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Citations and references (session, 7)

Course Leader: Abdurahman

H. Ismail
Venue: New Generation
University College, Hargeisa
Class: MA students
One author, multiple works
published in the same year
• If the year of publication is the same for
both add 'a' and 'b' after the year.... as
research has shown (Rush, 2015a,

• For references that are in press or that

have no date (n.d.) (in press-a) and (in
press-b) (n.d.-a) and (n.d.-b).
Two or more works by the
same author
 ... Past research (Gogel, 1990, 2006, in

Two or more works by

different authors
 Several studies (Derryberry & Reed,
2005a, 2005b, in press-a; Rothbart,
Authors with the same
 F. Kelly (2010) and A. Kelly (2016)
described that... or
(F. Kelly, 2010; A. Kelly, 2016)....
 If lead authors share the same
surname, include author's initials
in all in-text citations even if the
year of publication differs.
Authors with the same
surname and first initial
 (Paul, Janet, 1876), (Pierre
 If lead authors share the same
surname and first initial, full first
name should be included in all in-
text citations even if the year of
publication differs.
Direct quotes
 When you include a sentence or words reproduced from a
text (book, article, etc.) in your writing, you should follow the
APA style for direct quotations. Your in-text citation for direct
quotations should include author, date, and page numbers.
Short direct quotes (fewer than 40 words)
 He argued for what he called "a new intellectual framework"
(Smith, 2001, p. 378).
 Smith (2001) argued that "..." (p. 378).
 As she postulated, "..." (Jones, 2010, pp. 111–112).
 When a direct quotation is incorporated into your text,
enclose in "..." and give the exact page number in your citation
preceded by p. For quotes across more than one page, use pp.
Quotes in the middle of a
 Smith (2001) found that "..." (p. 378),
which contributed to the final
negative outcome.
Long direct quotes (40 words or more)
 In 2001, Smith found the following:
 Many young people can be encouraged to
stop smoking by introducing specific
measures including . . . dependence upon
tobacco. (pp. 378–379)
 Introduce the quotation first with a colon
 Quotation should start on a new line
 Indent the block of the quotation 1/2 inch
from the left margin (in the same position
you would start a new paragraph)
 No quotation marks
 Use three spaced ellipsis points (. . .) for
missing words in a sentence
 Exact page number, in brackets, after the full
stop at the end of the quote
Direct quote but no page
 Generally, inorder of preference, give
Author/s, year, plus: page numbers or
paragraph numbers (e.g. para. 4).
 or headings (e.g. Discussion section,
para. 1).
 or shortened headings
(e.g."Mandatory Labelling Has
Targeted," para. 4).
Quotes with mistakes
 "Sickness occurred even when
reel [sic] drugs were
administered" (Miele, 1993).
 Insert [sic] after the
misspelled word. Sic should be
italicised and in brackets
Adding emphasis

 "Furthermore, the behaviors were never

exhibited again [emphasis added], even
when the correct dosage was given."
(Miele, 1993).

When you, not the author, are adding

emphasis to the words in a quotation,
italicise the words and follow by [emphasis
Repeated citations in the same
 Among epidemiological samples,
Kessler (2003) found that early
onset social anxiety disorder . . . results
in a more potent and severe
discourse. Kessler also found brain
damage . . . . The study also showed that
there was a high rate of comorbidity
with alcohol abuse or dependence and
major depression (Kessler, 2003).
 When the author's name is part of the
narrative, only cite the year of publication
in brackets. Otherwise, always give both
the name and the year in brackets.
 Use three spaced ellipsis points (. . .) for
missing words in a sentence;
 Use four for an entire missing sentence
(the first . indicates the full stop at the
end of the first quoted sentence)
No author
Article, chapter or web page:
 .... on free care ("Study Finds Care," 2007)
 Use the first few words of the reference list
entry (usually the title) and the year
 Put double quotation marks around the title
of an article or a website; use capitals
Periodical, book, brochure or report:
 .... in the book College Bound Seniors (2008)
 Use italics and capitals
Secondary citations

 A secondary citation is where you are citing

information or quotes the author of your
reference has taken from source that you
have not read.
Seidenberg  McClelland’s citation:
study, conducted in 1990 (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis,
Atkins, & Haller, 1993), shows that ...
... as some studies show (Seidenberg & McClelland, as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins,
& Haller, 1993).

 Name the author of the original work in

your text, cite the secondary source in in-
text citation: (as cited in ..., 1993).
Reference list entry:
 Coltheart, M., Curtis, B. Atkins, P., &
Haller, M. (1993). Models of reading
aloud: Dual-route and parallel-
distributed-processing approaches.
Psychological Review, 100, 589–608.
 Give the secondary source in the
reference list.
Reference List
 A reference list lists only the sources you refer
to in your writing.
 The purpose of the reference list is to allow your
sources to be found by your reader. It also gives
credit to authors you have consulted for their
ideas. All references cited in the text must appear
in the reference list, except for personal
communications (such as conversations or emails)
which cannot be retrieved.
 A bibliography is different from a reference list as
it lists all the sources used during your research
and background reading, not just the ones you
refer to in your writing.
Four to seven authors
 Szcz Ę Sna, A., Nowak, A., Grabiec,
P., Paszkuta, M., Tajstra, M.,
& Wojciechowska, M. (2017). Survey of
wearable multi-modal vital parameters
measurement systems. Advances
in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 526.
 List all authors in the reference entry
More than seven authors
 Kasabov, N., Scott, N. M., Tu, E., Marks,
S., Sengupta, N., Capecci, E., . . . Yang, J. (2016).
Evolving spatio-temporal data machines
based on
the NeuCube neuromorphic framework:
Design methodology and selected
applications. Neural Networks, 78, 1-14.
 First 6 authors ... last author. and follow by
date and other information.
 Articles retrieved from library databases
may include in the
DOIs. This ezproxy information should be
 For example:
 The correct URL for this DOI is:
Reference list entry:
Magazine article (online):
 Read, E. (2007, November 1). Myth-busting
gen Y. New Zealand Management, 54(10), 63–
64. Retrieved from

 Newspaper article (online) without a

page number:
 Zendrian, A. (2008, April 15). CEO pay too
high? The New York Times. Retrieved from
No author (newspaper with a
page number):
 Nuke test inquiry doubted. (2009, April 23).
The Dominion Post, p. 5. Retrieved from
 Newspaper articles in print:
 Fleming, G. (2008, November 4). Shaking up
the working world. The New Zealand Herald,
p. 1.
 In-text citation:
 ... on nuclear weapons ("Nuke Test Inquiry"
Personal communications
 No entry in the reference list is needed as
personal communications are unable to be
 Examples of personal communications
 telephone conversations
 Interviews that are not recoverable
 emails
 private letters
 non-archived discussion groups
In-text citation:
 Tokugawa (personal communication,
January 25, 2019) suggested in an
email that.....
 or
 Given all the political factors...(I.
Tokugawa, personal communication,
January 25, 2019).
 Include initials and an exact date.

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