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More about man and the environment

Many ways man has hurt the earth over the years.
- preservation of various animals and plants
-Adopting sustainable practices
Water pollution
soil pollution
Air pollution
Habitat destruction
Sound pollution
-exhaust limited natural resources in big groups
Many ways man positively impacted the environment
-conservation and
-Environmental awareness
- the three r’s
-deforestation is the process of clearing or removing forests or tree
cover from a particular area. It is primarily driven by human activities.
Main causes for deforestation
To expand or get land for agriculture( farming) clearing trees to create
land for growing crops and rearing animals.
The demand for timber products, like furniture, paper and construction
-Infrastructure Development
To clear the land for the construction of roads, highway and dams.
Growth of cities and towns from heavily forested areas
-Fuels like coal and wood for cooking
More about pollution
-Pollution refers to the presence or introduction of substances or
contaminants into the environment that may harm both the
ecosystems and the living organisms
Air pollution
-refers to the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere
Water pollution
-occurs when contaminants, such as industrial waste, sewage,
agricultural runoff, and chemicals, enter water bodies
Soil pollution is the process by which soil is moved or displaced from
one place to another, typically by the action of wind, water, or human
Habitat destruction
Men clears forests and vast amounts of hevaily forested land for
mainly agricultural purposes and urbanisation.
Agriculture meaning to clear landfor farming purposes and rearing
both crops and livestock.
Urbanisation is the building and development of cities with a high
population density from empty land.
Overpopulation is the capital city also raises the urgent need to build
more housing in empty land. Unable to find empty land results to
deforestation. Meaning that human resort to clearing forests for
housing purposes.
Exhausting large amounts of resources rapidly means that humans
deplete the limited natural resource quickly, causing the resources to
run out quickly. Mankind has been depleting natural resources much
faster than the time resources take to form.
To protect endangered to critically endangered species of both plants
and animals from going extinct. By keeping them in enclosures with a
mate to reproduce and slowly boost their population.
Reforestation is a initiative taken up by many people to save the earth.
Reforestation means to plant new trees and let them grow.
Raising environmental awareness
Raising environmental awareness to people also means to teach
perople about the many ways we are hurting the planet and some of
the few methods we can do to conserve the earth or help save it.
The three r’s reuse reduce recycle allows us to minimize waste tot he
least. Reuse is to use our discarded items again if possible reduce
meaning for us to buy the bare essentials in one trip recycle enables
us to transform waste into useful items.
Plastic is known as a genius invention to many people, so much of an
invention that it is being use every single day. It is a necessary
material that helps us in a way or another everyday in life. But to
others it is known as the worst invention known to mankind. Due tot he
fact that even though plastic has many good qualities, Beneath that
lies many bad qualities.
Good qualities of plastic include
It’s amazing durability making it ideal for many products that we use
daily. It is able to withstand wear and tear while remaining flexible.
Another good quality is that plastic is a cheap material allowing it to be
able to be made into products in large quantities.
Furthermore plastic is very lightweight allowing it to be portable and is
ideal for products where weight is an important factor. Versatility is yet
another one of it’s quality. Plastic has a great ability which allows it tot
be molded into different objects varying from different shapes and
Disadvantages of plastic.
Plastic is non biodegradable meaning it would take a long time for it to
disintegrate and affecting marine life. The marine life might mistake
the plastic bags for food and choke on them. Sea turtles might mistake
plastic bags for jellyfishes.
Eating from plastic boxes can cause cancer
The recycling process of plastic

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