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Questions to the subjects/Special questions

1. Why does Carla believe Caroline to be innocent?

2. How was the coniine administered to Amyas?

3. Who always fought with Caroline?

4. Who wanted to marry Caroline?

5. Which of the characters firmly believed that Caroline was the Amyas' murderer?

6. Who was about to lose their job?

7. Whom did Caroline believe killed Amyas?

8. Which of the pieces of evidence proves to Poirot that Amyas was poisoned in his first beer of the day
not the second like everyone assumed?

9. Who loved Amyas's paintings?

10. Who did Caroline treat the BEST?

11. How old is Elsa at the time of Amyas's death?

12. Who did not testify in court?

13. Who was Amyas's best friend?

14. Miss Williams was the governess for whom?

15. How old is Philip Blake currently?

16. What makes Philip Blake angry during his interview with Poirot?

17. What was the lawyer's name that represented Carla's mother at trial?

20. How did Angela Warren become disfigured?

Alt. questions
21. Who owned Alderbury, The Crale's or the Rattery's

22. Is the maid's name Cecilia Williams or Elsa Greer?

23. Who owned Handcross Manor, Meredith or Angela?

24. Dit it take 2 or 3 hours for the poison to kill Amyas?

25. Who does Philip supposedly like, Caroline or Diana?

26. Who does Angela suspect is the murderer, Blake or Alfred?

27. Who withheld information from the police, the maid or the painter?

28. Did Elsa killed Amyas because he didn’t love her or because he said that he couldn’t finish his

29. Who did Caroline think she was covering for, Angela or Diana?

30. How old is Amyas Crale when he died, 30 or 40 years old?

Tag questions
31. Caroline Lemarchant asked Hercule to investigate a 16-year-old murder case, didn’t she?

32. Amyas was a famous painter, wasn’t he?

33. Caroline Crale was Carla’s father, wasn’t she?

34. Simon was Carla's uncle and guardian, wasn’t he?

35. Louise was Simon's wife, wasn’t she?

36. John was Carla's fiance, wasn’t he?

37. Montague was counsel for the defense, wasn’t he?

38. George was a lawyer, wasn’t he?

39. Blinkety was Amyas's former client, wasn’t she?

40. Humphrey was a prosecutor, wasn’t he?

General Questions
41. Was Philip Blake Amyas's greatest friend?

42. Was Meredith Blake Philip's chemist brother

43. Was Angela Warren Caroline's half sister?

44. Was Avis the Judge?

45. Was Jonathan The Crale's family lawyer?

46. Was Alfred Edmunds George's managing clerk?

47. Was Richard Crale Amyas's father?

48. Was Enoch Crale Amyas's grandfather?

49. Diana Crale Amyas's sister?

50. Was Andrew Faussett Amyas's doctor?

1. eagerness – рвение

2. settee – диванчик

3. desultory – несвязный

4. forlorn – одинокий

5. scowl – хмуриться

6. frail - хрупкий, хилый

7. fretfully - раздражённо, капризно

8. tomfoolery - дурачество, шутовство

9. snort - фыркать

10. surreptitiously - тайно

11. swindle - мошенничество

12. acquiescentу - ступчивый

13. ample - достаточный

14. creeper - ползучее растение

15. incongruous - нелепый,несочетаемый

16. glint - блеск

17. allegation - голословное утверждение, заявление

18. exclusion - исключение, недопущение

19. truant - прогульщик

20. desertion - уход, оставление

21. unduly - чрезмерно; неуместно; неоправданно

22. yelp - визг

23. odor - неприятный запах

24. bombshell - ошеломляющая новость

25. lesser - меньший, малый

26. callousness - грубость, бессердечность

27. obliterate - уничтожать, стирать

28. inference - вывод, заключение

29. pronouncement - заявление, утверждение

30. superintendent - старший полицейский офицер

31. mediocre - посредственный; средний

32. maiden - первый, начальный

33. namby-pamby - сентиментальный; жеманный

34. staunch friend - верный друг

35. ardent - яркий, страстный

36. fragrant - ароматный, благоухающий

37. vouchsafe - удостаивать, соизволять

38. bland - равнодушный, безучастный

39. pat and to the point - своевременно и по делу

40. vindictive - мстительный, злопамятный

41. bluntly - прямо, резко, напрямик

42. hemlock - яд, сделанный из болиголова

43. bold as brass – наглый как танк

44. notoriety - дурная слава

45. tormentor - мучитель

46. quiescent - молчаливый, спокойный

47. astound - поражать, изумлять

48. plain - некрасивый

49. amiable - любезный, дружелюбный

50. furtive - скрытый, тайный; незаметный

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