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Fort Rotterdam Makassar

Fort Rotterdat x is tocated at Jalan Ujung Pandang, Makassar. This fort was buitt
in 1545 by the 9th King of Sowa, named I Manrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung.
Initially, this fort was made of clay, but during the reign of the 14th Kihg of Oowa,
Suttan Alauddin, the construction was changed to padas stone which was sourced from
the Karst Mountains in the Naros area.
Fort Rotterdam is shaped tike a turtte that is about to crawl down into the ocean.
In terms of shape, the philosophy of the Kingdom of Gowa is very ctear. Turtles can
live on tand or in the sea; likewise with the Gowa kingdom whith triumphed on
tand and at sea.
The original name of Fort Rotterdam is Fort Ujung Pandang. It is atso common for
Gowa-Makassar people to call this fort Panyyua Fort, the headquarters of the Gowa
Xingdom frogmen. The Kingdom of Gowa-Talto signed the Bungayya agreement, which
required the Kingdom of Gowa to hand this fort over to the Dutch.
When the Dutch occupied this fort, the name Fort Ujung Pandang was changed to
Fort Rotterdam. Corne!is Speetman deliberately chose the name to commemorate his
birthp\ace in the Netherlands. This fort was later used by the Dutch as a centre for
storing spices in eastern Indonesia. Around 200 years ago, the Dutch used this fort as
a centre for government, economy and other activities.
In J937, ownership of Fort Rotterdam by the Dutch Indies Government was transferred
to the Fort Rotterdam Foundation. The fort was registered as a historic building on May
23, J94O. In the Ujung Pandang Fort complex, there is now the La Gatigo Museum, in
which there are many references to the history of the greatness of Nakassar (Gowa-
Talio) and other areas in South Sulawesi. Nost of the fort buildings are stilt intact and
have become a tourist attraction in Makassar City.

1. Who built the fort?

2. What was the original name of Fort
A. The 6’h King of Gowa
B. The 7th King of Gowa
A. 7he ki ngdom of Gowa-Tallo
C. The 8’° King of Gowa
B. Fort Ujung Pandang
D. The 9th King of Gowa
C. Gowa Kingdom frogmen
E. The 3th King of Gowa
D. Fort Rotterdam Foundation
E. Dutch Indies Oovernment

*^!"! * I What Is It?

3. "ThiS Îoit was reglstered as a historic 4.
As • rding to the text, which of the
b\liIding on May 23. 1940."
following statements iS TRUE?
The worrl iit holtt can rte rcplacerl witll
A Fort R0ttP ram is located at Jalan
Ujttng Pd ndang. ManaÖo.
A. rct›oi tcrl g For t Ro t terdam Wä S bUilt by I
D. s‹›bn ittcd Mon igau Daeng Bonto Karaeng
C. iccordcrl Lakiung.
D. posterl Fort R otterdam is shaped like a
E. indicaterl r ror oJil0 that is about to crawl
‹Jown into the ocean.
Cornelis Speelman chose the name
Fort Rotterdam to commemorate
his birthplace in the Nakassar.
E. Fort Rotterdam was registered as a
historic building on Nay 25, 1940.

The following text is for questions 5 to 7.

COVID-19 is the disease caused by the coronavirus, SARS -CoV-2. Coronaviruses are
a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the
common cold to more serious diseases.
COVID-î9 is a new disease, so there is limited natura( immunity in our Community.
This means that COVID-19 can spread quickly.
The virus is usually spread from person to person by: (1) close contact with an
infectious person; (2) contact with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze;
(3) touching objects or surfaces that have droplets from an infected person, and then
touching your mouth or face.
Symptoms of COVID-19 can range from mild to severe. Some people recover easily,
and others get very sick very quickly. If you test positive for COVID-19 you may experi-
ence: (1) fever; (2) coughing; (3)'sore throat; and (4) shortness of breath. You may also
experience: (1) runny nose or congestion; (2) headache or fatigue; (3) muscle or joint
pains; (4) nausea or loss of appetite: (5) diarrhoea or vomiting; and (6) temporary IDSS
of smell or altered sense of taste.
COVID-19 symptoms are similar to some common i(tnesses, such as co(ds and f(u,
or allergies.
Viruses naturally change or mutate. This can lead to what is known as a variant
to the main virus strain. This generally happens where there is a large amount of com-
munity transmission.
COVID-19 variants continue to emerge. The World Health Organization (WHO) is
responsible for tracking variants of concern and interest. There are currently 13 named
variants of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Some previous variants of
concern have been as variant; of concern once further data has become available.
The WHO has identified the variants of concern as: (1) Alpha - first found in the
United Kingdom; (2) Beta - first found in South Africa; (3) Delta — first found in lndia;
(4) Gamma - first found in Brazil; and (5) Omicron - first found in South Africa.


tompleÎety, but some people
ptoms of COVIO-IO rem•aIn, or de-
velop, long after the ini(l‹3l lnfr c - i sti•a(ly ‹after 4 wrrks. Symploms nf Ion‹j COVID
tion tast for weeks or somm
can e immo IT’* f t h+, 0fJ I TIC lULlc : (î) ex tFerr'le f,3t ifj UO (t lF0flrl0SS);
(2) shortness al I›‹c.hh, hea«
memory and tonccntratlo n; (4) c lianqes lo tastr anti smcll; an‹ï (5) jnint ‹and muscle paln.
ll lsnotyeknown
I ow la' !l ymPt0ms of l0n COVID will I, st. In a larrje survey
of pcop(c in the Unleü K’ngtlo! who UAU C 0VlD -JO, nenrly j0’/a of proplc r?p0rteCf at
least omc symptonl 12
Sourte. ”!!I!^ //+++ /›r ^f!/* çr›v ciii/lin•›liti .›lnri s/r nv,ry .IO/syrri/,Inrris •›n‹J v.irI•int s

Act ordiilg to the text I ow ‹Loos Covld

U. °›‹›rrIeO rI‹' C 0UILÏ r'xpeFienCe (eVeF,
Ü. )f SÇFOÚÓS €JnÇrcdlc tqÇty runny nus‹• nr congestion, ann hair
D. It spreads vcry SlQyy[y,
Ü. It S}3F0 AÓS ÍFI |g00 r ç tj\jçjt ç}/
E. Someono could experience fever,
muscle or joint peins. and puffy
D. It spreads quickly. qyqç
E. It spreads in publit facilities.
7. Recording to the text, how many
6. What are Covid-19 symptoms?
variants of concern Covid-J9 vzhich have
A. ' Someone could experience fever,
been identified by WHO?
coughing, and headache or fatigue
A. 3
B. Someone could experience fever,
B. 4
sore throat, and itchiness.
C. 5
C. Someone could experience fever,
D. 6
shortness of breath, and cracked
E. 7

The foltowing dialogue is for questions 8 to 10.

Annie: Have you ever eaten white truffle?

Donny: No, I haven’t. I heard that it is very expensive.
Annie: Yes, it is. lt has the Latin name, Tuber Magnatum. lt is a(so ca((ed Piedmont
or Alba Truffle.
Donny : When is it harvested?
Annie : Well, farmers usually harvest it from October to December.
Donny : How does it grow?
Annie It grows in symbiosis with the roots of hardwood trees like oaks, chestnut,
hornbeam, and hazelnut.
Donny : How do farmers harvest it?
Annie They use trained dogs to find the truffles.
Donny Oh, I see. Then how do the dogs find it?
Annie The trained dogs can smell the truffles through the earth, as truffles grow
a few inches under the ground.

Unit 2 I What ls lt?

8. What was covered in the te xt? 1 o. ”I heard that it is very expR nsiv
A. Travl?t and its definition. The word ”it” refers to
B. Truffles and their description. A. white truffle
C. Trade and its corporation. B. truffle
D. Trumpet and its so‹ind.
C. root
E. Truffles and their farmers.
D. tree
9. Who usually finds this valuable food? E. oak
A. Huntei's.
B. Goats.
C. Cows.
D. Dogs.
E. Farmers.

B. Answer the questions.

11. What do you like about reading a descripti ve text? Explain.
12. Do you have any difficulty in finding information from a descriptive text?
13. After studying this unit, mention the language features of a descriptive text.
14. Write a descriptive text, in no more than 100 words, about your favourite food.
15. Analyse the structure of the descriptive text you read for question number 5.


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