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Communication: Its Elements and Process

Communication in the time of pandemic has still one goal: to send a message. However, due to
quarantine and limited movements, the ways to communicate had dramatically changed. From
personal interactions, we are now used to facing screens, boxes in our laptops, and even voice

However, how does communication happen? What are the elements involved?
➢ Communication is the process by which people exchange messages. The message can be
delivered orally, such as in speeches or reports, or through written symbols. It is
characterized by a social aspect. The relationship of the communicators affects the way
they interact, and through the social aspect, successful communication happens because
people agree on the meaning of words and expressions.

It can only achieve its real purpose if the following elements are present:
✓ Speaker- the source of information/message.
✓ Message- the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in
✓ Encoding- the process of converting the message into words, actions, or into other forms
that the speaker understands.
✓ Channel- the medium or the means the speaker uses to transmit his/her messages to the
✓ Context- the interrelated conditions of communication (Padilla et al., 2003) which affect
how people understand the message. There are five types of context:
o Physical Context- includes the setting, the time, the environmental condition, and
o Social Context- the nature of relationships existing between or among the
o Psychological Context- involves the communicators’ moods and feelings.
o Cultural Context- comprised of the beliefs, values, and norms shared by a large
group of people.
o Historical Context- involves the background provided by previous interactions
between or among communicators (Verderber & Verderber, 2012).
✓ Decoding- the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the
✓ Receiver- the recipient of the message.
✓ Feedback- the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.
✓ Barrier- the factors that affect the flow of communication. These are as follow:
o External Noise- includes sights, sounds, and any other distractions in the physical
o Internal Noise- refers to the distractions within the communicator.
o Semantic Noise- involves the unintentional misunderstanding caused by
ambiguity, ethnic slurs, profanity, and vulgar speech.
Communication is a complex process and can be presented in various ways. One must determine
where or with whom a communication encounter starts and ends.

The Process of Communication

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