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Interpersonal Skills in Organizations

5th Edition Janasz Test Bank

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Interpersonal Skills in Organizations 5th Edition Janasz Test Bank

Chapter 03

Establishing Goals Consistent with Your Values and Ethics

True / False Questions

1. Establishing written goals seldom help individuals in formalizing their dreams and wishes.

True False

2. Effective goal setting begins with setting a number of complex objectives simultaneously.

True False

3. Instrumental values are the standards of behavior by which we achieve desired ends.

True False

4. Compassion is an example of a terminal value.

True False

5. SMART refers to a goal that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and has a time frame.

True False

6. Developing personal goals begins with creating written goal statements.

True False

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7. By ensuring the goal statements are SMART, individuals create a system for managing action
steps and increase the likelihood that these goals will be attained.

True False

8. Individuals who set deadlines for their goals are less likely to accomplish them.

True False

9. Goal setting is an ongoing process.

True False

10. An ethical dilemma arises when a manager must choose between his or her own interests and
the interests of someone else or some other group.

True False

11. One of the factors that influence ethical actions of individuals in an organization is its corporate

True False

12. According to Kohlberg, most managers and individuals function at the first level, where their
thinking about right and wrong is predominantly influenced by significant others and rules and

True False

13. When ethical employee behavior at all levels is valued and encouraged, organizations function
more smoothly, and perhaps even more successfully.

True False

Copyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.
14. Employees in companies with ethical guidelines are better prepared to treat customers fairly if a
conflict arises.

True False

15. Ethical guidelines enhance employee empowerment.

True False

16. Objective thinking is one of the eight rules of ethical thinking.

True False

17. An ethics test usually does not provide one "correct" answer.

True False

18. The ethics test of common sense is based on the question "Is this action or decision I'm getting
ready to take compatible with my concept of myself at my best?"

True False

19. An ethical audit is a framework that helps employees make decisions about ethical actions by
following a short, step-by-step list of rules.

True False

20. Decision-making models in ethical guidelines provide a guarantee that employees will always act

True False

Multiple Choice Questions

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McGraw-Hill Education.
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