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Homework – essay

„Coraz częściej słyszymy o osobach, które decydują się wyruszyć samotnie na trudną wyprawę – opłynąć
Ziemię, dotrzeć na biegun, zdobyć niedostępny szczyt itp. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i
zalety odbycia takiej wyprawy samotnie. „ Matura 2015

How would you translate the topic ?

Should one go alone on a difficult journey?

Should you be travelling alone?

Discuss pros and cons of traveling solo

- first thing that came to me

Googling the topic I found following:

Pros Cons
Get to grasp yourself higher (better understanding You cannot share your excitement!
yourself?) There’s nobody to help you out!
Travelling solo gives you time to think Solo travel can be expensive
Travelling solo liberates you! You’ll get lonely
Meet new folks Friendships don’t last long
Accomplish Career Goals
Discover Your Creativeness
Make Your own Schedule
Boost Confidence in Yourself
You’re becoming a stronger person while travelling
You’ll get some time off from technology
Should one go alone on a difficult journey?

Difficult journeys are quite popular, especially when you are going on them by your own on your own.
Good example of a hard journey is sailing through the ocean on the a raft. [...] Surely there are advantages
and disadvantages of this kind of trip and we should consider them. in this essay an attempt will be made
to discuss, at least, some of them.

on your own // by yourself

“An attempt will be made to show that sweeping judgements are as much out of place when
discussing our education-system as they are in most other aspects of life. „ quote form introduction
we have read together
A mogłbys to zdanie przerobic… tak zeby zaczac od „As” zamiast od surley ?
Jak mowimy ze są advantages i dissadvantages, do tego „surley” to troche dziwnie ze ich nie
wymieniles wczesniej nawet z nazwy

First of all it can be very helpful, in particularly particular, when you need to think through last year, or
you just had a really bad times time.

Natepna mysl jest zupelnie o czyms innym – ten paragraf powinien byc poswiecony mozliwosci
odpoczynku od problemow – to zdanie o rodzicach dziwnie nie pasuje
moze zamienimy ten fragment podkreslony na cos lepszego ?

Who wouldn’t like to know how his parents conquered Mont Blanc ? Unfortunately besides being a great
source of memories, stories or a free way to solve escape from our problems it can be also very dangerous.

wporzadku – koniec zdania jest zapowiedzial czegos nowego

znowu to “it” sprobojmy zamienic je na cos
Mont Blanc – czyta sie tak po prostu “mont blank” (tzn. jak wymaga anglik, sprawdzilem na

Many brave man died when they were trying to do something special not only because they didn’t did not
prepare their journeys enough, but since it's they might be / tend to be really dangerous and sometimes
can't you can not be prepared for that.

in particular // particularly
“it” nie pasuje, tzn. Nie wiadomo o czym mowisz …. “but because it is difficult to foresee
(przewidziec) hazards that may await you on a lonely expedition to a far away land.”

Another disadvantage is the possibility of losing your friends, or, maybe, love. One year is a really long
time, in which many things can happen without you, . or Many people can change. [...]

wymaga rozwiniecia – to nawet samo wyglada jak osobne zdanie ktore mozna dopisac

In conclusion this a journey like that // this kind of journey can be awesome but I believe you should think
twice before organising one. It is just not for everyone.

It is just not for everyone. - moze zmienic na cos

My first thoughts:

- I do not like it :(.

nie ma ani struktury, spujnosci, jakiegos ciagu, strasznie duzo takich wpadek – ktorych chyba jak
rozmawiamy na zajeciach az tyle nie robisz
in particular vs particularly

Wiec faktycznie może być uzyte w podobny sposob, ma podobne znaczenie. Ale bez „in”. Ponadto wyciag z
forum internetowego:
"In particular" can be used as a sentential adverb, in the same way that "yesterday" can be.
Particularly can usually be used as a sentential adverb (but "in particular" often sounds better in these
• In particular, I eat bread at lunch and dinner.
• Particularly, I eat bread at lunch and dinner. (Works, but "in particular" sounds a bit better)

On the other hand, particularly is used to modify an adjective (or adverb) directly, and "in particular" cannot
do this. Compare:
• I did particularly well on that exam. (Modifying an adjective, "well")
• *I did in particular well on that exam. (Ungrammatical)

Examples below have the same meaning:

• The weather was bad this week, particularly on Wednesday.
• The weather was bad this week, on Wednesday in particular.

Here, used in a relative clause (one that works relating to the main clause), particularly means specifically or
especially, and is essentially the same as in particular. But if we used it in the main clause, the meanings of
the two phrases would differ:
• The weather was particularly bad this week. (The weather was worse than usual.)
• In particular, the weather was bad this week. (The weather was one thing that was specifically bad,
amongst other things.)
Note, though, that in particular can never be used in place of particularly to modify verbs.
Summing up, yes, we can use both words in a sentence:
• In particular, disease A is considered particularly contagious. (Specifically, disease A is considered
highly (unusually) contagious.)
in particular vs particularly

Przyklady z internetu:

I particularly like the blue shirt.

I like the blue shirt in particular.

There are many beautiful towns in Sussex. In particular, tourists should visit Lewes and Arundel.
There are many beautiful towns in Sussex. Lewes and Arunderl are particularly worth seeing.

The weather was bad this week, particularly on Wednesday.

The weather was bad this week, on Wednesday in particular.

We particularly want to see the pier.

We want to see the pier in particular.

Nasz przykład :

First of all it can be very helpful, in particularly particular, when you need to think through last year
or you just had a really bad times.

Tak ja poprawilem…. Majac swiadomosc, ze particularly moze byc “adverb” (add verb – dodaje do
czynnosci) sproboj zminic to zdanie uzywajac particularly.

Inne do zamienienia:

They were particularly quiet this morning.

The weather was particularly bad this week.

This wine goes particularly well with seafood
There was one young lifer she remembers in particular who was jailed for murder.
Dodatkowo “particularly” ktore jest zastosowane troche inaczej – tu modyfikuje slowa.. te… przymiotniki
(nie zwiazane do konca z naszym przykladem) :

The ceiling is particularly high

Jaka jest roznica w znaczeniu:

• The weather was particularly bad this week. (The weather was worse than usual.)
• In particular, the weather was bad this week. (The weather was one thing that was specifically bad,
amongst other things.)
Made-up examples:
• "Damian will be so upset," Darian said to no one in particular.
• Everyone said it was a bad idea, particularly Daria, who said Damian would be upset
• Daria said that Damian would be particularly upset.
• The Jews in particular had a friend at court.

• The Jews had a particular friend at court.


Wszystkie trzy slowa (tzn. however, although, despite) znacza praktycznie to samo co „mimo, ze”. Ale
roznia się konstukcja.

However – uzywamy aby wprowadzic zupelnie nowa mysl – oddmienna od tego co mowilismy wczesniej.
Slowa uzywa się zwykle na poczatku zdania....

He is very tall. However, he still can not reach the top shelf.

...Mozna tez uzyc however aby podkreslic cos – w takim wypadku jest przecinek przed however:

It was May. It was, however, very nippy*.


...Or you can put it at the end, after a comma:

I am normally wearing shorts by this time of year. I’m afraid of pneumonia, however.
- to zdanie jest oczywiscie swietne, ale może nie ukladaj takich na razie (z however na koncu)

But it is wrong to use ‘however’ between two parts of a sentence that make sense by themselves.
I look forward to this time of year, however today I have goosebumps is grammatically incorrect. You can
use ‘but’ here instead, because it is a conjunction (or joining word). ‘However’ is not a conjunction when it
means ‘but’.
I look forward to this time of year. However, today I have goosebumps.
You can also use a semi-colon instead of the full stop – note you’ll still need that comma after ‘however’:
I look forward to this time of year; however, today I have goosebumps.

Jest jeszcze inne “however”… ktore znaczy “in whatever way”. To ma niewiele wspolnego z tym
wczesniejszym “however” :P

I'll stay however long it lasts.

I'll help you however I can.

Can you re-write the sentences using however ?

a) We were told we would be discussing the new schedule during the meeting, but our boss never
brought it up once.

b) Some students are more familiar with PCs, but our school only has Apple computers.

c) Reality shows are all the same but many people still watch them.
(to ten przypklad z ostatnich zajec )

Althought również znaczy “mimo, ze”, ale uzywa sie go troche inaczej.

• Although small, the kitchen is well designed.

• Although the sun was shining, it wasn't very warm.

• I felt he was wrong, although I didn't say so at the time.

Zwrocic uwage, ze przecinek jest po calym zdaniu tutaj – calej mysli (w przypadku however bylo inaczej).
though – slowo podobne do althought ale nieformalne, wiec my nie bedziemy go uzywac. Pewna roznica
jest, ze thought mozna uzyc na koncu zdania “I was born in Poland. I do not like the cold weather, though”


Do zupelnie osobnej grupy nalezy despite. Tutaj po tym slowie nie ma “reszty zdania” - tzn. podmiotu
czasownika I jakiegos tam dopelnienia – tylko sama “rzecz” ( nie cale zdanie)

• Despite the rain, we enjoyed the festival

• We enjoyed the festival, despite the rain.
• Despite having a headache, I had a great birthday.
• Despite the fact that he worked very hard, he didn't pass the exam.

Podkreslilem “rzecz/obiekt” mimo ktorego cos sie dzieje. Zwroc uwage, ze w jednym zdaniu cos sie dzieje
“mimo faktu ze”, a w innym jest czasownik z ingiem (tzn. tez rzecz jakas).

Can you re-write the sentences using despite and although ?

a) We were told we would be discussing the new schedule during the meeting, but our boss never
brought it up once.

b) Some students are more familiar with PCs, but our school only has Apple computers.

c) Reality shows are all the same but many people still watch them.
(to ten przypklad z ostatnich zajec )
However, Although, Despite - excercises

1. ............................ the watch was expensive, he bought it.

2. We went out ................................... the rain.

3. We went out ............................... it was raining.

4. ............................ my husband didn't like the movie, I enjoyed it a lot.

5. He passed the test. ............................, he didn't get the job.

6. .............................. he passed the test, he didn't get the job.

7. They managed to do it ........................... I was not there.

8. Tired ............................. he was, he went on working.

9. .......................... hard she tried, she couldn't do it.

10. ................................ of the headache, I enjoyed the movie.

11. .......................... I don't agree with him, I think he is honest.

12. We understood him ................................ his strong accent.

13. ................................the forecast says rain, I think we should still go out.
14. ................................this presentation is almost complete, I have one more point to make.

Add another sentence to add context to the existing one:

a. ................................ However, he tried.
b. ................................However, he's not all that happy.
c. .............................… However, Mary wanted much more.
d. ..........................… However, he was wrong.
e. .......................… This, however, is not possible.
f. .......................… By then, however, it was too late.

Answers: (invisible, until you copy and paste them somewhere else!)

1. Although the watch was expensive, he bought it.

2. We went out despite / in spite of the rain.
3. We went out although / though it was raining.
4. Though / although my husband didn’t like the movie, I enjoyed it a lot.
5. He passed the test. However, he didn’t get the job.
6. Although / though he passed the test, he didn’t get the job.
7. They managed to do it though / although I was not there.
8. Tired though he was, he went on working.
9. However hard she tried, she couldn’t do it.
10. In spite of the headache, I enjoyed the movie.
11. Although I don’t agree with him, I think he is honest.
12. We understood him despite his strong accent.

13 althought

14. althought
However, Although, Despite – excercises
However, Although, Despite – excercises
Writing skills practice: A for and against essay – exercises

“Reality TV shows are good entertainment” - essay topic discussed in the worksheet

British Council, LearnEnglish Teens

Homework – reading, essay writing
Homework – reading, essay writing
Homework – reading, essay writing


Read the main body of the for and against essay below on the topic: “Discuss the view that advertising
promotes excessive consumerism.” Then read the beginnings and endings and say which of the techniques
has been used in each one. Finally, replace the bold type words or phrases in the main body with ones
similar in meaning.


1. Whether it is on TV, radio or hoardings at the side of the road, advertisements have become a part of our
lives. Is advertising simply a means of informing the public or does it encourage consumers to purchase
they do not really need?

2. Advertising is a powerful and persuasive medium. You may feel this is an intrusion in your daily life, and
resent the pressure on you to spend money. Others, however, enjoy the variety which this highly creative
industry brings to everyday life.

3. Advertising is an effective way of selling new products, and many people argue that its effectiveness
brainwashes us into unnecessary spending. Others, however, disagree. As Jeremy Tunstall said,
“Advertising can’t sell any product; it can only help to sell a product the people want to buy.”

One of the main arguments for advertising is people to be dissatisfied with what they already
that it generates wealth for a country. That is to say, have, and make them want more. Being exposed
taxes paid on goods sold, help governments to pay again and again to products which one cannot afford
for essential services such as education and health produces frustration and dissatisfaction.
care. Moreover, the number of jobs created for Furthermore, not all parents are in a position to
producing, marketing and servicing these goods afford the goods which their children see advertised
helps to reduce the unemployment problem, which is and want to possess. This often leads to feelings of
also a great advantage for a country’s economy. inadequacy, especially among the less well-off.
What is more, advertising raises money for a In addition to this, advertising creates
huge number of sporting events and artistic materialism and causes people to place too much
performances which would otherwise not be held. importance on material goods. The fact that people
Without sponsorship from companies who advertise are prepared to work long hours, or even turn to
their products, these events would disappear due to crime in order to gain the goods on offer, shows that
lack of funding. In other words, although advertising persuades people to go to great lengths to
consumerism is promoted through advertising, it is keep the same standard of living as those they see
beneficial to both the consumer and society. around them. It is a fact, though, that neither crime
On the other hand, advertisements can cause nor the stress caused by overwork can benefit
Homework – reading, essay writing


A. To sum up, it is true to say that advertising does provide some benefits. However, do you not agree that
the drawbacks of a greedy, materialistic society far outweigh the advantages, and we need to be careful that
we do not lose sight of what is most important – a spirit of co-operation rather than competition?

B. To conclude, it must be said that, while advertising may create jealousy and inequality in society, without
it we would lose a valuable source of revenue which is used for the benefit of the majority. What would our
lives be like without advertisements?

C. In conclusion, I believe that advertising exists to generate wealth by encouraging people to spend
unnecessarily. It fosters greed and breeds dissatisfaction while distracting us from focusing on more vital
things. As Marion Harper Jr said, “Advertising is found in societies which have passes the point of
satisfying the basic animal needs.”
Homework – reading, essay writing

Read the four topic sentences below and march each with the corresponding paragraph.
Does each topic sentence adequately summarise the argument it presents? What would a
suitable introduction and conclusion be for this essay?

“Living in a foreign country cannot be better than living in your own.” Discuss.
a) Furthermore, people who move to a foreign country may be regarded with suspicion and treated unfairly.

b) On the other hand, living abroad can be a way to escape a variety of problems presented in one’s country
of birth.

c) One argument in favour of staying in one’s native country is that the problems of adapting to a new way
of life cannot always be overcome.

d) Finally, it may be said that by living in a foreign country, people are able to establish a greater
understanding between nations

……………………………………… ………………The fact of the matter is that, even in cases where
the language is the same, there are other changes, such as cultural differences, which an outsider
might find difficult to adjust to. Even the weather can force some people to return to their country of
origin. For example, take an Inuit and an Amazonian Indian. They would almost certainly find it
impossible to adapt to the extreme climates of each other’s native homes.

……………………………………… ……………….In countries with a large number of immigrants
there are often social problems, and immigrants stand out as being “different” and even inferior. As a
consequence, the country may react in a variety of ways, from open hostility and racism to depriving
the immigrants of the right to equal pay.

……………………………………… ………………For example, war, political or religious intolerance,
and natural catastrophes are among the reasons for people seeking a new home in a foreign land. In
such cases, people are often able to start z new life abroad with greater freedom and higher standard
of living.

……………………………………… ………………That is to say, by working and living among
foreigners, some of the bariers between countries can be broken down, helping to create a more
peaceful world. Needless to say, better diplomatic relations would be of benefit to all.

Matura 2020, czerwiec.

Transkrypcja nagrań

Matura 2020, czerwiec.

Zadania skopiowane z arkusza 18 grudnia – nie zostaly przez nas zrobione.

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