VOCABULARY UNIT 7 Test - Ekowydruk

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Grupa A Klasa .................... Liczba punktów ...... / 55 p.

Imię ..................................................................................

1 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

( ... / 5 p.)

1. I think that genetically __ food is bad for you.

A. modified B. decreased C. gathered
2. Let’s put some __ nuts in the salad.
A. cashew B. beetroot C. basil
3. My throat is hurting and it’s hard to __ food.
A. coat B. order C. swallow
4. The farmer has lots of __, mostly cows, sheep, and pigs.
A. corn B. livestock C. plants
5. You should take that with you. It could __ in handy while we’re camping.
A. get B. take C. come
2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
( ... / 5 p.)

1. I have an __ to see the doctor tomorrow.

A. arrangement B. appointment C. disappearance
2. I’m sure this will __ while we’re on the boat.
A. come in handy B. get in handy C. take in handy
3. They have some great __ flavoured ice cream.
A. pickle B. potato C. almond
4. Some __, like rice, only grow in hot climates.
A. livestock B. crops C. corn
5. She tried to __ a sheep, but it started eating her furniture.
A. domesticate B. generate C. return
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 He is the best __ we have on the farm. WORK

2 Knowing a foreign language is a __ to get a job here. REQUIRE

3 The man’s __ was a complete mystery. DISAPPEAR

4 The development of agriculture was a huge __ for mankind. ACHIEVE

5 His __ into the college was a proud moment for his mother. ACCEPT
4 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 How can you eat a (kwaśną) __ lemon like that?

2 I really like (pikantne) __ food.

3 Not many people work in (rolnictwie) __ nowadays.

4 She uses a lot of (czosnku) __ in her dishes.

5 This coffee is too (gorzka) __. I can’t drink it.

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. ( ... / 5 p.)

coffee / vegetable / meat / spicy / ice cream

1 Curry is too __ for me. I can’t eat it.

2 A tomato is a red __.

3 I love chocolate and vanilla __ for dessert.

4 People eat too much __, like beef or chicken.

5 Would you like a __? Maybe a cappuccino or an espresso?

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6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 Her business is very __ and makes a lot of money. PROFIT

2 My sister had an __ in hospital last week. OPERATE

3 Green tea is very good for your __. CONCENTRATE

4 The first __ finished the marathon in two hours. RUN

5 Her __ was a total mystery. DISAPPEAR

7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 Saving so many animals was a great __. ACHIEVE

2 My uncle has an __ business. AGRICULTURE

3 He closed his business because it wasn’t __ and he lost money. PROFIT

4 The __ arrived late in the evening and was very tired. TRAVEL

5 I couldn’t give a __ in front of a lot of people. PERFORM

8 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 Have a (truskawkę) __. They’re delicious!

2 He drinks (herbatę) __ with breakfast every morning.

3 This cake is too (słodkie) __ for me.

4 A lychee is an exotic (owoc) __.

5 It is a (napój) __ made from fresh lemons.

9 Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 There are many different types of Italian __, but I like spaghetti best.

2 Do you want French __ with your burger?

3 I love eating potato __ as a snack in the evening, but I know they aren’t healthy.

4 Vegetarians don’t eat __ or fish.

5 Don’t add too much __ powder. It will be too hot to eat!

10 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 We buy our milk and eggs from a local (rolnika) __. He has a lot of animals.

2 My favourite (porą roku) __ of the year is summer.

3 The summer time is the time to start (zbierać plony) __ the majority of crops.

4 A (pszczoła) __ pollinates a flower when it is collecting nectar.

5 Plants that we grow for food are called (plony) __.

11 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into English.
( ... / 5 p.)

1 Let’s make a salad with some (krewetkami) __.

2 We use only the best (wołowinę) __ to make our burgers.

3 How can you eat that? It’s so (słodkie) __!

4 I like to have a (kawę) __ before breakfast.

5 I love (chipsy ziemniaczane) __.

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