Survey Interview Table 1

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1. Student’s Academic

1.1 How often do you use your

gadgets (i.e., laptop, tablet,
computer) when you have online
Student 1
“I used it a lot, in a day I used it in Gadgets are used always
half day”

Student 2
“12 hours a day is my estimated
consumption of gadgets during
online classes”

Student 3
“Probably 4 to 5 hours a day”

Student 4
“Every time I have online classes I
used my gadgets, I used it

Teacher 1
“usually I used my gadgets for the
whole day since that is the means
of communication and teaching
during online classes.”
Teacher 2
“I used zoom most of the time”

Teacher 3
“My students preferred using mobile
phones during online class since it
is handy.”

Teacher 4
“Majority of my students uses
laptop or desktop since it was a
school requirement for them to
open their cameras during class.”

1.2 What has been the hardest

part about completing school

Student 1
“Those unintentional distractions
since I am easily distracted that Distractions from the
result of lost in focus.” surroundings

Student 2
“The home environment because
when I am at home I feel bored
even there is a online lesson.”

Student 3
“Lack of time, between what needs Poor connectivity
to be done at home and giving
many activities.”

Student 4
“The internet connectivity.”

Student 5
“The teacher did not explain the
lesson well since there are limited
time in each subject.”

Student 6
“For me, since I am a procrastinator
it became worst during online

Teacher 1
“Based on our experienced is that
the students finds it difficult to enter Not so Skillful in Technology
to the Learning Management

Teacher 2
“As a teacher, the students
themselves, you cannot force them
to pass the activity on time since
you cannot approach them

Teacher 3
“I am not technology driven teacher,
there are a lot of educational online
platforms such as google
classroom, LMS and kahoot that
made me confused."

Teacher 4
" As scientific laboratories are
necessary for my students to
completely understand the course,
the online platform was challenging
for me as a science teacher to
cover the theory and some
subtopics. “

Teacher 5
“Technically some of the students
had the problem in terms of the

1.3 What do you think are the

opportunities for students at this
moment wherein we are using
home-based online learning?

Student 1
“For me the online class is quite
effective because the school and
the teachers are able to teach the
learners to imply knowledge and

Student 2
“It makes me productive during
school works since after discussion
there are plenty of time allotted to
do our tasks within that day.”

Student 3
“Personally, I can do some house
hold chores since I am at home the
whole day.”

Student 4
“Less hassle, and I can save money
for school fare.”

Student 5
“We can explore the technology for
us to be familiarize with the new
system of learning since we,
students, are technology driven.”

Teacher 1
“They can be with their family since
they are all at home, and whenever
they need help they can asks their
parents or siblings…”

Teacher 2
“They become well verse when it
comes to technology as they can
utilize the technology responsibly.”

Teacher 3
“The interaction between students
and teachers become more

Teacher 4
“It makes for the students to search
some references on google.”

Teacher 5
“One of the improvement that I see
in my students is that they submit
creative outputs as they can put
some designs and borders in
different editing apps.”

Parent 1
“She became productive during
online learning, she also maintain
her academic ranking.”

Parent 2
“In my child, since I am a teacher, I
can monitor and guide her in her
online classes.”

Parent 3
“In my child, since online, he
doesn’t need to travel, he can rest
right after his class, and in his
academics he became more active
than before…”
1.4 How do you compare
academic performance of
students during face-to-face
classes to online classes?
Student 1
“In face-to-face classes I am more
concentrated and active, however
in online classes I am distracted.”

Student 2
“Students did not quickly become
fatigued in face-to-face classes, but
after two hours of seeing a screen
while taking an online class, I feel

Student 3
“It is more convenient for me during
face-to-face classes because of the
environment, in online there are a
lot of distractions.”

Student 4
“I became more productive during
online classes than face-to-face

Student 5
“In online classes it is not that
intense since students can cheat
and the temptation to use multiple
gadgets is there.”
Student 6
“In face-to-face classes it is easier
for the students to acquire learning
materials for their learning
competencies while in online
classes I find it difficult to
understand some learning materials
given by the teachers…”

Student 7
“Personally, online class is a tough
one because I am used to face-to-
face then suddenly online classes.”

Student 8
“I am comfortable in face-to-face
classes that is why in online classes
it affects my academics in a way
that I became shy in participating
and answering questions.”

Students 9
“Students in face-to-face set up are
more competitive than in online

Teacher 1
“Face-to-face classes is more
advantageous because in online
classes we, as teachers, are not
sure if the students really did his
Teacher 2
“Students are more alive in face-to-
face classes and the interaction
between us and them is more
easier since we are all physically

Teacher 3
“A huge difference indeed, in face-
to-face classes they are force to go
to library to browse and check the
validity of the information they
gathered whereas in online they
only have one source and that is

Teacher 4
“It was difficult to give group
activities in online classes
compared to face-to-face classes,”

Teacher 5
“In face-to-face classes, we can
supervise and monitor them one by
one but in online we do not have
the assurance if we are effective
teacher because of the screen

Teacher 6
“We can justify the grades of the
students in face-to-face classes that
they really deserve it, whereas in
online classes they can easily open
the power point presentation sent
by the teachers when they are
having examination…

Parent 1
“My older child excels in online
lessons and adjusted well, however
my younger child loses interest
because he is only looking at the

Parent 2
“Very poor, as a mother of a fourth-
grader, I am aware of the losses I
have caused my child over the past
two years. He has always listened
attentively to his teacher, even
when I, his own mother, explained
something to him.”

Parent 3
“I feel at ease in face-to-face
classes knowing that physical
activity is taught in addition to skills,
but in online classes, I can see my
child sitting still for nearly 5 hours,
which makes him bored, sleepy,
and loses interest in learning.”

1.5 How do teachers ensure the

quality of teaching in an online
Student 1
“Although they don't have much
experience with technology, I can
see that they are adjusting to the
new setup and trying to teach using

Student 2
“They have their meetings and they
also monitor the progress of the

Student 3
“They are adaptable, and when
they lose their internet connection,
which happens frequently in virtual
classes, they post their lesson to
our group chats as a backup.”

Student 4
“With their lessons and power point,
they strive to be more innovative.”

Student 5
“After the lesson, they conduct
assessments to ensure that the
students have acquired the
necessary knowledge.”

Teacher 1
“I will review their quiz results as it
will show whether or not my It imparts practical skills to
teaching methods are successful.” the students

Teacher 2
“I tried to use the various tools that
we have, such as kahoots or
quizzes, for example, when I
needed a specific response for an
activity where I was testing their

Teacher 3
“I give them enough resources for
them to make the lesson easier.”

Teacher 4
“I make sure to keep in touch with
my students, especially since we
use a group chat as a channel for
communication and occasionally
remind them.”

Teacher 5
“In order to have a fruitful
conversation that they can relate to,
I will relate my topics to their
everyday lives.”

Teacher 6
“To ensure that they can still sense
the atmosphere of the classroom, I
arrange my learning materials as
though I am teaching in face-to-face
2. Teacher to Children

2.1 How satisfied are you with

amount of time you spend
communicating with your
Student 1
”Not that satisfied.”

Student 2
“For me, it’s an 8 out of 10 so that I
am not focus using gadgets during
online classes.”

Student 3
“Satisfied, because we are always It encourages the easiest
on our phones, it makes form of communication
communication easier for us.”

Student 4
“Satisfied, but not enough because
we only have 30 minutes for each

Teacher 1
“I’m not satisfied, there are a lot of
barriers to reach out with my

Teacher 2
“As a math teacher, I can say that Limited time frame
40mins is not enough to grasps the

Teacher 3
“Not satisfied.”

Teacher 4
“6 out of 10, it’s difficult mostly
when we are having a recitation
most of them are not responding.”

Teacher 5
“Very satisfied, what’s important is
that there is a minimal interaction
with my students.”

Teacher 6
“3 out 10, there are students who is
not responding during online

Teacher 7
“9 out 10, it’s easier for me to talk to
them since they are always online.”

2.2 If you are participating in

distance learning, how often do you
hear noises or glitches from your
teacher’s audio output individually?

Student 1
“Sometimes, but not that often
since our teachers encourage us to
mute when having discussion.”

Student 2
“Technical problems are inevitable
when it comes to technology, yes,
there are still glitches but not all the

Student 3

Student 4
“4 to 5 times a day.”

Student 5
“When the teachers simultaneously
teach in one area, the noises
coming from them was mixed up
and we, students, hear that.”

Teacher 1
“Very often, sometimes they are not
focusing in class, you can hear
them playing games or playing

Teacher 2
“Not at all, since they are mute
while I am discussing the lesson.”

Teacher 3
“It’s very rare to the point that I am
afraid if they still there or not.”
Teacher 4
“There are some instances, it was
unintentional but most of the time
their microphone remain mute until I
say so.”

2.3 How do you encourage

student-teacher interaction if the
internet connection is poor?

Student 1
“When my internet connection is
poor I excuse myself in class and I
buy load.”

Student 2
“I message my teacher immediately
to inform that my internet
connectivity is poor.”

Student 3
“Instead of virtual classes, we do
activities that is not high demand in
internet connectivity.”

Student 4
“When the teacher lost their internet
connection class dismiss, but when
we, students lost internet
connection the classes still
Student 5
“We alternate into chat box if the
video and audio is not possible to

Student 6
“I will just ask my classmates or my
teachers about the topic that I
missed because of internet

Teacher 1
“The only choice we have is to post
the lesson or activities to our group
chat or google classroom.”

Teacher 2
“I will tell them to message me after
class as much as possible to cope
with the lesson.”

Teacher 3
“When the only problem is their
audio, we will just type the answer
and analyse it…”

Teacher 4
“Another option is to record myself Adaptable
discussing the lesson and then post
it on our group chat. This is what I
do when my internet connection is
Teacher 5
“I will just give them offline

Teacher 6
“When the internet connectivity
regain, I will start from the start so
that there is no lapses.”

Teacher 7
“Through LMS and group chat, I will
post an activity.”

2.4 How do you communicate

your task assignments to your
Student 1
“It depends to what application my
teacher will use, google classroom
or not.”

Student 2
“Whatever the instructions of the
teacher, I will follow.”

Student 3
“Usually since online class, the
announcement is from google

Student 4
“Sometimes google drive and
personal message in messenger.”
Teacher 1
“ We have google classroom
wherein they can upload their files,
and since I am a math teacher if
there is a computation I will instruct
them to picture the computation
then send it to me or attach it to the

Teacher 2
“Thru LMS and group chat.”

Teacher 3
“I will present my assignments to
the last slide of my power point

Teacher 4
“Aside from assignments, I will give
them minor projects wherein they
can submit to the guard house.”

2.5 Tell me the challenges that

you had encountered in terms of
communicating during online

Student 1
“The internet connectivity is not

Student 2
“We are force to provide gadgets
such as microphone and

Student 3
“Noise background, when my
teacher asks me something I need
to ask her to repeat itself because
of noise distractions at home.”

Student 4
“The lesson is not explain well, Miscommunications
there still a miscommunications.”

Student 5
“The first challenge for is that I had
trouble using some online websites
and also my communicating skills
since it was hard for me to
communicate during online

Student 6
“When the teacher does not
respond to messages even after the
time allotted for inquiries.”

Teacher 1
“I find it difficult to have online

Teacher 2
“Still the internet connection of both
teachers and students.”

Teacher 3
“I think, none..”

Teacher 4
“The behaviour of the students and
also the time management..”

Teacher 5
“The miscommunication is visible,
delay of information, and at the
same time barriers of learning that
the students did not understand..”

3. Financial Capability of the


3.1 How difficult or easy, for the

students to connect to the
internet to access their school
Parent 1
“As a parent, both difficult and easy,
at first it was very difficult but later
on he became okay to the set-up as
well as to the online classes..”

Parent 2
“At first, it was hard, I, as parent I
am no control to the internet
connection if it is poor I cannot do
something to make it fast even
though I can see my child being
stress because he has deadline
with his school works.”

Parent 3
“It’s easy for us, the concern only
occurs when there is a typhoon or
when the signal is weak.”

Parent 4
“Difficult, because we cannot afford
having our own internet provider…”

Parent 5
“During the pandemic, we didn't
have much struggles because we
were both teachers and could guide

Parent 6
“For internet connection, it’s easy Having WIFI at home is
for me to connect because we have advantage in online classes
stable internet connectivity that is
why it’s easy for us to have this kind
of learning modality.”

Parent 7
“I believe it was easy for my child
because we already had wifi
connectivity prior to the pandemic;
the only difference is that I
upgraded it because they are three
students who take online classes.
Parent 8
“As a parent, it is still difficult
because his only device is his
cellphone, despite the fact that I am
required to have wifi during the

Parent 9
“It's extremely difficult for me. My Affordability
child only connects to an internet
provider that is not ours, and there
are times when there is a signal
problem that we cannot fix because
we are not financially prepared at
the time.”

Parent 10
“My child can easily connect to the
internet because we have one
where he can do his research and
3.2 During online school work,
how often students uses laptop,
tablet and cell phone?
Parent 1
” Almost the whole day since after
class, they still need to use their
gadgets because of assignments
and activities.”

Parent 2
“My child uses laptop I think from
7am to 1pm.”

Parent 3
“Mostly half of the day, my child
uses laptop and his phone.”

Parent 4
“Since my child do not have any
gadgets yet, I let her borrow my
personal laptop during online
classes that lasted for 5 to 6 hours
a day.”

Parent 5
“My child uses cell phone and
laptop, as I observe after his class
he will put away all his gadgets and
he will take rest, his screen time
mostly half of the day since that is
his schedule. “

Parent 6
“My child is a grade schooler and
he is more convenient using his
tablet rather than laptop, he has
class for I think 4 to 5 hours a day.”

3.3 How confident are you

financially to support your
child’s education during distance
Parent 1
”So far, I am confident enough for Financially equipped
my child’s education since I really
saved finances later on of online

Parent 2
“Since me and my husband are
both working, we are confident
financially for his education.”

Parent 3
“Confident, it was difficult at first but
we still manage to provide her
educational needs.”

Parent 4
“Not that confident, If it’s just me I
cannot provide her 100% needs.”

Parent 5
“If I am a solo parent I will rate 6 out
of 10, but since my husband is
there 9 out of 10.”

Parent 6
“We are confident since my
husband has stable business and I
have permanent job.”

3.4 What do you think is more

costly, online learning or face-to-
face (traditional classroom)?
Parent 1
“Face-to-face, as parent you need
to budget his school fare, school
uniform, projects, and snacks unlike
to online classes my child can
easily eat with us not in fast food..”

Parent 2
“Online classes, because of
monthly payment for the internet,
the expenses of my son at school
doubled when he is at home..”

Parent 3
“In terms of paying bills, online is
more costly.”

Parent 4
“It’s almost the same, in online
classes we need to pay for the
internet provider whereas in face-
to-face school fare and
3.5 What are the perceptions of
the parents in an online learning
in terms of financial capabilities
and expenses?
Parent 1
“My children learn better in face-to-
face classes, but it is up to the child
whether or not they can adjust
Parent 2
“For me, online classes is money

Parent 3
“Because the cost of online classes
has increased, you must reduce
your spending.”

Parent 4
“We are not burden by the online
classes in finances since we are
both working.”

Parent 5
“Distance learning is for capable
families, not the poor; if you are an Not all families are suited
average family with a daily wage for online education
sufficient to meet your household's
needs, distance learning is not for

Parent 6
“Online classes is more lighter,
affordable and economical
compared to face-to-face.”

Parent 7
“During distance learning, it was
very difficult, we came to the point
where we were tight on the budget
but we do not let that affect our
child’s academic performance.”
4. Character Formation

4.1 How much effort do the

students put into their classes
right now?

Student 1
“In my personal life, I give my all in
online classes because I believe
that this is the only way to motivate
myself and ensure that my output is
what I truly want to do.”

Student 2
“I don't put in much effort in online
classes; sometimes I go to class Tardiness is evident
but lie down, and sometimes when
my teacher has a discussion, I
watch television or play online

Student 3
“In terms of schoolwork, students
have become more responsible
because they believe that this is the
only way to achieve higher grades.”

Student 4
“I believe students did not give their
all online because it is easier for us,
students, to plagiarize on Google.”

Student 5
“Since we are at home during
online classes, I don't believe
students will make an effort to listen
attentively to their teachers due to

Teacher 1
“We have 20 minutes in homeroom
if you have an advisory, and we try
to explain to our students that even
though online classes are usable,
the school and their teachers are
doing their best to provide the
knowledge they needs, so we are
hoping for the same, feedback.”

Teacher 2
“As teacher, you can easily observe
that some students did not even try
to put efforts with their academics
since online classes.”

Teacher 3
“I believe they are making an effort
because you can see their design
activities, where they are making an
effort to make it more colorful and

4.1 In terms of character

formation, what are the
challenges of the students
on/about this home-based online
Student 1
“As a student, I am aware that my Honesty has weakened
classmates are not being truthful
because the teacher is not aware of
what they are doing.”

Student 2
“Nothing has changed, everything
remains the same.”

Student 3
“Personally, I find online classes to
be more convenient, and I have
become more productive in my

Student 4
“There wasn't much build because
the teachers didn't keep a close eye
on us.”

Student 5
“Sometimes I'm late, even for online
classes, and sometimes I'm being

Student 6
“In my personal life, I give my all in
online classes because I believe
that this is the only way to motivate
myself and ensure that my output is
what I truly want to do.”

Teacher 1
“Their participation in class has
decreased, as has their study
habits during online classes.”

Teacher 2
“Face-to-face, I believe it is very
easy to look for or identify what the
students' problem is, whereas
online classes make it very difficult
for students to open up about their

Teacher 3
“It's fine, but we're more confident
and can monitor their behavior if
we're in a face-to-face setting.”

Teacher 4
“When they lose internet access,
you will not see them again, so they
will respond to their activities alone,
and they will become shy when
asking questions to us, teachers.”

Teacher 5
“I think their discipline, it’s difficult to Poor self-discipline
establish self-discipline in online
set-up because of honesty.”

Teacher 6
“They lost being courteous,
students forgot to greet when they
asked questions, and we can't help
but notice that some students are
still messaging you personally in
the middle of the night…”

Teacher 7
“In online classes, students' self-
esteem did not grow.”

Parent 1
“My child has no focus since there
are a lot of distractions at home.”

Parent 2
“She’s always irritated, mostly when
the internet connection is poor, she
has tantrums.”

Parent 3
“Her self-confidence, she’s
comfortable when her camera is

Parent 4
“My child’s tardiness, it became
worst when it comes to online
classes answering daily learning
activities and attending zoom he
has no energy..”

Parent 5
“They are more focus in online
since children has different
strategies in learning, they are more
comfortable at home.”

Parent 6
“The values of socialization and
honesty lost. “

4.3 Does the curriculum in an

online learning focus mainly on
Student 1

Student 2
“No, we also have different extra
curricular activities.”

Teacher 1
“No, holistic. It’s not mainly on Academic subjects and
academics.” religious activities combine

Teacher 2

Teacher 3
“Academic and holistic.”

Teacher 4
“Not particularly, there will be times
when students will participate to the
various activities…”

4.4 Are there social and

emotional learning activities that
help students develop skills like
character formation? In what
Student 1
“Yes, such as ted talks, webinars to
help students and to reflect.”

Student 2
“yes, we have extra curricular
activities every month.”

Student 3
“Yes, for example every Friday we
have soft skills, we will watch video
about Christian living.”

Student 4
“Yes, we have homeroom every
Friday wherein it is more on self-

Student 5
“Yes, even though online classes
we still have virtual recollection.”

Teacher 1
“Yes, we have different activities
like Christian living subject, different
organizations and sub-

Teacher 2
“Yes, our Guidance Officer has this
program conducting interview with
the students wherein they will talk
about their mental health during
online classes.”

Teacher 3
“Yes, we also inclined it to our
subjects in Philosophy and in Oral
communication, how they speak in
a respectful and polite manners..”

4.5 How effective is online

learning in developing the
student’s character?
Student 1
“Not that effective, since we are not
constantly monitor by our teachers
we do not have the assurance if
honesty is being observed.”

Student 2
“As a STEM student, it is not
effective since mostly my subject is
math I had a hard time coping with
that kind of learning modality.”
Student 3
“In a scale of 1 to 5, 4 second to the
highest, effective.”

Teacher 1
“8 out 10, sometimes we, teachers,
misunderstood our students we
think that they do not want to
answer but in reality the internet
connection is poor.”

Teacher 2
“To rate, 4 out of 10. Not that

Teacher 3
“I think to some extent it is effective
but when we compare it to face-to-
face classes of course the
effectivity of it is not that great.”

Teacher 4
“I am not agreed that is it effective
because the values of the students

Parent 1
“Not effective, there are no
development for my child.”
5. Personal Discipline

5.1 What suggestions and

recommendations can you give
to help improve the personal
discipline of a student?
Student 1
“My classmates and I should be
more responsible and disciplined
because, even though we are
taking online classes, we are still
students who need to learn and
respect our teachers.”

Student 2
“First is to take down notes, second
time management and lastly strict

Student 3
“Do their best, even if we are taking
online classes, because it will
reflect the type of students we are.”

Teacher 1
“As a teacher, I believe that
students should practice how they
want others to treat them, because
how you treat others determines
how they will treat you.”

Teacher 2
“I'll tell them that since they're at
home, they should start there, and if
they want respect from others, they
should respect others as well.”
5.2 How do you regulate the
students’ access to other
websites while having online
Student 1
“When we are having exam, we are
using two gadgets, one for the
exam and the other one is focusing
on our examination.”

Student 2
“We are required to open our
cameras and microphone.”

Teacher 1
“They must open their cameras,
pay close attention to my
instructions, and turn off their
cameras before I mark them absent
from the examination.”

Teacher 2
“I do not have the assurance since
they can use multiple gadgets while
taking exams.”

Teacher 3
“We set a time limit during which
they can only access the specified
exams or Google forms.”
Teacher 4
“In terms of cheating, we cannot
monitor that.”

Teacher 5
“I will tell them to open their

5.3 How do you ensure the virtual

attendance of students who
attended in your online classes?
Student 1
“Usually our teachers will require us
to open our cameras.”

Student 2
“Roll call the open cameras.”

Teacher 1
“I have different strategies for Interactive methods for
example raising their virtual hand, monitoring online
or I will call their name and they will attendance
responds “present ma’am”.”

Teacher 2
“I'll ask them to turn on their
cameras to see if they're really

Teacher 3
“During online classes, I will take a
screenshot before we begin and
again before dismissing the class.”

Teacher 4
“As a math teacher, I will send a
Google form with their name on it,
which will serve as their

Teacher 5
“When I call their name twice and
still no response, I will mark them
as absent.”

5.4 How was your experience

teaching your child at home as
compared to teaching at school?

Parent 1
“For me, it became easy since I can
monitor his academics and also I
get to spend a lot of quality time
with him.”

Parent 2
“I am more focus, since at home I
only have my children to teach
while in school I have a lot of
students that sometimes I cannot
monitor them individually.”

5.5 How do teachers conduct

student evaluation?
Student 1
“Through recitation then if there is a
missing information, our teachers
will add it.”

Student 2
“They will announce our scores in
examination then they will add
comments to what we need to

Teacher 1
“I have several options. At the end
of the lesson, there will be an open
forum where they can ask
questions, clarify something, or
comment on the topic.”

Teacher 2
“In terms of recitation, they can
respond quickly, indicating that they
truly understand the lesson.”

Teacher 3
“I will assess them through
recitation, and after the lesson, I will
randomly ask my students to
ensure that they have retained the

Teacher 4
“We have a form that we use in
school to assess students.”
Teacher 5
“I will ask them to check their own
work since online classes to
practice honesty.”

6. Peer- relation

6.1 How do students provide

feedback from others in an
online class?
Student 1
“We weren't able to communicate Develop close companions
much, but we tried to communicate
via messenger.”

Student 2
“We have a small discussion after
class via Google Meet and
exchange ideas about the lesson
for the day.”

Student 3
“When our classmate reports on
that subject, we will use our group
chat to encourage him and tell him
that it is okay to have fillers and
make mistakes.”

Teacher 1
“Sometimes when their classmates
forgot to mute their microphone
they will chat to chat box
mentioning that student and let him
know that they are distracted by the

Teacher 2
“I will group them in zoom meetings
then I will enter in every break out
rooms to check if every one is
sharing their ideas..”

Teacher 3
“Some students are afraid to make
comments to their classmates for
fear of being misunderstood.”

6.2 How do teachers encourage

students’ participation in an
online environment?
Student 1
“In terms of grades, our teachers
will say that if we participated they
will give us extra points.”

Student 2
“Mostly our activities are groupings
so that we can have collaboration
with each other.”

Student 3
“They will encourage us by
congratulating us, which was a big
help in boosting our self-confidence
when answering recitation.”
Student 4
“We have an energizer before we
begin the lesson so that we can
interact with one another.”

Student 5
“One of my teachers will divide us
into pairs and have us prepare an
icebreaker so that she can observe
equal participation in the class.”

Teacher 1
“I am using roulette in my
recitations or sometimes I am using
bowl with their names to answer my

Teacher 2
“Students nowadays wants
something exciting that is why I am
using quizziz or some websites with
educational videos so that they are
all participants.”

Teacher 3
“I'm calling on students who aren't
as engaged in my class as those
who frequently raise their hands.”

Teacher 4
“I think if they are really interested
with the topic it will be easy for
them to interact with the lesson
especially if the topic is connected
with their experiences.”

Teacher 5
“I will tell them that those who will
participate in my activities will get
additional points, and it’s effective
for my class.”

6.3 How do students interact with

their peers and teachers in an
online class?
Student 1
“It was difficult for me at first
because we were in online classes,
I did not know my classmates
personally, and I was afraid of not
having the same energy as them.”

Student 2
“Still we communicate with manners
and respect each other’s

Student 3
“Because we communicate through
social media, we adapt by making
them Facebook friends so that we
can stay in touch even when we are
not physically together.”
Teacher 1
“They frequently use our group
chats to inquire about assignments
in other subjects or projects, as well
as to inquire about each other's

Teacher 2
“It was difficult since we do not
know our students personally.”

Teacher 3
“Through group chats and zoom
meetings after class.”

Teacher 4
“The interaction is acceptable for
me, but it is not as lively as it was in
face-to-face classes.”

Parent 1
“I can see that they have personal
group chat wherein they will burst
out their stress and frustrations
about the subjects or sometimes
even to their teachers.”
6.4 How important is face-to-face
communication for you while
teaching remotely?
Student 1
“Very important..”

Student 2
“For me it is very important because
we can see the emotion and facial
expression when we communicate
with them.”

Student 3
“9 out 10, it’s important because
sometimes there are
miscommunication of what is the
true intention of the message.”

Teacher 1
“Very important, for me it’s still the
effective way of communicating.”

Teacher 2
“In demand mostly in learning and
exchanging information.”

Teacher 3
“Very important, as a math teacher,
they must solve formulas on the
white board, and sometimes
students will claim that they
understand the lesson when, in
reality, they do not.”

Teacher 4
“Very important, you can really
assess the students if they have
progress and they are more
focused when they can see us,
teachers, physically.”
6.5 How do you support students
with emotional and behavioural
problems in an online
Student 1
“I will give him advice that I believe
will be beneficial to him.”

Student 2
“I am very observant, when I
noticed something different with my
classmate I will approach or
message them to simply ask how
are they as a reminder that I am

Student 3
“We always try to message our
group chat to remind our
classmates that they can come to
us with their problems.”

Student 4
“The only support that I can give
since online is moral support with
that I can assure my classmate that
she can trust me with her problem.”

Student 5
“When we have free time, we will
create a Google meet link to
brainstorm about which subjects we
find difficult and to ensure that none
of our classmates are left out.”

Teacher 1
“I will remind my class that I am not
just a teacher, I am their mother
that even though the class hours
ended they can still message me.”

Teacher 2
“I experienced that once, then I call
my students hearing her cry so
what I did I told her that the only
barriers we have is cell phone but I
am still here willing to be a listener
for her.”

Teacher 3
“I'll talk to him one on one because
we, as teachers, need to know why
he's acting that way in order to help

7. Decision-making Capability

7.1 If you were teaching in an

online class, what is one thing
you would do to make it more
engaging for all students?
Teacher 1
“I use applications and sites that
excites them like roulette..”
Teacher 2
“For me, I will make examples that
they can relate to..”

Teacher 3
“I think the best way to make my
class more engaging is to make it
entertaining and I do games in my

7.2 How do teachers ensure

equal participation in an online
Student 1
“During that time they will only allow
one time recitation so that each of
us can speak.”

Student 2
“They will call the names of the
students who they wants to answer
and sometimes they will message if
they are not responding.”

Student 3
“We have some subjects where the
entire class must participate in the

Student 4
“Most of my teachers select
students who are not engaged in

Student 5
“They tend to call mostly those
students who always off cameras.”

Teacher 1
“We will do it by group then in a
group there should be contribution

7.3 How do you handle students

who are consistently late in
Teacher 1
“When that happens, after class I
will send to him my presentation so
that he can asks questions about
the discussion.”

Teacher 2
“For students who are consistently
late, we tend to record their
attendance, and after recording it,
we have a list of students who are
very late, for whom we call the
attention of the advisers or

Teacher 3
“I will ask them, but there must be a
valid reason; I have a rule that if
they enter my class while I am
discussing my lesson, I will not
repeat it.”

Teacher 4
“I'll give them a chance and a
warning, but I'll try to understand as
much as possible because I don't
know why he's late.…”

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