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ACTIVITY 1.2 (30 pts)


1.What are the features of Globalization?

The features of globalization are the creation of new social networks and
activities, as well as the expansion of existing ones, are rapidly outpacing
professional networking and technology advancement. Through financial
markets and online shop, it has expanded and stretched social activities and
interdependencies. A global financial center, in my opinion, helps a country to
continue its economic growth and development in a stable manner. Because the
Great Recession created the infrastructure for investment and savings, more
chances for entrepreneurial enterprises were available.

2.Enumerate and explain the different effects of Globalization

The effect of globalization in acess to new market and impact of labor are
Producers of products from all over the world can sell their products and
customers can buy things from anywhere in the world. By entering new
markets, a company may expand its reach and enhance its chances of selling
products and services to more people. This rise in revenue might also help the
business ’ success. The impact of labor is Low-skilled production has shifted to
countries with cheaper labor since salaries are much lower in some countries,
like the Philippines. This is a more efficient use of labor from an economic
standpoint, and it helps poor countries improve their earnings, but it also
implies that a huge number of people in rich countries will lose their jobs as they
are unable to compete with low-cost labor.

3.Explain the bright and dark sides of Globalization.

The bright and the dark side of globalization are the bright side of globalization
is that you can purchase almost anything you desire since you have access to a
large market, such as on an online shop like Shopee or Lazada. Even if you're at
home, you may obtain what you want and pick the product that best suits your
needs. The dark side of globalization is that other country specially that the
poorest countries may become increasingly poorer as a result of a lack of
knowledge and a lack of new technologies that might help them grow.
Globalization may result in more environmental problems because other
factories are unconcerned about their surroundings, and even if they are aware
that their actions have a negative impact on the environment, they continue to
do so, because they are concerned with making money and wanting to be

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