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• Evidence-based practice - is a conscientious,
problem-solving approach to clinical practice that • LOI 441
incorporates the best evidence from well- designed - mandated the Integration of Nutrition Education
studies, patient values and preferences, and a in the school curriculum.
clinician's expertise in making decisions about a • Presidential Decree No. 491 (1974)
patient's care. - “Nutrition Act of the PH”
• Evidence based practice (EBP) is the conscientious - The National Nutrition Council was created as
use of current best evidence in making decisions the country’s policy-making and coordinating
about patient care (Sackett, Straus, Richardson, body on nutrition.
Rosenberg, & Haynes, 2000). - Council was reorganized through Executive Order
• EBP Guideline is a guide for nurses in their practice No. 234 s. 1987 and administrative order No. 88
that came from a integration of an exhaustive s. 1988
literature review, input of clinical experts and - The month of July was designated as NUTRITION
studies/evaluation of patient preferences. The EBP MONTH under Section 7 to create greater
Guideline is customized to the patients’ nutritional awareness among people on the importance of
needs, specific to their condition. nutrition.
• The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice It is a BREASTMILKSUBSTITUTES, BREASTMILK
1. Beginning with the identification of the PRODUCTS”.
nursing problem and readings about the - to ensure that safe and adequate nutrition for
situation/problem identified. infants is provided, to protect and promote
2. Reconciling with the priorities of the breastfeeding and to inform the public about the
Organization. proper use of breastmilk substitutes and
3. A core group or a team is identified; supplements and related products through
4. Implementation of the project adequate, consistent and objective information
5. Evaluate the project/study implemented. and appropriate regulation of the marketing and
• A thorough review of literatures available is done and distribution of the said substitutes, supplements
critiquing and synthesis follows. The following need and related products.
to be looked into: • REPUBLIC ACT 7394 (1992)
- Consistency of the findings across the studies. - “CONSUMER ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES”
- Types and the quality of the studies. - designed to prevent business that engage in
- Relevance of the findings to clinical practice. fraud or specified unfair practices from gaining
- Adequacy of the studies using a population similar to an advantage over competitors and provide
that of the organization, where the findings may be additional protection for the weak and those
applied. unable to take care of themselves.
- Feasibility of the findings in practice. - Consumer Rights:
- Risk-benefit ratio. - Right to basic needs
- Right to safety
- Right to information
- Right to choose
- Right to representation
- Right to redress
- Right to consumer education

- Right to a healthy environment 7, pursuant to Executive Order 382,

• REPUBLIC ACT 7600 (1992) which recognizes the persistence of
- “THE ROOMING-IN AND BREASTFEEDING ACT” micronutrient deficiencies as a
- An act providing incentives to all government public health problem that has
and private health institutions with rooming-in affected a significant proportion of
and breastfeeding practices and for other the population, resulting in adverse
purposes physical, mental, social, and
- This law is in promotion of the State policy to economic consequences to
encourage the practice of breastfeeding in the individuals, communities, and
Philippines. country.
• REPUBLIC ACT 8172 (1995) o The key agencies in the program:
LAW)” (DOH), responsible for the
- is to protect and promote the health of the implementation and
people, to maintain an effective food regulatory monitoring of the law;
system and to provide the entire population • National Nutrition Council
especially women and children with proper that serves as the policy-
nutrition. making body, particularly
- Contribute to the elimination of the relative to determining
micronutrient malnutrition in the country, what food vehicles should
particularly iodine deficiency disorders, through be fortified and with what
cost effective preventive measure of salt nutrients;
iodization. • Department of Trade and
• REPUBLIC ACT 8976 (2000) Industry, which assists
- “FOOD FORTIFICATION ACT” manufacturers in upgrading
- The program shall consist of (1) Voluntary Food their technologies by
Fortification and (2) Mandatory Food providing financial
Fortification. assistance and other non-
- Section 5. Voluntary Food Fortification. - Under monetary assistance;
the Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program (SPSP), the • Department of Science and
Department shall encourage the fortification of Technology, which helps in
all processed foods or food products based on developing and
rules and regulations which the DOH through the implementing
BFAD shall issue after the effectivity of this act. comprehensive programs
- Manufacturers who opt to fortify their processed for the acquisition, design,
foods of food products but do not apply for and manufacture of
Sangkap Pinoy Seal shall fortify their processed machines and technologies
food or food products based on acceptable and their transfer to
standards on food fortification set by the DOH manufacturers; and
through the BFAD. • Land Bank of the
- Section 6. Mandatory Food Fortification. - (a) Philippines and Livelihood
the fortification for staple foods based on Corporation that assist
standards sets by the DOH through the BFAD is manufacturers by providing
hereby made mandatory. preferential loans at
- National Food Fortification Day preferential rates.
o The National Food Fortification Day
is observed annually on November

• REPUBLIC ACT 9711 (2008) Proclamation No. 160, signed by President

- An act strengthening and rationalizing the - Food Safety is the assurance/guarantee that
regulatory capacity of the bureau of food and food will not cause harm to the consumers when
drugs BFAD by establishing adequate testing it is prepared and/or eaten according to its
laboratories and field offices. Upgrading its intended use.
equipment, augmenting its human resource - Food and Water-borne Diseases is a group of
complement, giving authority to retain its illness caused by any infectious (bacteria, viruses
income, renaming it the food and drug and parasites) and non-infectious agents
administration (FDA), amending certain sections (chemical, animal and plant toxins).
of republic act no. 3720, as amended and - May is Allergy Awareness Month and a great
appropriating funds thereof. time to learn more about food allergies and how
• REPUBLIC ACT 10028 (2009) to keep those with allergies safe.
- An act expanding the promotion of - An act regulating the practice of Nutrition and
breastfeeding, amending for the purpose Dietetics in the Philippines recognizes the
republic act no.7600 important role of registered nutritionist-
- Provisions: dietitians (RNDs) in nation building and in human
▪ Lactation stations in every private development through adequate nutrition
enterprises, government agencies, - promote the sustained development of RNDs
government-owned and controlled whose competence has been determined by
corporations honest and credible licensure examinations, and
▪ “Lactation periods” for whose standards of professional service and
breastfeeding employees, in practice are internationally recognized and
addition to time-off for meals, to considered world-class, brought about by
allow them time to express their regulatory measures, programs and activities
breast milk. that foster growth and advancement of the
▪ Breast milk banks in health profession.
institutions to store pasteurized • REPUBLIC ACT 11148 (2018)
breast milk donated by - "KALUSUGAN AT NUTRISYON NG MAG-NANAY
breastfeeding mothers. ACT"
▪ Inclusion of breastfeeding in the - President Rodrigo Roa Duterte signed on 29
curriculum of schools (under November Republic Act 11148 “An Act Scaling up
relevant subjects). the National and Local Health and Nutrition
• REPUBLIC ACT 10611 (2013) Programs through a Strengthened Integrated
- “FOOD SAFETY ACT” Strategy for Maternal, Neonatal, Child Health
- The Food Safety Act of 2013 shall be the and Nutrition in the First One Thousand (1,000)
framework for implementing the farm to fork Days of Life”
Food Safety Regulatory System. - strengthens the national and local health and
- To strengthen the food safety regulatory system nutrition programs for pregnant and lactating
in the country women, adolescent girls, infants and young
- Food Safety Awareness Week is a yearly children in the first 1,000 days.
campaign in the Philippines aimed at the
importance of safe and clean food. The week-
long celebration falls every October and was
proclaimed on August 1999 by virtue of

WEEK 14: ETHICO-MORAL PRINCIPLES AND - Filipino - Filipinos believe ill health is a result of
CULTURAL/SPIRITUAL PREFERENCES an imbalance brought about by personal
negligence or immorality and that caring for the
• National Genomic defined as the study of genes and
body with rest, nutrition, exercise, and sleep will
their functions, and related techniques that further
result in balance. Until the illness becomes
address all genes and their inter relationships in
advanced, typically they will not seek health care
order to identify their combined influence on the
and tend to be stoic regarding pain. It's important
growth and development of the organism.
to consult with family members in the decision-
• Nutritional science considers the studies of making process. A belief in the hot and cold
individuals with nutrient deficit and its consequential theory of healing persists among Filipinos.
effect to the overall health status of the people. Adherence is common as they highly respect
• According to the Department of Health, health practitioners and will not question the
cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus ranks program. They believe life is controlled by
as one of the ten leading causes of mortality in the supernatural forces, as well as by the will of God.
Philippines. - African Americans – Beliefs vary from illness
• Ethico-moral Principles: Nutritional Support and being the work of the devil, a spell that has been
End-of-Life (EOL) Decision Making cast, God's punishment, or exposure to cold air.
- Scope of nursing practice as mandated by the Often seen as essential for health, greens are
Republic Act9173, “Philippines Nurses Act of frequently consumed. Literacy may be an issue if
2002” stated in Article VI, Sec. 28 that “...nurses they refuse to sign a form. The family
shall collaborate with other health care providers spokesperson is typically the eldest male or
for the curative, preventive, and rehabilitative father of the family.
aspects of care, restoration of health, alleviation - Korean – They closely follow the Chinese
of suffering, and when recovery is not possible, principles of yin and yang, the five elements, and
towards a peaceful death.” Furthermore, it chi. Koreans also adhere to health beliefs
stated that in the practice of nursing in all regarding cold, damp, heat, and wind causing
settings, the nurse is duty-bound to observe the symptoms of ill health. It is believed that the
Code of Ethics for nurses and uphold the intervention of ancestors, the supernatural, or
standards of safe nursing practice. This applies in excessive emotions can also result in disease or
the “end-of-life” care of patient. illness. It is thought that a good appetite is an
• Cultural and Spiritual Influences related to indicator of good health. The male head of
Nutritional Support household makes decisions regarding health care
- In a thesis conducted by Cynthia S. Klement and should be present at appointments, but the
entitled “Intercultural Competence for the entire family is also seen as being responsible for
Nutrition Professional”, the author believes that all its members. Family is highly valued and is
the diversity training for nutrition care viewed as more important than an individual's
professionals is essential in order to provide needs. Koreans are very close to their children
patients with culture-specific strategies that and may fear being a burden to them.
allow them to succeed with their health - Russian - Relatives are involved in treatments. Be
programs. Knowledge of intercultural nonverbal guarded yet positive about treatment plans as
and verbal behaviors is becoming increasingly patients may overreact. They will not discuss
necessary, as is who ultimately makes medical mental illness or sexual history. These patients
decisions for the patient. prefer alternative treatments. They may request
Cultural - Spiritual variation in relation to nutritional hot, soft or warm foods when ill. The decision
and dietary support maker for the family is usually the member with
the strongest personality. They may believe
• Cultural Variations: illness to be God testing their faith, punishment

by God, or the will of God. To speed the healing Other forbidden (haram) foods containing meat,
process, a spiritual leader may be important to shellfish, bread fermented with yeast, gelatin
consider. from pork used in making cheeses, alcohol,
- South African – Balance with nature is stressed caffeinated beverages, and coffee. Baked goods
in their health belief system while also believing made with vanilla extract are not allowed, unless
illness may befall a person from God, or nature, the vanilla is alcohol-free. The month of
or malicious forces through the living or dead. Ramadan mandates fasting from dawn until
They may believe the evil eye can bring illness to dusk. Other religious observances may also
or harm another person and that powers a require fasting. There are approximately 1.5
person obtains from evil can be directed at billion people practicing the Islamic faith around
another and cause pain or illness. They may also the world.
be of the belief system that something they term - Hinduism - Common in those of Indian descent,
"excess blood" (high blood pressure) is caused by vegetarianism is the norm but is not required.
eating beets, carrots and pork, or drinking grape Beef is strictly forbidden, while other prohibited
juice or red wine. Likewise, they may believe foods can range from other types of meat, eggs,
"low blood" (anemia) can occur by including too pork, duck, fish or crab. Alcohol, turnips, leeks,
many pickled foods, lemon juice or vinegar in the mushrooms, red-colored foods (tomatoes,
diet, and not eating enough red meat. "Bad beets) onions, and garlic are sometimes avoided.
blood" is caused by supernatural forces, Several days of fasting might also be observed.
contamination, or unclean blood that There are approximately 900 million people
accumulates during the winter. Pica can also be worldwide who practice Hinduism.
an issue when nonnutritive objects are - Confucianism and Taoism – These traditional
consumed, such as laundry starch or dirt. Chinese religions do not impose dietary
- Asian Indian – Illness may be viewed as being restrictions or prohibitions on adherents. There
caused by God punishing someone for sin are approximately 394 million people who
whether in the present life or past life. Dead practice in the traditional Chinese religions.
ancestors or jealous living relatives can also - Buddhism – Common in people from Southeast
cause illness. Illness can result from body Asia. Many are vegetarians. Some avoid beef,
imbalances, but can also wash away a person's while others may avoid all meat, fish, shellfish,
sins. Some Indians may hold a strong belief in eggs and dairy products. Approximately 376
Ayurvedic medicine that classifies foods and million people are Buddhists around the world.
conditions as pitta, kapha, or vata. The decision - Judaism - Strictly forbidden foods are pork and
maker in the Asian Indian family is typically the shellfish. Meat and dairy products are not to be
mother-in-law, grandmother, or eldest son. They mixed or consumed at the same meal. Fasting
may be stoic in regards to health conditions and may be observed on Yom Kippur, Rosh Hashanah
not reveal all the facts. They believe spirituality is and Passover, while certain foods may be
as important as rest and a good diet. avoided during Passover such as unleavened
• Spiritual Variations: bread, wheat, barley, rye, oats, beans, peas,
- Christianity – Avoidance of meat during season lentils, maize, millet and mustard. Some
of lent by Catholics and orthodox Christian. followers may adhere to keeping Kosher. There
- Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons evade are approximately 14 million practicing Jews
consumption of alcoholic, caffeinated and hot around the world.
beverages. Others restrict diets including meat,
pork, fish, shellfish or dairy products. There are
approximately • Lifelong learning is a method of self-initiated
- Islam – Muslims are prohibited pork and edification that is concentrated on individual
products made from animal fat in their diet. development. It is a learning that occurs outside a

formal education. It is best described as voluntary ▪ Developed into informed citizens

educating oneself with the determination of and lifelong news readers
achieving personal fulfillment. It recognizes the ▪ Can help teachers teach media
education that can be learned outside the classroom, literacy skills, which are the three R’s
these life-learning activities are consist of library ▪ Offer ideal opportunities for
search, access on-line resources, current events and cooperative-group instruction,
information technology of nutrition and dietetics classroom discussion
• LIBRARY SEARCH ▪ and debates, purposeful follow-up
- Library search is a search engine wherein an writing
individual has given access to all resources in the ▪ Cover a wide range of subject and
library. It allows to search across all resources connect to all areas of curriculum
instead of being limited to other resources. • INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ON NUTRITION AND
These resources are: articles, books, journals, DIETETICS
images, newspaper and etc. - Information technology has incorporated into
- Resources that can be found in Library Search: the teaching program of Nutrition and Dietetics
▪ Books, e-books as the development of the technology has
▪ Journals, become a growing influence on the workplace.
▪ Full-text articles - Emerging technologies:
▪ Library content, including the Library ▪ 1. Stand-alone applications
Catalogue, • Nutrient Analysis
▪ E-Journals Catalogue • Clinical Nutrition
▪ Database collections • Food and nutrition
• ACCESS ON-LINE RESOURCES education instructional
- On-line resources are resources that are programs and games
accessible via the internet and world wide web. • Production tools
It is an exemplary data and educational as it ▪ 2. Linkage applications and the
provides useful information. Web pages, global information highway
documents, and any support software available • E-mail or Electronic mail
on the internet can be considered as resource. • Regional networking tools
- Resources that can be found online • Food and nutrition on-line
▪ Online Newspaper services
▪ Online Magazine • Electronic bulletin-board
▪ Television Website systems.
▪ Peer-reviewed Journals
• Filipino Culture
- Current events are information about what are
- Huge part of Filipino culture
happening in the world. To help the students - Fusion of Oriental, European and American
understand the importance of events, current
culinary that became adapted to local
events is studied to encourage them to explore
and learn more about the news. It motivates the
- The traditional Filipino diet is higher in total fat,
students to pay attention to the news they see - saturated fat, and cholesterol.
and hear outside of school.
- Pork, fish and vegetables – top consumed foods
- Benefits of studying current events
for adults
▪ Can open communication between
students and parents

- Love to attend fiestas and birthday parties. - Main meal of the day is at NOON time
Celebration during religious festivals and saint’s
- Abundant food served buffet style with roasted • Catholics
pig as the centerpiece. Love to eat in fast food - NO MEAT – Ash Wednesday and Good Friday
and restaurants with eat all you can promos - OPTIONAL FASTING during Lent Season
- Three meals a day with a mid-morning and late • Islam
afternoon meriendas - NO PORK, ALCOHOL, DRUGS
- A typical Filipino meal consists of a main seafood - DAYTIME FASTING during RAMADAN
or meat dish served with soup, vegetables and • Buddhist
rice, with tea or coffee. - NO ALCOHOL and DRUGS
- Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the same where - VEGETARIANS
it is usually a Filipino-style rice with some pieces • Hinduism
of meat and vegetables in it. - NO BEEF and VEAL
• Jehovah
• African American - NO food with BLOOD
- Gifts of foods are common and should not be - ALLOW animal flesh that has been drained
rejected - from blood
- High in fat, cholesterol and sodium • Judaism
- Overweight is viewed as positive - NO MEAT and MILK combination
- Most persons are LACTOSE INTOLERANT - (Kosher diet)
• Arab Heritage - NO PORK
- Many spices and herbs are used - NO SCAVENGER FISH (shrimps,
- Meats are roasted or simmered (lamb or chicken) - squids, crabs and fisher with no
- Bread is served at every meal - scales)
- MUSLIMS do not eat pork, every meat should be • Seventh day Adventist
- Food is eaten with the right hand - SCAVENGER FISH
- Beverages are drunk after meal, not during - NO PROCEDURES on SATURDAYS.
• Chinese Heritage
- Foods are served at meals in a specific order
- Each region in China has their own traditional NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY
- Meat and milk are not eaten at the same time • Nutripreneurship is the practice and process that
- NO PORK results in creativity, innovation, development and
- NO BLOOD. It must be drained from meats growth of nutrition businesses.
- Handwashing before eating
• Entrepreneurship is a self-willing and approached
• Mexican Heritage business firm which starts with a limited investment
- RICE, BEANS and TORTILLAS are core, essential where they paved their own pathway with their
foods efforts and ideas in their corresponding field.
- Many persons are LACTOSE INTOLERANT
- Being overweight is viewed as positive
- Sweet fruit drinks are popular

• Nutripreneurs 4. Cyndi O’Meara–Changing Habits

- a person in the field of nutrition and dietetics - Cyndi is the nutritionist that lets you eat
entrepreneurship chocolate and can be good for you. She founded
- are nutritionists’ innovators who use a process of Changing habits that provide information on
changing the current situation of the existing nutrition and healthy eating. The goal is to make
products and services, to set up new products a significant and lasting impact on people’s
and new services. health by improving lives through education and
• Nutripreneurs are the trained and skilled nutrition. Her approach is to empower people
entrepreneurs who may engaged in a field such as: through knowledge, allowing people to eliminate
1. Private Nutrition/ Diet Clinics unhealthy habits on their own.
2. Researcher firm
3. School Nutrition Facilitators
4. Gyms and Workout firms
5. Nutrition Counselor, Bloggers, Webinars
6. Consultant Nutraceutical based firms
7. Nutritionists and Dietitians in private practice
8. Innovators in providing nutrition products
(functional foods) and services to consumers,
industry, media, and businesses.


1. Steph Lowe –The Natural Nutritionist

- Steph Lowe is a sports nutritionist that offers a
gluten-free diet to increase wellness and
optimum personal wellness. She specializes in
natural and gluten-free food to fuel for high
performance sports. Her role is to break through
the clutter and guide individuals to a
personalized nutrition plan.
2. Kate Freeman –The Healthy Eating Hub
- Kate Freeman is a registered nutritionist, author
and consultant. She is the founder & managing
director of The Healthy Eating Hub that offers
consultation on a range of areas including weight
management, meal planning, family and sports
3. Jessica Sepel –JSHealth
- Jessica Sepel is a clinical nutritionist, blogger and
founder of JSHealth, that promotes healthy
eating, healthy body image, healthy travel and
healthy living. Jessica teaches the “diet
mentality,” that practices carbohydrates
restricting and calorie counting to girl and young
women thinking they are eating well but actually
doing more harm than good.

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