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'8y Thomas Gat Hows, PE. CONTENTS “SANA S8iveh Cou. Eeviow SvsreN neste ow Pas EAC suman SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW PEAKING FACTORS. INTRODUCTION ‘weather sener fw (tan 100 gaan per capita per day a eblain design (dry Weabre) peaX Hows for sewer veloay and capacty design. Many governing agencies stabi mnorum vee requremants tn 2s) based on thee psak lows, The flow peskng ‘tors given by hese SOUTcES ae genera othe orm obs or aunors se a te fling TABLE 1: PEAKING FACTORS FROM 2000 ARIZONAAAS, Title 48 R18-9-6301,D ee =—s ——e =e ing Focor TABLE 2: PEAKING FACTORS FROM 2000 CITY OF BOULDER COLORADO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS, CHAPTER 6 "inches ang salen [0 EQUATION 1: HARMON'S PEAKING FACTOR Pretetageep' EQUATION 2: PEAKING FACTOR FROM 1997 ALBERTA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES SECTION 203(0q,0%) fom maxima of P50 bn gts per day converted ram Sl suming 3575 Resgston) SUMMARY The above 4 methods ae sypcal ln thal hy produce peaking fers no higher han 8. have encaunered no method at yes peaking factors ary hgh than 6.0. With itsmaximom cnaaint removed, th Altera equation yee pealog fat 1 for 960 ge the flow om, say, tree Romes with 3.2 reins ach yes a peaeng ‘actor 06.5 fora daly ow of 25 00 gp Backio Too VERY SMALL FLOWS AND THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE SEWER DESIGN PROCEDURE Bulngdeignrs and buling nachna enginsers use a simple design procedure tom he Unom Plning Code io deslgn sewers (éanage ln) win bulgs. Te procedure assigns Faure Uns ovarous wast gnecatng biking furs (uch sss ane showers), than atablshesauthortavel th parmiso Fipe ss nd ope fora gen rua of al Fre Uns contin oa patna owe: (ranage) systom. The flowing fomaton is ected fo hs TABLE 3: FIXTURE UNIT FLOWS FROM 1997 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE TABLE 7-4 ta [Fee Yelm) fue) 7 75 | coat a T= EAT TABLE @ FIXTURE UNIT LOADING ON DRAINAGE PIPES FROM 1997 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE TABLE 7- 5 Se cag NP Fafa hake eee i—t=|— Fe EXTRACTING PEAKING FACTORS FROM THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE Peaking factor or very ral fowsreas cn be extcled fom he Uso Plting Coe by caeutng he makin Now capac a minima flow eaiement of he pes areteneais the Table 4 shove an estratg the presented sopuston am the ature nls s8funing 2" dre unis par home ana 32 people pe’ hae TABLE 5: PEAK FACTORS EXTRACTED FROM 1997 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE TABLE 7-5 WITH CALCULATED FLOWS BY TOM HAWS. c_frwe AL Wm liarriow.frerox ava. ARRROX. laze wcnesyscoref™™EREFETURE cre, ron for [PEARNG [oo tow Tie |r| te Sarat a mee aae fae ae +i samara [aa aa ofa Tioo| “wo ais) [ au aet00 | 83 eae srea| or es} [2 ato [es] Backle Toa PEAKING FACTORS FOR VERY SMALL FLOWS nts govamiag agencies have common established mrmum pipe sae ("or 8, an raqued that hey sinpW be lado prove minimum veostes (2.0025 fs) a {ul al fw irspscive of seul projected ows in calocton sytem upper reaches, some haveatamptd ory the achisverant minimum vleios wih epreora sposin hase upp reaces of aworelotonaytoms, suc a commercial ses and resident ude-tacs, Typeal peaking far faa aceunily -Ackos washer cate in a sal family rescence ssi & pumped crinage ato of 12 (maasured at heme by autho 10 20 repo by Maytag} gals per miu for 112103 mins (95 19 38 pono 12 10 1. capacy washer A bwcfow wer oso iro 3.5 gon pe sh, an ushesin 6010 seconde. Ayia rower 4330 (Qqyo"960 gp) bases oy on clothes washer renage. hou carey adéessing probaiites of siullaneous washer i, shower dis, and waar set ‘wanes, sus oar fturesor om atenuaton, las easonble a ay ta daly soak ow tra homeculde-ae coming om extended ertaneouecanage mat be 3s high as 40 gpm (80000 gps) an rat wesky peak ow might bs a hin as 60080 gpm (8,000 oF 120,000 gd). Those erenage rates Inca tat a oak factor sebieon 62 an 125 would be appropiate fr» Store cukceanc (Poulson, Qquc=800 ape, ‘ory sal ows Fora poulaton 08. indsvas, te mata just co ye peaking facto of 60 t 125, Fer the same population tn UPC exacton method yl @ asad on te nium UPC ire roquromors for 10", and 12" lp pracetad above, seems appropriate to assign a peaking factor a8 to ows noar 25,000 ap Tiss tania clso oto peaking faci of 65 ldo by the Aleta Equation (Equation 2) above. Wo can therefore construct aconénuus table ard raphe Peak 28 TABLE 6: SANITARY SEWER PEAKING FACTORS FOR VERY SMALL FLOWS. Foon ay tow apa ran UP rom Abs ronal ron Tamer Pang Toa om AAAS TS] f eto =| im — oo a7 a a sim| ros 33 a 7 ‘arom| “oo a a a The abe above ls aphed below. Nota hae popoatans wetwean TO ard S00, wih daly tows Babess 7.000 and S000 gp, a Ysa peak tow vate ol am 10829 167 gpm. Tis incates athe minimum peak tow to bs expscos for apubleresitentalsawarwausbe het range "0029 170 gpm) ara woud bo role lesan a population charge inthe uppormosreachos of a rsiental stm. FIGURE 1: SANITARY SEWER PEAKING FACTORS FOR VERY SMALL FLOWS Peaking Factors for Very Small Flows 1000 —- From UPC 7” -= From Alberta S Environmental 3 ~~ From Harmon's © Peaking Factor ~ From Arizona A.A.S: Title 18 1 ee FILLS S. ‘sete ek os ‘Avg, Daily Flow ‘Back to Too SUMMARY The graph above shows pking fs for vr low sanitary sewer tows Foo Sewer woul 9 around 100 gpm to 170 gpm, wien else Insorstve 0 pop 120010 Gnd 300, resulting minimum peak ofr 8 pul changes forthe uppermost reaches of ressnta sytem 3

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