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Hiring Manager,

Dear Sir/Madam

Covering Letter

I'm delighted by the opportunity to apply for the Finance Officer Position at your Company. I have
worked at various jobs over my career, but Accounting has always been one of my primary skills. I
understand the importance of keeping a detailed record of financials; it can be the difference between
a business experiencing long-term success or failure. I believe I have the perfect skill set for this job,
and I'm excited to learn more about this position.

I am really interested to gather experience in working with International Firm and need to expand my
career into next Level. At these moment I have over 15 years’ experience in Finance and Banking also
I am on the way to be a professional Accountant (following CMA Examinations) also I have very
good Pass in my Advance Level Examination ( 2 “A’ for Finance and Business Studies),

During my previous role at IPMT & my Contract Jobs, I was Bookkeeper for over 15 years and kept
an overview of all financial records. I also worked closely with other administrators, and I excelled in
the team-oriented environment and have experience working with remote access.

According to your Daily task and other required areas , I do not have working experience in
NDF bank Accounts , NCI Reporting & Net Suit but I have personally learnt that areas and
have General knowledge on subjected matters with my fast learning abilities I could be done it
well. In my Current job I attaching with ERP project team and we are developing our ERP
system with IFS team.

Thank you for considering my resume and cover letter. I appreciate that you took the extra time to
review both documents, and I look forward to learning more about the said position. I believe that I
would be an excellent fit for this role due to my work experience, education, and skill set and If you
are open to a talk more to discuss the position, I would love to learn more about it and share
more about my own qualifications. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thanking You,

Sameela Mirando

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