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Learning Exercise 1.


Read each item carefully, write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false, put
answer on the space provided
_____1. NSTP is a prerequisite for graduation.
_____2. Only male students is required to join the ROTC.
_____3. There are three components in NSTP namely: CWTS, LTS, and ROTC.
_____4. The LTS is a component that best suit the students enrolled in a bachelor courses
intended for teaching.
_____5. The CWTS is the most appropriate component, the students can experience variety of
activities in terms of services: health, education, environment, safety and other social
welfare services.
_____6. The NSTP is commonly taken for first year students and need to finish within two
_____7. One summer program is intended for students who are foreigners.
_____8. Students who are considered foreigner are required to enroll NSTP.
_____9. TESDA, CHED, and DND are tasked to monitor the implementation of NSTP.
_____10. Any students that belong to SUCs, LGUs and private schools must take their NSTP 1
and NSTP 2 as their standard subjects.
A. Write on the space provided AGREE if the statement is true; DISAGREE if false.
_____1. Of the three program components of NSTP, ROTC is the graduation requisite for male
_____2. Since the implementation of R.A. 9163, CWTS and LTS program components replaced
_____3. The implementation of NSTP Act of 2001 as embodied in RA 9163 commenced in
school year 2001-2002.
_____4. Former Philippine President Fidel V. Ramos signed R.A. 9163 into law on January 23,
_____5. As provided for in the NSTP Law, all incoming freshman students enrolled in any
baccalaureate degree or at least two—year technical—vocational course are mandated to enroll
in NSRC.
_____6. The implementation of NSTP shall be jointly supervised by the Department of National
Defense (DND), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA).
_____7. As per provision of the NSTP Law, student-trainees shall be required to complete the
NSTP program component of the choice of the school/higher educational institution (HEI).
_____8. Private higher educational institutions and technical- vocational schools, as stipulated in
the Implementing Rules and Regulation of R.A. 9163, may offer ROTC if they muster at least
350 cadets.
_____9. Graduates of the non-ROTC components shall belong to the National Service Reserve
Corps (NSRC) who may be tapped by the State for literacy and civic welfare activities.
_____10. In order to fulfill the requirements of NSTP, a student- trainee has to complete a total
of 108 to 180 hours for any of the three program components.

B. Identify the word or phrase described in each item below. Write the answer on the space
provided before each item.
_____1. Program aimed at enhancing civic—consciousness and defense preparedness in the
youth by developing the ethics of service and patriotism.
_____2. Program components of NSTP designed to provide military training to tertiary-level
students in order to motivate, train, organize, and mobilize them for national defense
_____3. Refers to activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the
members of the community or the enhancement of facilities
_____4. NSTP component designed to train the students to teach literacy and numeracy skills
_____5. A program option for students who cannot take NSTP during the regular semester
_____6. It is responsible to exercise academic and administrative supervision over the design,
formulation, adoption and implementation of the different N STP components in their school.
_____7. Number of NSTP program component that a student- trainee is required to complete as a
graduation requirement
_____8. Number of semester(s) N STP will be taken by a student
_____9. Number of hours per semester that a student must take the NSTP component of his/ her
____10. Organization where graduates of the ROTC component shall form part of

C. Read each statement carefully. Encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. R.A. 9163 is also known as:
a. National Service Training Program
b. National Service Reserve Corps
c. Civic Welfare Training Service
d. National Security Policy

2. As per constitutional mandate, the prime duty of the government is to:

a. serve the Filipinos
b. serve and protect its citizens
c. defend the rights of the Filipinos
d. protect every member of the community

3. The following are program components of NSTP, except:

a. Literacy Training Service
b. Literacy Empowering Service
c. Civic Welfare Training Service
d. Reserve Officers’ Training Corps
4. The responsibility of the Filipino citizen to the State is to: a. defend the security of the State c.
serve the government b. secure and serve community d. defend the citizens 5. The government
may require each citizen to render: a. political and economic assistance b. personal, military or
civil service c. spiritual and emotional help d. all of the above 4 6. The vital role of the youth as
per R.A. 9163 is: a. nation building b. defend our country c. protection of our patrimony d. serve
as auxiliary member of AFP

To promote civic consciousness among the youth through NSTP, the State shall "develop their:
a. artistic ability c. professional competence b. intellectual capability d. none of the above NSTP
shall inculcate in the youth values on: a. ethics of service c. both a and b b. patriotism d. none of
the above In pursuit of the goals of NSTP, the youth, in service of the nation, shall be: a.
motivated c. organized r b. trained d. all of the above ' In service of the nation, the youth may be
tapped for: a. military training, literacy training and civic welfare services b. civic welfare
services only _ c. literacy training only d. none of the above

The following is an excerpt of the NSTP Law. Fill in the blanks with the correct word or phrase
based on the provisions of the law. Section 4. Establishment of the National Service Training
Program — There is hereby established a National Service Training Program (NSTP), which
shall form part of the curricula of all LL degree courses and of at least L courses and is a
requisite for graduation consisting of the following service components: , 4" , and 5' . The
ROTC under the NSTP shall instill GAL, 7"-L, and gm among others. am shall be given
emphasis in all three (3) program components. The 1°" and 11: , in consultation with 12.7 , 13. ’
14. and other concerned government agencies, may design and implement such other program
components as may be necessary in consonance with the provisions of this Act. Section 5.
Coverage — Students, “L and ’ of any baccalaureate degree course or at least 17-L courses in
public and private educational institutions shall be required to complete one (1) of the NSTP
components as requisite for graduation. Section 6. Duration and Equivalent Course Unit — Each
of the aforementioned NSTP program components shall be undertaken for an academic period of

In lieu of the two semester program for any of the components of NSTP, a one (1)—summer
program may be designed, formulated and adopted by 19' , 2° , and 21'.______. Section 7. NSTP
Offering in Higher and Technical-Vocational Educational Institutions — All higher and
technical—vocational educational institutions, public and private, must offer at least one of the
programcomponents: Provided, That 22"?___1and 23' shall offer the ROTC component and at
least one other component as provided herein: Provided further, That 24' 25‘ education
institutions may also offer the ROTC if they have at least 26- cadet students. In offering the
NSTP whether during the semestral or summer periods, 27- from different educational
institutions may be done, taking into account 28" , 29' of service and 3°"_i__i__. Schools that do
not meet the required number of students to maintain the optional ROTC and any of the NSTP
components shall allow their students to cross-enroll to other schools irrespective of whether or
not the NSTP components in said schools are being administered by the same or another branch
of service of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and TESDA to which schools are

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