Shade - The Homebrewery

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Shade Names:

Shade Shades usually keep the names they held before the ritual,
Shades aren't born, they're made. There is an ancient ritual occasionally adopting aliases. For others the transformation
where half the soul of supplicant is torn away and discarded. is such a significant event (or their personalities are
Shadow fills the void left by the tattered soul. Thus, one sufficiently altered) that they adopt a new name as part of the
becomes a shade, caught in limbo between life and death. change.
Though their tie to the mortal existence is substantially
frayed, shades acquire some unique...boons. A shade’s Shade Traits
lifespan extends far beyond what it natural (though they are
in no way immortal) and their penumbral souls grant them an Your shade character has a number of traits in common with
affinity for the powers of shadow. all other shades.
The ruthless, the ambitious and the desperate seek out this Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by
unnatural ritual. To them, half their soul seems a small price 2.
to pay for the power one can gain from walking the Trail of Origin Race. Choose any other race. You use that race
Five Darknesses. when determining size, age, speed and language. You count
as that race for the purpose of prerequisites.
Shade Characteristics Age. A Shade ages 1 year for every 10 they live. See the
origin race age and multiply it by 10.
Shades retain the physical appearance of who they were Alignment. As the soul is severed, all powerful emotions,
before they became a shade, but their appearance will loyalties and moral quandries subdued. Shades as a whole
become faded, their different hues becoming more subdued overwhelmingly tend towards neutral alignments
as though the same individual were being seen from behind Size. See origin race
tinted glass. These muted features mean that shades will Speed. Add 5 feet to your origin race's base walking speed
never stand out in crowds and are difficult to remember. Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 120
Occasionally, the physical characteristics of a shade will feet of you as though it were bright light, and in darkness as
change when in the aftermath of the ritual. The color of their though it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness,
hair, skin, fur or scales may change, becoming anything from only shades of grey.
light gray to satin black. Their eyes might also change to Just a Shadow. While in bright light your form wavers and
become orbs of dull black, dark gray or even purple. Shades you have disadvantage on Attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
move like darkness itself; quickly, deftly and beneath notice. (Perception) checks that rely on sight. However, you do not
When a creature loses half of its soul and becomes a suffer these disadvantages if you can somehow claim cover or
shade, it loses much of past life, memory and emotions. A obscurement from all bright light sources.
shade still feels love, hate, pride and shame, but they are Frayed Mortality. You use hit die that are one size category
muted and subdued, beneath a thick layer of darkness. As smaller when rolling to recover hit points. For example, if you
such, most shades are driven by cold calculation, would normally roll d10's you would instead roll d8's.
ruthlessness and pure willpower, to a degree that most One with Shadow. You can attempt to hide when you are
mortals could never hope to achieve. However, as a result only lightly obscured by any source, including creatures.
shades are cursed with a pervading sense of ennui that only Practiced Sneak. You have proficiency in stealth
grows as they deepen their bond to shadow. Languages. Common and one of your origin race's known
Shade Culture Subrace. Shade's don't have subraces per say, but the
The process of becoming a shade is often individual and manner in which someone becomes a shade is very
unique. They are rare enough that communities of shades is significant. Did they participate in the Or did they pursue
virtually unheard of, except in legends of an ancient city of nethermancy until they began to walk the Trail of Five
shades deep in the shadowfell. Shades that are discovered Darknesses of their own volition?
are chased out of decent communities, if they aren’t slain
outright. Not only do folktales and myths prejudice villages Bound by Shadow
and towns against shades, but their near total lack of To a certain extent, you are bound by the ritual that
conscience and loyalty is a real threat to those around them. transformed you into a shade. You didn't willingly split your
Decide how your character encountered the ritual and soul. Even if you did pursue the shadow ritual, you tried to
became a shade. Were you cursed soon after you were born back out when it was already too late. Regardless, your
because your parents failed to fulfill their oaths to a dark connection to shadow is an innate, and at times unconscious,
power? Or were you forced by an unscrupulous wizard to ability.
become a shade as part of an experiment? Or perhaps you Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
rose through the ranks of a cult of cutthroats and assassins, 1
undergoing the ritual when you were deemed worthy. Or Molded by Darkness Your proficiency bonus is doubled
maybe you were a wealthy man who, greedy for more power, for any ability check you make using stealth. Additionally, you
scoured thousands of dark tomes in search of the ritual. can hide as a bonus action.
Seeker of Darkness
You were one of those who sought of the powers of darkness
of your own accord. Through study and mental facility you
managed to uncover the doorway to the Trail of Five
Darknesses and have begun to walk its path. Whether you
pursued it out of desperation or ambition, the choice was
your own. You have more control over your connection to
shadow and its magic.
Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases
by 1
Seeker of Darkness. You have proficiency in arcana.
Shadow Caster. You can emit dim light in a 5 foot radius
until the start of your next turn as a bonus action. Once you
reach 3rd level you can cast the armor of agathys spell once
per day as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can
also cast the darkness spell once per day.

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