Chapter 1 Assignment IT ERA

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Module 1 Activity 2

Create/make an essay to answer the question below and highlight/underline the important details in your essay.

Name: Tayaban, Viva N. Date: September 1, 2023

Course and Section: BSBA-MM 2G

Module 1
Activity #2
ICT in Daily Lives

In your own experience, how do you use ICT in your daily activities? What are the advantages and
disadvantages of ICT to you?

Information and communication technology (ICT) has assimilated into our daily lives in the quickly changing
world of today. ICT has a significant impact on almost every part of our daily lives, from the moment we get up
to the moment we go to bed. I'll discuss the benefits and drawbacks of using ICT in my daily life in this essay
while also sharing my own personal experiences.
ICT is a crucial tool in my education. I use the internet for research, accessing e-books, online lectures, and
academic databases. This enables me to gather information efficiently and broaden my knowledge beyond
classroom resources. ICT makes communication streamlined. I communicate with my classmates and teachers
using emails, chat applications, and online forums to clear up questions and go over homework. My ability to
work with others and my academic results are improved. ICT has clear advantages. It allows for self-directed
learning by providing immediate access to a variety of knowledge. The ease of using digital tools improves
productivity and makes chores simpler. However, there are downsides to consider. Reduced physical activity
and eye strain could result from using screens too much. It can be difficult to separate false information from
trustworthy sources due to the deluge of information available online. The ability to interact with people in
person may be hampered by excessive screen time. ICT is essential to my daily activities and has completely
changed how I connect and study. The potential disadvantages, such as health problems and information
overload, balance out the benefits, such as easy access to information and increased productivity. For holistic
growth, it's crucial to strike a balance between employing ICT in the classroom and maintaining positive offline

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