The Perception On Teenage Pregnancy Among Junior High School Students in Talon

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A Research Proposal Presented to Talon-Talon National High School

Zamboanga City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In English 10
School Year 2022-2023

Amdad Shernalyn A.

Hassan Harwena N.

Jammang Nidzmalyn

Madjiril Angel Ameera A.

Sahipa Sherasue S.

Jimbul Fatima Ayesha J.

Yusop Nurjanna A.

Tarajul Many J.

JUNE 2023


Background of the study

Teenage Pregnancy also known as adolescent pregnancy. A pregnancy can

take a place at any time before or after puberty, adolescent pregnancy is defined as
pregnancy under the age of 20 years. It is a problem in both developed and
developing country. It raises various human right issues adolescent pregnant
girl is forced to leave school, depriving her right to education. Resulting for them,
early drop out from the school and health problem.

According to PSA Data, the teenage pregnancy is one of the issue and
concern worldwide and has a high rate then slowly risen to the greater rater in the
world. In the study of Anne L. Dean titled teenage pregnancy: The interaction of
psyche and culture transcends earlier investigations by going beyond conventional
research strategies to test psychodynamic theories about the formation of internal

Furthermore, to World Health Organization (WHO), Adolescent pregnancy is a

global phenomenon with clearly known causes and serious health, social and
economic consequences. Globally, the adolescent birth rate (ABR) has decreased,
but rates of change have been uneven across regions. There are also enormous
variations in levels between and within countries. Adolescent pregnancy tends to be
higher among those with less education or of low economic status. Further, there is
slower progress in reducing adolescent first births amongst these and other
vulnerable groups, leading to increasing inequity.

Moreover, Ex-President Rodrigo R. Duterte issued an executive order in 2021

to make the fight against teenage pregnancy a national priority. He ordered all
government agencies to identify and implement practicable interventions to ease
adolescent pregnancies, including sex educations, employment opportunities for
young people who experienced early pregnancy and health promotion through
medical. However, perception on this issue also matters among group of students in
all public and private schools.
Perception refers to the organization, identification, and interpretation of

sensory information to represent and understand the presented information or

environment. This means that the researchers will determine how the respondents

think or perceive on teenage pregnancy of Talon-Talon National High School.

It is for this reason, why the researchers would like to embark the study with


OF TALON-TALON NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL that aims to determine the

perception among group of grade 10 students on teenage pregnancy that will serve

as basis for initial intervention.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to find out the Information of teenage pregnancy.

1. What is the demographic profile among respondents in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Ethnicity

1.3 Sex`

2. What is the cause and effect of teenage pregnancy?

3. What factors contribute to early teenage pregnancy?

Objectives of the Study

1. To know the demographic profile among respondents in terms of

1.1 Age

1.2 Ethnicity

1.3 Sex

2. To determine the cause and effect of teenage pregnancy.

3. To identify the factors contribute on early teenage pregnancy.

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following:

For the Teacher. To monitor the students and give knowledge about teenage

For the Parents. Parental guidance, both parents should take time to their children in
talking/discussing pre-marital sex.

For the Future Researchers. This study serves as a guide to future researchers to
be aware and knowledgeable about teenage pregnancy, it would help them to
understand, and it can be help as a future reference.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will be conducted the teenage pregnancy. The significance of this
aims finds out on how to prevent these factors to minimize the rate of early
pregnancy, The demographic profiles among the respondents will also be used to
give significant difference such as Age, Ethnicity, and Education among the Junior
High School Students Talon-Talon National High School.

The researchers will involve students coming from Junior High School
Students at Talon-Talon National High School to be the target respondents of the

Teenage Perspection on Teenage

Pregnancy Among Junior
Pregnancy High School Students of
Talon-Talon National
High School

Independent variables Dependent variables

Socio Demographic Profile

 Age
 Ethnical
Moderating variables

Hypothesis (Null)

There is no relationship between two variables.



This chapter presents and discusses information on teenage pregnancy and

advocating the teenagers. This chapter also giving knowledge and information about
teenage pregnancy.

Related Literature

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is one social phenomenon that affects society. The existence
of teenage pregnancy does not auger well for the development of the girlchild. This
is attributable to the girls age and the absence of any consistent means of support to
care for the children and themselves when they should have been in school it is
alleged that teenage pregnancy and its associated motherhood are characterized
with shame, disgrace, school dropout and sometimes end of the individual’s dreams
of achieving higher pursuits.

According to Childhood Studies (Oxford biographies) Teenage pregnancy is

defined as occurring between thirteen and nineteen years of age. There are,
however, girls as young as ten who are sexually active and occasionally become
pregnant and give birth. The vast majority of teenage births in the United States
occurs among girls between fifteen and nineteen years of age.

According to the 2015 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAES) study. around
14% of Filipino girls aged 15-19 years old are either pregnant for the first time or are
already mothers. And it is considered a very alarming problem because of
uncontrolled cases of Maternal Death and Maternal complications. Teenage mothers
face critical health risks, including Inadequate nutrition during pregnancy due to poor
eating habits; dangers associated with the reproductive organs not ready for birth
and other Maternal health complications.

Hospital-based records Data for the study of levels, trends, determinants, and
consequences of teenage pregnancy are usually derived from varied sources and
using a wide range of data collection methods. Studies on the consequences of early
childbearing, particularly the risk of adverse outcomes normally use hospital-based
records, using either prospective or retrospective designs. For example, completed
charts on births occurring in a hospital over a given period can be the source of
information for studying pregnancy outcomes, as these will normally contain basic
demographic information: the mother’s age, the pregnancy order as predictor
variables and factors like maternal complications, placental complications,
medications administered in hospital and neonatal outcomes as outcome indicators.

Thus, the Department of Health was on its full blast on educating the people
especially the teenage group. However, the Department of Education continues to
strengthen in educating the Minds of the Students through sex education. In order to
minimize the cases of teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines.

Related Studies

Teenage pregnancy is mostly unplanned, and as a result, people react to the

experience differently. The teenager has to come to terms with the unexpected
demands of being an adult, and in some cases, she may also have to deal with
disapproval and dissatisfaction shown by significant others like parents and relatives
(Clemens, 2002) According to Macleod and Durtheim (2003), teenage pregnancy as
a social problem that leads to the disruption of schooling poor obstetric outcomes,
inadequate mothering, poor child outcomes; relationship difficulties with relatives,
partners and peers; and demographic concerns about increasing population
numbers. In major cases, teenage mothers are not in a position to go back to school
after delivery as they are forced to look after their children. In some cases, these
young mothers' physical health conditions do not make it conducive for them to go
back to school. While some young women may be prevented from going back to
school as a result of these factors, De Jang (2001) found that there are some cases
of teenagers who may use their pregnant status to deliberately escape the demands
of high school education. Depression is one of the problems that results to teenage
pregnancy of the women According to the psychodynamic theory, depression is
presented as a disorder that can be linked to real or imagined object loss (Gee and
Rhodes 2023)

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported and guided by the following theories:

The Teenage pregnancy, since the study deals with the perspection on teenage
pregnancy among Junior high school students of talon-talon national high school.
Teenage pregnancy is a delinquent behavior that can result teenagers from stress,
boredom, malice, dislike, and unhappiness experienced by a teenage girl within her
home environment. It is a threat seen in younger sisters when older sisters that go
impregnated turns up bottom on the relation with that sister and her child, the family
environment proficient by the sibling's is quite comparable. Much of the pregnancy
risk through teenage daughters of mothers bearing a child before age 20 seems
presumably to sequence from the inimical environment often fall in with early
childbearing. It can be a life changing experience for young women who got
impregnated by a young teenage boy during sexual intercourse. Women's hopes and
future aspirations could be shattered if she got impregnated before she completes
her studies. The cause of teenage pregnancy starts off when young females have
not yet reached adulthood and they may lack education and information about
reproduction, peer pressure and early engagement of sexual activity where they start
experimenting with each other. Another cause of teenage pregnancy is the exposure
of pornographic images, the media magazines, and videos in television could most
likely tune them to engage in sexual activities that can also cause in a disaster. Other
causes of teenage pregnancy include alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity,
social and health problems among adolescents and sexual abuses resulting to
unwanted sex and pregnancy (Gaby, 2012). Acceptance of gift for sex and some
adult deliberately taking advantage of poor teenager's, encouraging them into having
sex were also noted as factors responsible for teenage pregnancy (UN, 2001)
towards teenage pregnancy. In addition, the results of this research will stimulate
further studies on teenage pregnancy. The findings might give as the ideas on how
they react when someone is in state of the pressing issue-teenage pregnancy.
Students are very open when it comes to sexual charge. Teenage pregnancy can
affect the life of every individual most especially to those parents who is expecting
their child to finish school. Others might judge that certain person experienced the
said issue and causes change of their behavior towards the affected child especially
when it comes to social interaction. Thus, this study focuses only on figuring out the
inside thought of selected students of Talon-Talon NHS about teenage pregnancy
and how they manage behavioral changes towards their pregnant peers. In addition,
the theory gives as knowledge on how to prevent the early pregnancy.

Conceptual Framework



Teenage pregnancy and Poverty, lack of education,

its complication. and lack of awareness.

Demographic Profile:


Figure 1.

The early pregnancy of the different variables

The conceptual paradigm shows the early pregnancy of the different variables of the
study. The first box is INDEPENDENT VARIABLE of the study which is the

while the last box that contains DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE: Age, Ethnical and
Education served as the moderating variable of the study that will determine
significant difference and relationship.


Age- Adolescent mothers (aged 10–19 years) face higher risks of eclampsia,
puerperal endometritis, and systemic infections than women aged 20–24 years, and
babies of Adolescent mothers face higher risks of low birth weight, preterm birth and
severe neonatal condition.

Religion- States with populations that express strong religious beliefs also have high
teenage birth rates, according to a new study.

That's the conclusion drawn by Dr. Joseph M. Strayhorn, a child and adolescent
psychiatrist with faculty appointments at Drexel University College of Medicine and
the University of Pittsburgh.

Lack of Education/Information- Girls who have received minimal education are 5

times more likely to become a mother than those with higher levels of education.
Pregnant girls often drop out of school, limiting opportunities for future employment
and perpetuating the cycle of poverty.


This chapter discusses the research design, research locale, research respondents,
sampling design, research instrument, validity and reliability of the instrument,
research tools, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will be employing a Descriptive-Quantitative Research Design using

survey questionnaire. Descriptive in manner because the data or information
gathered and accumulated among the respondents of the study will be used to
describe and interpret events, facts, or phenomena in a scientific and systematic
approach through numerical data presented in a tabular form.

Research Locale

This study will be conducted among Junior High School Students of Talon-Talon
National High School. Talon-Talon National High School founded June 5, 2006; it is
approximately 5 kilometers from the city proper. It’s total land area as recorded in the
city Assessor’s Office is 5,906,694 square meters and is located at Candido Drive,
Talon-Talon Road, Talon-Talon, Zamboanga City.

Population and Respondents of the Study

The target respondents of this study are the Junior High School Students of the
Talon-Talon National High School. In this study, the researcher will employ a simple
random sampling technique in getting the total population of the respondents. A total
of (30) students are expected to take part in this study who are officially enrolled for
the school year 2022-2023.

Sampling Design of the Study

In this study, the researcher will use the Simple Random Sampling Technique in
which all the Junior high students in Talon-Talon National High School will serve as
the official respondents of the study, since the target respondents are the students of
Junior high School, 30 respondent’s out from the total population will be used as the
official the respondents.

Research Instrument

The research tool that will be used in gathering data is a researcher-made

questionnaire. This will be used to determine the Perception on Teenage Pregnancy
among Junior High School Students of Talon-Talon National High School.

Validity and Reliability of the Research Instrument

To establish validity and reliability, the instrument will be subjected for content
validation by a panel of experts. All the suggestions and recommendations made by
the panel will be incorporated in the final instrument.

After it will be validated, the researcher then will administer the questionnaire for
pilot testing to establish its reliability. The reliability of the research instrument will be
determined with the use of Cronbach’s Alpha Test of Reliability.
Data Gathering Procedures

The researcher will write a letter to the School Principal of Talon-Talon High School-
Junior High School Department asking permission to gather data through survey
questionnaire among Junior High School Students.

The Tool / Instrument will be personally administered by the researcher to the

respondents. The conduct of data gathering will cover two (2) weeks maximum to
gather all necessary data. During the data gathering process, the researcher
personally explains the mechanics of the survey to the respondent and its purposes.
The data then will be utilized and subject for statistical test or treatment. Thus, the
researchers will keep the respondent’s data to the highest point of confidentiality.

Statistical Treatment
To treat the problems, the researcher will employ the following statistical tools:

Frequency and Percentage Count- will be used to answer to determine the profile
of the respondents.

Weighted Mean-mean will be used to answer the general response on the survey
conducted among all the respondents through getting the mean of the responses.

One-way ANOVA- Analysis of Variance will be used to treat the moderating

variables ethnicity, socio-economic status, and section.

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