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Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 75

PART - A (10 X 1 = 10)

NB: 1. Answer all questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Define keywords.
2. Define operator.
3. Define loop terminator.
4. List any one decision making statements in python.
5. Define string.
6. Define string slicing.
7. Define tuples.
8. Define arguments.
9. Define a file.
10. Give anyone types of files handled by python.

PART - B (5 X 3 = 15)

NB: 1. Answer any 5 questions.

2. All questions carry equal marks.

11. Write notes on comments in python.

12. Give the different b/w break and continue.
13. Draw the memory representation of string.
14. Is tuple immutable? Explain.
15. Define exclusive file open mode.
16. Explain copying a list.
17. Give the syntax of file renaming.
PART - C (5 X 10 = 50)

NB: 1. Answer all questions.

2. Answer any one of the following, either (a) or (b) from

each question.

18. (a) Installing and running python.


(b) Explain the process of giving interactive input to program

variables using keyboard.

19. (a) Explain break, continue and pass.


(b) (i) Explain anonymous function.

(ii) Write the program to find the Fibonacci sequence. .

20. (a) Briefly explain string formatting operation and function.


(b) Explain any four list handling methods with example.

21. (a) With example explain accessing tuples.


(b) Discuss any three operations in dictionary.

22. (a) Explain file read and write operation.


(b) Explain with an example exceptions with arguments in python.


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