A Conceptual Model For Personalized Learning Based On Educational Robots

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A Conceptual Model for Personalized Learning based on

Educational Robots
Dhekra Ferjaoui Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi
PRINCE Research Lab, ISITC H-Sousse University of PRINCE Research Lab, ISITC H-Sousse University of
Sousse, Tunisia Sousse, Tunisia
ABSTRACT during a classroom and to possess an educator with you all the time
Over a previous couple of years, Distance learning has successfully in order to pass a "real training" or a "real test", to possess direct
overcome the shortcomings of traditional methods of teaching and interaction with an educator or instructor, this normally happens
learning, likewise increases student interaction and diversities of on a group date and time.
opinion, online instructors could also be from any location across With the daily evolution of the world , technology keeps chang-
the world. So students have the chance to settle on a learning strat- ing and improving. In fact, we will already expect new technological
egy most suited to their abilities, while education is streamlined to innovations during a few years, if not a couple of months. But in
satisfy the requirements of the individual in question. Due to the particular, this development now affects all sectors, education, in-
on-going technological change, we are witnessing, Robots are get- dustry, medical, social or maybe political. Either way, educational
ting an integral component of our society and have great potential technology holds a vital place in today’s world. it has created amaz-
in being utilized as an academic technology by providing students ing tools and resources, putting useful information at our fingertips.
with a highly interactive and hands-on learning experience. Indeed, Previously, information was scarce, expensive, and concentrated in
Robotics promises to inspire a replacement generation of learning. isolates, places of data like schools, universities, libraries and muse-
With the aim of understanding how students can use robots to re- ums. Today, it’s becoming bloated: the problem is not any longer to
view, we created and implemented a learning scenario through an access it, but to sort it and reformulate the knowledge that’s why
ontological conceptual Model for Personalized Learning supported online learning is becoming a replacement human process that’s
Educational Robots. This model enables us to supply inferences over starting to act as an entire substitute for both distance learning and
learning data and supply personalized learning resources, adapted therefore the traditional face-to-face class [1].
to the progress of the scholar within the learning process. Online learning first and foremost has become an established
part of the educational world, with trends pointing to ongoing
CCS CONCEPTS growth, which has evolved from web-based, distance learning pro-
grams. this will be often evidenced today by expanded access to
• Applied Computing; • Education;
courses, content, and innovative instructional practices , actually
it harnesses technology to rework what’s possible in teaching and
learning. These new learning models are designed to enable richer
Distance learning, robots, learning scenario, personalized learning, student-teacher communication and interaction, either synchro-
ontological model nous or asynchronous, and optimize each student’s learning ex-
ACM Reference Format: periences through robust personalized learning. Still, today, for
Dhekra Ferjaoui and Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi. 2020. A Conceptual Model several students across the country where courses are unavailable
for Personalized Learning based on Educational Robots. In Eighth Interna- in their schools, online learning represents the only viable means
tional Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality of providing high-quality course options within their district or
(TEEM’20), October 21–23, 2020, Salamanca, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, schools [2, 3].
5 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3434780.3436609
In this respect we note that in recent years robotics has attracted
the high interest of teachers and researchers as a valuable tool
1 INTRODUCTION to develop cognitive and social skills for college kids from pre-
Teaching should target forming the knowledge, abilities, and com- school, high school to university and to support learning in science,
petencies enabling the younger generation to be successfully inte- mathematics, technology, informatics and other school subjects or
grated into the trendy socio-technical systems, to efficiently main- interdisciplinary learning activities, as well as they offers a fascinat-
tain and develop the scientific and technological potential of the so- ing, interesting and motivating way for college kids to strengthen
ciety. Some people think that it’s necessary to be physically present their skills, like inquiry, and improve learning program content,
they’re becoming an integrated part in certain fields and have great
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed
potential as educational technology [6, 10].
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation This research work focuses on the academic potential of robotics
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM in schools and their uses for personalized learning. This paper
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a is structured as follows: In section 2, we describe the theoretical
fee. Request permissions from permissions@acm.org. background and therefore the keys concepts.
TEEM’20, October 21–23, 2020, Salamanca, Spain Section 3 presents the literature review on recommendations
© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-8850-4/20/10. . . $15.00 systems associated with our work. In Section 4 we present our ped-
https://doi.org/10.1145/3434780.3436609 agogical scenario. In section 5, we offer an outline of our proposed

TEEM’20, October 21–23, 2020, Salamanca, Spain Dhekra Ferjaoui and Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi

educational resources recommendation ontological model and its For Gaudiello and Zibetti in [7], educational robotics (RE) aims to
essential components. Finally, the conclusion and future works are introduce a technological range of embodied artificial intelligences
drawn in section 6. (robots) within the school. Its goal is to push and renew student
learning. and teacher education. Stemming from the link between
2 DISTANCE LEARNING AND EDUCATIONAL the tutorial environment and technological progress, RE may be a
field of research that has currently benefited from popular interest
ROBOTS in primary and secondary schools for the past ten years, especially
When we think about the way to utilize technology to enhance in Quebec [22].
learning, the key’s to concentrate on what we are able to do with Many projects using robots are applied for the most part to
information technology that we cannot do without it. Technology the learning of mathematical concepts in primary and secondary
can create environments that provide individualized learning ap- education, such as: numbers, operations, plane geometry, geometry
proaches that serve everyone in ways that he or she will most in space, statistics, functions, algebra, etc. For example, the IniRobot
benefit. project[7]primarily concerns initiation into computer science and
Given the enormous increase in the demand for education around robotics, but can also be used for the acquisition of notions of
the world, distance learning technologies are attracting special other disciplines such as written and spoken language, mathematics,
attention in this area. Various terms have been used to describe experimental sciences, the arts, etc.
the phenomenon of distance learning. properly speaking, distance This research work [7, 8]is particularly interested in the use
learning (the student’s activity) and distance teaching (the teacher’s of educational robotics as a teaching tool in order to improve the
activity) together compose distance education, not only that but teaching of a discipline external to robotics itself. In our case, in
also a virtual learning, which usually refers to courses taken outside response to the problem described in the next section, we are in-
a classroom by primary- or secondary-school [4]. terested in the use of RE to possibly enhance student interest and
Among the new technologies and methods of online learning is personalize learning path. In the project RoboSTEAM a method-
the use of robots which are increasingly occupying an increasing ology is defined and a set of tools are available to help learners to
place in education. This technology can improve learning, by boost- develop computational thinking by using / programming PD&R in
ing content, increasing student motivation, providing equipment pre-university education internships. The project improves teacher
suitable for distance learning, and personalizing educational paths. education, offering them with a framework for easy STEAM inte-
The issues around these questions are important: gration in different educational contexts, by providing guidelines
• The need to motivate students and personalize learning ap- for good practices and lessons learned adapted to those contexts
pears more and more clearly. This is a major asset in the fight [20] .
against dropping out of school and for equal opportunities.
• Faced with the increase in training needs, the possibility of
distance learning is a decisive advantage. 3 RELATED WORK
• Use of digital tools is a way to raise awareness of their uses.
Many research works have been interested in personalized learning.
Robots are considered as a complementary tool to enhance the In [9], the authors proposed an evolving e-learning system that
motivation and academic performance of scholars, which has gener- can be adapted not only to its users, but also to the open web in
ated a technological development that is increasingly incorporated response to the use of its learning resources. Their system is open
into our daily lives for the various purposes: Education, industry in the sense that the learning elements related to the course could
and discipline, but in particular it’s generated great interest in re- be added, adapted or deleted. There are two types of collaboration
searchers, professors and professionals as support in learning in in such systems. One is the collaboration between the system and
several fields of data. Studies indicate that robotics is providing the user, the other is the collaboration between the system and
benefits as a teaching tool, performing repetitive tasks with great the open web. Users do not have direct interactions with the open
precision, flexibility, human-robot hyperactivity, since these devices web. Through the system, one can retrieve the relevant information
are presented with various characteristics providing to student’s related to a learner and his / her learning characteristics. Learners
fun, motivating activities and real experiences, creating interactive are free to learn whatever they want, which is unlike most other
and attractive learning environments . Moreover , educational ro- web-based learning systems.
botics are designed as a teaching resource privileged because it’s Learners are required to give feedback to the documents recom-
in itself a really motivating element for schoolchildren and may be mended to them [11]. Therefore, depending on both usage and rat-
related to multidisciplinary environments that promote learning ings of a paper, the adaptive system changes the tags of a resource,
and therefore the development of general skills. These skills are and determines whether the document should be kept, deleted or
supported approach globalization of the various fields of study, placed in a backup list.
generating an immediate link with the acquisition of skills promot- Much effort has gone into the design, modeling and, implemen-
ing scientific interest and curiosity, also as social skills through tation of recommendation systems [11, 12]sowed that will analyze
work as in teams [21].The use of technological tools, compared to some works concerning these systems, also we will do a compar-
traditional tools, offers an enticing and motivating way for college ative study between these works to identify the weak points of
kids to strengthen their skills, like inquiry, and improve learning each system. There are several recommendation systems. In the
program content [18] . following we examine three main recommendation systems:

A Conceptual Model for Personalized Learning based on Educational Robots TEEM’20, October 21–23, 2020, Salamanca, Spain

The first system is PEL-IRT (Personalized e-learning system us- After studying and analyzing the last mentioned contributions,
ing Item Response Theory)which is a personalized learning system we noticed that many of recommendations systems do not con-
based on item response theory that analyzes both course material sider robots as technological tools to interact and deliver adapted
difficulties and learners’ abilities in order to provide personalized information to learners needs.
learning. The PEL-IRT system contains two main parts: The back-
end that analyzes learner capacities (CA) and selects course ma- 4 PEDAGOGICAL SCENARIO AND
terials from the course database based on the CA estimate. The CHALLENGES
forward part: this part represents the agent interface that identi-
fies the status of learners, transfers requests and returns the list of An educational scenario presents an approach aimed toward achiev-
recommended courses to students .PEL-LRT provides also a search ing educational objectives and therefore the acquisition of general
interface to help students find course materials in a specified course or specific skills associated with one or more areas of life consis-
unit [15Chen,]. tent with the terms and specifications of the study programs. The
The second system is Course recommender system SCR which scenario are often to associated with a project, or a learning activity.
uses machine learning methods to create a highly reliable course Here we present a scenario to motivate our work on developing
recommendation system and which learns from course choices a model that describes the employment of robots to personalize
made by students. The aim of this study is to assess the inter- learning. At a time of lack of teachers in some schools, the place
ests of students and to create a system that can be extended with of robots within the lifestyle of our youngsters may be a solution
new features. The Course Recommend (SCR) system is a standard already tested within the field of education. we’ve therefore adopted
implementation of the client / server architecture. The client inter- a scenario that describes the advice of educational resources to use
acts with a graphical interface containing the logic and a part for educational robots to supply a learner the likelihood of obtaining
handling client requests for recommendations. SCR implements a required skills, improve self-learning online, allows a disabled stu-
Bayesian network model. It recommends courses that have a high dent to possess the impression of being present, despite his/her
probability of being relevant. The Bayesian network represents a handicap.
user model where the nodes are courses. As more courses are taken Ahmed is a student who wants to learn. He wants to accumulate
by the student, the model is updated to calculate the likelihood of knowledge and skills associated with a selected school subject
relevance of other courses [17Simbi,]. computer, mathematics, science, technology, literature. The robots
The third system AACORN (Academic Advisor COurse Recom- also are put at the service of the disabled people, make it possible
mendation eNgine) is based on the analysis of course histories in to stay more to the scholars faraway from school due to illness of
order to recommend them to new students. It is based on the reuse having the ability, via these robots, still go to class and to follow
of the experiences of former students. The AACORN system is their course, the school robot makes it possible to keep up the link
based on the idea that students with similar interests or academics with school and to still feel a student. Ahmed may be a disabled
choose the same course. This is a method that uses specific knowl- student or he has suffered from an accident which prevents him
edge from previous experience to adapt the old plan to the new from attending his classes.
situation with only minor modifications [16]. Our approach will really give him the impression of being in
This approach aims to enable students to achieve their academic class so that he can follow his course, moreover it will offer the
goals and meet course requirements for graduation. It uses course possibility of doing a self-study, to improve his skills i.e. Ahmed
selection data to make recommendations that respect existing cur- stays at home in front of his tablet and the robot stays at the institute
ricula and thus provides a method that automatically accommodates .He will simply pilot the robot to move around, interact within the
curriculum changes. class, with his mouse, the arrows on the keyboard or a controller.
We have conducted a comparative study between the recommen- The learner needs to attend the course regardless of his location,
dation systems to identify the weak points of each. The comparison in addition to improve his skills or to acquire new skills.
criteria are as follows: For this we will need to access learning resources, these resources
allow learners to achieve his objectives. Due to the diversity and
• Use of semantic web technologies (ontology): this criterion the large number of resources available, finding the right resources
helps us to process data in different systems without encoun- for the needs of learners becomes difficult.
tering the problem of interoperability. The ontology assure Therefore, we need an approach to recommend the most appro-
us a good manipulation of the data. priate resources for each learner’s profile [5].
• Calculation of semantic relevance: the calculation of rele- To obtain the most appropriate resource for the learner’s pro-
vance helps us select the appropriate resource for the learner file, a resource recommendation approach is implemented. This
profiles to ensure a smooth functioning of the assessment approach consists of the following steps:
learning process to achieve a desired result.
• Step 1:Interaction with the robot before accessing the plat-
• Competence-based recommendation: recommending re-
form. Then, to access their profile, the learner must log in.
sources based on learners’ competency profiles guarantees
If a learner does not have an account, he/she must regis-
us an accurate assessment.
ter. Then he/she chooses the course / level / class even the
The majority of learning resource recommendation systems do name of the editor he/she wants to obtain, an interface will
not take learner skills into consideration when recommending. This then be displayed. the learner selects the type of educational
can affect the learning outcome. resource he wants to have (videos, audio, etc.) as well as

TEEM’20, October 21–23, 2020, Salamanca, Spain Dhekra Ferjaoui and Lilia Cheniti Belcadhi

his initial capacities (if the learner is a beginner, the system

assigns him the course material with a moderate level of
difficulty) Finally, the list of resources is displayed.
• Step 2: Analyze the metadata, "description" and extract the
relevant concepts: the role of the "description" metadata is
to describe the resource. it contains the key concepts related
to the resource. Since we have many sources of information,
then it is necessary to find a way to organize this information.
We need a well-organized data structure so that we can
manipulate it and generate knowledge.
Figure 1: Learner Ontology
• Step 3: choice of the relevant resource: After calculating
the similarities between the learner’s concepts and all the
resources. The resource that gives us the highest score is
displayed. In this case, the learner will consult the course. concrete, and increase students’ motivation because the latter can
• Step 4: Finally, to complete our process, and after the learner build and program their own robots and participate in competi-
finishes his learning, the goal is reached, the skill is acquired, tions. Robotics can also enhance acquisition of Science, Technology,
the learner must note the resources he/she used. Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-based competencies and an-
other type of competencies such as collaboration, imagination, and
self-expression; and it is an especially useful tool when applying
problem-based learning, project-based learning or challenge-based
PERSONALIZATION USING ROBOTS learning approaches [19].
Ontology are hierarchical structuring of knowledge about things The following ontological tree (figure 2) summarizes the repre-
by subcategorizing them according to their essential or relevant sentative elements of an ontological model for the robot .
qualities also can be considered a conceptualization of a domain The Graphical Learner Interface (GLI) forms a knowledge portal,
or subject area typically captured in an abstract model related to a an extension tool to recommend and retrieve resources as needed
specific domain [13]. .GLI included several components such as:
Simply an ontology represents a conceptual model on which it
• Registration : write the necessary information about the
is possible to develop knowledge systems that are shareable and
learner. resource recommendations take into account the
reusable allowing thus, interoperability between several sources of
level of the learner, specialty to provide well-defined content.
information and knowledge.
To better understand the course and have a variety of re-
Our approach is based on the development of Learner Ontology
sources at the same time, we have several types and methods
(figure 1). The learner model is modeled in terms of several charac-
that facilitate learning according to the interests of learners.
teristics such as his name, his password, and his age, his preferences,
• Level : the learner select the level , specialty and the lesson
as well as his competency profile which is made up of required
that he would study then a list of resources will be displayed
skills and acquired skills, It also specifies the relationships between
. the components of the recommended list can be articles,
these components, such as logical dependencies and hierarchies.
videos, tutorials and exams .Each lesson is represented by
When a learner is studying, his/her learning activities (such as
a title and a small description which shortly describes the
his/her learning path, learning time, learning pace, and learning
content of the course .
achievements) analyzed and stored in historical, The learner can
• Learner Profile (Log In) : a procedure that the learner must
find the Learning content of interest according to his/her needs,
realize to access the resources.
age, progress in the learning process. These units can be lessons,
explanations, examples, exercises, tests, etc. related to knowledge
domain, level of study specialty. Moreover he/she can choose for 6 CONCLUSION
himself the type of course he wants as well as the level of difficulty To achieve our goal, which is Driven by the need to support lifelong
of the latter. learning according to the preferences, abilities and interests of learn-
Different types and levels of learning resources are provided ers we have proposed a resource recommendation approach based
to the learner, as well as using a new learning tool. Learners are on interaction with a robot, and which enable the recommendation
able then to build knowledge of the domain according to their own of learning resources adapted to the learner profile.
progress of learning and interaction with learning environment. In this paper, we have described an approach based on ontologi-
Besides the use of robots during learning can have an impact on cal models and which uses robots as a learning device to support
the acquisition of knowledge and skills in digital sciences: it makes and allow learners to get information anywhere, anytime accord-
it possible to work on transversal skills (social, cognitive, affective) ing to their needs and interests. Our method allows educational
and to stimulate motivation, creativity and cooperation (group resources retrieval according to the needs of the learner by using
work) [9]. robots and enabling inferences over heterogeneous data. In the
Indeed the use of robotics in education has gained popularity future, we will focus on the interaction relationship between the
especially thanks to low-cost and highly-accessible educational learner and the robot in particular through the integration of a
robotic kits. Tangible devices make program execution explicit and voice assistant to allow actions to be controlled by voice.

A Conceptual Model for Personalized Learning based on Educational Robots TEEM’20, October 21–23, 2020, Salamanca, Spain

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