronic bronchitis.[30] However, in patients may be less useful, as it might transiently increase
with emphysema, the PEEPi, loss of elastic recoil, airway resistance. Volatile anaesthetics are useful
chest wall stiffness and relaxation of abdominal for maintenance of anaesthesia due to their excellent
muscles result in maintenance of alveolar patency bronchodilating properties with the possible exception

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of desflurane.[5] Pre‑oxygenation should be used in with regional technique would serve as an alternative
any patient who is hypoxic on air before induction. In when tracheal intubation is best avoided.[53]
patients with severe COPD and hypoxia, continuous
positive airway pressure (CPAP) during induction may Restrictive fluid administration decreases risk of
be used to improve the efficacy of pre‑oxygenation and pulmonary oedema, it has been accepted in thoracic
reduce the development of atelectasis.[22] Haemodynamic surgery and showed good outcomes after major
compromise can occur following general anaesthesia abdominal interventions.[18,54]
due to fall in pre‑load which is secondary to increased
intrathoracic pressure.[30] Intraoperative problems
Management of ventilation during general Perioperative bronchospasm in patients with
anaesthesia should be aimed at reducing the dynamic reactive airway disease is relatively uncommon. In
hyperinflation, PEEPi, and air trapping. Harmful patients with well‑controlled asthma and COPD the
effects of air trapping include hypotension, barotrauma incidence is approximately 2%. The overall incidence
and volume trauma to the lungs, hypercapnia, and of bronchospasm during general anaesthesia is
acidosis. Measures to reduce air trapping include approximately 0.2%.[55]
use of smaller tidal volumes and lower respiratory
rates, with more time for expiration.[15] Shortening Bronchospasm during anaesthesia usually manifests
the inspiratory time increases the peak inspiratory as prolonged expiration. Expiratory wheeze may be
flow thereby facilitating better ventilation of all auscultated in the chest or heard in the breathing
alveoli.[5] Use of low tidal volumes during major circuit due to movement of the gas through narrowed
abdominal surgeries reduces the risk of post‑operative airway. Breath sounds may be reduced or absent. With
complications.[50] Application of external PEEP intermittent positive pressure ventilation, peak airway
has been shown to decrease the effort of triggering pressures are increased, tidal volumes reduced, or
breaths in patients breathing spontaneously on both. In severe bronchospasm, wheeze may be quiet
assisted modes of ventilation. Even during controlled or absent due to cessation of movement of air. Such a
ventilation, external PEEP that is less than or equal chest is often termed as silent chest and denotes the
to PEEPi, is not found to significantly increase the severest form of COPD. With capnography, narrowed
alveolar pressure and a study demonstrated reduction airway and prolonged expiration result in a delayed rise
in end inspiratory plateau pressure with application in end‑tidal carbon dioxide, producing a characteristic
of PEEP in patients with COPD, implying less air ‘shark fin’ appearance [Figure 1]. One has to rule out
trapping.[51] Pressure controlled ventilation, by virtue the other causes of wheeze or increased peak airway
of its decelerating flow reduces peak inspiratory pressures during anaesthesia [Table 2].
pressure and allows for more uniform distribution of
Intraoperatively, bronchospasm occurs most
tidal volume and improvement of static and dynamic
commonly during the induction and maintenance
compliance.[52] In spite of limited evidence regarding
stages of anaesthesia and is less often encountered in
the role of pressure controlled ventilation in COPD
the emergence and recovery stages.[56]
patients, it has been suggested as an alternative when
other measures to prevent air trapping fail.[15]
Bronchospasm during the induction stage is most
commonly caused by airway irritation, often related
Residual neuromuscular blockade remains a major
predictor of PPCs. Intraoperative use of drugs (volatile
anaesthetics and antibiotics) potentiating effects of
muscle relaxants, metabolic abnormalities further
complicate the situation.[18] Hence, neuromuscular
blockade monitoring, use of short acing or intermediate
acting muscle relaxants is warranted.

Cabrini et al., in their review observed that non‑invasive

ventilation (using bilevel positive airway pressure or
CPAP) either prophylactically or therapeutically in Figure 1: Characteristic shark fin appearance due to bronchospasm
patients with severe respiratory limitation combined in capnograph

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Table 2: Differential diagnosis for intraoperative wheeze Ways of reducing intraoperative PEEPi and
and increased peak airway pressures haemodynamic instability:[22]
Causes of wheeze and increased peak airway pressure 1. Allowing more time for exhalation. Reducing
during IPPV
Patient Airway device
the respiratory rate or the I:E ratio (typically
Obesity Small diameter tracheal tube to 1:3–1:5), with a long expiratory time
Head down position Endobronchial intubation to allow complete exhalation and reduce
Pneumoperitoneum Tube kinked or blocked ‘breath‑stacking’ and PEEPi. If bronchospasm
Tension pneumothorax Anaesthetic equipment is severe, only 3–4 breaths/min may be
Bronchospasm Excessive tidal volume
possible with full expiration‑it is useful to
Aspiration of gastric contents High inspiratory flow rates
either auscultate or listen at the end of the
Pulmonary oedema
Pulmonary embolism disconnected endotracheal tube to confirm that
Tracheobronchial foreign body expiration has finished, before commencing
IPPV – Intermittent positive pressure ventilation the next breath. Rarely, to facilitate this, it is
necessary to apply manual external pressure to
to intubation. During the maintenance stage of the chest
anaesthesia, bronchospasm may result from an 2. Application of PEEP. There is no consensus
anaphylactic or serious allergic reaction. Following on application of (external) PEEP, but many
endotracheal intubation, wheezing is more likely advocate trying to match the applied PEEP to
to occur when barbiturates are used as anaesthetic the estimated PEEPi
induction agents, compared with propofol, ketamine 3. Bronchospasm should be treated promptly either
or volatile anaesthetics.[57,58] by inhaled bronchodilators or by deepening
anaesthesia with propofol or increased
To attenuate the bronchoconstrictive reflex due to concentrations of inhalation anaesthetics.
endotracheal intubation or suctioning, prophylactic
treatments with lidocaine (intravenous or inhaled) and/or Atelectasis
a beta2‑adrenergic agonist are recommended in asthmatic The lack of atelectasis formation and preservation
and COPD patients with bronchospastic response.[18] of FRC in COPD patients may be explained by three
complementary mechanisms:[60‑62]
Auto‑positive end expiratory pressure
1. Chronic airflow obstruction that
Auto‑PEEP becomes even more important during
generates intrinsic positive end‑expiratory
mechanical ventilation. It is directly proportional to
pressure (PEEPi)
tidal volume and inversely proportional to expiratory
2. Loss of lung elastic recoil and the increased
time. The presence of PEEPi is not detected by the
stiffness of the chest wall
manometer of standard anaesthesia ventilators. It can
be measured by end‑expiratory flow interruption, a 3. Relaxation of the abdominal muscular
feature available on newer generation of intensive care tone (facilitated with analgesia) promoting
ventilators. Auto‑PEEP has been found to develop in caudal displacement of the diaphragm. As a
most COPD patients during one‑lung anaesthesia.[59] rule, most COPD patients exhibit weaker hypoxic
Paradoxically it has been found that small amount of pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) and blunted
added PEEP (e.g., 5 cm H2O) can decrease PEEPi and ventilatory responses to CO2 and hypoxia.[18]
hyperinflation in many ventilated COPD patients.[53]
Haemodynamic instability in chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease patients Multiple logistic regression identified composite
Along with direct pressure exerted on the heart by scoring systems, such as the American Society
hyper‑inflated lungs, the elevation of intrathoracic of Anesthesiologists physical status, along with
pressure results in decreased systemic venous return pulmonary factors are the best pre‑operative
and may be transmitted to the pulmonary artery, raising predictors of PPCs, probably because they include
PVR, and leading to right heart strain. Movement of both pulmonary and non‑pulmonary factors [Table 3].
interventricular septum into left ventricle impairs its During the intraoperative period, avoiding general
filling. This explains the cardiovascular instability anaesthesia with tracheal intubation, shortening the
that commonly occurs.[15,22] duration of surgery and anaesthesia may decrease the

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Table 3: Post‑operative complications CONCLUSION

Pulmonary Extrapulmonary
Respiratory failure Wound infections Anaesthetic management of patients with COPD
Post‑operative ventilator support Bacteraemia requires proper insight into the patients condition.
Bronchitis Nutritional deficiencies Objective methods, such as CPET are very useful
Bronchopneumonia Catheter related sepsis
in assessing the functional status non‑invasively.
Intraoperative management involves taking proper
measures to minimize airway manipulation,
risk of prolonged Intensive Care Unit stay.[63] and prevention of air trapping and PEEPi during
intraoperative ventilation. Recent evidences favour
Smoking status is a consistent univariate risk factor
the use of regional techniques for anaesthetic and
for variety of pulmonary and cardiac adverse events.[64]
analgesic management in these patients. Thoracic
On the 2nd and 3rd day following major surgery, recurrent epidural analgesia is shown to reduce the incidence of
nocturnal hypoxaemic episodes have been attributed to post‑operative complications in upper abdominal and
sleep disturbances and abnormal breathing patterns that thoracic surgeries in patients with COPD.
may be aggravated by the administration of analgesic
Financial support and sponsorship
and sedative drugs.[65] Besides abnormal ventilatory
patterns, circulatory failure, sepsis and hypermetabolic
conditions may also alter oxygen exchanges.[66,67] Conflicts of interest
There are no conflicts of interest.
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