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MKT 6080: Marketing Strategy

Final Project


Rachel Egondu Marcel-Ufondu

Nexford University

MKT6080: Marketing Strategy

Dr. Kyle Allison

July 21, 2023.

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MKT 6080: Marketing Strategy
Final Project

Marketing Plan

Executive Summary

Coca-Cola is the most popular soft drink in the world, with assorted products produced

under the Coca-Cola Company brand. The company's ideal clientele comprises of children,

teens, and young adults. The global beverage market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.47%

from an initial value of US$1,568.389 billion in 2021 and is estimated to reach a market size of

US$1,991.845 billion in 2028. Due to increasing disposable income and shifting consumer

preferences towards ready-to-drink beverages, particularly in developing and emerging

economies, the market is anticipated to grow at a fair rate throughout the forecast period.

Most challenges or setbacks in this industry results to health issues associated with the

consumption of Energy drinks including heart conditions, obesity, and diabetes with the main

culprits being caffeine and sugar (Demarino, 2021).

Here, Citrus Coca-Cola is a beverage drink to boost the human immune system and lower

the risk of strokes and heart diseases. Citrus fruits are rich in multiple nutrients such as vitamin

C, flavonoids, and fiber which confer vascular protection, reduce inflammation, improve

gastrointestinal function and health, and play a vital role in preventing conditions like diabetes,

cancer, neurological disease (The Whole U, 2022). To relieve nausea and upset stomachs,

carbonated soft drinks like Coca-Cola mixed with lemons help to neutralize acids in lemons,

which aid in nausea relief.

Citrus Coca Cola target customers from 10 to 45 years. Most beverages are associated

with lifestyle and sports, and Citrus Coca-Cola will be marketed in that line including sport

sponsorships and events, athlete endorsement, amongst others.

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Citrus Coca-Cola will be an alteration for all Coca-Cola brands. It will represent the company’s

vision to craft the brands and choices of drinks that people love to refresh their

bodies and spirits, also give them a new experience immersed in flavor (The Coca-Cola

Company, 2022).

With a defined target market, market segmentation and digital marketing, Citrus Coca-


drink will use its strengths and the opportunities it offers to stake a claim in the global energy

drink market, while it addresses threats through innovation and collaboration, and improves on

the weaknesses.

Company Overview

The Coca-Cola Company is a worldwide American company with its headquarters in

Atlanta, Georgia, and is best known as the producer of Coca-Cola. Asa Griggs Candler started

the company in 1892. James Quincey is the company's current CEO. Over 136 years of

refreshing the globe have been linked to the Coca-Cola business. Other alcoholic and non-

alcoholic beverages are produced, distributed, and marketed by the corporation, with goods

reaching 200 nations and territories.

The company’s mission is to satisfy beverage consumers with excellence. The vision of

the company is to craft the brands and choices of drinks that people love to refresh their bodies

and spirits, done in ways that create a more sustainable business and better-shared future that

makes a difference in people’s lives, communities, and the planet (The Coca-Cola Company,


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Target Market

Coca-Cola is the most popular soft drink in the world, with assorted products produced

under the Coca-Cola Company brand. The company's ideal clientele comprises children, teens,

and young adults. Young adults (both male and female) between the ages of 20-45 who are

already consumers of the product are the primary target market; teenagers between the ages of 13

to 19 are the secondary target, and children between the ages of 10 and 12 are the tertiary target.

To establish long-term relationships with the target market, there is a need to analyze

customer data. Customer data can provide valuable insights into customers' preferences,

behavior, and purchasing habits. By doing this, a deeper understanding of their target audience

and using this information can create personalized marketing campaigns that resonate with their

customers on a deeper level. For instance, customer data can reveal beverages customers are

interested in, their dietary restrictions, what marketing channels they respond to, and even what

time of day they are most likely to consider purchasing. With this information, customized

marketing campaigns that offer the ideal items at an appropriate time, using significant channels

may be accessible to demonstrate to customers that their preferences and wants are being

fulfilled, leading to improved customer loyalty.

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Market Segmentation

Market segmentation Detailed explanation of each factor for our target market


Demographic Based on demographics, Citrus Coca-Cola will be for males, females

young, various cultures and religions. The product will be accessible

to all people within all income groups. It will be segmented into three

categories: children, teenagers, and young adults. These categories

will have different demand contributions to the consumption of

Citrus Coca Cola flavors globally.

Geographic Location For geographical location, the market is segmented into North

America, Latin America, Asia Pacific and Europe, Middle East, and

Africa. Asia Pacific being the major consumers. While Europe,

Middle East, and Africa are known as the fastest growing emerging


Behavioral Based on behavior, Citrus Coca-Cola will come in handy for the busy

populace who have little or no time to prepare homemade or natural

drinks for themselves or families before going to their workplaces.

Or the athletes and gymnastics during exercise or sports events They

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Final Project

can always order online or stroll to the nearest store to purchase it.

Also, the product can be gifted to people as donations to the less

privileges and orphanage homes.

Psychographic (Values Using the Values, Attitude and Lifestyle (VALS) framework, the

and Lifestyle) market can be segmented into Believers and Strivers.

Believers believe in basic rights and wrongs to lead a good life. They

care to know where things stand, they have no tolerance for

ambiguity, and they value constancy and stability. The Strivers are

fun lovers with a great desire for self-gratification. They are

imitators, so they are more likely to be won over by word of mouth

of the believers.

Citrus Coca-Cola will constitute of different flavors and accepted in

indulgent and restraint cultures. Most citrus fruits are known to

contribute to the fitness and health of the human immune system and

body; thus, this product will be approachable as it has more benefits

than damage to offer to all cultures and languages.

New Product Details

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Product Differentiation

Citrus fruits are rich in multiple nutrients such as vitamin C, flavonoids, and fiber which

confer vascular protection, reduce inflammation, improve gastrointestinal function and health,

and play an important role in preventing conditions like diabetes, cancer, neurological disease

(The Whole U, 2022). This beverage option is not presently available on The Coca-Cola’s plan,

as the corporation focuses on other alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages,

Citrus Coca-Cola will be an innovation, as it helps to keep people in check regarding their health

and daily sugar consumption.

Competitive Advantage

The Coca-Cola Corporation has been in existence for over 136 years, in over 200


and territories across the world. The new product will serve varieties of citrus flavors, which

will help boost energy in the body, and the body immune system.

Position In Customers’ Mind

To ensure a favorable impression in the minds of customers, the new product content,

packaging, customer service relations, logistics, and delivery must be excellent. It will endear the

firm to our clients worldwide and result in recommendations from both potential and non-

potential consumers.

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

List three of the strongest benefits of the new List three internal areas the new offering may

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Final Project

offering. find challenging.

1: Citrus Coca-Cola is a healthy food option 1.Product diversification: Coca-Cola has low

with low calories and a very low-fat content. product diversity, whereas Pepsi, one of its

competitors, has various products. This puts

Pepsi on edge over Coca-Cola.

2. Strong brand identity: Coca-Cola is popular 2.There has been competition between Coca-

because of its strong brand identity. Cola and Pepsi company for a long period of

According to an analysis, it has a brand time. This adds to the company’s weakness in

strength index of 93.3 out of 100. Therefore, gaining more advantages than among its

there is a possibility that the new product will competitors.

generate a vigorous brand identity.

3. The Cola-Cola company is a total beverage 3.Health issues: Health issues like diabetes

company making sales in over 200 countries and obesity caused by high sugar

and approximately 1.9 billion servings daily. consumption, traced by the intake of

The new product will have a global carbonated drinks. However, introducing the

other beverages. new product will be an alternative to lessen

any risk.

Opportunities Threats

List three external opportunities the new List three external threats the new product

product may be able to leverage. may face.

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1. Brand expansion among communities 1. Water usage controversy: Coca-Cola is

where they deliberate about healthy drink reported to make use of over 300 billion

options. waters yearly, causing a gap for community


2.Pollution lawsuit: A lawsuit was filed

2.Adding new goods to the market and lessen against Coca-Cola in June 2021, stating that

added sugar: Satisfying the needs of

Coca-Cola is the major contributor to plastic
consumers who care about their health is
pollution globally instead of being a

another asset. Coca-Cola will profit from this sustainable and environmentally friendly

trend if they enter this market because it can company.

raise its earnings and market share, and

rapidly gain popularity. 3.There is fierce competition between Coca-

3. It increases global sales and geographically Cola company and its competitors, like

diversify its income (Pereira, 2023). PepsiCo., as they make and target the same



The Coca-Cola Company’s Mission

The Coca-Cola Company’s mission is to satisfy beverage consumers with excellence,

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Final Project

based on the company’s purpose which is to refresh the world and make a difference (The Coca-

Cola Company, 2022).

Citrus Coca-Cola

This is a beverage drink to boost the human immune system and lower the risk of strokes

and heart diseases. Citrus fruits are rich in multiple nutrients such as vitamin C, flavonoids, and

fiber which confer vascular protection, reduce inflammation, improve gastrointestinal function

and health, and play a vital role in preventing conditions like diabetes, cancer, neurological

disease (The Whole U, 2022). To relieve nausea and upset stomachs, carbonated soft drinks like

Coca-Cola mixed with lemons help to neutralize acids in lemons, which aid in nausea relief.

Also, lemon increases saliva production, which aids in nausea relief.

Finally, excessive carbonated beverages such as soda might result in kidney stones. Lemons

contain highly concentrated citrate, which helps to avoid kidney stones. Thus, it is possible that

adding lemon to Cola might reduce the likelihood of kidney stone development, even if just a


Value Proposition

Coca-Cola is the most popular soft drink in the world. Citrus Coca-Cola will come in


for the busy populace who have little or no time to prepare homemade or natural drinks for

themselves or families before going to their workplaces. And for athletes and gymnastics to

boost their body immune system while releasing energy during exercise or sports activities.

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Marketing Objectives for Citrus Coca-Cola

The specific marketing objectives for Citrus Coca-Cola are:

 To boost the human immune system and lower the risk of stroke and heart


 To refresh our customers with excellent taste.

 To become a prominent brand customers’ love.

Market Share

Coca-Cola holds a significant market share in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, with a

forty-two percent share of the global soft drink market according to Euromonitor. With that

percentage, Citrus Coca-Cola is expected to increase at a compound annual rate of 10 percent or

more in the next years to come.

Customer Acquisition

Customer acquisition refers to a business's actions to attract customers and entice them to

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Final Project

make a purchase. For our business to grow successfully, we need to keep track of our costs and

returns on investment, and measure results to grow our operations. To grow our customer base,

Citrus Coca-Cola will utilize some strategies such as referral programs, search engine

optimizations (SEO), paid social media adverts and engagements, content marketing with paid or

organic search, traditional advertising, and the use of sports influencers.


Aside from Coca-Cola Company, there are other companies in the world that produce

non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages. Its competitors are PepsiCo Company, Red Bull, and Dr

Pepper Snapple Group Incorporation.


PepsiCo is an American food and beverage company that is one of the largest in the


with products available in more than two hundred countries. PepsiCo sells a wide range of

beverages, foods, and snacks under twenty-two distinct brands. PepsiCo products are attractively

packaged with colorful designs, and they are readily available in supermarkets and grocery stores

around the globe (Dudovskiy, 2016).


Red bull is a product of Austrian establishment, present in 171 countries. Red Bull comes

in varieties, but main ingredients remain caffeine, taurine, B vitamins, sucrose, glucose, and

carbonated water (Fontinelle, 2021).

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● What features and benefits does your new product or service offer that the competition

does not offer?


Phytochemicals properties Strengthen the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve

gastrointestinal function and health, and play a significant role in

preventing conditions like diabetes, cancer, neurological


Packaging options Citrus Coca-Cola flavored products will be packed in assorted

sizes and lengths according to customers’ preferences and health


Eco-friendly package Product packages will be sustainable so that they can be recycled

and reused for future purposes. .

Nutrition Details The product package will display low calorie make up in each

package, so consumers know the amount of energy they

consume with each serving.

There will also be displays of sugar and caffeine contents, and

other nutrients needed.

Uniqueness Citrus Coca-Cola will be offering four established flavours

which include Lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, and citron added to

carbonated cola.

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Competitive advantage

The Coca-Cola Company has been in existence for over 136 years, in over two hundred

countries and territories across the world. The new product will serve varieties of citrus flavors

such as tangerine, grapefruit, lemon, and citron, which will help boost energy in the body, and

the body immune system.


1. Product: PepsiCo distributes a variety of drinks, meals, and snacks under twenty-two

distinct brand names. Most PepsiCo's goods are high-sugar drinks and high-salt foods and

snacks. PepsiCo goods are beautifully packaged with bright graphics and are widely

available in supermarkets and grocery shops worldwide. PepsiCo's product portfolio also

includes brand-related accessories, drink gear, and a limited selection of other brand-

related goods (Dudovskiy, 2016).

2. Price: PepsiCo's pricing strategy is market-driven, with price levels in each market

reflecting a variety of factors such as the competitive climate, product demand, and

customer purchasing power. PepsiCo's pricing strategy differs depending on the brand in

its portfolio. Pepsi-Cola, for example, the business employs a cost leadership pricing


3. Place: PepsiCo goods are offered in over two hundred countries and territories worldwide.

PepsiCo goods are available in supermarkets, mini-markets, and grocery shops of all

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sizes, as well as restaurants and fast-food restaurant chains. To increase market

penetration, the corporation concentrates on fast-food chains. PepsiCo does not offer its

meals, snacks, and drinks through Internet outlets. However, PepsiCo foods, snacks, and

drinks may be ordered online from the leading retail chains' websites and other items

(Dudovskiy, 2016).

4. Promotion: PepsiCo uses marketing communications and tactics like advertising, sales

promotion, direct marketing, and public relations to reach its customers.

5. People: Although the brand is advertised to people of all genders, PepsiCo's target

demographic is young people, early middle-aged adults, and customers in the US and

other developed countries.

6. Process: To ensure that its items are constantly accessible in retail locations, the company

has mechanisms that alert merchants when their inventory levels are low. The process

offers customers more items while ordering its manufacturers to restock its stock. It

guarantees that clients always have access to things when they need them.

7. Physical Evidence: PepsiCo distributes its goods in brightly colored packaging that is

easier to identify on store shelves and has a distinguished color and style. Customers will

find it simpler to discover such shelves in crowded retail outlets.

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Citrus Coca-Cola is a new product for The Coca-Coal Company, which will contain

carbonated Coca-Cola with citrus flavors such as citron, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, and

mandarin. When compared toother Coca-Cola brands, Citrus Coca-Cola uses a mixture of

healthy citrus fruits which contains vitamins C, flavonoids, and fiber to confer vascular

protection, reduce inflammation, improve gastrointestinal function and health, and to prevent

health conditions like diabetes, cancer, neurological disease. Citrus Coca-Cola will be an

innovation, as it helps to keep people in check regarding their health and daily sugar



The cost of producing Citrus Coca-Cola will be high compared to our Coca-

Cola flavored drinks and to other competitors, as it emphasizes health benefits as well as product

makeup. Value Pricing will be implemented as a pricing strategy to Citrus Coca-Cola to stay in

line with Pepsi and stop price-sensitive customers from switching.


Citrus Coca-Cola will be stationed globally and distributed directly from the store

locally. This is to ensure that customers order gets to them in real time from the time of order

placement. Local couriers of the stores will oversee the logistics (which may come at a rate aside

from the product fee), to be of reach at consumer’s doorstep in suitable time.

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Coca-Cola is a known brand that has been in existence for over 136 years, so it

will be easy for people to accept a new product offering from the brand. The probability of the

new product to quickly picking up in sales will be high at first, but as time goes on with

increased publicity, sales will be more progressive towards accomplishing our main objectives.

For sales to be increased, an integrative growth strategic marketing plan will be used. Firstly,

adverts will be made on televisions and radio stations across the country, and billboards will be

at strategic corners of countries around the world to register the products in people’s minds.

Social media influencers will be hired to help publicize the products on their pages across their

fan base. Also, our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, & LinkedIn) will be

flooded with the new product. Emails and paid adverts will also be used to gain grounds.


Coca-Cola has adopted an integrated competitive supply chain approach to

optimize its operational infrastructure and ensure sustainability (Coca-Cola HBC, n.d). Citrus

Coca-Cola will be open to varieties of processes including ingredient conveyance, equipment

washing, mixing, and blending, filling, labelling, packaging, and warehousing.


Citrus Coca-Cola brand can be easily recognized in any country across the globe, as Coca-Cola’s

packaging and logo are very easily identifiable on retail shelves thanks to their distinctive shape

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and colors. The products will also be displayed on specific shelves provided to the retailer, which

stay in line with the company’s branding, and help customers find the product they wish to

purchase, bearing the company’s logo, the uniqueness of the product and nutrition details, calorie

make-up, and more. The imagery on social media platforms will be the same at the retail outlets

to foster customer loyalty to our brand.


Coca-Cola has put in place initiatives to ensure employee wellbeing at the workplace, reward

them and keep them motivated while increasing productivity. This new brand aims to create a

working environment where people are fully engaged by implementing teams such as fun at

work and live positively. Citrus Coca-Cola target customers from 10 to 45 years. Children with

the age group of 10-12, teenagers within the age group of 13-19 years and young adults within

the range of 20 to 45 years, both male and female, people who are health conscious and know the

benefits of healthy living, and individuals with health conditions such as neurological diseases,

diabetes, and cancer.

Employees needed to sell and service our products are:

 SEO specialist

 Public Relations team

 Production teams

 Brand strategist

 Data analyst

 Visual designers

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 Tech expert

Marketing Research

In gathering the necessary information to help arrive at the best decisions, several types

of marketing research will be available. Primary research involves going directly to our

customers and prospective customers in your target market to ask questions and gather

information. Secondary research involves using already collected and analyzed data, like that

contained in this proposal. Branding research will be needed to understand how to create a

lasting brand with great perception and awareness, which will positively affect our customer

loyalty. Primary search such as interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and focus groups will be

conducted to our customers. The research questions will include close-ended and open-ended

questions. The questions include.

1. How easily can consumers recommend our brand?

2. Why will consumers choose us?

3. How will we win over customers that prefer the competitor’s brand?

4. What will we do that will enhance customer experience?

5. How do we retain our customers and improve customer satisfaction?

Keys to Success

● PESTND analysis: This analysis will help identify the political, economic, socio-cultural,

technological, natural, and demographic factors, to better understand the environment we

operate in essential to successful marketing planning.

● Analyzing or competition

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● Knowing our products and defining our target customers

● Budgeting

Critical Issues

The identified strength must make our target know that our product can satisfy their

needs. The flavor and variants are a competitive advantage that will be emphasized in the market

to give the product an edge over its competitors.

For opportunities, satisfying the needs of consumers who care about their health is another asset.

Coca-Cola will profit from this trend if they enter this market because it can raise its earnings

and market share, and rapidly gain popularity. The adoption of this product will offer, will give

the company a lifeline, and allow global brand expansion. Partnerships and investors formed will

be leveraged to further improve Coca-Cola. global presence and increase market share.

The weaknesses of product diversification and attracting new customers will be tackled

with strategic marketing, while the competition among our competitors will be controlled and

addressed when the need arises. Threats like competition cannot be annulled, rather a unique

product like ours can outperform the competitors. Health concerns will be addressed with the

unique ingredients in the preparation of Citrus Coca-Cola.

By four stages of product lifecycle, the product is still in the Introduction stage as it is

just about to be rolled out with heavy investments in marketing with the intention to build brand

awareness, win over consumers and develop loyalists (Kopp, 2023).

Marketing Organization

The marketing team is made up of, marketing manager, SEO specialist, data analyst,

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production teams, visual designers, brand strategist and public relation team. A marketing

manager leads marketing teams and is responsible for ensuring that each team member

completes their work on time and accurately. Delegate duties to team members, monitor their

progress, and assist as required.

SEO specialists must help the firm stay relevant and visible on the internet and increase inbound

traffic to our websites through keyword integration and SEO analytics. A data analyst

contributes to the team by researching marketing performance and reporting their results.

Collecting data, evaluating outcomes, and providing insights into the effectiveness of our

marketing team's available approaches, using this knowledge to devise successful methods. The

public relations team oversees branding including brand awareness, perception, and

management. A content manager creates content in relation to the brand for social media, the

blog, and the website. A visual designer is tasked with every visual-related creation

Contingency Planning

Limited promotional budget can be monitored by staying abreast with the financial status of the

business, and in the case the budget gets cut, marketing strategies will be shrunk to essentials


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