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How to speak perfect English?

/haʊ tə spi:k ˈpɜː.fekt ˈɪŋ.glɪʃ/

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
/gʊd ˌæftərˈnun, ˈleɪ.diz ænd ˈdʒ .mən /

Please don’t think that learning English is too difficult

/pliːz dəʊnt θɪŋk ðæt ˈlɜː.nɪŋ ɪŋ.glɪʃ ɪz tuː ˈdɪf.ɪ.kəlt/

Everything can be mastered if you work hard and practice enough

/ˈev.ri.θɪŋ kæn biː ˈmæstəred ɪf juː wɜːk hɑːrd ænd ˈpræk.tɪs ɪˈnʌf/

You can speak wonderful English and have perfect pronunciation

/ juː kæn spi:k ˈwʌn.də.fəl ˈɪŋ.glɪʃ ænd hæv ˈpɜː.fekt prəˌnʌn.siˈeɪ.ʃən/

if you just remember that learning a foreign language takes time

/ɪf juː dʒʌst rɪˈmem.bər ðæt ˈlɜː.nɪŋ ə ˈfɒr.ən ˈlæŋ.gwɪdʒ teɪks taim/

Try to find a friend so that you can study and practice together
/ traɪ tə faɪnd ə frend səʊ ðæt juː kæn ˈstʌdi ænd ˈpræk.tɪs təˈgeðər/

Don’t bother worrying about your mistakes

/dəʊnt ˈbɑːðər ˈwʌriɪŋ əˈbaʊt jɔːr mɪˈsteɪks/

Use tapes with charming voices and pronunciation.

/ juːs teɪps wɪθ ˈtʃɑːrmɪŋ ˈvɔɪs ɪz ænd prə nʌns i ˈeɪʃ ən/

Always follow along and repeat after the speaker on the tape.
/ˈɔːl weɪz ˈfɒl əʊ ə ˈlɔːŋ ænd riˈpiːt ˈæftər ðə ˈspiːkər ɒn ðə teɪp/

It’s important to make English learning apart of your daily routine.

/Its ɪmˈpɔrtnt tə meɪk ˈɪŋ.glɪʃ ˈlɜː.nɪŋ əˈpɑrt əv jɔːr ˈdeɪli ruˈtin/

You should take English as your food.

/ juː ʃʊd teɪk ˈɪŋ.glɪʃ æz jɔːr fu:d/

Learn from every mistake that you make.

/ˈlɜː.n frɒm ˈɛvri mɪˈsteɪks ðæt juː meɪk/

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