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Copyright @ 2020 Meynard O. Comecilla and Roxxane Pascua

All rights reserved by the author. No portion of this work may be copied,
reproduced in books, pamphlets, outlines or notes, whether printed, mimeographed,
typewritten, copied in different electronic devices or in any other form, for distribution
for sale, without the written permission from the author, except some terms with the
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ISBN: ________________

First Edition, 2020


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Education continues in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic that affects all
human affairs and activities' normal or regular flow. The demand for producing flexible
learning materials is very timely, sup letory to temporary face-to - face interruption. This
module focuses on the basic comparative models of policing, as well as learning and
evaluation activities and evaluation tool. This is intended to develop the student's skills in
conducting research and have a comparison on the different models of policing
throughout the world.

Comparative models in policing is made into a reality to provide material to the

students upon which their academic undertaking will be based and their performance
evaluated. Comparative models in policing is a course that deals with the concepts on the
policing models implemented in the different countries. It includes the historical
development of policing systems in dealing with different social crimes. The course will
examine and compare the different policing models in the world. It includes analysis of
the policing system of the international law enforcement organization.
This is a self-instructional material purposely designed for modular instruction
only and for use for free by the Second Year students in the College of Criminal Justice
Educaton of Jose Rizal Memorial State University.


This work would not have been feasible without the financial support of the Jose
Rizal Memorial State University and the College of Criminal Justice Education. I am
especially indebted to Dr. Daylinda Luz R. Laput, President of the University, Dr. Rowell
B. Pallega, CCJE Dean, and to the Flexible Learning Committee who embraced my
career ambitions and who actively worked to provide me with the safe academic time to
achieve those ambitions.

I am grateful to all those I've had the pleasure of working with during the making
of this module. To my colleagues, Prof. Meynard, Dr. Alipoyo, Dr. Daymieal, Prof.
Macaranas, Prof. Villarus, and Prof. Pascua who shared their insights and thoughts on
making this module possible.

Nobody has been more important to me in the pursuit of this module than the
members of my family. I would like to thank my parents who help and support me in my
journey. To my wife Geme al and my son Meygie whose love. support and guidance are
with me in whatever I pursue. They are the ultimate supporters and fan of mine.

Table of Contents
Page No.
Title Page i
Copyright Page ii
Preface iii
Acknowledgment iv
Module 1: Introduction and Historical Development 2
Unit 1: Scope, concept of policing system in the world 2
Unit 2: The Study of globalization 12
Unit 3: Effect of globalization 20
Unit 4: Identify the policing models in the world 31
Unit 5: The Role of International Law Enforcement Organization 51
4.2 EUROPOL 57
4.3 IACP 59
4.5 United Nations 61
References: 67
Rubrics 68
Index 71
Appendices 79
Glossary 81
Answer Key 82


LEA 3- Comparative Models in Policing

Meynard O. Comecilla
Roxanne Pascua

Comparative models in policing is a course that deals with the concepts on the policing
models implemented in the different countries. It includes the historical development of policing
systems in dealing with different social crimes. The course will examine and compare the
different policing models in the world. It includes analysis of the policing system of the
international law enforcement organization.

General Objectives
At the end of the course, the student should be are able to:
1. Discuss and Compare the different policing model in the world.
2. Analyze the policing system of the UN, INTERPOL, and other international law
enforcement organization.
3. Create a comparison of the policing system of the world and the policing system in
the Philippines.
4. Popular consent on policing is a very uncertain concept and policing by law and by
consent has now become almost intertwined.
5. Most countries, irrespective of the model they follow, give importance to public
consultations and local help in the policing activities- though sometimes not formally.
6. Acquire knowledge of the essentials of comparative models in policing; and
7. Accomplish the specific objectives of the course.

Specific Objectives

At the end of the course, the students shall understand the concept on the policing models
implemented in the different countries. It includes the historical development of policing systems
in dealing with different social crimes. The course will examine and compare the different policing
models in the world. It includes analysis of the policing system of the international law
enforcement organization.

Topic Outline

Unit 1 - Scope, concept of policing system in the world.

Comparative models in policing is a course that manages the ideas on the

policing models executed in the various nations. It remembers the verifiable
advancement of policing frameworks for managing distinctive social wrongdoings.
The course will look at and think about the distinctive policing models on the planet.
It incorporates investigation of the policing arrangement of the universal law
authorization association.
Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Unit, you will be able to:

 Create a comparison of the policing system of the world and the policing system
in the Philippines.

 Popular consent on policing is a very uncertain concept and policing by law and
by consent has now become almost intertwined.

 Apply the concept of globalization and the importance to law enforcement.


True or False

Directions: On the space provided before each item, write TRUE when the statement is
factual and FALSE when it is erroneous.

__________1. Territory refers to a place of exclusive jurisdiction of those who sojourn

within with protected rights and privileges.
__________2. Cannon shot rule limited national rights and jurisdiction over a narrow
band of water along a national coast the rest of the sea being free to all and belonging to

__________3. Information may refer to idealism in modern concept. Which means a
theory of reality and of knowledge that attributes to consciousness, or the immaterial
mind, a primary role in the constitution of the world.

__________4. A treaty line is a boundary established by an official treaty two or more

countries but not yet agreed upon by all countries involved.

__________5. Disputable Boundary is an international or internal border openly

contested by two or more countries or subdivision within a country just like for example
Spratly island claimed by China and Philippines.

Thank you for answering the test. You may refer page no.______ for the key answer.
If you got 8, please see page no.______ for further readings.


Policing is one of the most significant of the capacities embraced by each sovereign
government. For the state apparatus, police are an inescapable organ which would
guarantee upkeep of peace, and furthermore the principal connect in the criminal equity
framework. Then again, for basic man, police power is an image of savage power of
power and simultaneously, the defender from wrongdoing. Police officers get a corporate
personality from the uniform they wear; the normal man recognizes, recognizes and
amazements him by virtue of a similar uniform. The police frameworks over the world
have created on a socio social foundation, and consequently alone enormous contrasts
exist between these police frameworks. From the particular facilitated unified
arrangement of police in Saudi Arabia sorted out under the Ministry of Interior to the
42000 odd police powers that exist in USA, policing for the most part lays on both of the
two expansive standards: (1) Policing by assent and (2) Policing by law.

A hypothesis of relative policing which expresses that as a country creates, individuals'

awareness of wrongdoing is elevated. they report more wrongdoing to police and request
the police to turn out to be more successful in soling wrongdoing issue.

Significance of Police in Social Life:

Police: Represents the nearness of common body politic in regular day to day existence.
Passes on a feeling of intensity or holiness that lies at the foundation of political request.

Speaks to the methods by which the political specialists keep up business as usual. Speak
to the limit of state to prevent residents from submitting acts that undermine the request
they are accepted to represent. Gives a corporate character to the police officers.
Fundamental objectives of Policing:
• Enforce laws
• Preserve harmony
• Prevent Crimes
• Protect social liberties, freedoms
• Provide administrations
Role of Police:
The job of police is to address a wide range of issues when and to the extent that their
answers do or perhaps require the utilization of power at the purpose of their event.
Keeping an eye on comments that "policing is an activity in emblematic demarking of
what is indecent, off-base and beyond adequate direct. It speaks to the state, profound
quality and guidelines of thoughtfulness and tolerability by which we judge ourselves. "
Police is seen as satisfying the accompanying jobs in public activity:
 A watchman
 A Law Enforcer
 A Service Provide
 Authority of Police:

Authority of the Police

The authority of police originates from the individuals their laws and foundations. Police
organizations are a piece of the network as well as a major aspect of the administration,
which decide their proper base of power and of criminal equity framework, which
decides society's course in hindering culprits and restoring wrongdoers. In a
Constitutional framework, a definitive power springs from the Constitution itself. The
authority of police in each purview is gotten from the sovereign authority-it could be
either the Constitution which gives the chosen government chief authority over the
subjects or the "grund standard" which gives the sovereign authority over its subjects
without any composed constitution.
The legislative division accused of the guideline and control of the undertakings of
network, presently primarily the office built up to look after request, authorize the law,
and forestall and distinguish wrongdoing. (French word)

a gauge of relative resemblance or unlikeness of two articles or occasion.
= bundle of transnational progression of individuals, creation, venture, data, thoughts and
= developing interpenetration of states, markets, correspondence and thoughts.
=The procedure of making transnational markets, governmental issues, and lawful
frameworks with an end goal to shape and support a worldwide economy.
What is Globalization?

Globalization is a package of transnational flow of;

A. People-which alludes to total of the populace. Their strengthening to turn into a

beneficial individual from the network.

B. Production-is the demonstration of making yield, a decent or administration

which has worth and adds to the utility of people.

C. Investment-in money and business.

D. Information-become information when an individual knows (comprehend) and

assesses the data.

E. Ideas-may allude to vision in current idea. Which implies a hypothesis of the real
world and of information that credits to awareness, or the insignificant brain, an essential
job in the constitution of the world.

F. Authority-the authority radiating from the Law (characteristic law) and the
authority exuding from sciences.

Alison Brysk in an overview paper expressed that Globalization is the developing

between infiltration of states, markets, interchanges and thoughts. It is one of the main
qualities of the contemporary world.

Globalization is the spread of items, innovation, data, and occupations across national
fringes and societies. In monetary terms, it portrays an association of countries around the
world cultivated through international commerce.

On one hand, globalization has made new openings and monetary development through
the cross-fringe stream of merchandise, capital, and work. Then again, this development

and occupation creation isn't conveyed equitably across enterprises or nations. Explicit
businesses in specific nations, for example, material assembling in the U.S. or on the
other hand corn cultivating in Mexico, have endured serious disturbance or by and large
breakdown because of expanded global rivalry.

Globalization thought processes are optimistic, just as pioneering, yet the improvement of
a worldwide free market has profited enormous partnerships situated in the Western
world. Its effect stays blended for laborers, societies, and private ventures far and wide, in
both created and developing countries.

What is Globalization? All Definitions of Globalization?

A Simple Globalization Definition implies the accelerate of developments and trades (of
individuals, merchandise, and administrations, capital, advancements or social practices)
everywhere throughout the planet. One of the impacts of globalization is that it advances
and builds communications between various areas and populaces around the world.

An Official Definition of Globalization by the World Health

Organization (WHO)
As indicated by WHO, globalization can be characterized as " the expanded
interconnectedness and association of people groups and nations. It is commonly
comprehended to incorporate two between related components: the opening of global
outskirts to progressively quick progressions of products, administrations, money,
individuals and thoughts; and the adjustments in establishments and arrangements at
national and worldwide levels that encourage or advance such streams."

What Is Globalization in the Economy?

As indicated by the Committee for Development Policy (a auxiliary body of the United
Nations), from a financial perspective, globalization can be characterized as: the
expanding reliance of world economies because of the developing size of cross-outskirt
exchange of items and administrations, the progression of universal capital and the wide
and fast spread of innovations. It mirrors the proceeding with development and shared
joining of market boondocks and the quick developing noteworthiness of data in a wide
range of beneficial exercises and marketization are the two significant main thrusts for
monetary globalization."

What Is Globalization in Geography?

In geology, globalization is characterized as the arrangement of procedures (financial,
social, social, innovative, institutional) that add to the connection among social orders
and people far and wide. It is a dynamic procedure by which trades and streams between
various pieces of the world are strengthened.

How Do We Make Globalization More Just?
The capacity of nations to transcend limited personal responsibility has brought
phenomenal financial riches and a lot of material logical advancement. In any case, for
various reasons, not every person has been profiting the equivalent from globalization
and mechanical change: riches is unjustifiably dispersed and financial development came
at enormous natural expenses.

How can countries rise above narrow self-interest and act together or
designing fairer societies and a healthier planet? How do we make
globalization more just?
According to Christine Lagarde, former President of the International Monetary Fund,
“debates about trade and access to foreign goods are as old as society itself ” and history
tells us that closing borders or protectionism policies are not the way to go, as many
countries doing it have failed.
Lagarde defends we should pursue globalization policies that extend the benefits of
openness and integration while alleviating their side effects. How to make globalization
more just is a very complex question that involves redesigning economic systems. But
how? That’s the question.
Globalization is deeply connected with economic systems and markets, which, on their
turn, impact and are impacted by social issues, cultural factors that are hard to overcome,
regional specificities, timings of action and collaborative networks. All of this requires,
on one hand, global consensus and cooperation, and on the other, country-specific
solutions, apart from a good definition of the adjective “just”.

Scope of globalization and Law Enforcement

Ambushes on central human poise proceed, the very obscuring outskirts and ascent of
transnational entertainers that encouraged the advancement of a worldwide human rights
system that may likewise be producing new wellspring of human rights misuse.

With Bryk's view on globalization and human rights, an all the more comprehensively
verbalized and acknowledged way or ensuring these rights is inside the hands of Law
Enforcement Agencies on the planet. The privileges of people have come to depend
always on an expansive cluster of worldwide arrangement of policing and powers, from
the nearby police to the universal police.

Region alludes to a position of elite purview of the individuals who visit inside with
ensured rights and benefits.

UN announcement of national domains gives the accompanying comprehension;

Starting point of limits the first divisions were frequently founded on the degree of
accessible farming area or because of a focal gathering of city an encompassing region.

Slowly, as gatherings composed into domains and extended their regions, they
experienced different realms, where the realms met, wars were frequently battled and in
the long run harmony followed.

By nineteenth century, the majority of the world had been separated by limits into
nations, provincial domains or cases.

The twentieth century's biggest clashes world war 1, WW II, Korean war, Vietnam war,
and the bay war, all filled in as tokens of how limits, when disported, can influence whole
locales and even removed nations.

Types of Boundaries:

 International Boundary- refers to a line that divides a country from another

country by a mutual peaceful agreement.

 Disputable Boundary- is an international or internal border openly contested by

two or more countries or subdivision within a country.

 Ceasefire line- is established by an official ceasefire agreement between two or

more countries.

 A treaty line- is a boundary established by an official treaty two or more countries

but not yet agreed upon by all countries involved.

With the formation of the League of Nations in 1919, nations had a fair methodology for
settling debates through legitimate and serene methods as opposed to doing battle. The
association was at last supplanted by the United Nation (UN) following World War II.

UNCLOS-joined country show on the law of the ocean made the accompanying
affirmations; the most far reaching endeavor at making a brought together system for
administration of the privilege of countries as for the world seas incorporate the
accompanying; Navigation rights,

 Economic right
 Pollution of the seas
 Conservation of marine life
 Scientific exploration
 Piracy

Historical Background under UNCLOS consideration:

a. Freedom of the seas doctrine- limited national rights and jurisdiction over a
narrow band of water along a national coast the rest of the sea being free to all
and belonging to none.
b. Cannon shot rule- set forth that a nation controlled a territorial sea as far as a
projectile could be fired from a cannon based on shore, approximate range 3
nautical miles.

Globalization is the way toward sketching out the similitudes and contrasts of one police
framework to another so as to find bits of knowledge in the field of worldwide policing.

A science and specialty of researching and looking at the police arrangement of countries.
It covers the investigation of police associations, trainings and strategies for policing of
different countries.

Globalization of Crimes and Police Efforts.

Because of the advancement in monetary and budgetary globalization and the

improvement of data and correspondence innovation, individuals, merchandise, cash and
data are coursing across verges on a worldwide scale.

While this condition is making individuals' regular day to day existence more agreeable
and advancing it, it is additionally being misused by universal criminal associations that
attempt to execute violations effectively and productively on a worldwide scale. As to
"and-run" wrongdoings by far off nationals who come to Japan with the visa status for
short remain and get back following the execution of violations and offenses carried out
by criminal gatherings of visiting outsiders united together by local or direct relations, the
police have for quite a while been highlighting their danger to open security as
"internationalization of violations" and been taking activities to manage them.

The circumstance encompassing offenses submitted by outside nationals visiting Japan

remained generally quiet from the Showa time frame to the early long periods of the
Heisei time frame, and afterward both the quantity of cases cleared and the quantity of
unfamiliar guests captured turned forcefully higher since around 1991. Be that as it may,
these offenses have been on the decrease from around 2005.

In any case, late offenses included gem burglaries by universal packs of looters, sorted
out vehicle robberies and illicit fares by transnational wrongdoing gatherings and the
snatching of Japanese for deliver by a Nigerian association in South Africa. These cases
show a subjective change in offenses that goes past the element of "internationalization of
violations and exhibit the developing grave danger to open security that can't be caught
by measurable figures alone.

We presently end up in the circumstance of the "globalization of violations," described by
the infiltration into Japan of criminal associations that work on a worldwide scale, global
participations of criminal associations and the worldwide spread of criminal offenses.
Violations by far off nationals visiting Japan have the trademark highlights of breadth,
systemicity and namelessness, and these highlights have made examinations concerning
these offenses troublesome especially as far as the distinguishing proof of culprits,
assortment of proof and cross examinations. The expansion of the new component of the
"globalization of wrongdoings" is making the troublesome examinations significantly
more troublesome.

All the more explicitly, criminal associations working on a worldwide scale scatter their
bases of activity everywhere throughout the world and make the state of their
associations opaquer and fluid through the division of jobs and orderly help inside the
systems of these bases. This implies the objectives of examinations likewise spread
everywhere throughout the world.


Activity: On the space provided, write for 300 words your view/s in globalization and
how it contributes to the policing system in the Philippines. Submit your output to the
college by turning in the link to the google class______________ on or before the
reflected schedule. See Rubrics in Written Outputs on page no.______.


Congratulations for a job well done. You have successfully completed the
activities of this unit. If you have not completed the task or you have difficulties
in answering the tasks, you can reach your facilitator through our google
class_____________ or via text messages/ phone calls with this mobile phone
number: ________________________. You can also write your insights or
thoughts on the text box below about the activities taken under this unit.

You can now proceed to the next level of performance activities in Unit 3.

Which among the Globalization is a package of transnational flows you observed? Do it
for 300 words and cite an example.

Policing is one of the most important of the functions
__________. undertaken by every sovereign government. For the state
machinery, police are an inevitable organ which would
ensure maintenance of law and order, and also the first link
in the criminal justice system. On the other hand, for
common man, police force is a symbol of brute force of
authority and at the same time, the protector from crime.
Police men get a corporate identity from the uniform they
wear; the common man identifies, distinguishes and awes
him on account of the same uniform. The police systems
across the world have developed on a socio cultural
background, and for this reason alone huge differences exist
between these police systems. From the singular
coordinated centralized system of police in Saudi Arabia
organized under the Ministry of Interior to the 42000 odd
police forces that exist in USA, policing mainly rests on
either of the two broad principles: (1) Policing by consent
and (2) Policing by law.

Unit 2 - The Study of Comparative Police System

The study is carried out by the:

1. Safari method

2. Collaborative method – the researcher communicates with a foreign researcher.

Safari method

– a researcher visits another country

Safari is a great research method which allows you to look across all channels and deep
dive into a project or subject area.
It allows you to walk in the footsteps of users, experiencing a task, product or service as
near as possible to how they would. Through direct experience, you can assess where the

strengths and weaknesses are. As well as building the teams’ empathy with users and
domain knowledge.

When and why to use it?

It is best used during the early phase of a project to supplement a landscape analysis by
getting first-hand experience as a user. It is a fast way to gather insights to:
 Benchmark services
 Empathise with user frustrations prior to user research
 Inform user research questions
 Understand cultural impact when comparing markets
 Create As-Is is flows and generate insights for a To-Be state

It shouldn’t be a substitute for user research but as a supplementary research approach. It

should always include your client’s offering well asas competitors.

The approach:

1. Set a clear objective

2. Select who / what services you will investigate
3. Create a set of scenarios to play out
4. Build a documentation framework
5. Analysis and report

Collaborative method

– the researcher communicates with a foreign researcher

The term "collaboration" in research is usually thought to mean an equal partnership

between two members who are pursuing mutually interesting and beneficial research.
Today, however, many collaborations involve researchers of differing stature, funding
status, and types of organizations. Even if the two principal collaborators are similarly
powerful, a collaboration frequently involves several other people from the research

Example of the variations in collaborations that can occur:

Members of two research groups in different departments of the same institution work
together on a project. No external funding is involved, and the work is divided reasonably
equally between the two groups. All those involved meet together regularly to review
their progress and plan for publication of their results.

Police Structure: A Comparative Study of Policing Model

"The cutting edge police administration is a differed, multi-layered, responsive

foundation attempting to guarantee the security of Citizens" – UK Home Office3

The job of a cutting edge police association is set down briefly in the above statement
showing up in the site page of UK Home Office. The main thought that rings a bell when
we hear the expression "Police" is the possibility of a prevailing character who represents
the intensity of the State and criminal equity organization framework. From one
perspective individuals see police as a defender of common freedoms and then again
police is seen as an image of savage power of state which persecutes the real fights with
power. Word references characterize Police as the legislative office accused of the
guideline and control of the issues of a network, presently predominantly the division
built up to look after request, implement the law, and forestall and recognize wrongdoing.

Significance of Police in Social life: Police:

• Represents the nearness of common body politic in regular day to day existence.
• Conveys a feeling of intensity or holiness that lies at the base of political request.
• Represents the methods by which the political specialists keep up business as
• Represent the limit of state to dissuade residents from submitting acts that
undermine the request they are accepted to represent.
• Gives a corporate personality to the police officers.

4 Basic goals of Policing:

• Enforce laws
• Preserve peace
• Prevent Crimes
• Protect civil rights, liberties
• Provide services

Different Models of Policing:

The association of police in various nations is basically established on the socio-social

and memorable foundation of the nation. For instance, in UK which has long convention
of parliamentary majority rules system, policing deals with the guideline of assent by the
populace, where as in most different nations, policing power is vested on state by law.

As such the police associations share nothing for all intents and purpose in numerous
nations aside from their essential objectives (in certain locales even these objectives don't
coordinate!). In any case, criminologists have attempted to bring out regular highlights in
police structures world over based on specific highlights, the most unmistakable of them
being the order engineering.

1. Classification based on legitimacy or legal backing of police function:

 Policing by consent
 Policing by law

2. Classification based on Command structure:

A. Number of forces to be commanded: In the event that the whole police power in the
nation is composed as a solitary power under a solitary leader, the model is called
Singular model, and if in a solitary nation, there are various police powers, as in India, it
is classified "Numerous model". Inside the numerous model, if the polices powers have
very much characterized domains of working and their capacities don't cover one another,
the model is called Multiple Coordinated, if the case is opposite as in India, where
numerous offices can have covering purviews, it is called Multiple Uncoordinated.

B. Type of forces: In the event that the police powers in a nation is profoundly composed
and having an incorporated order, it is called Coordinated Centralized police power, and
if the police powers in a nation don't have a clear brought together order structure, it is
designated "decentralized order structure".

Lessons Learned from Comparative Study:

An investigation of different models draws out the accompanying exercises:

Famous assent on policing is a questionable idea and policing by law and by assent has
now gotten nearly interweaved.

Most nations, regardless of the model they follow, offer significance to open meetings
and nearby assistance in the policing exercises however here and there not officially.

In practically all these example locales, except for China, there is away from of
wrongdoing examination from lawfulness upkeep obligations.

Lessons from developmental history of Indian Police Structure:

Antiquated Police framework in India depended on the rule of nearby obligation and
common participation. In the town, security and harmony involved aggregate duty and

shared by each occupant of the town. One of the towns, called, garment or town
gatekeeper is dependable to shield the town from the hoodlums while the body corporate
of the town will undoubtedly make great the misfortune because of wrongdoing carried
out inside as far as possible, with the exception of in situations where they had the option
to follow the guilty parties or prevailing with regards to fixing obligation of wrongdoing
after neighboring towns. This town level obligation proceeds, however in its basics, even
today, which is seen encapsulated in area 40 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, which
forced an obligation on officials utilized regarding the undertakings of a town and every
individual living in a town to convey to the closest judge or to the official responsible for
the closest police headquarters certain data.

"Guidelines for the Police of Collectorships of Bengal Bihar and Orissa", known as
Regulation No XXII of 1793 of Lord Cornwallis, made the Police in the nation the elite
charge of the Government and who might be uniquely delegated to that trust.

Police commission of 1860, whose proposals finished in the Indian Police Act, 1861,
suggested that Police under every nearby government or organization will comprise one
power and be under the official to be styled Inspector General of Police, in whom ought
to be vested the command over the association, the duty of keeping up it in a condition of
proficiency by appropriate thoughtfulness regarding its preparation and order, interior
economy and its overall modification through its own officials. It was additionally
entombing alia suggested that the workplace of Village guard ought to be held, being an
antiquated foundation of India, since town gatekeeper was "a man of town yet
insufficient an authority to be outsider or offensive to the townspeople, yet just an
authority to be manageable to frameworks and dependable for obligation in the interest of
the police."

Consequently, it very well may be seen that the British how much so ever they were
scornful of the uprightness of nearby individuals, were persuaded that the policing would
not be fruitful without a passably dependable office in the towns.

The Indian Police Act, 1861 didn't come into power naturally in all the regions since
there was an arrangement in it, which specified that the Act would be material to any area
just when so advised by Governor General in Council. The Act was never applied in
Provinces of Madras, Bombay and Sind, which had separate Police Acts. (Police Act of
1859 in Madras and Bombay District Police Act II of 1867 in Bombay, were practically
like Indian Police Act, 1861 with specific changes dependent on nearby conditions).

The Police Commission of 1902 suggested setting up discrete Criminal Investigation

Department in every area for gathering and appropriating data with respect to crooks and
composed violations and for aiding the examination of confounded cases. It likewise
suggested building up an association under Inspector General of Police, for the entire of
India in the line of Police Organization for Provinces. It likewise contained a significant
suggestion delineating the principal significance to create and encourage the current town
organization for police work.

A near investigation of the policing over the models inspected, attempted by Nation
Master shows that of the models analyzed, the rate pace of open trust in policing is as per
the following:

United Kingdom: 77%

USA : 73%
France : 67%

Different nations including India are not in any event, highlighting in the examining. This
can offer ascent to a presumption that various police powers ingrain more trust in the
general population about the policing, as they have more reach than a particular
framework as followed in Saudi Arabia or China, yet this end ought to be taken distinctly
against the alert that the testing may not have incorporated these nations.

Assimilation of Lessons:
While as a vote based system, India ought to endeavor towards a comprehensive policing,
where the policing capacities are done based on famous assent, responsibility and
straightforwardness is additionally required and in this the British models of making
police responsible to the general population is worth copying. Truth be told, the Police
Complaints Authority (PCA), which is as of now acquired power in numerous states in
India as a fallout of Prakash Singh judgment, is only a duplicate of the English model.
While the accentuation of the UK model is participatory administration of the police
framework, apparently accentuation of the Indian models is to vest more circumspection
on the leader specialists.

It is likewise tragic to take note of that there are no proposals in the current change
suggestions to enlarge the current arrangement of town level participation in policing. S
72 of the draft Kerala Police Act, 2008 for instance accommodates an arrangement of
network policing, which maybe is the sole suggestion in the entire of the draft rule that
calls for network meetings. Be that as it may, there are no arrangements which make the
proposals of the Community Liaison Group obligatory and this would make the network
policing an activity to make sources as opposed to members in the policing procedure.

Indeed, even the Police commissions delegated by progressive governments which

framed the premise of the rules gave by the Supreme Court in such manner, didn't give as

much push to the democratization with regards to the freedom of the police power from
the legislative mediation.

Learning Activities

Activity: Make a scrapbook illustrating how the study of comparative police system
using the Safari and Collaborative method being done. Submit your output to the college
by turning in the link to the google class______________ on or before the reflected
schedule. See Rubrics in Written Outputs on page no.______.

Thank you for completing the tasks in the activity. If you have not
completed the task or you have difficulties in answering the task, you can reach
your facilitator through our google class_____________ or via text messages/
phone calls with this mobile phone number: ________________________.

And now, you can proceed to the next section of the unit for assessment.


Which among the two study of comparative police system do you think is more effective?
Write you answer on the space provided for 300 words.

Congratulations for a job well done. You have successfully completed the
activities of this unit. If you have not completed the task or you have difficulties
in answering the tasks, you can reach your facilitator through our google
class_____________ or via text messages/ phone calls with this mobile phone
number: ________________________. You can also write your insights or
thoughts on the text box below about the activities taken under this unit.

You can now proceed to the next level of performance activities in Unit

Unit 3 - Effects of globalization.

The effect of globalization on state-based human rights violations and other

violations will depend on the type of the state and its history. In newly democratizing
countries with weak institutions and elite-controlled economics (Russian, Latin, and
Southeast Asia), the growth of global markets and economic flow tends to destabilize
coercive forces but increase crime, police abuse and corruption

Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

 Recall about the positive and negative effect of globalization process
products, information, jobs and in the Police system.

 Discover the different perspective behind globalization process and its effect
to human rights.


True or False

Directions: On the space provided before each item, write TRUE when the statement is
factual and FALSE when it is erroneous.

__________1. Globalization provides threats for law enforcement, it likewise, provide

opportunities; such as: Creation of international tribunals to deal with human rights
__________2. Globalization is one among the threats in law enforcement due to:
Increasing volume of human rights violations.

__________3. Globalization provides threats for law enforcement, it likewise, provide

opportunities; such as: Global groups for conflict monitoring and coalitions across
transnational issues.
__________4. Globalization provides threats for law enforcement, it likewise, provide
opportunities; such as: Transnational professional network and cooperation against
transnational crimes.

__________5. Globalization provides threats for law enforcement, it likewise, provide
opportunities; such as: Humanitarian interventions that can promote universal norms and
link them to the enforcement power of states.

__________6. Globalization provides threats for law enforcement, it likewise, provide

opportunities; such as Transnational professional network and cooperation against
transnational crimes.
__________7. Globalization is one among the threats in law enforcement due to:
Transnational criminal none networks for drug trafficking, money laundering, terrorism,
__________8. Globalization is one among the threats in law enforcement due to:
Conflict between nations.
__________9. Globalization is one among the threats in law enforcement due to: The
underprivileged gain fair access to global mechanisms on law enforcement and security.

__________10. Globalization is one among the threats in law enforcement due to:
decreasing volume of human rights violations.

1. Only 2 options (1 correct and incorrect response)

2. Scored dichotomously (choose whether the statement is “true or false”)

3. If you choose correct (2 points)

4. If you don’t (0 points)



Effects of Globalization on human rights

The impact of globalization on state-based human rights infringement will rely

upon the sort of the state and its history. In recently democratizing nations with frail
foundations and first class controlled financial matters (Russian, Latin, and Southeast
Asia), the development of worldwide markets and monetary stream will in general
destabilize coercive powers yet builds wrongdoing, police misuse and debasement.

The framework and standards are classified in a generally supported arrangement of

universal endeavors:

1. The "Worldwide Bill of Human Rights" (Universal Declaration of Human

a) Rights to opportunity of articulation

b) Freedom from torment and abuse
c) Rights to instruction
d) Adequate lodging and other financial, social and social rights.

2. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and International Covenant

on Social and Economic Rights;

3. Phenomenon-explicit settlements on atrocities (Geneva Convention), destruction,

and torment

4. Protection for weak gatherings, for example, the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child and the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

5. International discourse on human rights has delivered a differentiation between

three "ages" of human rights, named for their recorded development.

6. Security rights envelop life, substantial trustworthiness, freedom, and some of the
time related privileges of political cooperation and equitable administration.

7. Social and monetary rights, featured in the eponymous International Covenant,

involve both negative and positive opportunities, instituted by states and others:
noticeably, rights to food, social insurance, training, and free work.

Economic, social and cultural rights a broad category of human rights guaranteed in the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural and other legally binding
international and regional human rights treaties. They include:

a) Rights at work, especially just and reasonable states of business, assurance against
constrained or necessary work and the option to frame and join worker's guilds.

b) The right to instruction, including guaranteeing that essential training is free and
mandatory, that instruction is adequately accessible, available, satisfactory and
adjusted to the person.

c) Cultural privileges of minorities and Indigenous Peoples.

d) The right to the most elevated feasible norm of physical and psychological well-
being, including the privilege to solid everyday environments and accessible.
Available, worthy and quality administrations.
e) The right to sufficient lodging, including security of residency, insurance from
constrained ousting and access to moderate, livable, very much found and socially
satisfactory lodging.

f) The right to food, including the privilege to opportunity from yearning and access
workmanship all occasions to satisfactory nutritious food or the way to acquire it.

g) The option to water-the privilege to adequate water and disinfection that is

accessible, available (both truly and financially) and safe.

Threat of the Globalization of Crimes

The Current State of the Globalization of Crimes The present status of offenses
perpetrated by outside nationals visiting Japan shows that the "globalization of
violations" has become a genuine danger to open security that can't be completely caught
just by factual figures, for example, the quantity of cases cleared and the quantity of far
off nationals captured.
Offenses by unfamiliar nationals visiting Japan in the past likewise included cases that
compromised open security, for example, "attempt at manslaughter" offenses by far off
nationals who visited Japan with the visa status for short remain and got back following
the execution of wrongdoings and offenses carried out by criminal gatherings of visiting
outsiders united together by local or direct relations. Notwithstanding, late offenses by
outside nationals visiting Japan are totally not quite the same as for the most part
irregular offenses found in the early long stretches of the Heisei time frame, and are of
more genuine extents because of their trademark highlights of the infiltration into Japan
of criminal associations that work on a worldwide scale, global enrollments of criminal
associations and the worldwide spread of criminal offenses

(1) Globalization of Drug-Related Offenses and Money laundering offenses

(2) Drug-Related Offenses by Foreign nationals (drug smuggling).
(3) Firearm smuggling
(4) Cybercrime, etc.

Globalization of Drug-Related Offenses and Money laundering offenses

What is illegal drugs?

A medication is a substance that influences the manner in which the body capacities. On
the off chance that a medication is delegated 'illicit', this implies it is illegal by law.
Distinctive unlawful medications effects affect individuals and these impacts are affected
by numerous components. This makes them capricious and risky, particularly for
Money laundering is the illicit procedure of hiding the causes of cash got unlawfully by
going it through an intricate grouping of banking moves or business exchanges. The
general plan of this procedure restores the "perfect" cash to the launderer in a dark and
roundabout manner.
One issue of crimes is representing the returns without raising the doubt of law
implementation organizations. Extensive time and exertion might be placed into
procedures that empower the protected utilization of those returns without raising
undesirable doubt. Actualizing such systems is for the most part called tax evasion. After
cash has been washed, it very well may be utilized for real purposes.
Criminal systems traffic a scope of medications including cannabis, cocaine, heroin and
methamphetamine. As worldwide fringes become progressively permeable, worldwide
maltreatment and openness to drugs have gotten progressively across the board.
This universal exchange includes cultivators, makers, dispatches, providers and sellers. It
influences practically the entirety of our part nations, subverting political and financial
security, demolishing the lives of people and harming networks. The end-clients and
addicts are frequently the casualties of an amazing and manipulative business.
Medication dealing is regularly connected with different types of wrongdoing, for
example, illegal tax avoidance or defilement. Dealing courses can likewise be utilized by
criminal systems to move other illegal items.
s lawbreakers devise perpetually innovative methods of masking illicit medications for
transport, law implementation faces difficulties in recognizing such hid substances.
What's more, new manufactured medications are created with normality, so police need
to consistently know about new patterns and items on the unlawful market.

Drug-Related Offenses by Foreign nationals (drug smuggling).

Illicit Trafficking. – The illicit development, culture, conveyance, organization,
administration, fabricate, deal, exchanging, transportation, dissemination, importation,
exportation and ownership of any risky medication as well as controlled forerunner and
basic substance.
One-hundred-and-twelve outsiders were captured in the Philippines in 2016 for medicate
offenses, said specialists.
"Far off nationals captured for tranquilize related offenses across the nation dramatically
increased to 79 six months into the administration's war against drugs. During the main

semester of 2016, 33 outsiders were at that point caught," Director General Isidro Lapena
of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) said in an announcement gave on
A ventured up enemies of medications activity had been one of the foundations of
President Rodrigo Duterte's enemy of culpability technique, which relies on wiping out
medication pushers. The President has been broadly scrutinized abroad for his eccentric
way to deal with improving harmony and request, yet results talk about an improvement
in the misgiving of lawbreakers selling and circulating medications.
An extraordinary number of the medications that can be sourced in the nation are from
Far off nationals were seen as significantly engaged with the spread of illicit medications
in the nation. In 2016, a sum of 112 far off nationals were captured for infringement of
Republic Act 9165, or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002," said Lapena.
Among the outsiders secured, Chinese nationals head the rundown with 44, trailed by
Taiwanese at 29, and seven Hong Kong nationals and seven Koreans. The rest are
different Asians, Americans, Europeans and African nationals.
In view of PDEA records from 2010 to 2016, a sum of 473 far off nationals were
captured for disregarding the counter medication law: 112 out of 2016, 38 out of 2015, 67
of every 2014, 77 out of 2013, 65 out of 2012, 45 of every 2011 and 69 of every 2010.
"Out of the outsiders captured over the most recent seven years, 227, or 48 percent, were
Chinese nationals. They were either pushers, owners, messengers, producers and
lenders," Lapena called attention to.
To address the convergence of Chinese nationals engaged with the nation's medication
exchange, PDEA and the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security of
the People's Republic of China (PRC) marked a Protocol on Cooperation on October 20,
2016 in Beijing, China.
The convention, which will be compelling for a long time, plans to successfully stifle and
control tranquilize violations between the two countries.
"PDEA has ventured up its crusade to seek after outsiders answerable for the
multiplication of hazardous medications in the nation. This prompted their inevitable
capture through high-sway tasks, including the disassembling of covert research centers
utilized in the assembling of shabu, concoction distribution centers, counteraction of
medication dealing with air terminals and seaports, and high-volume seizures through
purchase bust activities.
Since July 2016, networks in the Philippines have been exposed to a vicious across the
country police crackdown on unlawful medications, which has pursued global judgment
and incited a potential examination to be opened by the International Criminal Court. The

Philippine chief, Rodrigo Duterte, who got to work as president in June 2016, rose to
political force on the rear of vows to end the nation's 'sedate emergency'.
The illegal medication economy of the Philippines exists – and flourishes – inferable
from the complicity of law-requirement specialists, legislators and the military with the
medication exchange systems. Amusingly, the very individuals who are entrusted with
handling the nation's illegal medication exchanges are rather conspiring and helping out
medication brokers for their own monetary profit. Cops, warriors and legislators of all
positions have collected a defensive net around the nation's medication markets for their
own financial advantage, in what has become a profoundly enmeshed narco-political
web. The head of the Philippines National Police (PNP) has asserted that more than 300
of his officials are schemers in the medication business, while the leader of the
Philippines, Duterte, in 2016 named five police commanders as assuming a focal job in
supporting the medication exchange. The sheer size of this arrangement drove a few
individuals from the security segment to remark: 'When the [drug war] crusade began, we
understood that the issue was greater than anticipated, with numerous parts of the
political framework profoundly dug in the medication exchange.'

Firearm smuggling
Firearm refers to any handheld or portable weapon, whether a small arm or light
weapon, that expels or is designed to expel a bullet, shot, slug, missile or any projectile,
which is discharged by means of expansive force of gases from burning gunpowder or
other form of combustion or any similar instrument or implement. For purposes of this
Act, the barrel, frame or receiver is considered a firearm
Arms Smuggling. –The penalty of reclusion Perpetua in the Philippines shall be imposed
upon any person who shall engage or participate in arms smuggling as defined in this
Arms trafficking, also known as gunrunning, is broadly defined as the illicit trade of
contraband small arms and ammunition, which constitutes part of a broad range of illegal
activities often associated with transnational criminal organizations. The illegal trade of
small arms, unlike other organized crime commodities, is more closely associated with
exercising power in communities instead of achieving economic gain. Scholars estimate
illegal arms transactions amount to over US$1 billion annually.
To monitor imports and fares of a few of the most hazardous deadly implement classes,
the United Nations, in 1991, made a Register for Conventional Arms, anyway investment
isn't mandatory and needs complete information in locales outside of Europe. Africa,
because of a pervasiveness of degenerate authorities and approximately upheld exchange
guidelines, is a locale with broad unlawful arms action. In a goal to supplement the
Register with legitimately restricting commitments, a Firearms Protocol was consolidated
into the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime, which expects states to
improve frameworks that control dealt ammo and guns.
Where do illegal guns in the Philippines come from?

Illicit weapons have figured conspicuously in infamous prominent medication heists,
brutal fanatic exercises, slaughters, murders, and thefts in the Philippines. Practically
99% of the weapons utilized in wrongdoings are free guns.

In 2014, Filipinos possessed an expected 3.9 million guns. Some 2.1 million, or half of
these, are illicit. Conversely, the Philippine National Police and the Armed Forces of the
Philippines possessed not exactly a million weapons. State powers are obviously

What is cybercrime?

Cybercrime is crime that either targets or uses a PC, a PC arrange or an organized gadget.

Most, yet not all, cybercrime is carried out by cybercriminals or programmers who need
to bring in cash. Cybercrime is completed by people or associations.

Some cybercriminals are composed, utilize propelled procedures and are exceptionally in
fact gifted. Others are beginner programmers.

Infrequently, cybercrime means to harm PCs for reasons other than benefit. These could
be political or individual.

Types of cybercrime

 Here are some specific examples of the different types of cybercrime:

 Email and internet fraud.
 Identity fraud (where personal information is stolen and used).
 Theft of financial or card payment data.
 Theft and sale of corporate data.
 Cyberextortion (demanding money to prevent a threatened attack).
 Ransomware attacks (a type of cyberextortion).
 Cryptojacking (where hackers mine cryptocurrency using resources they do not own).
 Cyberespionage (where hackers access government or company data).

Most cybercrime falls under two main categories:

 Criminal activity that targets

 Criminal activity that uses computers to commit other crimes.
 Cybercrime that targets computers often involves viruses and other types of malware.

Cybercriminals may infect computers with viruses and malware to damage devices or
stop them working. They may also use malware to delete or steal data.

Globalization is one among the threats in law enforcement due to:
1. Increasing volume of human rights violations;
2. The underprivileged gain under unfair access to global mechanisms on law
enforcement and security;
3. Conflict between nations;
4. Transnational criminal networks for drug trafficking, money laundering,
terrorism, etc.

However, if Globalization provides threats for law enforcement, it

likewise, provide opportunities; such as:
1. Creation of international tribunals to deal with human rights problems;
2. Humanitarian interventions that can promote universal norms and link them to the
enforcement power of states;
3. Transnational professional network and cooperation against transnational crimes;
4. Global groups for conflict monitoring and coalitions across transnational issues.

How can the police or law enforcement agencies safeguard life and
human dignity on global scene?
1. International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of HR; International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; International Covenant on Social and
Economic Rights)

2. Geneva Conventions (treaties on war crimes, genocide and torture)

3. UN Convention on the Rights of Child and the Elimination of Discrimination

against Women (protection of vulnerable groups: children and women)

Learning Activities

Activity 1. Make a scrapbook illustrating the effects of globalization.

Activity 2. Look for at least three negative effects and two positive effect of globalization
that were identified and present the law violated.

Activity 3. Submit at least 3 news clippings for violation of human rights by the law

Thank you for completing the tasks in the activity. If you have not
completed the task or you have difficulties in answering the task, you can reach
your facilitator through our google class_____________ or via text messages/
phone calls with this mobile phone number:
28 ________________________.

And now, you can proceed to the next section of the unit for assessment.

Category 4 3 2 1
Appearance of The project’s The project’s The project’s The project’s
the Project appearance is appearance is appearance is appearance is
professional and quite somewhat poor. quite poor. Many
polished without professional and Some distractive distractive
distractive polished with elements. elements. Does
elements. Uses few distractive Missing some of not include the
the required elements. White the requirement proper
elements of the space is of the project. requirements for
project to efficiently used. the project.
efficiently show Contains all the
the topic. requirements of
Content and The project The project The project The project
Facts content is content is good content is content is poor
exemplary and and suggests the fair/poor and and suggests
suggests the youth has suggests most of sufficient
youth has discovered most the important research has not
discovered the of the important facts were not been done.
important ideas facts of his/her discovered. The Information for
of his/her topic. topic. Most of information for the project was
All information the information the project is incomplete or
for the project is for the project lacking. missing.
Style & Display is Display is Some parts of Display is
Organization interesting and interesting and the display are uninteresting,
attractive. attractive. interesting. not dy. Materials
Materials are Materials are Some materials are incomplete
complete and complete and are complete but and not
organized to well organized. lack organized.
present the ideas Presentation has organization. Presentation has
well. sequence and Presentation has no sequence or
plan evident. some sequence plan evident.
and plan evident.
Creativity & Project is Good creative Some attempt
Li-le attempt to
Appearance excellently effort. Project is made to add add color or
presented neat and shows color and
reflecting evidence of time originality. Project has
creativity and a spent on it. Project is neat, sloppy
lot of thought. but appears to beappearance.
rushed. Rushed to
Knowledge Scrapbook The scrapbook The scrapbook The scrapbook

demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
thorough good knowledge some knowledge very li-le
knowledge of of the subject of the subject knowledge of
the subject Investigated. investigated. the subject
investigated. investigated.


Congratulations for a job well done. You have successfully completed

the activities of this unit. If you have not completed the task or you have
difficulties in answering the tasks, you can reach your facilitator through our
google class_____________ or via text messages/ phone calls with this
mobile phone number: ________________________. You can also write
your insights or thoughts on the text box below about the activities taken
under this unit.

You can now proceed to the next level of performance activities in


Unit 4- Identify the policing models in the world

Policing is one of the most important of the functions

undertaken by every sovereign government. For the state
machinery, police is an inevitable organ which would
ensure maintenance of law and order, and also the first link
in the criminal justice system.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Unit, you will be able to:

 Make comparison of the different country police system as to the:
Organization structure, name of police, rank and insignia, motto, best
practices, powers and functions.
 Learned about the similarities and difference of policing in different
 Make comparison of the recruitment or entrance age and retirement age of
police in different countries.


True or False
Directions: On the space provided before each item, write TRUE when the statement is
factual and FALSE when it is erroneous.

__________1. Saudi Arabia is a typical model of centralized coordinated police force

with a singular line of command emanating from the King. Both Minister of Interior and
Director of Public Safety are appointed by the King and both are usually senior members
of the King’s family itself.

__________2. Vietnam is another model of Singular Coordinated Centralized police

force. The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) is a functional organization under the State
Council in charge of public security work nationwide.

__________3. France is a typical example of a police force with Multiple Coordinated

centralized force and it has two national law enforcement agencies.

__________4. United Kingdom (UK) which comprises of England, Scotland and

Northern Ireland is the world oldest democracy and policing in UK also grown from the
principle of “policing by consent”. Even though the basic premise of policing in UK is by
consent, the British Police system as it exists now is more a reverse process of investing
more power in people by law, than policing by consent.

__________5. Philippines is a typical example of a multiple Uncoordinated Centralized

police force. As in almost all European Countries, policing is based on the principle of
“Policing by law”. The system is called Multiple Centralized uncoordinated force since,
there is more than one police force in the country, but at the top both these forces report
to the same authority. The authority of these forces overlaps in many places.

__________6. In United States of America, there’s no national police force in the US,
where policing is organized on a state and local basis.

__________7. Police in Africa tops the number of Police men in the world countries with
1,032,960 police personnel. USA has the second largest police force in the world with
941,139 police officers. UK and France come 9th and 10th respectively.

__________8. Law enforcement in the United States is one of three major components
of the criminal justice system along with courts and corrections.

__________9. Australia is a Federal State; it has only one police force for each of six
states as well as for the northern territory. The Australian Federal Police is involved in
preventing and investigating crimes against commonwealth.

__________10. Policing in Saudi is constitutionally vested in the states. Each of the

Sixteen States (Laender) has its own police organization. Police forces for each
States(laender) are controlled by the INTERIOR MINISTRY.


Comparative Study of Police Systems:

1. Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia is a typical model of centralized coordinated police force
with a singular line of command emanating from the King. Both Minister of Interior and
Director of Public Safety are appointed by the King and both are usually senior members
of the King’s family itself. The Police known as Public Security police is responsible for
general policing throughout the country and derives its authority from Executive Orders
and the Shariah. Public Security Police is divided into Regular Police and Special
Investigative Police (SIP) known as “Mubahit”. Regular Police is directly under the
control of Ministry of Interior, and is run by Director of Public Safety. SIP works under
the control of General Directorate of Investigation (GIP) and is responsible for criminal
investigations and manages domestic security and counter intelligence functions. In
addition to the Public Security Police, there is also a religious police called Mutawwiun,
which is directly under the King, and whose main duty is enforcement of Islamic Shariah,
Since Mutawwiun generally takes the form of a religious band, and is not responsible for
any general law and order maintenance functions, they are more a religious sect, than a
police force. Except the Mutawwiun, police force is organised as a single unit in Saudi

While this is the overall picture of policing in Saudi Arabia, there are jurisdictional
pockets of ancestral expert in Saudi Arabia, which is past the scope of even the King's
equity. In the ancestral pockets, the ancestral older folks are a law unto themselves and
they don't engage the impedance of any outer specialists. So lawfulness or criminal
examination issues in these pockets are attempted by the ancestral older folks themselves,
with the normal police giving strategic help any place required.

One significant component of Saudi Police System is that the line recognizing the Saudi
Regular Armed powers and Police is restricted and numerous multiple times the policing
capacities are plentifully upheld by Saudi National gatekeeper and the military.

2. China: China is another model of Singular Coordinated Centralized police power. The
Ministry of Public Security (MPS) is a practical association under the State Council
accountable for open security work across the country. Open security offices are set in
areas and independent districts; metropolitan open security authorities are set in direct
regions; open security departments or divisions are allocated to urban communities and
prefectures; sub-departments are set in sub-districts of urban areas, under the immediate
administration of their boss open security organizations; open security authorities are set
in provinces and flags, under the initiative of their particular nearby government and
unrivaled open security offices. Dispatched police headquarters are legitimately
subordinate to their boss open security authorities and sub-agencies in areas and

3. France: France is a typical example of a police force with Multiple Coordinated

centralized force.

France has two national law enforcement agencies:

Police Nationale, formerly called the Sûreté- a civilian force; primary responsibility in
urban areas; run under the Ministry of the Interior)

Gendarmerie Nationale, a gendarmerie; primary responsibility in rural areas and military

installations; run under the Ministry of Defence and under operational control, for most
purposes, of the Ministry of the Interior).

Apart from these two, there are other agencies like:

Direction générale des douanes et droits indirects, a civilian customs service more
commonly known as the “Douane”, under the Minister of Budget, Public Accounting and
Civil Servants.

French municipalities may also have a local police called the Police municipale, Garde
municipale or Garde champetre, with restricted powers: they can only enforce the
municipal by-laws.

4. United Kingdom: United Kingdom (UK) which comprises of England, Scotland and
Northern Ireland is the world oldest democracy and policing in UK also grown from the
principle of “policing by consent”. Even though the basic premise of policing in UK is by
consent, the British Police system as it exists now is more a reverse process of investing
more power in people by law, than policing by consent. As such, the policing in UK has
now become policing by law, but a law which mandates a police which is accountable to

UK is a typical example of Multiple Coordinated Decentralized police force. UK does not
have a national police service, but a network of 43 individual police forces responsible
for policing specific counties, cities or areas, excluding the forces with special
jurisdiction. These 43 forces are formed of more than 140,500 police officers,
14,000 volunteer special constables and 13,400 community support officers.

UK has a three-way system of responsibility ensures forces run smoothly:

Home Office funds the police and has the overall responsibility as overseer and
coordinator of the police forces.

Police Authorities make sure local forces operate efficiently and effectively.

Chief Police Officers have responsibility for the direction and control of regional forces.

As per UK Home Office, this framework forestalls political obstruction in policing and
abstains from giving any single association control over the whole police administration.
What's more, there is a free Police Complaints Authority and an Inspectorate of
Constabulary. While the Police Complaints Commission analyzes the protests against the
police authorities, the Inspectorate of Constabulary goes about as a review wing for the
police which look at and survey the effectiveness of police. The Police Reforms Act,
2002 requires the Home Secretary to set up a yearly Policing Plan and to put it before the
lawmaking body. The budgetary control of each police power rests with the Police
Authority, which comprises of in any event 17 individuals. There is portrayal for
neighborhood chose agents, legal executive and regular men, in each police authority,
such portrayal incorporates designations from the Home Office just as individuals chose
through an open enrollment process. All bodies like Inspectorate of Constabulary,
Independent Police Complaints authority and Police Authorities work as autonomous
bodies with discrete corporate personality, unmistakable from that of police.

5. Spain: Spain is a commonplace case of a various Uncoordinated Centralized police

power. As in practically all European Countries, policing depends on the standard of
"Policing by law". The framework is called Multiple Centralized clumsy power since,
there is more than one police power in the nation, yet at the top both these powers report
to a similar position. The authority of these powers covers in numerous spots.

In similarity with the Constitution, the natural law on law authorization bodies
characterizes the structure of open security in Spain.

Under the Spanish constitution, open wellbeing is the duty of the State alone and national
Government's job to look after security. Self-sufficient networks and neighborhood
partnerships may take an interest through their own security powers in the peace upkeep
and wrongdoing examination elements of police. Spain has a National Police, which is a
regular citizen power and works essentially in urban zones. The Guardia (Civil Guard),
which is a military power and works chiefly in rustic regions. Nearby people group have
either units of police powers connected to their chiefs or their own police powers.

6. United States of America: There's no national police power in the US, where policing
is sorted out on a state and nearby premise. The nation has around 500,000 cops and an
aggregate of 40,000 separate police powers, over portion of which are essentially a
couple of man sheriffs' workplaces in humble communities. Notwithstanding normal full-
time cops, numerous towns have helper, low maintenance cops, extraordinary obligation
and volunteer sheriff's have (which help sheriffs' workplaces in certain territories).

Law requirement in the United States is decentralized. Government specialists manage

infringement of administrative law that fall inside their particular purviews. There are
around 65 diverse government police organizations. At the neighborhood level, every one
of the 50 sovereign states has its own state lawmaking body that orders criminal
resolutions under their state constitutions. The vast majority of the U.S. States have
police at all levels – city, district and state level.

Explicit Organizational highlights of police shift enormously from little casually

composed offices with 2-3 representatives to exceptionally sorted out metropolitan
offices with various sub divisions and a great many workers.

Police structures change extraordinarily among and inside the government, state and
nearby levels. Essential obligation of policing is at neighborhood level. State level
authorities have just explicit obligations.

7. Police in India: India best the quantity of Police men on the planet nations with
1,032,960 police work force. USA has the second biggest police power on the planet with
941,139 cops. UK and France come ninth and tenth individually. Be that as it may,
thinking about the number of inhabitants in the nation, India has just 0.956207 per 1,000
individuals and comes 47th on the planet nations, while, UK with 2.04871 per 1,000
individuals remains at 34th position.

Indian model of police association is a model for a numerous disorderly decentralized

policing. In sharp differentiation to the British standard of policing by assent, India keeps
policing by law. Each state has its own police power, whose highest levels are filled by
officials of Indian Police Service, which is a focal assistance. Numerous experts have
remarked that the Indian Police Act, 1861, which was brought into power following the
First War of Indian Independence in 1857 depended on doubt of Indian authorities and
was planned for guaranteeing severe command over the Indian populace. Much in the
wake of achieving freedom, progressive governments didn't attempt to change this
essential character of Indian Police power. Despite the fact that the composers of the
Indian Constitution imagined police as a state subject, vide Article 246 read with sections
I and 2 of List II of Seventh Schedule of Indian Constitution, most Indian states picked to
receive the Indian Police Act, 1861 with no change, while the not many states, including
Kerala which settled on Police Act of its own, demonstrated its resolution extensively
dependent on the Indian Police Act, 1861 itself. Indeed, even the model Police Act, 2008
doesn't have any essential contrast from the way of thinking of Indian Police Act, 1861.

While we can extensively arrange the Indian Police association as a different, un
composed, decentralized model, the nearness of IPS officials at the highest levels of most
police powers make a diagonal Centralized control.

The semi government character of the Indian commonwealth, with explicit arrangements
in the Constitution, permits a planning and directing job for the Center in police matters
and even approves it to set up certain focal police associations.

The top of the police power in each state is the Director General of Police (DGP) -
capable to the state government for the organization of the police power in each state, and
for exhorting the administration on police matters. The DGP speaks to the most elevated
bar in the police progressive system.

The various leveled structure of the police in India follows a vertical arrangement
comprising of senior officials drawn, overall, from The Indian Police Service (IPS) who
accomplish the administrative work, the "upper subordinates" (investigators, sub-
overseers, and asst. sub-auditors) who work for the most part at the police headquarters
level, and the police constabulary who are appointed the watching, observation, monitor
obligations, and lawfulness work. The constabulary represents practically 88% of all out
police quality.

Segment 3 of the Police Act, 1861 vested the administration of the state police power in
the state government.

An arrangement of double control at the area level is presented under Sec.4 of Indian
Police Act, 1861. It puts the police powers under the District Superintendent of Police,
however subject to the "general control and heading" of the District Magistrate. The draft
Police Act, 2008 obviously attempts to change this double control.

8. US Police Department. Law implementation in the United States is one of three

significant parts of the criminal equity framework alongside courts and revisions. In spite
of the fact that, there is presence of a characteristic interrelatedness between the various
gatherings that make up the criminal equity framework dependent on their wrongdoing
discouragement reason, every part works autonomously from each other.

Powers and Functions

Researchers have distinguished three essential police office capacities;

(1) Order support – this is the wide command to keep the harmony or in any case
forestall practices which may upset others. This can manage things going from a yapping
canine to a clench hand battle. The police are typically approached to "handle" these
circumstances with watchfulness, instead of manage them as severe infringement of law,
however obviously their position to manage these circumstances are situated in
infringement of law.

(2) law authorization – those forces are ordinarily utilized distinctly in situations where
the law has been abused and a presume must be recognized and captured. Most clear
occurrences incorporate theft, murder, or robbery; and

(3) Calls for administration – administration may incorporate delivering emergency

treatment, giving vacationer data, directing the bewildered, or going about as instructors.
Thus, police administrations may incorporate side of the road auto help, giving referrals
to different organizations, discovering lost pets or property, or checking locks.9.
Australian Federal Police. Australia is a Federal State; it has only one police force for
each of six states as well as for the northern territory. The Australian Federal Police is
involved in preventing and investigating crimes against commonwealth. It was
established by the Federal Police Act of 1979 and is under Home Affairs Ministry.

10. German Police System.

Within each laender are several kinds of police such as:

i. Schutzpolizei (shupo) – municipal police

ii. Kriminalpoliei (kripo) – investigators
iii. Bereitschaftspolizei (bepo) – civil order police
iv. Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS) – Federal Border Police
v. Special Group- 9 – Anti Terrorism Group (BGS)

11. Japan National Police Agency. The focal planning body for the whole police
framework. The National Police Agency decides general guidelines and arrangements;
itemized course of tasks is left to the lower echelons. It is going by a Commissioner
General who is named by the National Public Safety Commission.


KOBAN – Urban Police Post

CHUZAISHO – Rural Police Post

IMPERIAL GUARD – provides personal security for the Emperor, Crown Prince and
other members of the Imperial Family of Japan, as well as the protection of imperial

KIDOTAI (SPECIAL RIOT POLICE) – used in crowd control during festival periods,
times of natural disaster, and to reinforce regular police when necessary.

SPECIAL ASSAULT TEAM – anti-terrorist unit of JNPA

The three main law enforcement organizations in Japan are the following.

(1) National Public Safety Commission (NPSC) – (Koan Linkai) under the direct
authority of the prime minister.
(2) National Police Agency (NPA) – (Keisatsucho) headed by a commissioner general.
(3) Prefectural Police Headquarters (PPH) – (Kaisatsu Sho) each with police stations
or in the case of urban area, city police departments – Shi Keisatsubu.


Keishi- Sokan (Superintendent General of the Tokyo Metropolitan)

Keishi- Kan (Superintendent Supervisor)
Keishi- Cho (Chief Superintendent)
Keishi- Sei (Senior Superintendent)
Keishi (Superintendent)
Keibu (Police Inspector)
Keibu- Ho (Assistant Police Inspector)
Junsa- Bucho (Police Sergeant)
Junsa (Policeman)

Rank Classification

The Commissioner- General of the NPA also has the status of a police officer and
functionally holds the highest position in the Japanese police forces but he does not
have a police rank.

In addition to the ranks mentioned, there is the position of Junsa-Cho. This position is
awarded to Junsa, who has a wealth of working experiences and whose performance of
duties is very good. The policemen awarded the position of Junsa-Cho are assigned to the
task of giving on-the-job training to their subordinates and of coordinating actual police

12. Thai Police System. The police system in Thailand works a little differently than that
at home. The government pays their police force very little and the community becomes
responsible for supporting the police financially. Police in Thailand are commonly
known as the BIB- boys in brown, due to their uniform

The primary responsibility for the maintenance of public order through enforcement of
the kingdom's laws was exercised by the Thailand National Police Department
(TNPD), a subdivision of the Ministry of Interior. Charged with performing police
functions throughout the entire country, the TNPD was a unitary agency whose power
and influence in Thai national life had at times rivaled that of the army. The formal

functions of the TNPD included more than the enforcement of laws and apprehension of

The TNPD is headed by a Director-General of Police.

The Thai police are subdivided into several regions and services, each enjoying their own

(1) The Border Patrol Police (BPP) is composed of BPP General Staff Division, BPP
Tactical Training Division, BPP Support Division, BPP Nawut Sondetya Hospital,
BPP Village Scout Center, BPP Counter-Insurgency Training Center, and BPP
Districts 1 to 4l;
(2) Police Aerial Reinforcement Unit (PARU) - Airborne Training, Naresuan 261
Counter-Terrorism Unit, and the Sea Air Rescue Unit.
(3) The Provincial Police Division (PPD) – divided into 9 regions covering the 75
Provinces of Thailand except metropolitan Bangkok and the border areas, are as
follow: Region 1 – Ayuthaya, Region 2–Chonburi, Region 3-Nakhon Ratchasima,
Region 4-Khon Kaen, Region 5-Chiang Mai, Region 6–Phitsanulok, Region 7-
Nakhon Pathom, Region 8-Surat Thani, and Region 9–Songkhla.

All components of the police system were administered by the TNPD

headquarters in Bangkok, which also provided technical support for law
enforcement activities throughout the kingdom.



Police General (Phon Tamruat Ek)

Police Lieutenant General (Phon Tamruat Tho)
Police Major General (Phon Tmaruat Tri)
Police Brigadier General (Phon Tmaruat Jattawa)
Police Colonel (Phan Tamruat Ek)
Police Lieutenant Colonel (Phan Tamruat Tho)
Police Major (Phan Tamruat Tri)
Police Captain (Roi Tamruat Ek)
Police Lieutenant (Roi Tamruat Tho).


Police Senior Sergeant Major (Dap Tamruat)

Police Sergeant Major (Ja Sip Tamruat)
Police Sergeant (Sip Tamruat Ek)
Police Lance Corporal (Sip Tamruat Tri)

Policeman or Constable (Phon Tamruat).

13. Hong Kong Police Force. The Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) is the
largest disciplined service under the Security Bureau of Hong Kong, headed by Secretary
for Security.

It is the world's second and Asia's first police agency to operate with a modern policing

system. It was formed on May 1, 1844, with strength of 32 officers. 

Queen Elizabeth II granted the Royal Charter to the Hong Kong Police Force in 1969 for
their handling of the Hong Kong 1967 riots, renaming the Hong Kong Police Force as
the Royal Hong Kong Police Force (RHKPF).


In Hong Kong, the significant job of the police is to demoralize and explore violations,
with specific accentuation on wrongdoing against people or property and the upkeep of
open request, and if ready to catch presumed culprits, to confine them, and advise the
fitting specialists.

Police are frequently utilized as a crisis administration and may give open security work
everywhere social affairs, crises, catastrophes, and search and salvage circumstances.


The force is commanded by the Commissioner of Police who is assisted by two deputy

(1) “Deputy Commissioner – Operations” supervises all operational matters including

(2) "Deputy Commissioner - Management" is responsible for the direction and
coordination of the force management including personnel, training and management

For day-to-day policing operations, the force is organized into six regions, i.e., Hong
Kong Island, Kowloon East, Kowloon West, New Territories North, New
Territories South, and Marine Region.


Commissioner of Police (CP)
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP)

Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP)
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP)
Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP)
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP)
Superintendent of Police (SP)
Chief Inspector of Police (CIP)
Senior Inspector of Police (SIP)
Inspector of Police (IP)
Probationary Inspector of Police (PI)
Station Sergeant (SSGT)
Sergeant (SGT)
Senior Constable (SPC)
Police Constable (PC).

14. Indonesia Police System. The Indonesian Republic National Police (IRNP) –

Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia (KNRI), is the official police force for Indonesia.
It had formerly been a part of the Tentara Nasional Indonesia. The police were formally
separated from the military in April 1999, a process which was formally completed in
July 2000. 
The function of the IRNP as a government institution responsible for maintaining security
and public order has come into conflict with its responsibility to protect and serve the
community. At the same time, the IRNP personnel lack the skills to intervene
neutrally and have been perceived as taking sides. It is therefore extremely important
to strengthen the professionalism and skills of the police, especially the personnel who
work on the front line.
There are also some special branches i.e.,
(1) Brigade Mobile or Brimob which have paramilitary role to conduct security
stabilization operations and providing security protection for VIP or vital facilities
(2) Polisi Udara or Air Police, Polisi Air or Marine Police, Forensics and Detachment 88
– specially trained for anti-terrorist operations.
POLRI is a centralized national bureaucracy.
POLRI's Organizational Structure
The police had a centralized command and divided into territorial forces:
(1) Regional Police – Kepolisian Wilayah or POLWIL
(2) Provincial Police – Kepolisian Daerah or POLDA
(3) City or Regency Police – Kepolisian Resort or POLRES
(4) Sub-district Police – Kepolisian Sektor or POLSEK

High ranking officers:

Police General - Jenderal Polisi

Police Commissioner General - Komisaris Jenderal Polisi
Police Inspector General - Inspektur Jenderal Polisi
Police Brigadier General - Brigadir Jenderal Polisi;

Mid rank officers:

Police Grand Commissioner -Komisaris Besar Polisi

Police Grand Commissioner Adjutant - Lieutenant Colonel
Police Commissioner - Komisaris Polisi;

Low rank officers:

Police Commissioner Adjutant - Ajun Komisaris Polisi

First Police Inspector - Inspektur Polisi Satu
Second Police Inspector - Inspektur Polisi Dua.

The warrant officers:

First Police Inspector Adjutant - Ajun Inspektur Polisi Satu

Second Police Inspector Adjutant - Ajun Inspektur Polisi Dua

Non-commissioned officers:

Chief Police Brigadier - Brigadir Polisi Kepala

Police Brigadier - Brigadir Polisi
First Police Brigadier - Brigadir Polisi Satu
Second Police Brigadier - Brigadir Polisi Dua;

Enlisted Personnel:

Police Brigadier Adjutant - Ajun Brigadir Polisi

First Police Brigadier Adjutant - Ajun Brigadir Polisi Satu
Second Police Brigadier Adjutant - Ajun Brigadir Polisi Dua
Chief Bhayangkara - Bhayangkara Kepala
First Bhayangkara - Bhayangkara Satu
Second Bhayangkara - Bhayangkara Dua.

15. Singapore Police System. Singapore has been ranked consistently in the top five
positions in the Global Competitiveness Report in terms of its reliability of police
The Singapore Police Force is the main agency tasked with maintaining law and order in
the city-state. Police officers in the various divisions are armed when conducting regular
uniformed patrols and plainclothes duties.
Formerly known as the Republic of Singapore Police, it has grown from an 11-man
organization to a 38,587 strong force. It enjoys a relatively positive public image, and is
credited for helping to arrest Singapore's civic unrests and lawlessness in its early years,
and maintained the low crime rate today despite having a smaller police-citizen ratio
compared to other cities.
The organizational structure of the Singapore Police Force is split between the staff and
line functions, roughly modeled after the military. There are currently 15 staff
departments and 13 line units.
The general headquarters is located in a block at New Phoenix Park in Novena.
The SFP is headed by the commissioner of police, and assisted by four deputy
commissioners, each in charge of a command.
Senior Police Officers:
Commissioner of Police
Deputy Commissioner of Police
Senior Assistant Commissioner
Assistant Commissioner
Deputy Assistant Commissioner
Superintendent of Police
Deputy Superintendent of Police
Assistant Superintendent of Police
Inspector of Police.

Non-commissioned officers:

Senior Station Inspector II of Police

Senior Station Inspector I of Police
Station Inspector of Police
Senior Staff Sergeant
Staff Sergeant

Lance Corporal
Special constable
Police Constable

16. The Police System of Malaysia. The Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) or Polis Diraja
Malaysia (PDM) is a part of the security forces structure in Malaysia. The force is a
centralized organization with responsibilities ranging from traffic control to intelligence
gathering. Its headquarters is located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur. The nation's police
force is headed by an Inspector General of Police, his Deputy and four Directors of


The police force performs the duties of preventing crime, protection of the general
welfare of the people, investigating and detecting crime, identifying and apprehending
offenders, and prosecuting criminals.
The force also has to perform the onerous task of jungle operations, tracking down
undesirable elements, investigating the smuggling of drugs, arms, and other contraband
Rakan Cop -  Is a community outreach program launched in August 9, 2005. Apart from
the 2 departments involved in the administration vis-a-vis Management Department and
Logistics Department
RMP have six (6) departments involved in crime prevention. All departments are led by
the Directors with the rank of Commissioner of Police - Army equivalent rank of Three
Stars General or Lieutenant-General.
The Inspector General Grade (Gazetted Officers): Inspector General of Police,
Deputy Inspector General of Police, Commissioner of Police, Deputy Commissioner of
Police, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police I, Senior Assistant Commissioner of
Police II, Assistant Commissioner of Police.
The Superintendent Grade: Superintendent of Police, Deputy Superintendent of Police,
Assistant Superintendent of Police;
The Inspector Grade (Non-Gazetted Officers): Chief Inspector, Inspector,
Probationary Inspector;
The Enlisted Grade (Subordinate Officers): Sub-Inspector, Sergeant Major, Sergeant,
Corporal, Lance Corporal, and Constable.

Organizational Public Security
National Royal Brunei Police Force
Name Police
NAPOLCOM Ministry of
Agency Polis Diraja Brunei (PDRB)
attached to DILG Public Security

Entrance Age 21 years old 18 years old 18 years old

Retirement age 56 years old 60 years old 60 years old

Police Officer one
Minimum Rank Corporal Police Rank 4
Police Director Supervisor Rank
Highest Rank Inspector General
General 1 (Police
required to posses atleast
Minimum Baccalaureate the Brunei Junior High School
Qualification Degree Holder Certificate of Graduate


Organizational Hongkong Indonesia
Israel National Police
Republic National
Name Police Force Police Agency

Security Secretary for Minister of National Public

Agency Bureau of Public Diplomacy Internal Safety
Hongkong and Public Affairs Affairs Commission

21 years
Entrance Age 18 years old 18 years old 21 years old

Retirement 55 years
60 years old 45 years old 60 years old
age old

Minimum Police Second Constable

Rank constable (PC) Bhayangkara/ Police Officer

Dua (Bharada)

Police Chief
Commissioner Inspector Superintendent
Highest Rank General/Jenderal
of Police General
Polisi (Jend.Pol.) (Keishie)

Five Subjects voluntary military

including service; 2years
Minimum Chinese conscript service Bachelor’s
school graduate
Qualification language and obligation to age Degree
and university
English 45;Indonesia
language citizens only


Organization Royal
al Malaysia People’s Singapore Police Royal Thai
Police Police Force Force Police
Name (RMP)

Ministry of National Police
Agency Police Singapore Agency
Home Affairs Department

Entrance 20 years
18 years old 18 years old 20 years old
Age old

Retirement 58 years
60 years old 45 years old 50 years old
age old

Minimum Volunteer Special Constable/

Constable Constables
Rank Constable Police

Inspector Police
Highest General Director Commissioner of
Police General
Rank Police Police
(IGP) General

 Must be
Have a proficient in
Baccalaureat English
Minimum High High School
e Degree
Qualification School  Minimum 3 Graduate
Diploma GCE’O’ level



Organizational Federal Police Metropolitan Police

State Police
Name of Germany Service

Federal Ministry Department of Laws and

Agency Ministry of defense
of Interior Public Safety

Entrance Age 16 years old 18 years old 21 years old

55 years old
Retirement age 60 years old 62 years old
Except Superintendent

Senior Policemen/
Minimum Rank Trooper
Constable Constable

Highest Rank Inspector Police Superintendent

Minimum High School Bachelors Degree of

Bachelor’s Degree
Qualification Degree Accredited University

Best Practices of other Police Systems

Switzerland Police, “There is no crime in Switzerland” mark used in their brochures;
uses the “iron fist, velvet glove” approach – for poor persons committing crime after
punishment, long-term treatment plan is put into effect to raise the family out of poverty.
Japan Police, “shame-based” rather than “guilty-based” approach because of the shame
it would bring to the family if such member of a Family commits crime.

Ireland Police, where people had a high degree of confidence in authorities and felt like
they had a high degree of popular participation in crime control.
Egypt Police, practiced the “law of tradition” – conflict are resolved by a tribal council.
Singapore's Community Approach: Since 1981, the Singapore Police Force has
carefully shifted from a reactive, incident driven mode of operation to full scale
Community Oriented Police Policing System (COPPS). It has de-emphasized motorized
patrolling and emergency response in favor of intensive community involvement in the
establishment of Neighborhood Police Post (NPP).

Learning Activities

Activity 1: Select three countries and compare their policing system as to their
Police powers and functions, structure, entrance age, retirement age and compare it
to the Police system in the Philippines (minimum of 300 words) (Submit your output
to the college by turning in the link to the google class______________ on or before the
reflected schedule. See Rubrics in Written Outputs on page no.______.)

Thank you for completing the tasks in the activity. If you have not
completed the task or you have difficulties in answering the task, you can reach
your facilitator through our google class_____________ or via text messages/
phone calls with this mobile phone number: ________________________.

And now, you can proceed to the next section of the unit for assessment.

Activity 2: Write a short essay on how important policing system in every country
(minimum of 200 words) (Submit your output to the college by turning in the link to the
google class______________ on or before the reflected schedule. See Rubrics in Written
Outputs on page no.______.)


Write a short essay: which among the country being discussed above is best for you
in their policing system? Why? (Minimum of 200 words) (Submit your output to the
college by turning in the link to the google class______________ on or before the
reflected schedule. See Rubrics in Written Outputs on page no.______.)


Congratulations for a job well done. You have successfully completed the
activities of this unit. If you have not completed the task or you have difficulties
in answering the tasks, you can reach your facilitator through our google
class_____________ or via text messages/ phone calls with this mobile phone
number: ________________________. You can also write your insights or
thoughts on the text box below about the activities taken under this unit.

You can now proceed to the next level of performance activities in Unit 5.

Unit 5 - The Role of International Law Enforcement Organization

Comparative models in policing is a course that deals with the concepts on the
policing models implemented in the different countries. It includes the historical
development of policing systems in dealing with different social crimes. The course
will examine and compare the different policing models in the world. It includes
analysis of the policing system of the international law enforcement organization.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the Unit, you will be able to:

 Contrast the different role of the different international law enforcement
 Identify the functions of international law enforcement organization.
 Create idea as to how the international law enforcement organization support
each member as to the policing system.


True or False
Directions: On the space provided before each item, write TRUE when the statement is
factual and FALSE when it is erroneous.

__________1. INTERPOL is NOT a police force. It is the machinery for international

police cooperation and communication. International police cooperation is the
coordinated action of the member countries' police force, all of which supply and request
information and services.

_________2. EUROPOL is the European Union's Law Enforcement Agency whose main
goal is to help achieve a safer Europe for the benefit of all European citizens and even not
membered country.
__________3. The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)is the World's
Oldest and Largest Non-profit membership organization of police executives, with over
200,000 members in over 89 different countries.
__________4. The UN Established in 1981 and became the premier regional platform for
all the heads of Asian National Police Force to interact as well as to discuss, exchange
views and update each other on the latest development in law enforcement and
transnational issues in their respective countries.
__________5. The ASEANAPOL is an international organization founded in 1945 after
the Second World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and
security, developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress,
better living standards and human rights. WORLD's LARGEST ORGANIZATION with
193 member countries.

1. International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL)
2. European Police (EUROPOL)
3. International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP)

4. Association of Southeast Asian Nations Chiefs of National Police
5. The United Nations (UN)


World's largest international police organization with a total of 190 member countries
as of 2012.Founded in Vienna in 1923 and reconstituted in 1946. It was first
conceptualized way back 1914 during the First International Criminal Police Congress
held in Monaco wherein police officers, lawyers and magistrates from 14 countries
meet to discuss arrest procedures, identification techniques, centralized international
records and extradition proceedings.

Interpol, by name of International Criminal Police Organization, intergovernmental

association that encourages participation between the criminal police powers of in excess
of 180 nations. Interpol expects to advance the vastest conceivable common help between
criminal police powers and to build up and create organizations prone to add to the
counteraction and concealment of worldwide wrongdoing. Headquartered in Lyon,
France, it is the main police association that traverses the whole globe

Organization and Function

Interpol focuses on three general classifications of universal crime: fear mongering and
violations against individuals and property, including wrongdoings against youngsters,
dealing with people, illicit migration, vehicle burglary, and craftsmanship robbery;
monetary, budgetary, and PC violations, including banking misrepresentation, tax
evasion, defilement, and falsifying; and unlawful medications and criminal associations,
including composed wrongdoing. Interpol's everyday activity is overseen by a General
Secretariat under the bearing of a secretary general, who is designated for a five-year
term by the General Assembly. The General Assembly, comprising of one agent from
every part nation, is Interpol's incomparable dynamic body. An Executive Committee of
13 individuals, each speaking to an alternate locale of the world, is delegated by the
General Assembly at its yearly gathering. The Executive Committee manages the usage
of choices made by the General Assembly and administers crafted by the secretary

Every part nation has a local clearinghouse—called the National Central Bureau, or NCB
—through which its individual police powers may speak with the General Secretariat or
with the police powers of other part nations. Interpol depends on a broad broadcast
communications framework and a novel database of global police insight. Every year,
Interpol's media communications staff handles a large number of messages in the
association's four authority dialects: Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. A

programmed search office, presented in 1992, permits uniquely prepared NCBs to look
through a huge database of data; list items are consequently sent in the language of the
inquiry. A framework known as I-all day, every day, presented in 2003, furnishes NCBs
with brisk access to a wide assortment of information, including fingerprints, DNA
records, watch arrangements of criminal suspects and people needed for addressing, and
arrangements of taken recognizable proof archives.

Working Principle:

INTERPOL is Not a police force. It is the machinery for international police

cooperation and communication. International police cooperation is the coordinated
action of the member countries' police force, all of which supply and request information
and services.









I. General Assembly

 It is the Interpol’s supreme governing body.

 Takes all major decision affecting general policy, resources needed for
international cooperation, working methods, finances and programs of
 It also elects the organization’s Executive Committee.
 It meets once a year.

II. Executive Committee

 This 13 member committee is elected by the General Assembly

 1 President - 4 years term
 3 VP - 3 years term
 9 Delegates
 Meets three times a year, usually March, July, and immediately before
the General Assembly.

NOTE: The General Assembly and Executive Committee form the Organization's


JOHANNES SCHOBER- First President of INTERPOL EXECOM (1923-1932)

III. General Secretariat
 It is the Permanent Administrative Headquarters.
 Based in
 Coordinates the International activities of member countries.
 Holds a Library of International criminal records.
 Organizes regular meetings at which delegates can exchange information on
police work.

General Secretariat has seven (7) Regional Offices across the world:
 Argentina
 Cameroon
 Cote d' Ivoire
 El Salvador
 Kenya
 Thailand
 Zimbabwe
Currently headed by JURGEN STOCKS

Four Official Languages used in INTERPOL

 Spanish
 Arabic
 French
 English

IV. National Central Bureau

The main contact point for the General Secretariat, Regional Offices and other
member countries.
Each Interpol member country maintains a National Central Bureau staffed by National
Law Enforcement Officers.
V. Advisers
It is Appointed by the Executive Committee and confirmed by the General
Assembly. These are experts in a purely advisory capacity.

VI. The Commission for the control of INTERPOL'S files

a. To ensure that the processing of personal information by Interpol complies
with the Organization's regulations,
b. To advise Interpol on any project, operation, set of rules or other matters
involving the processing of personal information and,
c. To process request concerning contained Interpol's Files.

INTERPOL’s Core Functions

1. Secure Global Police Communication Services (I-24/7)
 It provides police around the world with a common platform through which
they can share crucial information about criminals and criminality.
2. Operational Data Services and Databases
 It ensures that police worldwide have access to the information and services
they need to prevent and investigate crimes.
 Databases includes data on criminals such a names, fingerprints, DNA profiles,
stolen property such as passports, vehicles etc.
3. Operational Police Support Services
 It supports law enforcement officials in the field with emergency support and
operational activities, especially in its priority crime areas of fugitive, public
safety and terrorism, drugs and organized crime, trafficking in human beings and
financial high- tech crimes.


Red Notice – used to seek the arrest and extradition of suspects.
Blue Notice – used to seek information on the identity of persons or on their illegal
activities related to criminal matters.
Green Notice – are used to provide warning and criminal intelligence about persons who
have committed criminal offenses and who are likely to repeat these crimes in other
Yellow Notice – used to locate missing persons.
Black Notice – used to determine the identity of deceased person.
Orange Notice – to warn of an event, an object or a process representing an imminent
threat and danger to persons or property.
Purple Notice – issued to provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices and
concealment methods used by criminals.

INTERPOL – United Nations Security Council Special Notice – is issued for individuals
and entities that are subject to UN sanctions.


The NATIONAL CENTRAL BUREAU for the Philippines is a Inter-Ministerial Entity
which is not part of the Philippine National Police (PNP) but instead it is directly
attached to the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT.
The contact point (NCB) of Interpol's Secretariat in the Philippines can be found at the
maintains the NCB which is referred to as “NALECC-SCILEC” (NATIONAL LAW
CHAIRMAN: Director General Philippine National Police
Director, National Bureau of Investigation
Commissioner, Bureau of Customs
Commissioner, Bureau of Internal Revenue
Commissioner, Bureau of Immigration
Governor, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Executive Director, Dangerous Drug Board
PCTC Executive Director

 It is the counterpart of Interpol in Europe.
 EUROPOL is the European Union's Law Enforcement Agency whose main
goal is to help achieve a safer Europe for the benefit of all European citizens.

 28 EUROPEAN Member States

 Like INTERPOL, EUROPOL officers have no power to arrest but support

European Law Enforcement colleagues by gathering, analyzing and
disseminating information and coordinating operations.

Europol has its starting points in TREVI, a gathering for security collaboration made
among European Community inside and equity clergymen in 1976. From the start,
TREVI concentrated on universal fear mongering, however before long began to cover

different zones of cross-outskirt wrongdoing inside the Community. At the European
Summit in Luxembourg on 28–29 June 1991, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl required
the making of an European police organization like the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI)— along these lines planting the seeds of police co-activity across Europe. At the
Summit, the European Council consented to set up "a Central European Criminal
Investigations Office (Europol) by 31 December 1993 the most recent."
The possibility of the Luxembourg Summit was additionally explained at the European
Council in Maastricht on 9–10 December 1991, a gathering to draft the Maastricht
Treaty. The European Council consented to make "an European police office (Europol)
the underlying capacity of which is arrange trade of data on opiate drugs". The Council
similarly taught TREVI pastors to take measures in setting up the workplace. On 7
February 1992, Europol was revered with more substance in Article K.1, area 9, as the
Maastricht Treaty was agreed upon
Europol was first accepted composed temporarily in 1993 as the Europol Drugs Unit
(EDU) in Strasbourg at a similar site as the Schengen Information System was facilitated.
The little beginning gathering began activities there in January 1994 under the authority
of Jürgen Storbeck and with an order to help national police powers in criminal
examinations. The opposition for the changeless site of Europol during the period was
between The Hague, Rome and Strasbourg—the European Council chose 29 October
1993 that Europol ought to be set up in The Hague. A previous Catholic young men
school worked in 1910 at Raamweg 47 was picked as the exact area. The house was
utilized in World War II by police and insight organizations and after the War kept an eye
on by the Dutch State Intelligence Service until Europol moved there later in 1994.
The Europol Convention was marked on 26 July 1995 in Brussels and came into power
on 1 October 1998 in the wake of being confirmed by all the Member States. The
European Police Office (Europol) started its full exercises on 1 July 1999.


 The Secure Information Exchange Network Application (SIENA) is a state-of-
the-art tool designed to enable swift, secure and user-friendly communication and
exchange of operational and strategic crime-related information and intelligence
between EUROPOL, Member States and third parties that have cooperation
agreement with EUROPOL.
 It includes Operational and Strategic Analysis
 EUROPOL ANALYSIS SYSTEM (EAS) the operational information system
hosting data contributed by EUROPOL's stakeholders.

 EUROPOL provides distance on-the-spot forensic and technical support to
European investigators in the following areas:
• Payment Card Fraud
• Cybercrime
• EURO Counterfeiting,
• Dismantling Illegal Drug Production.
 EUROPOL’S 24/7 OPERATIONAL CENTER is the hub for data exchange
between EUROPOL , EU Member States and Third parties.
 Support member states investigation, Europol produce:
- hit notifications
- cross match knowledge
- knowledge products
- operational analysis support
 An investigation team set up for a fixed period, based on an agreement
between two or more European Member States and/or competent authorities, for a
specific purpose. Non European Member States may participate in a JIT with the
agreement of all other parties.


The World's Oldest and Largest Non-profit membership organization of police
executives, with over 200,000 members in over 89 different countries.
IACP's leadership consists of the operating chief executives of international, federal, state
and local agencies of all size.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) is the world's biggest and most
powerful expert relationship for police pioneers. Within excess of 31,000 individuals in
more than 165 nations, the IACP is a perceived pioneer in worldwide policing, focused
on progressing more secure networks through mindful, dynamic police administration.

Since 1893, the affiliation has been serving networks worldwide by standing up for law
authorization and propelling administration and polished methodology in policing around
the world.
The IACP is known for its promise to upgrading network security by forming the
eventual fate of the police calling. Through ideal examination, programming, and
unmatched preparing openings, the IACP is getting ready current and rising police
pioneers—and the organizations and networks they serve—to prevail with regards to
tending to the most problems that are begging to be addressed, dangers, and difficulties of
the day.
The IACP is a not-for-benefit 501c(3) association headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia.
The IACP is the distributer of The Police Chief magazine, the main periodical for law
implementation heads, and the host of the IACP Annual Conference, the biggest police
instructive and innovation work on the planet. IACP enrollment is available to law
implementation experts everything being equal, just as non-sworn pioneers over the
criminal equity framework.

Established in 1981 and became the premier regional platform for all the heads of Asian
National Police Force to interact as well as to discuss, exchange views and update each
other on the latest development in law enforcement and transnational issues in their
respective countries.
Member Countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.
The First Formal Meeting of the chiefs of ASEAN was held in MANILA, PHILIPPINES
on the OCTOBER 21 to 30, 1981.
The member of ASEANAPOL were originally MALAYSIA, INDONESIA,
1984, Royal Brunei joined the conference for the first time.
1996, The Republic of Vietnam National Police joined the conference.
1998, Laos General Department of Police and Myanmar Police Force joined the
2000, Cambodia National Police joined the conference.
ASEANAPOL GENERAL SECRETARIAT was fully operational from the January 1,
2010 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945 after the Second
World War by 51 countries committed to maintaining international peace and security,
developing friendly relations among nations and promoting social progress, better living
standards and human rights. WORLD's LARGEST ORGANIZATION with 193 member
The United Nations (UN): Its Purposes
1. Prevention of war
2. Maintenance of international peace.
3. Development of friendly relations among the members of the international Community.
4. Attainment of international cooperation and harmony in the actions of nations.




The main deliberative organ of the UN and is composed of representatives of all member
The work of the UN year-round derives largely from the mandates given by the General
General Assembly Functions:
 Deliberative – initiating studies and making recommendations for the
development of the International Law.
 Supervisory – receiving annual and special reports from another organization.
 Financial – approval and apportionment of the budget.
 Elective – election of non-permanent members of the security council.
 Constituent – admission of members and the amendments of charter.


The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), established by the UN Charter, is the
principal organ to coordinate the economic, social and related work of the United

Nations and the specialized agencies and institutions. Voting in the council is by simple
majority; each member has one vote.
Economic and Social Council.
 Composed of fifty-four (54) members elect by the General Assembly for a
three-year term.
 Exerts efforts towards the following:
 Higher standards of living.
 Condition of economic and social progress and development.
 Solutions of international economic, social, health and related problems.
 Universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental


 It is the principal judicial organ of the UN.

 It settles disputes between states and gives advisory opinions to the UN and is
specialized agencies.
 Located at Hague, Netherlands.
 Composed of 15 members who are elected for a term of nine (9) years by
absolute majority vote in the General Assembly and the Security Council.
 Functions:
 Decide contentious cases
 Renders advisory opinions


The Security Council has primary responsibility, under the UN Charter, for the
maintenance of international peace and security.
UN Composed of Five (5) Permanent members, namely:
5. USA

TEN (10) ELECTIVE members, elected for two years by the General Assembly.
Functions of these five permanent member:

Preventive Action - consist of provisional measures to prevent a conflict from worsening,
and may involve the deployment of peacekeeping and observer missions.
Enforcement Actions – consist in the deployment of air, sea and land forces, or in the
institution of blockade.
V. Trusteeship Council

Charged with the duty of assisting the Security Council and the General Assembly in the
administration of the International Trusteeship system.
VI. Secretariat

The Chief administrative organ of the UN;

It headed by the SECRETARY GENERAL who is chosen by the General Assembly
upon recommendation of the Security Council.
The SECRETARY GENERAL is the HIGHEST representative of UN. The Secretary
General and his staff are INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SERVANTS.
UN Convention against Transnational Crimes
1. Creation of domestic criminal offenses to combat the problem;
2. Adoption of new, sweeping frameworks for mutual legal assistance,
extradition, law enforcement cooperation, technical assistance and
Participation of PNP Personnel in UN Peacekeeping Missions
The Republic of the Philippines is committed to global peace and as a founding member
of the United Nations, abides by its Charter and recognizes that the maintenance of
international peace and security is a primary responsibility of the United Nations.
Scope of Philippine Involvement
1. The Philippines supports the role of the United Nations.
2. Philippine participation in UN peace operations should be decided by taking into
consideration the following factors: national capabilities, the domestic peace and
order situation and ultimately national interest and national goals.
3. UN peace operations that are being, or may be, conducted in Southeast Asia and other
areas of Asia Pacific will be given highest priority in considering Philippine
4. The safety and security of Philippine personnel assigned to UN peace operations are
of paramount importance.

5. The Philippines recognizes the importance of peace-building activities in the
rebuilding of states.


1. An UNSAS eligible;
2. A Police Commissioned Officer (PCO) must have a rank of at least Police Senior
Inspector while a Police Non-Commissioned Officer (PNCO) applicant must have a
rank of at least Police Officer III;
3. Have attained at least five (5) years of active police service (excluding cadetship for
PMA, PNPA, PMMA, and equivalent Officer’s Training/Field Training Program
(FTP) for Lateral Entry Officers and Recruitment Training for Police Non-
Commissioned Officers);
4. Appointment in permanent status in his/her present rank;
5. Have at least one (1) year experience in vehicle driving reckoned from the date of
issuance of his/her valid driver’s license;
6. Recommended by his/her Unit Commander (Command Group, D-Staff Directors,
RDs of PROs, NSUs Directors and District Directors);
7. Have a Performance Evaluation Rating (PER) of at least Very Satisfactory (VS)
for two (2) consecutive semestral rating period immediately preceding his/her
8. With no pending administrative or criminal case in any body/tribunal or court nor a
witness to any such case nor a summary hearing officer with unresolved cases;
9. Have not been repatriated from previous UN Mission for disciplinary reason/s;
10. With knowledge on basic computer operations (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-mail
and Internet); Passed the latest Physical Fitness Test (PFT) conducted by DHRDD as
well as Medical, Dental and Neuro Psychiatric Examination; and Without firearm
accountability as certified by the Directorate for Logistics (DL).
 Non-submission of documentary requirements to the Secretariat on specified date.

 Failure to report for processing for deployment.

 Non-Attendance to the scheduled Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (PDOS).

Learning Activities

Activity 1. Make a scrapbook illustrating the UN, ASEANAPOL, AICP, EUROPOL and
INTERPOL for at least 20 slides or pages.

Activity 2. Look for at least three same functions of the five International Organization
and discuss each function for at least 150 words.

Activity 3. Submit at least 3 news clippings for the five international Organization.


Category 4 3 2 1
Appearance of The project’s The project’s The project’s The project’s
the Project appearance is appearance is appearance is appearance is
professional and quite somewhat poor. quite poor.
polished without professional and Some distractive Many distractive
distractive polished with elements. elements. Does
elements. Uses few distractive Missing some of not include the
the required elements. White the requirement proper
elements of the space is of the project. requirements for
project to efficiently used. the project.
efficiently show Contains all the
the topic. requirements of
Content and The project The project The project The project
Facts content is content is good content is content is poor
exemplary and and suggests the fair/poor and and suggests
suggests the youth has suggests most of sufficient
youth has discovered most the important research has not
discovered the of the important facts were not been done.
important ideas facts of his/her discovered. The Information for
of his/her topic. topic. Most of information for the project was
All information the information the project is incomplete or
for the project is for the project lacking. missing.
Style & Display is Display isSome parts of Display is
Organization interesting and interesting and the display are uninteresting,
attractive. attractive. interesting. not dy. Materials
Materials are Materials areSome materials are incomplete
complete and complete and are complete but and not
organized to well organized. lack organized.
present the ideas Presentation has organization. Presentation has
well. sequence and Presentation has no sequence or
plan evident. some sequence plan evident.
and plan
Creativity & Project is Good creative Some attempt Li-le attempt to

Appearance excellently effort. Project is made to add
add color or
presented neat and shows color and
reflecting evidence of time originality.
Project has
creativity and a spent on it. Project is neat,
lot of thought. but appears to be
rushed. Rushed to
Knowledge Scrapbook The scrapbook The scrapbook The scrapbook
demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
thorough good knowledge some knowledge very li-le
knowledge of of the subject of the subject knowledge of
the subject Investigated. investigated. the subject
investigated. investigated.



Rubrics for essay


The single The presence N The choice, S
controlling of ideas The order use and Grammar,
point made developed developed and arrangement mechanics,
with an through facts, sustained within of words and spelling, usage
awareness examples, and across sentence and sentence
of task anecdotes, paragraph using structures formation.
about a details, transitional that create
specific opinions, devices and tone and
topic statistics, including voice.
reasons, introduction and
and/or conclusion.
4 Sharp, Substantial, Sophisticated Precise, Evident control
distinct specific, arrangementof illustrative of grammar,
controlling and/or content with use of a mechanics,
point made illustrative evident and/or variety of spelling, usage
about a content subtle transitions words and and sentence
single topic demonstrating sentence formation.
with evident strong structures to
awareness development create
of task. and consistent
sophistacated writer’s voice
ideas. and tone
to audience.
3 Apparent Sufficiently Fuctional Generic use Sufficient
point made developed arrangement of of a variety control of
about a content with content that of words and grammar,
single topic adequate sustains a logical sentence mechanics,
with elaboration or order with some structures spelling, usage
sufficient explanation. evidence of that may or and sentence
awareness transitions. may not formation.
of task. create
writer’s voice
and tone
to audience.
2 No, Limited Confused or Limited word Limited control
apparent content with inconsisten choice and of grammar,
point but inadequate arragement of control of mechanics,
evidence of elaboration content with or entence spelling, usage
a specific explanation. without attempts structures and sentence

topic. at transitions. that inhibit formation.
voice and
1 Minimal Superficial Minimal control Minimal Minimal control
evidence of and/or of content variety in of grammar,
a topic. minimal arrangement. word choice mechanics,
content. and minimal spelling, usage
control of and sentence
sentence formation.

Rubrics for written discourse

A+ Excellent A – Well B+ Good B- Fairly C- Poorly

Written Written written Written Written
Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper
( 96-100) (91-95) (86-90) ( 81-85) 79 below
The student The student The student The student The student
has has well- has has has
excellently presented developed developed developed
developed and written good written his/ her poorly written
relevant relevant paper with written paper paper, no
details, ideas details, ideas some are fairly, only citations,
to the topic, to the topic, relevant very few are details of his/
includes includes details, topics related, her ideas are
citations, citations yet are presented details are poor, no
recent events, not all recent, 50 percent presented recent events
organized the he organized with citations very weak, cited, he/ she
topic the topic not and recent citations is organized
according to all with value events, he/ least and with no
the value and and she recent events importance,
importance of importance of organized the are least the student
the topic, the the topic, the topic with cited, he/she provides not
student has student some organized inspiring, no
inspired his provides not importance, with least novelty of his
readers the so all the student importance, idea, purely
novelty of his inspiring, but provides less the student personal
idea, clear, still within inspiring but provides quit opinion, not
capturing the novelty, his or still within inspiring, the substantiated,
main objective her idea is novelty, his or novelty of his in out of the
and targeted capturing but her ideas are ideas are quit objective, not
innovative the main capturing but out of the clear and no
techniques in objective not the objective objective and innovations
delivering the all are is not clearly least clear, applied.
though. targeted, he/ targeted, she/ and least

she uses he used less innovative.
innovative innovative.
Rubrics for scrapbook making

Category 4 3 2 1
Appearance of The project’s The project’s The project’s The project’s
the Project appearance is appearance is appearance is appearance is
professional and quite professional somewhat poor. quite poor. Many
polished without and polished with Some distractive distractive
distractive few distractive elements. Missing elements. Does
elements. Uses the elements. White some of the not include the
required elements space is efficiently requirement of the proper
of the project to used. Contains all project. requirements for
efficiently show the requirements the project.
the topic. of the
Content and The project The project The project The project
Facts content is content is good content is content is poor
exemplary and and suggests the fair/poor and and suggests
suggests the youth has suggests most of sufficient
youth has discovered most the important research has not
discovered the of the important facts were not been done.
important ideas facts of his/her discovered. The Information for
of his/her topic. topic. Most of information for the project was
All information the information the project is incomplete or
for the project is for the project lacking. missing.
Style & Display is Display is Some parts of Display is
Organization interesting and interesting and the display are uninteresting,
attractive. attractive. interesting. not dy. Materials
Materials are Materials are Some materials are incomplete
complete and complete and are complete but and not
organized to well organized. lack organized.
present the ideas Presentation has organization. Presentation has
well. sequence and Presentation has no sequence or
plan evident. some sequence plan evident.
and plan
Creativity & Project is Good creative Some attempt
Li-le attempt to
Appearance excellently effort. Project is made to add
add color or
presented neat and shows color
reflecting evidence of time originality.
Project has
creativity and a spent on it. Project is neat,
lot of thought. but appears to be
Rushed to
Knowledge Scrapbook The scrapbook The scrapbook The scrapbook
demonstrates a demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
thorough good knowledge some knowledge very li-le

knowledge of of the subject of the subject knowledge of
the subject Investigated. investigated. the subject
investigated. investigated.


Policing- one of the most noteworthy of the limits grasped by every sovereign
government. For the state contraption, police are a certain organ which would ensure
upkeep of harmony, and besides the chief interface in the criminal value structure. Of
course, for fundamental man, police power is a picture of savage intensity of intensity
and at the same time, the protector from bad behavior
Comparative - a measure of relative likeness or unlikeness of two articles or event.
Globalization - is the route toward drawing out the likenesses and differentiations of one
police structure to another in order to discover pieces of information in the field of
overall policing.
Collaborative method - The expression "coordinated effort" in research is generally
thought to mean an equivalent association between two individuals who are seeking after
commonly intriguing and valuable examination. Today, be that as it may, numerous
coordinated efforts include analysts of varying height, financing status, and kinds of
associations. Regardless of whether the two head teammates are correspondingly ground-
breaking, a cooperation habitually includes a few others from the examination gatherings.

Effect of globalization - The effect of globalization on state-based basic freedoms

encroachment will depend upon such as the state and its history.

Money laundering - is the illegal methodology of concealing the reasons for money got
unlawfully by going it through a mind boggling gathering of banking moves or business
trades. The overall arrangement of this strategy reestablishes the "great" money to the
launderer in a dull and indirect way.

Answer key


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