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Introduction to Sociology Interactive

eBook 3rd Edition Ritzer Test Bank

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Introduction to Sociology Interactive eBook 3rd Edition Ritzer Test Bank

Chapter 02: Thinking Sociologically

Test Bank


1. __________ help sociologists make sense of social phenomena and understand important social
a. Hypotheses
b. Theories
c. Critiques
d. Systems
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 27–28
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: How Do Theories Help Us Understand Politics and Other Social Institutions?
COG: Knowledge

2. __________ are sets of interrelated ideas that have a wide range of applications, deal with
centrally important issues, and have stood the test of time.
a. Social laws
b. Hypotheses
c. Theories
d. Causes
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 28
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: How Do Theories Help Us Understand Politics and Other Social Institutions?
COG: Knowledge

3. Sociologist Randall Collins developed a theory of violence. It applies to:

a. state-sanctioned violence such as war
b. only domestic forms of violence
c. only major criminal acts such as murder or rape
d. all types of violence
ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 28
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: How Do Theories Help Us Understand Politics and Other Social Institutions?
COG: Analysis

4. When applying theories to a certain issue, sociologists differ from the average person by being
very ________________ in their approach.
a. systematic
b. casual
c. cursory
d. quantitative
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 29
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: How Do Theories Help Us Understand Politics and Other Social Institutions?
COG: Comprehension

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5. Which of the following represents an important difference between a theory of dating generated
by a professional sociologist and one proposed by an average person?
a. Sociologists will examine more statistical data than the average person
b. Sociologists read the theories already in the scientific literature
c. Sociologists know formulas for generating new theories
d. Sociologists are less aware of biases than the average person
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Hard REF: 29
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: How Do Theories Help Us Understand Politics and Other Social Institutions?
COG: Application

6. Sociological theory emerged during the ____________ century in Europe.

a. Eighteenth
b. Sixteenth
c. Nineteenth
d. Seventeenth
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 29
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: The Giants of Classical Sociological Theory
COG: Knowledge

7. Ritzer listed nineteenth century events including political revolutions, the rise of socialism, the
growth of science and the movement for women’s rights to make what point?
a. The nineteenth century was the most important period of societal development
b. Politics was more important than sociological theory in the nineteenth century
c. Sociological theory promoted many changes, causing upheavals to happen in
d. Sociological theory did not develop in isolation; it was closely related to societal
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 29
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: The Giants of Classical Sociological Theory
COG: Comprehension

8. The most important early sociological theorists included all EXCEPT which of the following?
a. Randall Collins
b. Auguste Comte
c. Harriet Martineau
d. Herbert Spencer
ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 30
OBJ: LO 2–2 Identify other influential early figures in classical sociology.
TOP: The Giants of Classical Sociological Theory COG: Knowledge

9. _____________ coined the term sociology and was key in the development of a general theory
of the social world.
a. Émile Durkheim
b. August Comte
c. Karl Marx
d. Max Weber
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 30
OBJ: LO 2–2 Identify other influential early figures in classical sociology.
TOP: The Giants of Classical Sociological Theory COG: Knowledge

10. __________________ is best known for her sociological works that pertained to women and
a. Jane Addams
b. Harriet Tubman
c. Harriet Martineau
d. Susan Thomas
ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: Easy REF: 30
OBJ: LO 2–2 Identify other influential early figures in classical sociology.
TOP: The Giants of Classical Sociological Theory COG: Knowledge

11. _________________ focused on the exploitation of workers in capitalist systems.

a. Émile Durkheim
b. Karl Marx
c. Herbert Spencer
d. W.E.B DuBois
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 30
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: The Giants of Classical Sociological Theory
COG: Comprehension

12. ___________________ is a term which refers to awareness the proletariat has about the
features of capitalism and their relationship to one other as well as to the capitalists.
a. False consciousness
b. Class Consciousness
c. Sociological awareness
d. Class awareness
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 30
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: Karl Marx COG: Comprehension

13. Marx believed that workers in the factories experienced __________________ as the owners of
the factories reaped the vast majority of the rewards.
a. alienation
b. exploitation
c. victimization
d. estrangement
ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: Medium REF: 30
OBJ: LO 2–1 Identify the most important classical sociologists and their major contributions to the
field. TOP: Karl Marx COG: Comprehension

14. Karl Marx believed that over time the situation of capitalism would:
a. improve greatly for the workers until society reached full equality
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Rupe, Forest D.
Rowe, Lester G.
Shultes, Clarence L.
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Sasser, Frank M.
Scheffler, Edward S.
Swift, Samuel S.
Sherrell, William J.
Stott, Gerald R.[10]
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Sleep, Leroy
Strang, Albert L.
Sasnett, Lucien
Sipma, Edward
Self, Frank M.
Sebert, G. A.
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Warner, Hunt
Watkins, George F.[8]
Worsley, Thomas H.
Wallace, Williamson N.
Wilkerson, Marcus E.
Sergeants—Co. A.
John J. O’Leary, 1st Sgt.—KIA.
James J. Hughes, Sgt. Major, 83rd Brig.
Joseph S. Higginson
Martin V. Cook—Com.
Charles Lanzner—KIA.
Charles Schmidt
Daniel O’Connell—Com.
John F. O’Sullivan—Com.
Michael J. Walsh
Stephen L. Purtell
Timothy J. Monohan, Sgt. Major
Frank H. Squire
Thomas J. Sweeney, 1st Sgt.
William G. Moore—Com.
C. Donald Matthews—A.C.S.
Bernard J. White—Sgt. Major
Spencer Rossell—A.C.S.
Charles A. Underhill—Com.
John F. Scully
Patrick Ames—KIA.
Hugh J. McPadden
John H. Dennelly
Clancy VanArsdale
Lester Hanley—KIA.
Frank J. Fisher
William M. Walsh—KIA.
Patrick J. Doolan—KIA.
John A. McDonald—KIA.
Edward J. Mooney
Clyde G. Evans
James J. Duff—KIA.
William F. Ogilvie
Frederick R. Stenson—KIA.
George V. Armstrong
Harold J. Henderson
Michael Morley
Joseph C. Pettit
William Mehl
Albert Kiley, Co. Clk.
Harry Blaustein
Edward P. Wylie
Sergeants, Co. B.
John O’Neill, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S., KIA.
Michael C. Horgan
James Taylor
James Brogan—KIA.
Ole J. Olsen
Harry Ashworth
John A. Donovan
Speros Thomas
John A. Sullivan
Alexander Whalen
Francis J. Lynch
Henry J. Kiernan—KIA.
William G. Braniff
Patrick Kelly
Edward J. Kelly
Preston D. Travis
Joseph Gilgar
James J. Cullinan
Thomas F. Brady
William Thornton
William S. Gilbert
Vincent P. Mulholland, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
James Donnelly—KIA.
John J. Mahoney—KIA.
Joseph D. Graham
James E. Coyne
Lawrence Steppello
James Langan
Matthew J. Brennan
Martin Naughton
Frederick Coyne, Co. Clk.
Herbert P. McClymont
Alfredo Menicocci
John A. Donovan
Frank A. Frederick—A.C.S.
James Gilhooley
Edward Kraemer—KIA.
William F. Mallin, Bn. Sgt.-Major, A.C.S.
Hugh E. Stengel
John A. Sullivan
Joseph Gilgar
Sergeants, Co. C.
William Hatton, 1st Sgt., Sgt.-Major, H. Q., 42nd Div.
R. S. Powell, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
Eugene B. Halpin, 1st Sgt., U. S. A. as instructor
Thomas P. O’Hagan, 1st Sgt.
John D. Crittenden—A.C.S.
Thomas Halpin—A.C.S.
James J. Grace
Edward J. O’Connell
James F. Nelson
James Barry
Joseph W. Burns
James T. Burns
Denis Cahill
J. H. Casey
Edward P. Clowe—KIA.
Frank W. Colyer
Walter S. Coon
Nathaniel B. Crittenden
Frank L. Curtis
Daniel J. Davern
John P. Duffy
Frank L. Drivdahl
Daniel S. Garvey—KIA.
Herman Hillig
Harry E. Horgan—KIA.
Edward J. Kearin—KIA.
Peter Keller
John W. Knight
John E. McAuliffe
Eugene A. McNiff
Hugo E. Noack
Thomas O’Kelly
George E. Richter
Bernard Ryan—KIA.
Matthew Synott—Com.
Louis J. Torrey—KIA.
Arthur C. Totten
John F. Vermaelen—KIA.
Anthony Gallagher
Joseph Hennessey
Michael Cooney
Louis C. Dedecker
Frederick R. Garrison
Thomas P. McPherson
Joseph Peisel
Archibald F. Reilly
Michael Ruane
Sergeants, Co. D.
Thomas H. Sullivan, 1st Sgt.—Com.
Thomas W. Brown
Colton C. Bingham, U. S. A., as Instructor
John Cahill
Martin E. Carroll
Stephen J. Crotty
Thomas J. Curtin, 1st Sgt.—KIA.
John Curtin, Color Sgt.
John Daly
Harold J. Dibblee—Com.
Edward J. Geaney, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
John J. Gribbon—A.C.S.
Patrick Grogan
Joseph W. Halper, Co. Clk.
Patrick J. Heaney
John F. Ingram—KIA.
Stanley W. Jones
Thomas F. Keyes
George H. Krick
Joseph J. Lynch
Denis McAuliffe
Patrick J. McDonough
Edward A. McIntee
Martin McMahon
John McNamara—KIA.
John P. Mohr
John F. Moran
George R. Morton
Lester J. Moriarty
Hubert V. Murray, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
Denis Murphy
Denis O’Brien
Denis O’Connor
Daniel B. J. O’Connell, Reg. Sgt.-Major
Thomas M. O’Malley
Richard W. O’Neill
Daniel J. O’Neill
William J. Maloney—Com.
Edward B. Smith
Arthur C. Strang—Com.
Joseph P. Tracy
James S. Whitty
Joseph L. Sheehan, 1st Sgt.
James O’Brien
Herbert DeWilde
Dalton Smith
Edgar T. Farrell
Michael J. McAuliffe
Martin J. Hurst
Robert K. Niddrie
Sergeants, Co. E.
William L. Bailey, 1st Sgt.—U. S. A., as Instructor
Thomas A. Carney—Com.
Charles F. Finnerty—Com.
William Lippincott—Com.
William T. Kelly—Com.
Andrew Callahan—Com.
Frank Johnston, 1st Sgt.—Com.
William Maloney
Archibald Skeats
Douglas McKenzie
Frank E. Donnelly, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
Bernard J. Kelly
Hugh McKiernan
John F. Riordan
John A. Wilde
William J. Foley
James Moran
Daniel Donohue
Harold J. Carmody
Michael Lynch—KIA.
Lester Lenhart—KIA.
William A. Halligan—Co. Clk.
Leon Hodges
John Schluter—A.C.S.
Alban A. Delaney—A.C.S.
James Hyland
Carl Kahn
Edward P. Scanlon, Reg. Sup. Sgt.
Edward J. Vahey
Alexander Smeltzer
John Burke
Michael Darcy
Arthur J. Lefrancois
James McCready
Augustus Morgan
Thomas J. Reidy
Thomas Gaffney
Alfred S. Helmer
George S. Malloy
Edward J. Rickert
John J. Horan, Co. Clk.
Sergeants, Co. F.
Joseph V. Blake, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
Timothy J. McCrohan, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
James J. McGuinn
Philip Gargan
John J. Keane—Com.
William F. Hanifin—Com.
Herbert L. Doyle—Com.
Joseph A. Wynne
Michael J. Bowler, Bri. Sgt. Major—A.C.S.
Edward A. Ginna
Charles B. Echeverria—KIA.
Joseph H. Trueman—A.C.S.
Eugene Cunningham—A.C.S.
Philip T. Boone—Com.
Raymond A. Long
William E. Boone
John P. Mahon—Com.
Thomas Leddy—A.C.S.
Thomas J. Erb—KIA.
Charles E. Denon—KIA.
Michael Douglas—A.C.S.
Patrick J. Wynne
Malcolm F. Joy
William Boland
James J. McCormack
John R. Butler
Theodore H. Hagen
Lawrence J. Whalen—KIA.
Cornelius Behan
James W. Brennan, 1st Sgt.
James J. Bevan
Leo J. McLaughlin
John J. Gill
Louis D. Edwards
William Gracely
Albert E. Curtis
Maurice Fine
Harold E. Dahl, Co. Clk.
Timothy Keane
Sergeants, Co. G.
John H. Burke, 1st Sgt.—Com.
John Meaney, 1st Sgt.—U. S. A. as Instructor
Charles B. Grundy, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
Frank W. Bull, 1st Sgt.—Com.
Alfred H. Taylor, 1st Sgt.
John McNamara, 1st Sgt.
Charles J. Meagher, 1st Sgt.
Charles Sulzberger—Com.
Joseph McCourt
John W. Farrell
William Farrell
Patrick Donohue
Leroy T. Wells—Com.
William Durk
James P. Robinson—KIA.
Denis Downing—KIA.
Thomas Slevin
John J. Conroy
James Murray—Col. Sgt.
James D. Coffey
Edward McNamara
Thomas T. Williamson
Martin Shalley
Denis O’Connor
Denis Corcoran
Thomas W. Ferguson—A.C.S.
Martin Murphy
Ralph Holmes
Michael Hogan
Denis Roe
Carl G. Kemp—A.C.S.
Kenneth B. Morford
Irving Framan
Roy L. Bull
John W. Brogan
Frank Malloy
Patrick Regan
Hugh Lee
John J. McMahon
Howard B. Gregory, Sgt.-Major, 42nd Div.
John Ryan, Co. Clk.
Franklyn Dorman, Co. Clk.
Maurice Dwyer
James J. Elliott
James Regan
Patrick Keane
Sergeants, Co. H.
Joseph E. Nash, 1st Sgt.—Com.
Bernard Finnerty—KIA.
Patrick F. Craig—Com.
Robert V. Frye—Com.
James J. Hamilton—KIA.
Joseph Mattiello
Patrick Neary—Com.
Daniel J. O’Neill, 1st Sgt.—KIA.
Jerome F. O’Neill, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
George G. Ashe—Com.
Daniel L. Dayton—Com.
Reginald Mitchell—Com.
John F. Tully—A.C.S.
John F. O’Connor, 1st Sgt.
Frank S. Condit
James A. Dooley
Miles V. Dowling
John P. Furey
Charles J. Gavin
Bruno Gunther
Martin J. Higgins
James Hogan
John Lynch
Andrew Murray
William J. Murray, Co. Clk.
James F. O’Brien
William O’Neill, 1st Sgt.—KIA.
William Smythe
James Todd
Patrick Travers
Michael Treacey
Dudley M. Winthrop
Frank A. Mader
John J. Ryan
William J. Fleming
Patrick J. Dwyer
John J. Walker
Joseph O’Rourke—KIA.
Eugene J. Sweeney
Sergeants, Co. I.
Henry K. Adikes
William T. Beyer—Batt. Sgt.-Major
Charles A. Connolly—KIA.
Charles R. Cooper
Patrick Collins—KIA.
Martin Durkin
William G. Dynan
Otto Fritz
Patrick Flynn
Charles J. Ford—KIA.
Alfred F. Georgi—Co. Clk.
Charles H. Garrett
Michael J. Jordan—A.C.S.
William Harrison—KIA.
James J. Hennessey—A.C.S.
Edward P. Joyce—Batt. Sgt.-Major, A.C.S.
John F. Joyce—Com.
William Lyle
William F. Lyons
Leo Larney—Com.
William McLaughlin—KIA.
Richard McLaughlin
John C. McDermott
Hugh McFadden
Patrick T. McMeniman, 1st Sgt.—U. S. A., as Instructor
Frank McMorrow, 1st Sgt.
Frank Mulligan
Harold J. Murphy
Wilfred Fee
Joseph F. Neil
Thomas P. O’Brien
James Quilty
William Reutlinger
Patrick Rogan
John J. Sheehan
Edward Shanahan, 1st Sgt.
Charles B. Stone—KIA.
James Sullivan
George Strenk
James Warnock
Sergeants, Co. K.
Timothy J. Sullivan, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
Francis Meade—A.C.S.
James J. Mullen
Claude Da Costa—A.C.S.
John H. Embree—KIA.
Frank Doughney—KIA.
John L. Ross—KIA.
John Gavaghan—KIA.
Peter J. Crotty—KIA.
Bernard J. McElroy—KIA.
John J. McLoughlin
William B. Montross
John J. Gibbons
James J. Sullivan
Herbert F. McKenna—A.C.S.
Patrick Boland
Bernard Leavy
Joseph M. Farrell—Com.
Leo G. Bonnard—A.C.S.
Wilfred T. Van Yorx—A.C.S.
Herbert J. Kelly—A.C.S.
Harold A. Benham
John T. Vogel
George F. Meyer
George C. Sicklick
Edward K. Rooney
James F. Kelly
Patrick J. Ryan
Max Puttlitz
Michael Costello, Co. Clk.
Francis Caraher
William P. McKessy
John Naughton
Cornelius Rooney
Philip Hellriegel
Oliver Atkinson
Robert L. Crawford
James J. Dalton
James W. Daly
Thomas M. Gleason
Augustus F. Hughes
Sergeants, Co. L.
Eugene F. Gannon, 1st Sgt.—U. S. A., as Instructor
John J. Ahearn
Joseph Beliveau
Christian F. Bezold
Richard Blood
Thomas F. Collins—Com., KIA.
Raymond Convey—KIA.
John J. Donoghue—A.C.S., KIA.
Frank J. Duffy, Sgt.-Major, 42nd Div.
Thomas E. Dunn
Michael Fitzpatrick
Lewis M. French
Joseph A. Grace
Thomas A. Heffernan, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
George S. Kerr—KIA.
Thomas Kiernan—A.C.S.
Nicholas A. Landzert—KIA.
John J. Larkin—Com.
Patrick McCarthy
Eugene McCue, 1st Sgt.
Harry McDermott
Hugh McGriskin
John B. McHugh
Arthur McKenny
Thomas McLoughlin
William E. Malinka—A.C.S.
John J. Mulvey
John E. Mullen
James J. Murphy
William J. Murphy
George V. Murphy
John J. Murphy
Daniel O’Brien
Thomas P. O’Donovan—KIA.
Charles Peacox
David Redmond—A.C.S.
Valentine Roesel
William Sheahan, Col. Sgt.—KIA.
Charles Siedler—A.C.S.
Walter F. Watson
Fred G. Wittlinger, 1st Sgt.
Bernard Woods
John Southworth
Patrick McCarthy
Leo Mullin
Sergeants, Co. M.
John J. Kenny, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
Joseph E. Jerue—A.C.S.
Ambrose Sutcliff
Francis Eustace, 1st Sgt.
Denis McCarthy
Richard J. McCarthy—A.C.S.
Peter Cooney—KIA.
Sydney A. DaCosta—A.C.S.
David G. Morrison—Com.
Charles Pfeiffer—Com.
Howard D. Emerson, 1st Sgt.—A.C.S.
James McGarvey, 1st Sgt.—Com.
Frank J. Rogers—Com.
William J. Francis—KIA.
Patrick B. Hayes
Herman H. VonGlahn—Com.
Henry S. Fisher—A.C.S.
James J. Hughes—A.C.S.
Harry Messmer
Frank May
John Barrow
James M. Major
Patrick J. Clark
Joseph A. Moran
Fernand C. Thomas
Edward F. Flanagan
Francis X. McNamara
John J. McLoughlin
Thomas Courtney
John O’Connor
John B. Manson
John J. Feeley
James F. Shanahan
Eddie I. Stevens—Co. Clk.
Denis Donovan
Daniel Flynn
Sergeants, Supply Co.
Joseph F. Flannery, Reg. Supply Sgt.
Edward P. Scanlon, Reg. Supply Sgt.
John J. Kennedy, Reg. Supply Sgt.
Joseph Comiskey, 1st Sgt.
Roland Ferdinando, 1st Sgt.
James W. Henry
Charles Feick
James J. Heffernan
William Nicholson
James Murphy
Walter Bishop
Robert Goss
Thomas S. Lacey—Com.
William G. Fagan
Harry Mallen
Charles Larson
James McMahon
William J. Drennan—A.C.S.
Robert Stanton—Co. Clk.
Edward L. Callahan
Bernard Lowe
Arthur B. Nulty

Frank Nelson—Co. Clk.

Sergeants, Headquarters Co.
Donald P. Adair
William J. Arenholz—Com.
Pendleton Beall—A.C.S.
Abram Blaustein—Com.
Leonard J. Beck
Robert A. Blackford
John F. Boyle
Herbert E. Clarke
Robert L. Clarke
Stewart S. Clinton
Gustav Cosgrove
Richard J. Cray
Fred W. Cudmore
Ronald O. Dietz
Robert Donnelly
Francis Driscoll, U. S. A., as Instructor
Lemist Esler, U. S. A., as Instructor
William Evers—Band
Alfred H. Fawkner—Com.
William E. Fernie
Thomas E. Fitzsimmons
Lawrence J. Flynn—Band
Jerome Goldstein
Leonard P. Grant—Com.
Constantine J. Harvey
Gerald L. Harvey
George D. Heilman
Diedrich Heins
Edward J. Hussey—KIA.
Arthur C. Jaeger
John V. Kerrigan
Joyce Kilmer—KIA.
Russell Klages
George D. Kramer
Robert N. Lee
Charles Leister
James Lynch—Band
Thomas E. Lynch
Thomas J. McCarthy, 1st Sgt.—Com.
Samuel G. McConaughy
Leonard Monzert—A.C.S.
Thomas Mullady
John J. Mullins, Sgt. Bugler
William P. Murray—Band
Frank Miller—Band
Erwin L. Meisel
William P. Neacy—A.C.S.
James O’Brien
Francis A. O’Connell, Col. Sgt.—Com.
Denis O’Shea, 1st Sgt.—Com.
Medary A. Prentiss—Com.
Theodore C. Ranscht
Michael Rendini
Leslie B. Reynolds
Kenneth G. Russell—Com.
John J. Ryan, 1st Sgt.
Walter T. Ryan
William F. Shannon
William J. Sieger
James V. Smith
Ambrose M. Steinert, Reg. Sgt.-Major
Patrick Stokes—Band
Albert L. Strang, Batt. Sgt.-Major—Com.
Miles Sweeney—Band
Thomas J. Taylor
Walter F. Thompson—Co. Clk.
Robert Taggart
Harrison J. Uhl, Col. Sgt.—Com.
George W. Utermehle
Emmett S. Watson
Roy A. West
Marcus E. Wilkinson—Com.
Charles F. Willermin
Frederick T. Young
Howard R. Young
Henry E. Zitzmann—Band Leader
Edward H. Jeffries—Com.
Sergeants, Machine-Gun Co.
A. Andrews
Gerald Beekman
Harry P. Bruhn—KIA.
Thomas J. Berkley—Com.
J. T. Brooks—KIA.
Anthony J. Daly
Thomas J. Devine—Com.
Thomas F. Doherty
William A. Drake—KIA.
Victor M. Denis
Maurice Dunn
E. O. Ericksson—Com.
Paul R. Fay
John H. Flint
Frank Gardella—KIA.
J. J. Hagerty—Com.
Peter Gillespie
C. F. Hunt
J. R. Keller
L. Kerrigan
Ralph C. Ketchum—Com.
John Kilgannon
James E. Ledwith
Allen J. McBride—Com.
John J. McBride, 1st Sgt.
Harry J. McKelvey—Co. Clk.
John T. Malvey
T. J. Meredith
K. F. Morey
John Mulstein
Maurice M. O’Keefe
William Patterson
Sidney F. Ryan
William A. Sheppard, U. S. A., as Instructor
John J. Spillane
Joseph McCourt, 1st Sgt.
Frank Stevens
Sergeants, San. Det.
Warren W. Lokker, Sgt. 1st Class
William Helgers, Sgt. 1st Class
Victor L. Eichorn
Arthur Firman
William F. Hayes
William J. Maher
Daniel McConlogue
William K. McGrath
Thomas V. Boland—Co. Clk.


[6] After the Champagne fight, by request of the French military

authorities, a number of officers and men were recommended for decoration,
including Major Anderson for the Legion of Honor. The lists were lost while
going through the French Army channels, but it is still hoped that the honors
will be granted.
[7] Deceased
[8] Deceased
[9] Abbreviations: KIA (Killed in action or died of wounds); A.C.S. (sent
to Army Candidates’ school); Com. (commissioned).
[10] Deceased

Since returning home I have read with great interest the unique
historical study of Mr. Michael J. O’Brien on the part played by the Irish
in the early history of the Colonies and particularly in the Revolutionary
War, founded on an exhaustive examination of Irish names inscribed in
army rosters and other records of the period. In order to avoid the
suspicion of over-playing his hand, Mr. O’Brien had to confine himself
to names like his own, which undeniably indicate Irish birth or descent.
He must have passed over many names which are common in every
group of Irish throughout the world.
If we take only the names which have become prominent in the recent
endeavors to establish the independence of Ireland—De Valera and
Marcoviecz do not sound particularly Irish (even the militant lady’s
maiden name of Gore-Booth does not much improve the matter); and
while Kelly, Ryan, Dunn and Duffy are to the manner born, there was a
time when Walsh, Pearse, and Plunkett were foreign names, Norman or
Danish; and Kent, McNeil and Griffiths might very well be respectively
English, Scotch or Welsh.
In the Regiment we had some good men of Scottish descent, but we
had a number who volunteered for the Regiment drawn by Irish race
feeling, bearing the names of Johnston, Cowie, Wilson, Bailey,
Armstrong, Saunders, Campbell, Thompson, Chambers, Gordon, Ross,
Scott, Watson, Stewart, Christy, Finlay, Grimson, Hamilton, Barr,
Graham, Gillespie, Black, Walker, Catterson, Robinson, Holmes, Grant,
Dunbar, Fraser, Kirk, Patterson, Gould, Wylie, Robinson, Roberts,
Donaldson, Ferguson, McMillan, McDonald, McGregor, McPherson,
Ogilvie, Craig, Cameron, McAndrews, McLean, McKay, MacIntosh, not
forgetting our Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Anderson.
We had three or four score Jews in the Regiment that went abroad but
there was a Coen, a Leavy and a Jacobs who were Irish.
Other regimental names that do not sound Irish to the ears of the
uninitiate but are familiar in every Irish group are Clifford, Duane, Clark,
Freeman, Winters, Phillips, Williams, Cunningham, Curtis, Johnson,
Gough, Harrison, Grace, Jones, Loftus, Medler, Matthews, Morrison,
Newman, King, Crawford, Biggar, Bambrick, Ring, Rice, Blythe, Gray,
Judge, Morgan, Caulfield, Gilbert, Gilgar, Campion, Booth, Humphreys,
Cook, Hill, Parks, Hunt, Garland, Gill, Warren, Reed, Hurst, Jenkins,

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