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With changing world

scenarios and emergence
of such events that
impacts the people as a
whole irrespective of the
fact from which country
do they belong, a
question really emerges
that is global governance
really needed or the so-
called divisions and
notions of nationalism are
must to run the world

Misba Mehraj

An insight into new world

Enough or still to witness more.

21st century, year 2023 and each new day with
new unpredictable news about war, disease,
catastrophes, events and decisions taken in one
corner of the world but impacting a common man
sitting in another corner of the world, unaware of
such decisions and yet bringing a significant
change in his day-to-day life.
The world around us is changing rapidly. Even
before we can realise how a particular event
impacts us another one makes its way and such
events do not impact the people belonging to
certain country or a region but the people of the
whole globe. An event taking place in a particular
region may seem to be affecting that region only
but deep down it spreads its influence to all the
regions even without people realising it. The
influence can be seen in a social political,
economical or even in psychological manner. Every
day something new happens which even outs the
importance of borders and regional divisions and
calls for the need of a complete impartial and
democratic global governance where the people
could be governed in a more effective way and the
so-called regional divisions could be ended which
are becoming and can become an obstacle for
taking immediate actions that our human
community would be needing in the near future.

Global Governance, A Peep in the Concept:

Before digging deeper, it is must to understand the
concept of global governance, what is the vision
behind it and from where the concept could be
shaped. Global governance as a matter of
definition refers to ‘a world order where a single
governing body could take decisions for all the
people and where the global citizenship would be
in prominence and borders would be insignificant’.
As per Kennett Benedict , “Global governance is a
purposeful order that emerges from institutions,
processes, norms, formal agreements, and
informal mechanisms that regulate action for a
common good”. What we have today as part of
global governance, is a superficial world
organisation which works on the toe tips of some
powerful countries and where a nation’s military
and economic power speaks more than the needs
and requirements of all the people belonging from
weaker nations. The graveness of such issue can
be gauged from the fact that when a weak
developing country is attacked by a super power,
no one dares to stand and speak for it but when a
weak nation attacks on some other country
sanctions by this very organisation are imposed in
order to maintain the so-called global peace. Such
incessant actions really intrigue to question that if
such baseless divisions are really ended and a new
global order is established in a free and fair
manner then how will the things work and in what
direction the world would go? Peace or Chaos all

Recent Events:
Let us look in some of the recent events to
understand where we are heading and why new
global order is needed.
A hot topic of the present times which almost
impacted everything and everyone and whose
implications can be seen even after three years is
COVID-19. The pandemic which engulfed the
whole globe irrespective of national borders and
ethnicities of the people must be an eye opener
for us to know how weak our systems really are.
While the developed nations were able to cope up
with crises; the weak nations had to suffer in all
the aspects even when it came to the supply of
vaccines. And here the question arises what was
the role of our international organisation? Apart
from few warnings and rattling about the cause of
the pandemic, it did meagre and mere nothing. An
independent panel set up to study the response to
COVID-19 claimed that the combined response of
the WHO and global governments was a "toxic
cocktail". The COVID-19 pandemic deepened
global inequities, with the world’s poor bearing
the brunt of national lockdowns.
Poorer countries were unable to roll out
comprehensive vaccination campaigns because of
unequal vaccine distribution. While there were
many calls for equitable resource distribution in
terms of medications yet little was done and the
unequal impacts of it could be seen. A pandemic
which made no distinctions in its spread between
rich or poor nations created uneven responses
because of weak global governance. Had an
effective system in place, much loss of lives and
injustice to many people of the same globe could
have been prevented.
Because of a weak global governing system in
place, as a global community we utterly failed to
deal with the crises. Spread of disease made no
distinctions but our bordered divisions of land did
make distinction because of which millions
suffered. The COVID pandemic is just a beginning.
In near future there is a high probability that we
might face many common global issues which
would need a comprehensive common global
solution but this would not be possible unless we
strip ourselves of the divisions and focus to create
a proper global governing body where proper and
right decisions for the people of the whole globe
could be made, a global organisation which is run
by all the people of the globe and not by certain
powerful pockets. Day by day we as the people of
globe would face common threat which would be
requiring common solutions. Day by day the
importance of the nation states would become
invalid and if we fail to understand it now, we
would fail to lead a better future as global
The recent event of pandemic is not the only
example to understand why we would be requiring
a global system of governance. Look around and
one can find many such examples which forces us
to change our viewpoints about our governing
Here another hotly debated topic of present times:
Climate Change. Every week there is at least one
region in the world which faces the brunt of
climate change. Earthquakes, flash floods, heat
waves, reports about melting of ice cap, and
extinction of species has become order of every
day. And are we really doing enough to deal with
it? No. unless there is no global government in
place to deal with such an intricate issue, a way
out of it is just a dream. Thousands of studies
show how climate change can lead to a global
disaster but still till today there is no proper
solution in place. In fact, the situation is worsening
even after some efforts by local governments. The
reason is simple i.e., the lack of proper global
system in place where a proper solution could be
worked out.
In west a new wave of LGBTQIA2S+ is emerging. It
might seem regional but slowly the concept would
be penetrating into other areas of the globe and
would require a global oneness to confront its
Another recent event is emergence of AI. AI is
paving its way faster than we can even imagine
and its threats are not so difficult to envision. As
per experts, laws required to regulate AI will soon
be required. The present system is highly
inefficient to draw such regulations as it requires a
global viewpoint and fairness to all sections of
people is must. Currently we might even manage
to draw some regulations but in the long run such
laws would be inefficient and would surely create
unbalanced benefits and drawbacks for different
nation states. Powerful nations might find a way
out to prevent the disadvantages of AI on their
people at the expense of weaker nations, after all
its them who run the current global organisations.
The changes in today’s society will surely not
restrict itself to certain borders or nation states
but will penetrate without the requirement of a
visa or passport and if we limit our human
capacities then yes, we have lot to lose as a global

What We Are Really Missing:
In the fifteenth century the world witnessed a
major change that was the ending of Thirty Years
of War and signing of treaty of Westphalia which
resulted in emergence of nation- sates. The
emergence of nation sates was not a kind of noble
event with no drawbacks. It had its own challenges
which got saturated over time and became a cause
of many unnecessary burdens. With nation states,
came the borders and new identities with which
people began to identify themselves with. The
division of land into nation states through borders
very soon created the need of building army and
defence systems. Such defence systems disturbed
peace in world and resulted in many wars like
WW1 and WW2. The world got entangled in the
arms race and created new insecurities among
people. The identities which emerged through
nation states created its own problems.
Superiority complexes among people belonging to
particular nation, restricted movements over
borders, un appropriate allocation of resources

and many more evils emerged because of it. As a
result of this the parities between various regions
of the world developed. While some regions
became developed and prosperous, others lagged
behind and still are suffering. Hatred among the
people, who belonged to same globe, just because
of the fact that they belonged to different nations
became evident and till today has been a cause of

Over time the divisions over the globe got

regulated through permit system and the globe
reached its saturation point after which even the
movement of goods became difficult. Nation
states realised the importance of opening its
borders and the concept of globalisation came into
being. Slowly and steadily the globe witnessed
many new changes and the concept of global
village emerged. With internet and faster
transport and communication systems, the globe
has turned into a small unit where in no time an
event or action happening in one corner can be
communicated to other corner. Though a faster
and inclusive globe has emerged a long ago but a
system to govern this globe is still in embryonic
stage. If no action is taken then our ignorance
could hit us badly.
The current happening no more limit within
borders but spreads in blink of eye to the whole
world. Nation states despite of so many ills might
have been desirable in 15th century but in 21st
century its existence has become obsolete and can
prove detrimental in near future. With so many
changes in place, borders and defence systems no
more protect but has become cause of threat
limiting human capacities, and deviating the
resource allocation to more important causes like
health and education. What US spends on its so-
called defence can help endangered Syria survive.
In fact, what all the powerful nations spend on
their defence could help to end poverty all over
the world. But how could this would be achieved?
Unless we don’t liquidate our borders and allow a
fair Global governing body to ensure proper

allocation of resources such visions are only

New world governance system is also a must in

another way. As we have turned into a global
village the cultures of different regions or nations
are inter mingling giving rise to a homogenous
global culture. Our likes, dislikes and priorities day
by day are getting uniform. Besides our ideas,
thought processes and creativities no longer
match with the people living in our vicinity but to
anyone living in any part of the world. All this has
taken place because of increased connectivity and
communication among people and reduced
importance of distances which is now a matter of
minutes. Now how could we benefit ourselves
with all this. Again, the role of global governance.
In order to give vent to new talent emerging all
over the world and bring the like-minded people
together to find more creative and innovative
discoveries, a new world order is must. The talent
of big nations is not in question. With technologies
available talent from bigger and prosperous
nations is easily utilised but the question is about
the smaller and weaker nations where people
don’t have access to education and outside world.
Because of disparity in education and economic
levels among nation states, we fail to understand
how much talent is wasted. If a global governance
would be in place, a common platform for all the
likeminded people could be created and each and
every person of the globe could be provided with
an equal opportunity. In return it can help the
human society as a whole leading to a better and
prosperous life for all. For an egalitarian society
where not a single community witnesses’ injustice
and for overcoming all the ills caused because of
nation states a new world order is a need of the
To give a direction to our changing world, new
systems have to be put in place so that past
mistakes could be rectified and the future could be
secured. Human society could only develop in true
sense when all the people would have same access

to same resources and would be provided with
equal opportunities. Our world is demanding the
change what is left is only realisation by us to bring
the change.

Vision To New Global System.

After all this, a question may arise what is the
vision behind a total global governance? As we are
aware of the fact that currently what we have as a
part of global governance is United Nations and its
principal organs. Besides there are other
international organisations like EU OPEC ASEAN
and blocs like NATO in place. However, except UN
none of them has a potential to turn into a global
governing system. So, all our eyes for new order
are on UN.
 With some reforms in the organisation and
changes in global structures, a vision for new
order could be achieved. As far as the UN is
concerned it has to be turned into an

autonomous body run on democratic bases
without the dominance of any big power. In
this organisation the people can send their
representatives for their representation and
all the decisions for all the people should be
taken by them in a democratic way.

 There must be a common education and

development program for all the students of
the globe. A complete parity and fairness
must be in place in terms of opportunities
given to all.

 Beside the allocation of resources must take

place on a global level as per the needs of
different regions.

 The borders must be liquidated and a

common defence system for whole globe
must be made to curb regional conflicts if any
would arise.

 Not only that concept of global citizenship
has to be evolved and people must be allowed
to move freely across the regions of the globe.

 Religion must be the conscious choice of

people, free of interference from global
governing system. All the people must be free
to preach their religion as long as it doesn’t
lead to public nuisance, threat or immorality.

 People must be the real holders of power.

Since we have technologies in hand, opinions
of the people all over the must be taken on
critical issues and must be interpreted with
help of AI and policies must be framed

With a proper global system in place, we can move

towards a better society and find solutions to
common problems that we all are facing today.

Drawbacks towards the new system:
No system can be introduced without its
drawbacks and challenges. Same goes to the
global governing system.
One of the biggest drawbacks of the new global
order would be its uneasy implementation. Power
is the biggest evil. At the first place it is an
extremely difficult task for convincing the big and
powerful nations to give away their dominating
position so that an egalitarian global order could
be created.
Currently the five big nations have a veto power in
UN’s Security Council. These nations hold majority
of the economic and military power in their hands.
In the establishment of a free and fair global
system these powers might have to give away a lot
towards smaller nations. The initiative of creating
new order has to be started by them but these
nations would never do so unless they don’t have
their selfish interests in place and their such

interests could actually become a threat for the
new system.
Secondly with centralisation of power into a single
authority the risks of corruption might increase.
The regional issues might not find a proper
representation and day to day small activities if
not regulated properly can lead to chaos in the
administrative system at regional levels.
Besides certain regions have some unique
problems which require unique solutions and
reaching to such solutions might become a difficult
task under a common global community.
Moreover, the quality of dispensing justice might
deteriorate and the decision-making process might
slow down. A small discrepancy by the authorities
can lead to a grave consequence for the whole
globe. If ever the machinery might get faulty or
economic systems might fail, the brunt would be
faced by all with no back up.

With such a centralised system in place, every step
has to be taken with utmost care or otherwise the
doom of our society would be invited.
With global systems in place the conflicts among
nations can be put to an end but ethnicities do not
know boundaries. Because of common global
order the ethnicity of many communities get
compromised and it can lead to conflicts among
the people which might get difficult to deal with.
Also, the religious matters if completely let free
can create chaos among the people and such
intricate matter might not be properly evaluated
at global levels.
We can’t ignore the fact that humans are one of
kind of animals and can turn into savage beasts if
not controlled properly. Hence with an open
society there are chances of increased crime rates.
All the demerits of the global world order can be
easily dealt with but we as humans might not be
ready for such liberal changes, hence each step
has to be taken after a lot consideration.

Merits of the system:
From the whole report till now the merits of the
new global governing system could easily be
gauged. There is a common saying that modern
problems require modern solutions. Today as a
part of same globe whatever issues we are facing
be it climate change or resource depletion, all the
issues can only be solved if a global governing
body is in place. If we really want to lead a
prosperous life and want to ensure same for our
future generation global governance is the only
way; otherwise, the day would not be far when
the human society will witness its end because of
its own actions. Global governance is must to end
inequalities and conflicts in the world. For the
justice and betterment of all, global governance is
a necessary evil. There are millions of people today
who are suffering because of poverty and disease.
In order to get these people out of misery global
governance is must. Moreover, for proper
allocation of resources and in order to end
economic disparities existing today we need a

proper global governing system. As said earlier
the world is demanding the change, what is only
left is the realisation by us.

Few centuries back if someone would have talked
about computers and mobile phones, he would
have been considered a lunatic. If one would have
talked about contacting a person sitting miles
away, he would have been laughed upon. Today
also the concept of global governance might seem
a utopian vision but it won’t take us much time to
reach to a point where this system would become
necessary in order to overcome the problems
faced by the society. It might not be enough now
but it is going to be enough soon. When all other
ways will exhaust and chaos will begin to reign,
only then we might realise the importance of
global governance. So, before it is too late, we
must begin our journey towards single unified
global governing body so that peace and stability
in the world could be maintained.


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