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League of the nations paragraph summarizer

After each summary write down which of the following words can be connected to
the information in the paragraph. (There may be more than one)

● Causality
● Global Interaction
● Global Organisation (Make sure you are clear on the difference between these
● Cooperation
● Competition
● Self-interest
● Strengths
● Weaknesses

Write an explanation of how the word is connected to the information in the


League of Nations Summarize main ideas

Paragraph 1 The League was formed after World war 1 to prevent devastating
conflicts from occurring again. It was set up in 1920 with 60 members
making it the first supranational organization. The idea was conceived
by the American president Woodrow Wilson. The member states
would disarm to avoid further conflicts.
Cooperation: All nations were to cooperate with each other to
avoid further conflicts

Paragraph 2 The League offered “collective security”, meaning countries protected

one another. In case of attack, the League could put economic
sanctions. If these failed, then soldiers came in to help.
Cooperation: all nations protected one another and soldiers
helped if specific plans failed

Paragraph 3 The League undertook humanitarian work to improve sanity and

people’s standard of living. It had special commissions that worked on
disarmament, abolishing slavery, improving health and helping
Cooperation: people worked together on certain important
aspects of society

Paragraph 4 The Court of International Justice was made up of 15 judges from

around the world and was set in 1921. Its goal was to resolve
Cooperation: judges had to work together to solve disputes

Paragraph 5 The International Labour Organization had as an objective to improve

working conditions. This commission had quite a success and helped
League of the nations paragraph summarizer

Austria's economy when it collapsed after WW1.

Strength: The ILO managed to improve working conditions,
encourage better health/sanitation practices, supporting refugees
and giving economic assistance when needed.

Paragraph 6 The main function of the League was to keep peace and avoid war. It
was successful in some cases, but also had limitations in regards to
being an international peacekeeping organization.
Weaknesses: although the League prevented conflict in some
circumstances, many times it failed to maintain peace without
resorting to disputes and problems

Paragraph 7 Although an American idea, the USA never joined the League. At the
start, Germany and the USSR weren’t allowed to join. “The Council”
was the strongest body and Council members were imperial powers
that were the winners of WW1. It relied on economic sanctions to get
others to comply with its decisions.
Weakness: the League relied only on economic sanctions to keep
the peace amongst nations and avoid war, didn’t have its own
army, didn’t have the USA (strongest country) as a member of the
organization, the Council was based on unanimous votes: it was
a problem because it took a long time to make decisions

Mind Map The General Assembly, which met once a year, had several
components. The Secretariat had to apply and perform decisions of
the council and the Council made major decisions. Other branches
were the ILO and the Court of International Justice.
Global organization: all the commissions had to be organized and
follow specific directions in order not to fail

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