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Bugging - Eavesdropping by electronic means such as hidden microphone of radio

2. Corpus Delicti - The objects or substance, which constitute the essential parts or elements of
the commission of the crime.
3. Crime Scene Investigation - The post-incident police operational procedures undertaken at
the crime scene.
4. CSI Report - The first entry in the Case Folder for the investigation of the incident.
5. Double Agent - is an enemy agent who has been captured, turned as a spy and sent back
where he came from as an agent of his captors.
6. Dying Declaration - Statement that was made by a person who believed himself to be dying.
7. Facial Composite - refers to a drawing of a person’s face based on the description given by
the witness.
8. Finished Sketch - is a sketch with a scale of proportion and drawn by a draftsman.
9. Forensic Evidence - form of legal evidence that can be used in a court of law to convict a
person of a crime and as a category of public presentation.
10. Intelligence cycle - is a continuous process which ultimately coordinates and integrates all
efforts of the collecting agencies or unit.
11. Locard’s Principle of Exchange - is a basic forensic theory holding that objects that comes in
contact together always transfer material.
12. Preliminary investigation - the action taken by the first responder or officer who arrived for
the SOCO Team.
13. Put to Bed - occurs when the subject under surveillance has returned to his quarters and
apparently rest for the night.
14. Reconstructing the Crime - the assessment made by the investigator after the crime scene
investigation of how the crime is committed.
15. Rogues Gallery - is a gallery containing police files of photographs of known criminals.
16. Rough Sketch - made by the investigator at the crime scene which is full of important details.
17. Strip Method of Search - is a method whereby searchers proceed slowly at the same place
along the path parallel to one side of the rectangle.
18. Undercover Operation - form of surveillance or investigative technique wherein the
investigator discarded his true identity.
19. Word of Honor - PNP members' word is their bond. They stand by and commit to uphold it.
20. Values - anything that a person considers important or significant in life whether tangible or
21. Valor - They sacrificed their limbs and lives for the sake of their countrymen whom they have
pledged to serve.
22. Structure - refers to how individual fit into organized whole.
23. Social Decorum - set of norms and standards practiced by members during social and other
24. Setting Example - All PNP members shall set good example to their subordinates and follow
good example from the superiors.
25. Positive Duties - Those imposed by a human positive law such as the duty to pay taxes and
to observe traffic rules.
26. Police Lifestyle - The PNP shall promote and maintain a lifestyle for its member which the
public will find credible and respectable.
27. Normatives ethics - is concerned with the content of moral judgements and criteria for what is
right or wrong.
28. Natural duties - are those imposed by natural law such as, the duty to care for our health.
29. Misfeasance - the improper performance of some act which might lawfully be done.
30. Meta-Ethics - deals with the nature of moral judgement.
31. Malfeasance - Any wrongful, improper or unlawful conduct motivated by premeditated,
obstinate or intentional purpose.
32. Fortitude - the strength or firmness of mind that enables a person to face danger, pain or
despondency with stoic resolve.
33. Ethics - the branch of philosophy which studies the principles of right or wrong in human
34. Equality in the Service - There shall be judicious and equitable distribution of opportunity to
prove one’s worth in the police service.
35. Elicited Acts - are performed by the will and are not bodily externalized,
36. Customs - the established usage or social practices carried on by tradition that have obtained
the force to law.
37. Courtesy - is a manifestation or expression of consideration and respect for others.
38. Commanded Acts - those done either by man’s mental or bodily powers under the command
of the will.
39. Ceremony - formal act or set of formal acts established by customs or authority as proper to
special occasion,
40. Applied ethics - it looks at controversial topics like war, animal rights and capital
41. Voluntary Behavior - is an act done with full volition or will such as when we discriminate,
decide or choose.
42. Victimology - refers to a branch of criminology which analyzes the causal factors that affect
43. Victim Precipitation Theory - suggests that the characteristics of the victim precipitate the
44. Unconscious Behavior - when act is embedded in one’s subconscious or unaware.
45. Superego - the judicial branch of personality.
46. Scapegoating - the act of blaming a person or group of people for conditions not of their
47. Phobic Disorders - the persistent fear on some objects or situation that presents no actual
danger to the person.
48. Penal Couple - the relationship between the offender and the victim.
49. External Frustration - it is a distress caused by outwardly perceivable conditions that
impedes progress toward a goal.
50. Electra Complex - is a phase in the development wherein girls start to have sexual feelings
for their fathers.
51. Ego - the good side of one’s personality.
52. Displaced Aggression - the redirecting of aggression to a target other than the actual source
of one’s frustration.
53. Depression - is an illness that causes a person to feel sad and hopeless much of the time.
54. Dementia - the deterioration in intellectual functioning after completing brain maturation.
55. Defense Mechanism - refers to an individual’s way of reacting to frustration.
56. Critical Theory - identifies victimization as due to racial, ethnic or gender factors.
57. Cover Behavior - behavior that is hidden and not visible to the naked eye.
58. Compulsive Neurosis - the uncontrollable impulse to do something.
59. Complex Human Behavior - refers two or more type of human conduct which occurs in one
60. Tattooing - is an individual specks of nitrates around the bullet hole visible to the nake eye.
61. Takayama test - is a test that was once widely used to test for the presence of blood.
62. Necrospermia - is a condition wherein there is no live sperm in the seminal fluid.
63. Melanin - the chemical responsible for the color of hair.
64. Luminal Test - is an important presumptive identification of blood.
65. Hair Analysis - the examination of hair found at a crime scene to determine its origin.
66. Forensic Toxicology - the use of toxicology for the purposes of law.
67. Forensic Chemistry - the application of chemical analysis to legal issues and investigations.
68. Emetics - are substances or agents that produce vomiting.
69. Direct evidence - is evidence directly proving a fact, like testimony of witnesses
70. Diluted - is a urine specimen with less than normal physiological constituents.
71. Demulcents - are substances that soothe and protect the part which they are applied.
72. Type Lines - the basic boundaries of the most fingerprint patterns.
73. Spur - where the ridge path divides and one branch comes to an end.
74. Spike - is an ending ridge at the center of the pattern which forms an up-thrust.
75. Short ridge - is a ridge unit with both ends easily recognized as remarkable shorter than the
other ridges.
76. Bar - single ending ridge in the center of a recurving ridge of a loop pattern,
77. Principle of infallibility - means fingerprint is a reliable technique and cannot be forged
78. Principle of Individuality - No two fingerprints are alike unless taken from the same finger
79. Motive - the moving power which impels one to action to achieve a definite result.
80. Formal Crimes - are crimes consummated in one instant.
81. English Rule - means the crime is punishable in the Philippines , unless the crime merely
affects things within the vessel.
82. Misdemeanor - is a minor infraction of the law, such as a violation of an ordinance.
83. Offense - is a crime punishable under special laws
84. Felony - is a crime punishable under the Revised Penal Code.
85. Bill of Attainder - is a law which inflicts punishment without trial.
86. Seizure - is an act of taking possession of an item, property, or person legally or by force.
87. Search - is an act of looking into or over carefully of thoroughly in an effort to find something.
88. Positive Rights - The permissions to do things, or entitlements to be done unto.
89. Negative Rights - The permissions not to do things, or entitlements to be left alone.
90. Legal Rights - are rights recognized and delimited by law.
91. Deprivation of Liberty - occurs when one is unduly prevented from acting the way he wishes
to do.
92. Right - is a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something.
93. Modernization Theory - sees the problem as society becoming too complex.
94. Model system - is used to describe the countries being used as topics of discussion.
95. International Crime - defined as crimes against the peace and security of mankind.
96. Unit - is a functional group of appointment therein.
97. Sector - is an area containing two or more beats, routes or posts.
98. Ranking Officer - the officer having the highest rank or grade.
99. Nonfeasance - the omission of some act which ought to be performed.
100. Malfeasance - is the performance of some act which ought not to be done.

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