COE351 DSP Syllabus Third 2023

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COE351 –Introduction Digital Signal Processing Version: 7 September 2023

Department of Computer Engineering
COE351 - Introduction to Digital Signal Processing
Course Syllabus –Thired1444(2023)

Course Instructor Dr. Aladdin Amr

Course Units 4 (3-hour lectures + Lab)
Course Pre-requisite:
Course Evaluation Homework Assignments 5%
First Midterm Exam 20%
Second Midterm Exam 15%
Lab (Lab exam 5%) 15%=(report 5%, practical (oral) lab
exam 5%, Participation 5%)
Course Project 5%
Final Exam 40%
Course Description  Introduction to the digital signal processing (DSP) theory. Topics include
discrete time signals in the timedomain and frequency domain, the
sampling process, z-transform, Fourier series and Fourier transforms,
discrete and fast Fourier transforms, digital filters, discrete wavelet
transform. The lab assignment covers applications of the DSP theory.
Course Objectives Having successfully completed this course, the student will be able to:
 Define key principles used for digital signal processing
 Differentiate between analog and discrete signals.
 Distinguish between time domain and frequency domain.
 Recognize the importance of filtering..
 Explain the applications of Fourier transform in signal processing.
 Develop skills in applying theoretical concepts in the filter design.
 Investigate the concept, properties and uses of the z–transform.
Main Textbook  Sanjit Mitra, "Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach", 4th
Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2010
Additional  John G. Proakis and Dimitris G. Manolakis, Digital Signal
References Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, 4th edition,
Prentice-Hall, 2007.
 Discrete-Time Signal Processing, by Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W.
Schafer, Prentice Hall
Useful links

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COE351 –Introduction Digital Signal Processing Version: 7 September 2023

Tentative Course Outline:

Week Lecture Topics Chapter in

1  Course Overview ,  ch1

 Digital Signal Processing, Basic operations& block diagrams 2.2 , ch2(2.1-

2 Classes of sequences 2.3, Basic(typical) sequences 2.4, Sampling 2.5)
sinusoids 2.5

 Discrete-time systems (time domain) Ch4(4.1-

3 Discrete-time systems examples 4.1, classification of Discrete-time 4.3)
systems 4.2, Impulse response 4.3

 Convolution, (2.2.3 & 4.4) 4.4,

 Connected systems( Simple interconnections) 4.5 4.5

 Linear Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations (LCCDEs)4.6 4.6

 Correlation 2.6 2.6

 The Fourier domain 3.1 3.1

6  Discrete-Time Fourier Transform (DTFT)3.2 3.2-3.4
 DTFT properties (theorems) 3.3

 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)5.2, 5.3, 5.4 Ch5

Convolution with the DFT 5.10

8 The Z Transform 6.1-6.3 Ch6

9  Inverse Z Transform 6.4, 6.5 Ch6

 Transform-Domain Systems Ch4

 Frequency Response (FR) 4.8

 Transfer Function (TF) 6.7 6.7


 Filters - Introduction 4.9

1. Simple Filters 7.4
2. Ideal Filters
3. Linear Phase and FIR filter types

Filter types and structures 7.6-7.7 & 8.1-8.6 7.4

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COE351 –Introduction Digital Signal Processing Version: 7 September 2023

Course Policy

1. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure s/he completed the pre-requisite for the
course.Any student who fails the pre-requisite will not be allowed to continue this
2. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure s/he is officially registered in the course,
the course instructor will only post marks for students who are registered regardless if
the student attended the exam or not.
3. Exams MUST be taken on the date and time that it is given. NO makeup exams or
quizzes would be given except for cases of serious illness. You must provide an official
written excuse from a medical doctor and approved by the dean/vice-dean of the
college within a maximum of 48 hours from the date of the exam. If approved by the
instructor, the makeup exams will be conducted on the last week of classes.
4. Attendance and active participation in classes and labs are essential part of the
professional education process, because adults learn by sharing experience with
classmates and instructors. Attendance will be taken during the first 10 minutes of the
lecture or lab session. According to the Taibah University rules, attendance is
mandatory. If the number of days absent exceeds the 25% allowed by the university,
the student will NOT be allowed to attend the final exam and a grade of DN will be
given. No exceptions to this rule will be made.
5. You MUST attend your lab section shown on your timetable.
6. All assignments MUST be submitted before/on the deadline. Late submission without
prior permission from the lecturerthe lab instructor will not be accepted. Late
submissions that are allowed would be penalized10% of the grade points for each day
past the deadline.
7. Plagiarism and copying is a serious academic offence. Offenders would be awarded
grade F for either the assignment/report concerned or the entire coursework and may
be barred from sitting for the final examination.
8. Please ensure your mobile phones are silenced or switched off duringlectures,lab
sessions,and exams.
9. Instructor will be available during the posted office hours for any help you may require –
Help can be asked through emails or phone calls (only phone calls to the instructor’s
office extension are allowed).
10. When sending an email, please include your ID number, section number and
course name in the email. No emails will be replied to anonymous senders.

Note: If you have particular needs in order to complete this course, such as special seating,
note taking, or examination conditions, please let me know as soon as possible so that
appropriate accommodations can be made.

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