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2 Single-slit diffraction

θ = λ/b (in radians)

1. a. Light of wavelength 557 nm passes through a single slit of width 5.1 µm. At what angular
deviation, as measured from the middle of the central maximum, would the 1st order dark
fringes appear on a screen?

Answer = Unit =

b. If the screen was 3 metres from the slit, what would be the distance on the screen between
the central maximum and the first minimum?

Answer = Unit =

c. What would be the width of the central maximum?

Answer = Unit =

d. If the wavelength of the light what decreased, what effect would this have on the width of
the central maximum?

e. If the wavelength of the light stayed the same, but the width of the slit was decreased, what
effect would this have on the width of the central maximum?

2. A single slit forms a diffraction pattern, with the first minimum at an angle of 40° from the
central maximum. Monochromatic light of 640 nm is being used. What is the slit width?

Answer = Unit =
3. A single slit, 2250 nm wide is illuminated by monochromatic light of wavelength 470 nm.
What angle is the first minimum from the central maximum?

Answer = Unit =

4. Describe, using a diagram if it helps, the pattern produced when white light is shone through
a single slit.

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