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uG 21 T4406

Objective: To impart Advanced lcnowledge of Marine Meteorolog/, which are required during day-to-
day Ship Operations.

I Climatology: 12 hrs -5
Wind and Pressure systems over the oceans; Mean Surface Pressure and
Wind distribution; Anabatic.and,Katabatic winds; Land and'sea.breezes;
Lo]ial,winds; Westerlies, Polar Easterlies, Monsoons, Doldrums and Inter-
tropical Convergence Zones;
General distrfuution of surface temperature, surface current, sea fog,
pattern of clouds; Dynamics of Lrdian monsoon; Seasonal weather &
climatic characteristics in India.

7 Weather Systems: t hrs -t

Air Masses; Factors governing development; Classification and properties
of air masses; Types of fronts and associated weather ; Warm Front, Cold
Weather associated with Cyclone, Anticyglene, Ridge, Col, Trough and
other pressure systems; Origin,. life and movement of Frontal Depressions;
Structure of Depressions.

3 Weather Reports: 5 hrs'"

Types of weather services for shipping; Meteorological Offices; Weather

Facsimile Receiver; Digital weather receivers; Ship's weather code for
sending reports; Coding and Decoding of weather messages; Weather
reporting and recording procedures; Weather observation reports;

4 Weather Forecasting and Reporting System: 15 hrs -2

Methods and techniques; Sources of meteorological data; Syrrbols on
weather charts and associated weather; Cold and warm front, Occlusion on
a synoptic chart; Codes on a synoptic chart and analysis of synoptic charts;
Interpretation of symbols and isobaric patterns on weather charts and
facsimile charts; Structure of weather bulletin; Voluntary observing fleet
under I.M.D; type and nature of information collected: ships weather code;
weather reporting from ships and its significance in weather forecasting.
lnternational system of weather reporting;

f, Ice on the Sea: 4 hrs -l


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