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Macroeconomics Principles

Applications and Tools 7th Edition

OSullivan Test Bank
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Macroeconomics Principles Applications and Tools 7th Edition OSullivan Test Bank



MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) The principle that individuals and firms pick the activity level where the incremental benefit of that 1)
activity equals the incremental cost of that activity is known as the
A) spillover principle. B) marginal principle.
C) principle of opportunity cost. D) principle of diminishing returns.
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

2) Saving time by driving faster is an example of a ________ of driving faster. Increasing the severity 2)
of injuries from a potential accident due to driving faster is a(n) ________ of driving faster.
A) nominal cost; real cost B) marginal cost; nominal cost
C) normative benefit; opportunity cost D) marginal benefit; marginal cost
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

Recall the Application about the impact inflation has on your potential future salary and the repayment of student loans
to answer the following question(s).

3) According to this Application, if you earn a salary of $80,000 in the first year and all prices decrease 3)
by half in the next 5 years, what will your nominal annual salary be in 5 years?
A) $8,000 B) $10,000 C) $20,000 D) $40,000
Answer: D
Explanation: A)

4) According to the possible trade-off example between warships and drinking water in the text, the 4)
policy question that should be considered in Malaysia is
A) do the benefits of the warships exceed their opportunity costs?
B) do the nominal costs of the warships exceed their real costs?
C) do the opportunity costs of the warships exceed their nominal costs?
D) do the real costs of the warships exceed their nominal costs?
Answer: A
Explanation: A)

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Units of Capital Number of Workers Output/Day
5 0 0
5 1 40
5 2 90
5 3 150
5 4 200
5 5 235

Table 2.3

5) Refer to Table 2.3. The principle of diminishing returns first occurs when how many workers are 5)
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5
Answer: C
Explanation: A)

Figure 2.1

6) The production possibilities curve in Figure 2.1 illustrates the notion of 6)

A) increased factory goods production. B) opportunity cost.
C) increased farm produce production. D) diminishing resources.
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

Units of Capital Number of Workers Output/Day
5 0 0
5 1 40
5 2 90
5 3 150
5 4 200
5 5 235

Table 2.3

7) Refer to Table 2.3. What can be observed about the given resources? 7)
A) Capital is variable. B) Capital is fixed.
C) Capital and labor are both fixed. D) Labor is fixed.
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

Hours of Operation Marginal Cost

1 6
2 12
3 18
4 24
5 30
6 36
7 42

Table 2.2

8) Krystal runs a nail salon and needs to decide how many hours to stay open. Table 2.2 illustrates her 8)
marginal costs of staying open for each additional hour. Suppose that we observe Krystal staying
open 2 hours per day. If she is following the marginal principle, what must her marginal benefit
A) $6 B) $12 C) $15 D) $18
Answer: B
Explanation: A)

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Transcriber’s note
Minor punctuation errors have been changed without
notice. The following Printer errors have been changed.
“fo his persecutors “for his persecutors
Page 2:
who” who”
“of the best “of the best note-
Page 11:
notepaper” paper”
“bed to the “bed to the hot-
Page 25:
hothouse” house”
Page 28: “I dont want you” “I don’t want you”
Page 66: “my arm—its the” “my arm—it’s the”
“nurse was out “nurse was out of
Page 87:
order” order”
“Louisa, I have “Louise, I have
Page 209:
your master” your master”
“her s is the “hers is the
Page 221:
bottomless” bottomless”
“bed-clothes into “bedclothes into
Page 254:
the” the”
“Drama. By Eden “Drama. By Eden
Page 275:
Phillpots.” Phillpotts.”
“Plays. By Eden “Plays. By Eden
Page 275:
Phillpots” Phillpotts”
“R . By Eden “R . By Eden
Page 275:
Phillpots” Phillpotts”
“P . By Anton “P . By Anton
Page 276:
Tchekoff” Tchekhoff”
“R. B. “R. B.
Page 277: Cunninghame Cunninghame
Grahame” Graham.”
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