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2.1 Introduction
This chapter entails review of Literature related to the study as guided by the Objectives in
Chapter One. This research is significant in order to support the causes of Food Poisoning among
the guests who regularly visit the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel and for the future guests. The
Literature and studies adduced in this chapter addresses the different ideas, concepts,
generalization, conclusions and different development related to the study starting from the past
to present.

2.2 Identify the causes of Food Poisoning of Hilton Garden Inn

Hotel Nairobi.
Food Poisoning was first identified as a public health issue in the 1880s.The cases were
introduced in England and Wales in 1938.The negligence of proper handling of Food in the
Hotel has resulted to endless cases and complains of Food Poisoning from the guests. The
Kitchen Department is therefore held accountable for the Food items received, stored and
preparation. In Cooperation of the Executive Chef and Sous Chef they work hand in hand with
the Chefs to ensure sufficient coordination and outcome of the meals preferred by the guests is as
per their choice. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” Why isn’t the term adhered to by the Kitchen
Personnel? In Kenya, there is the food, Drugs and Chemical substances Act CAP 254 of 1992
and Public Health Act CAP 242 of 1986 of the Laws of Kenya which deals with public
protection on food safety and sanitization (Gok, 2005). According to the speculations and
observance it is right to say that, the causes of Food Poisoning are brought due to poor hygiene
standards, lack of testing for the Food Handlers, leaving the Food open hence the presence of
bacteria is easily identified and grows and many more. The Primary causative agents of
foodborne illness may originate from a variety of reservoirs for example vectors, animals and
humans. According to Fu and Li (2014) in order to understand the human health risk associated
with contamination of food as well as to develop the strategies to eliminate the contamination, it
is best to determine cause root of all. The agents that cause the most foodborne illnesses are
Camyplobacter, Clostridium Perfringens and Escherichia coli. Foods that can cause Food
poisoning include raw milk, cheese products, seafood, sprouts, raw shellfish, fruits and
vegetables. Salmonella is usually associated with animal products such as eggs, milk and raw
white or red meat. Salmonella is the most frequent encountered disease agent worldwide. It is
usually introduced to foods at a processing plant or when foods are handled. Symptoms of
Salmonella includes stomach and intestinal inflammation to prolonged diarrhea. Escherichia Coli
also known as (E.Coli) is mainly caused by eating grounded Beef. The symptoms include
nausea, dehydration, fatigue, Severe stomach cramps and vomiting not only can the bacteria
survive in the freezer but can multiply to temperatures as low as 44 degrees F. Clostridium
Perfringens is caused by ingestion of contaminated food. The symptoms include weight loss,
pain and cramps, increased gas, weight loss, nausea and loss appetite. The above cause agents
can be attained through how foods are preserved. For instance the canned foods such as baked
beans, meat, fruits such as pineapples are partially safe to be consumed but the cans used to
preserve are not well cleaned by the manufacturers. The foods are passed through heat
exchangers for product heating, a holding tube where the food is maintained at the required
temperature, time and into heat exchangers where rapid cooling is achieved (Frazier and
Westhoff, 1988). The preservatives used to prevent spoilage due to bacteria or molds, change of
color in food, flavor and maintain freshness. Improper heating of Food such as undercooking,
reheating and waiting in the heat or improper cooling of the food majorly accounts for the
foodborne illness which are caused by the above agents such as Salmonella. The Hygienic
quality of storing foods in Hilton Garden Inn is influenced by purchasing low quality food,
cooking large of amounts of food, storing foods using wrong methods and storing raw foods and
cooked foods together. Purchase of low quality or stale food to the kitchen Department becomes
a challenge therefore their final products outcome is not worth the money paid by the guest.
Food quality control is the science, which deals with the basic standards of food safety
maintenance to be accepted by the human race (FAO /WHO, 2002). Therefore the guests might
perceive the staleness of the meal through the taste which is normally added spice in order for
the meal to appear appealing before the eyes while others have sensitive stomach which the
reaction occurs instantly. WHO (2007) identified the training of food handlers as one of the most
indispensable methods of preventing foodborne diseases. McLauchlin and Little (2007) defined
hygiene education as the process of acquiring knowledge and training for the prevention and
control of the food borne disease. The Food Handlers test is normally taken after six months
annually in order to keep track of the employees safety health especially Chefs. McSwane, Rue
and Linton (2005) postulated that if a food handler was not clean and food handled by dirty
hands could contaminate the food with organisims from their gastrointestinal tract. Some chefs
from the Hilton Hotel choose to ignore and skip the Food Handlers Test. This is because they
view it as time wastage and assume their health is in good condition. According to Collins
(2001) shared the same sentiments and asserted that lack of personal hygiene amongst food
handlers was likely to contribute to food borne illnesses. The chefs having bearing that in mind,
while handling the guests food they contaminate the food. This is mainly experienced due to
poor handling of the sanitization area, lack of washing the hands regularly before and after
dealing with food and lack of sanitizing the counters. Green and Selman (2005) retreated that
good hygiene was the foundation for preventing the spread of foodborne illnesses as human
beings were said to be the major source of food contamination.
2.3 How is Food Handled in Hilton Garden Inn Hotel.
There are various procedures on how food is handled in Hotels. These procedures ensure a
smooth coordination between the receiving of goods during that duration and exhibiting the final
This is the process of attaining the right product into a facility at the right time and place also
amount of goods at the right price and right source. The quality ingredients should be procured
from the right sources. Perishable ingredients should be fresh during the time of purchase.
Delicate products such as meat, fish and dairy products should be from foul smells and signs of
spoilage. Fruits and vegetables should be free from bruises and blemishes to avoid the
penetration of harmful bacteria and worms. Canned Food should be verified for manufacturing
date, batch number and expiry date. On the hand the bulged or dented cans of products should
not be bought this because it may be spoiled or infused with unnecessary gases.
2.3.2 Receiving
This is the process of inspecting all incoming goods, mark the tags and record them as having
been received. During this particular point the security, suppliers, executive chef and storekeeper
should all work hand in hand while receiving the goods and notifying the accounts payable
department. Code food should be at an appropriate temperature.
2.3.3 Storing
This is the process in which both cooked and raw materials are stored in appropriate conditions
for future use. The dry goods must be stored properly in closed containers or bins at a minimum
height of 18m. The perishable foods must be stored in a refrigerator or freezer. Red meat, poultry
and white meat should be stored separately. Meat, fish, cheese should be wrapped in cling paper
and stored separately. The pest control measures should be undertaken without contaminating the
stock with chemicals.
2.3.4 Issues
This is the process of supplying the products to the allocated departments. The ingredients which
are to issued to the kitchen must be kept in the trays separately. Mostly the cold foods are issued
as the last thing. The expiry date and any damage are checked before issuing the canned
2.3.5 Preparation
This is most the significant part whereby everything is kept ready for an easier workflow and
save on time. All the vegetables must be washed thoroughly before preparation. Separate work
tables and areas should be used for preparing vegetables, fish, meat and poultry. Cleaning and
storing shellfish need extra attention as this can be spoiled quickly. Cutting boards should be
washed thoroughly before and after use and most importantly sanitized. Hands should be washed
regularly to avoid contamination of the delicate foods. All the prepared foods should be stored in
separate containers and kept covered. If not for immediate use, it should be stored in the
refrigerator. All the waste should be deposited in the covered disposable bin and discarded
2.3.6 Cooking
The use of Clean vessels for cooking should be readily available. The food should be cooked at a
considerable length of time. Always refrigerate leftovers within one hour. Serve them cold or
thoroughly reheated. Reheating cooked food should be done rapidly at 74 degrees Celsius. Never
use foods from bulging, leaking or rusting cans. The cooked food should always be covered.
Wipe the spill immediately whenever any liquids is on the floor to avoid accidents in the kitchen.
Foods should be held in the bain-marie before service. All salads should be wrapped with a cling
sheet of paper.
2.3.7 Holding
Store the hot food in a bain-marie and cold food in cold cabinets as required. Ensure the
equipments are well cleaned before placing the food.
2.3.8 Service
All the Foodservice equipments should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before using it.
Clean service equipment must be used for handling the food. Food must be transferred onto the
plate with a service spoon and fork, tongs ladles and never by hand. Hot food should be served
hot and cold food cold.
2.3.9 Washing
The food wastage should be pushed down in the trash lined with garbage disposable bags. The
washed items should be allowed to dry by themselves by placing them on a clean table. There
should not be any food stain operations, food must be handled carefully to prevent the
multiplication of bacteria and cross contamination
2.4 Measures used to curb food poisoning in Hilton Garden Inn.

The Hilton Garden Inn Hotel should therefore use HACCP Protocol Procedures and measure
which will favor their Hygiene Safety and ensure a bacteria free environment. The approach
appears to be more effective for the Kitchen Department together with the staff members. The
HACCP programs uses a systematic approach to identify microbiological, chemical and physical
Hazard in the food supply and establish critical control points that eliminate or control such
Hazards (NRC 1985). HACCP Programs should be regularly implemented it will increase the
effectiveness and coordination of the Kitchen Department. Annually the Health Inspectors visit
and inspect on the Hygiene Policies which must be followed by the Hotel. This Inspection
mainly includes
2.5 Barriers to Food safety practices in Hilton Garden Inn Hotel.
Pragl et al (2007) asserted that food service establishments were expected to address emerging
issues of barriers to food safety practices to narrow the gap between food knowledge and
practice. They argued that safety training could incorporate strategies that eliminated barriers to
proper handling practice to improve compliance and reduce the incidence of food poisoning.
Training is only valuable if the importance is translated into performance.

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