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1. Total acceptance of client despite of him being rude is called ____________

2. Tanvi seeks therapeutic help because she feels her life has little meaning. Her therapist asks her to explore
who she is as a person and what she really wants, frequently reflecting back what she said. Tanvi comes to
realize that she has been living her life in terms of her parents’ expectations rather than her own needs and
values. Her therapist is most likely ______
3. How will you use the method of systematic desensitization to remove phobia of dogs?
4. . A client experiences irrational thoughts that are self defeating in nature. Suggest and explain a suitable
therapy that will help him to reduce his distress
5. ‘Therapeutic alliance ‘ is instrumental in bringing about change in the client during therapy. Discuss the
statement throwing light on the components and nature of this alliance
6. Due to the tragedies in her life Anjali finds herself quite often asking questions like – What is my aim in life?
What is the purpose of my life? etc. She consults a therapist as she finds her present life meaningless and
inauthentic. How will the Humanistic – Existential Therapist alleviate her distress and help her to achieve a
sense of wholeness?
7. A client approaches a therapist to overcome her/his phobia for heights. Describe a behavioral technique that
the therapist might choose to help her/him to overcome this phobia for heights.
8. Explain the alternative treatment possibilities to psychotherapy. How does rehabilitation of the mentally ill
improve the quality of their life?
9. ‘Healing plays a major contribution in the treatment of psychological distress. Explain the four important
factors with the help of examples.
10. . A therapist asks the client to reveal all her/his thoughts includingearlychildhood experiences. Describe the
technique and type of therapy beingused?
11. Q. Nishant feels very strongly that everyone should love him and he should be selected to represent the
school for all competitions. When this does not happen, he feels miserable and is unable to concentrate. Which
form of therapy would be suitable for him to overcome this problem?
12. Name the technique under this type of therapy where a client learns appropriate behaviour by observing
others getting reinforced for the desired behaviour.
13. Srijan is a chain smoker. He finishes 20 packets of cigarettes in a day. He insists that it helps him to deal
with work and family stress. As a behaviour therapist , you would identify relief from stress as______
antecedent /consequent/maintaining factor
14. ‘Rishabh , a 21 year old college student, exhibits an intense fear of fireworks, gunshots, popping balloons
etc’. Suggest the most appropriate therapy that could be used to help Rishabh overcome his fear.
15. Priya’s parents want her to be a doctor and force her to take up science stream as a result of which she is
always withdrawn irritated and rude in school. However when she comes across another class mate who is also
having the same concern and says she understands Priya’s problem then she is showing ---------- to her
16. Seema has been going for therapy since the past two years. She was also on medication for depression. Her
friend suggested that she must look at alternate treatment possibilities to the conventional drug treatment or
psychotherapy. Discuss some of the alternate therapies that have gained popularity as treatment programmes for
psychological distress.

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