Operations and Supply Chain Management 8th Edition Russell Test Bank

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Management 8th Edition Russell Test

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Operations and Supply Chain Management 8th Edition Russell Test Bank

File: ch01, Chapter 1: Operations Management


1. Operations management is only concerned with the day-to-day operations of a firm’s

productive systems.
Ans: False, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

2. A warehouse operation is an example of a physical transformation process.

Ans: False, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

3. A supply chain is a series of activities from supplier to customer that adds value to a
product or service.
Ans: True, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

4. Human resources management provides product demand estimates that are used in
production decisions.
Ans: False, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

5. A retail operation is an example of an exchange transformation process.

Ans: True, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

6. The four primary functional areas of a firm are marketing, finance, operations, and
Ans: False, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

7. Operations management designs, operates, and improves marketing systems.

Ans: False, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

8. An operations manager benefits from an integrated view of business organizations.

Ans: True, LO: 1, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

9. The systematic analysis of work methods is known as operations research.

Ans: False, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

10. Lean production refers to high-volume production of a standardized product.

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Ans: False, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

11. The adaptation of mass production to emphasize quality and flexibility, rather than
efficiency, is known as lean production.
Ans: True, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

12. Because of a global recession in the late 2000s ,companies started focusing on the
most critical factors to sustain their business during the downturn.
Ans: True, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

13. The most current era in the evolution of operations and supply chain management is
Ans: True, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

14. The set of activities that creates and delivers products to the customer is known as the
supply chain.
Ans: True, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

15. Globalization requires that firms compete only on cost and not quality, speed or
Ans: False, LO: 3, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

16. Globalization of the supply chain has many pros and few, if any, cons.
Ans: False, LO: 3, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

17. The European Union requires that strict quality and environmental standards be met
before companies can do business with member countries.
Ans: True, LO: 3, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

18. A major challenge and opportunity for many firms is the globalization of the supply
Ans: True, LO: 3, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

19. Globalization has affected manufacturing but not service operations.

Ans: False, LO: 3, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None
20. Two-thirds of today’s businesses operate globally.
Ans: True, LO: 3, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

21. In 2010, the US surpassed China as the world’s largest manufacturer.

Ans: False, LO: 2, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

22. China has reshaped the way firms compete globally.

Ans: True, LO: 3, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

23. Increases in productivity enable a nation to raise its standard of living.

Ans: True, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

24. Productivity is the most common measure of competitiveness.

Ans: True, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

25. Single factor productivity measures compare output to an individual input.

Ans: True, LO: 4, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

26. Deployment is a step in strategy formulation that evaluates the alignment between
core competencies and order winners.
Ans: False, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None

27. Positioning is a step in strategy formulation that defines how firms will compete in
the marketplace.
Ans: True, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Moderate, AACSB: None

28. Order qualifiers are the characteristics of a product that have to be satisfied just to be
considered for purchase by a customer.
Ans: True, LO: 5, Bloom: K, Difficulty: Easy, AACSB: None
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"Santiago pitched headlong from the teocalli."

Then the black worshipers were on us with a screech and a roar—leaping

on the steps of the teocalli like black leopards in the moonlight, knives
flashing, eyes gleaming whitely.
I tore mask and robe from me and answered Gordon's exclamation with a
wild laugh. I had hoped that by virtue of my disguise I might get us both
safely away but now I was content to die there at his side.
He tore a great metal ornament from the altar, and as the attackers came
he wielded this. A moment we held them at bay and then they flowed
over us like a black wave. This to me was Valhalla! Knives stung me and
blackjacks smashed against me, but I laughed and drove my iron fists in
straight, steam-hammer smashes that shattered flesh and bone. I saw
Gordon's crude weapon rise and fall, and each time a man went down.
Skulls shattered and blood splashed and the dark fury swept over me.
Nightmare faces swirled about me and I was on my knees; up again and
the faces crumpled before my blows. Through far mists I seemed to hear
a hideous familiar voice raised in imperious command.
Gordon was swept away from me but from the sounds I knew that the
work of death still went on. The stars reeled through fogs of blood, but
hell's exaltation was on me and I reveled in the dark tide of fury until a
darker, deeper tide swept over me and I knew no more.

20. Ancient Horror

"Here now in his triumph where all things falter,

Stretched out on the spoils that his own hand spread,
As a God self-slain on his own strange altar,
Death lies dead."


Slowly I drifted back into life—slowly, slowly. A mist held me and in

the mist I saw a Skull——
I lay in a steel cage like a captive wolf, and the bars were too strong, I
saw, even for my strength. The cage seemed to be set in a sort of niche in
the wall and I was looking into a large room. This room was under the
earth, for the floor was of stone flags and the walls and ceilings were
composed of gigantic blocks of the same material. Shelves ranged the
walls, covered with weird appliances, apparently of a scientific nature,
and more were on the great table that stood in the center of the room.
Beside this sat Kathulos.
The Sorcerer was clad in a snaky yellow robe, and those hideous hands
and that terrible head were more pronouncedly reptilian than ever. He
turned his great yellow eyes toward me, like pools of livid fire, and his
parchment-thin lips moved in what probably passed for a smile.
I staggered erect and gripped the bars, cursing.
"Gordon, curse you, where is Gordon?"
Kathulos took a test-tube from the table, eyed it closely and emptied it
into another.
"Ah, my friend awakes," he murmured in his voice—the voice of a living
dead man.
He thrust his hands into his long sleeves and turned fully to me.
"I think in you," he said distinctly, "I have created a Frankenstein
monster. I made of you a superhuman creature to serve my wishes and
you broke from me. You are the bane of my might, worse than Gordon
even. You have killed valuable servants and interfered with my plans.
However, your evil comes to an end tonight. Your friend Gordon broke
away but he is being hunted through the tunnels and can not escape.
"You," he continued with the sincere interest of the scientist, "are a most
interesting subject. Your brain must be formed differently from any other
man that ever lived. I will make a close study of it and add it to my
laboratory. How a man, with the apparent need of the elixir in his system,
has managed to go on for two days still stimulated by the last draft is
more than I can understand."
My heart leaped. With all his wisdom, little Zuleika had tricked him and
he evidently did not know that she had filched a flask of the life-giving
stuff from him.
"The last draft you had from me," he went on, "was sufficient only for
some eight hours. I repeat, it has me puzzled. Can you offer any
I snarled wordlessly. He sighed.
"As always the barbarian. Truly the proverb speaks: 'Jest with the
wounded tiger and warm the adder in your bosom before you seek to lift
the savage from his savagery.'"
He meditated awhile in silence. I watched him uneasily. There was about
him a vague and curious difference—his long fingers emerging from the
sleeves drummed on the chair arms and some hidden exultation
strummed at the back of his voice, lending it unaccustomed vibrancy.
"And you might have been a king of the new regime," he said suddenly.
"Aye, the new—new and inhumanly old!"
I shuddered as his dry cackling laugh rasped out.
He bent his head as if listening. From far off seemed to come a hum of
guttural voices. His lips writhed in a smile.
"My black children," he murmured. "They tear my enemy Gordon to
pieces in the tunnels. They, Mr. Costigan, are my real henchmen and it
was for their edification tonight that I laid John Gordon on the sacrificial
stone. I would have preferred to have made some experiments with him,
based on certain scientific theories, but my children must be humored.
Later under my tutelage they will outgrow their childish superstitions
and throw aside their foolish customs, but now they must be led gently
by the hand.
"How do you like these under-the-earth corridors, Mr. Costigan?" he
switched suddenly. "You thought of them—what? No doubt that the
white savages of your Middle Ages built them? Faugh! These tunnels are
older than your world! They were brought into being by mighty kings,
too many eons ago for your mind to grasp, when an imperial city
towered where now this crude village of London stands. All trace of that
metropolis has crumbled to dust and vanished, but these corridors were
built by more than human skill—ha ha! Of all the teeming thousands
who move daily above them, none knows of their existence save my
servants—and not all of them. Zuleika, for instance, does not know of
them, for of late I have begun to doubt her loyalty and shall doubtless
soon make of her an example."
At that I hurled myself blindly against the side of the cage, a red wave of
hate and fury tossing me in its grip. I seized the bars and strained until
the veins stood out on my forehead and the muscles bulged and crackled
in my arms and shoulders. And the bars bent before my onslaught—a
little but no more, and finally the power flowed from my limbs and I
sank down trembling and weakened. Kathulos watched me
"The bars hold," he announced with something almost like relief in his
tone. "Frankly, I prefer to be on the opposite side of them. You are a
human ape if there was ever one."
He laughed suddenly and wildly.
"But why do you seek to oppose me?" he shrieked unexpectedly. "Why
defy me, who am Kathulos, the Sorcerer, great even in the days of the
old empire? Today, invincible! A magician, a scientist, among ignorant
savages! Ha ha!"
I shuddered, and sudden blinding light broke in on me. Kathulos himself
was an addict, and was fired by the stuff of his choice! What hellish
concoction was strong enough, terrible enough to thrill the Master and
inflame him, I do not know, nor do I wish to know. Of all the uncanny
knowledge that was his, I, knowing the man as I did, count this the most
weird and grisly.
"You, you paltry fool!" he was ranting, his face lit supernaturally. "Know
you who I am? Kathulos of Egypt! Bah! They knew me in the old days! I
reigned in the dim misty sea lands ages and ages before the sea rose and
engulfed the land. I died, not as men die; the magic draft of life
everlasting was ours! I drank deep and slept. Long I slept in my
lacquered case! My flesh withered and grew hard; my blood dried in my
veins. I became as one dead. But still within me burned the spirit of life,
sleeping but anticipating the awakening. The great cities crumbled to
dust. The sea drank the land. The tall shrines and the lofty spires sank
beneath the green waves. All this I knew as I slept, as a man knows in
dreams. Kathulos of Egypt? Faugh! Kathulos of Atlantis!"
I uttered a sudden involuntary cry. This was too grisly for sanity.
"Aye, the magician, the Sorcerer.
"And down the long years of savagery, through which the barbaric races
struggled to rise without their masters, the legend came of the day of
empire, when one of the Old Race would rise up from the sea. Aye, and
lead to victory the black people who were our slaves in the old days.
"These brown and yellow people, what care I for them? The blacks were
the slaves of my race, and I am their god today. They will obey me. The
yellow and the brown peoples are fools—I make them my tools and the
day will come when my black warriors will turn on them and slay at my
word. And you, you white barbarians, whose ape-ancestors forever
defied my race and me, your doom is at hand! And when I mount my
universal throne, the only whites shall be white slaves!
"The day came as prophesied, when my case, breaking free from the
halls where it lay—where it had lain when Atlantis was still sovran of
the world—where since her empery it had sunk into the green fathoms—
when my case, I say, was smitten by the deep sea tides and moved and
stirred, and thrust aside the clinging seaweed that masks temples and
minarets, and came floating up past the lofty sapphire and golden spires,
up through the green waters, to float upon the lazy waves of the sea.
"Then came a white fool carrying out the destiny of which he was not
aware. The men on his ship, true believers, knew that the time had come.
And I—the air entered my nostrils and I awoke from the long, long
sleep. I stirred and moved and lived. And rising in the night, I slew the
fool that had lifted me from the ocean, and my servants made obeisance
to me and took me into Africa, where I abode awhile and learned new
languages and new ways of a new world and became strong.
"The wisdom of your dreary world—ha ha! I who delved deeper in the
mysteries of the old than any man dared go! All that men know today, I
know, and the knowledge beside that which I have brought down the
centuries is as a grain of sand beside a mountain! You should know
something of that knowledge! By it I lifted you from one hell to plunge
you into a greater! You fool, here at my hand is that which would lift you
from this! Aye, would strike from you the chains whereby I have bound

He snatched up a golden vial and shook it before my gaze. I eyed it as

men dying in the desert must eye the distant mirages. Kathulos fingered
it meditatively. His unnatural excitement seemed to have passed
suddenly, and when he spoke again it was in the passionless, measured
tones of the scientist.
"That would indeed be an experiment worth while—to free you of the
elixir habit and see if your dope-riddled body would sustain life. Nine
times out of ten the victim, with the need and stimulus removed, would
die—but you are such a giant of a brute——"
He sighed and set the vial down.
"The dreamer opposes the man of destiny. My time is not my own or I
should choose to spend my life pent in my laboratories, carrying out my
experiments. But now, as in the days of the old empire when kings
sought my counsel, I must work and labor for the good of the race at
large. Aye, I must toil and sow the seed of glory against the full coming
of the imperial days when the seas give up all their living dead."
I shuddered. Kathulos laughed wildly again. His fingers began to drum
his chair arms and his face gleamed with the unnatural light once more.
The red visions had begun to seethe in his skull again.
"Under the green seas they lie, the ancient masters, in their lacquered
cases, dead as men reckon death, but only sleeping. Sleeping through the
long ages as hours, awaiting the day of awakening! The old masters, the
wise men, who foresaw the day when the sea should gulp the land, and
who made ready. Made ready that they might rise again in the barbaric
days to come. As did I. Sleeping they lie, ancient kings and grim
wizards, who died as men die, before Atlantis sank. Who, sleeping, sank
with her but who shall arise again!
"Mine the glory! I rose first. And I sought out the site of old cities, on
shores that did not sink. Vanished, long vanished. The barbarian tide
swept over them thousands of years ago as the green waters swept over
their elder sister of the deeps. On some the deserts stretch bare. Over
some, as here, young barbarian cities rise."
He halted suddenly. His eyes sought one of the dark openings that
marked a corridor. I think his strange intuition warned him of some
impending danger but I do not believe that he had any inkling of how
dramatically our scene would be interrupted.
As he looked, swift footsteps sounded and a man appeared suddenly in
the doorway—a man disheveled, tattered and bloody. John Gordon!
Kathulos sprang erect with a cry, and Gordon, gasping as from
superhuman exertion, brought down the revolver he held in his hand and
fired point-blank. Kathulos staggered, clapping his hand to his breast,
and then, groping wildly, reeled to the wall and fell against it. A doorway
opened and he reeled through, but as Gordon leaped fiercely across the
chamber, a blank stone surface met his gaze, which yielded not to his
savage hammerings.
He whirled and ran drunkenly to the table where lay a bunch of keys the
Master had dropped there.
"The vial!" I shrieked. "Take the vial!" And he thrust it into his pocket.
Back along the corridor through which he had come sounded a faint
clamor growing swiftly like a wolf-pack in full cry. A few precious
seconds spent with fumbling for the right key, then the cage door swung
open and I sprang out. A sight for the gods we were, the two of us!
Slashed, bruised and cut, our garments hanging in tatters—my wounds
had ceased to bleed, but now as I moved they began again, and from the
stiffness of my hands I knew that my knuckles were shattered. As for
Gordon, he was fairly drenched in blood from crown to foot.
We made off down a passage in the opposite direction from the
menacing noise, which I knew to be the black servants of the Master in
full pursuit of us. Neither of us was in good shape for running, but we
did our best. Where we were going I had no idea. My superhuman
strength had deserted me and I was going now on will-power alone. We
switched off into another corridor and we had not gone twenty steps
until, looking back, I saw the first of the black devils round the corner.
A desperate effort increased our lead a trifle. But they had seen us, were
in full view now, and a yell of fury broke from them to be succeeded by
a more sinister silence as they bent all efforts to overhauling us.
There a short distance in front of us we saw a stair loom suddenly in the
gloom. If we might reach that—but we saw something else.
Against the ceiling, between us and the stairs, hung a huge thing like an
iron grill, with great spikes along the bottom—a portcullis. And even as
we looked, without halting in our panting strides, it began to move.
"They're lowering the portcullis!" Gordon croaked, his blood-streaked
face a mask of exhaustion and will.
Now the blacks were only ten feet behind us—now the huge grate,
gaining momentum, with a creak of rusty, unused mechanism, rushed
downward. A final spurt, a gasping straining nightmare of effort—and
Gordon, sweeping us both along in a wild burst of pure nerve-strength,
hurled us under and through, and the grate crashed behind us!
A moment we lay gasping, not heeding the frenzied horde who raved and
screamed on the other side of the grate. So close had that final leap been,
that the great spikes in their descent had torn shreds from our clothing.
The blacks were thrusting at us with daggers through the bars, but we
were out of reach and it seemed to me that I was content to lie there and
die of exhaustion. But Gordon weaved unsteadily erect and hauled me
with him.
"Got to get out," he croaked; "got to warn—Scotland Yard—
honeycombs in heart of London—high explosives—arms—
We blundered up the steps, and in front of us I seemed to hear a sound of
metal grating against metal. The stairs ended abruptly, on a landing that
terminated in a blank wall. Gordon hammered against this and the
inevitable secret doorway opened. Light streamed in, through the bars of
a sort of grille. Men in the uniform of London police were sawing at
these with hacksaws, and even as they greeted us, an opening was made
through which we crawled.
"You're hurt, sir!" One of the men took Gordon's arm.
My companion shook him off.
"There's no time to lose! Out of here, as quick as we can go!"
I saw that we were in a basement of some sort. We hastened up the steps
and out into the early dawn which was turning the east scarlet. Over the
tops of smaller houses I saw in the distance a great gaunt building on the
roof of which, I felt instinctively, that wild drama had been enacted the
night before.
"That building was leased some months ago by a mysterious Chinaman,"
said Gordon, following my gaze. "Office building originally—the
neighborhood deteriorated and the building stood vacant for some time.
The new tenant added several stories to it but left it apparently empty.
Had my eye on it for some time."
This was told in Gordon's jerky swift manner as we started hurriedly
along the sidewalk. I listened mechanically, like a man in a trance. My
vitality was ebbing fast and I knew that I was going to crumple at any
"The people living in the vicinity had been reporting strange sights and
noises. The man who owned the basement we just left heard queer
sounds emanating from the wall of the basement and called the police.
About that time I was racing back and forth among those cursed
corridors like a hunted rat and I heard the police banging on the wall. I
found the secret door and opened it but found it barred by a grating. It
was while I was telling the astounded policemen to procure a hacksaw
that the pursuing negroes, whom I had eluded for the moment, came into
sight and I was forced to shut the door and run for it again. By pure luck
I found you and by pure luck managed to find the way back to the door.
"Now we must get to Scotland Yard. If we strike swiftly, we may capture
the entire band of devils. Whether I killed Kathulos or not I do not know,
or if he can be killed by mortal weapons. But to the best of my
knowledge all of them are now in those subterranean corridors and——"
At that moment the world shook! A brain-shattering roar seemed to
break the sky with its incredible detonation; houses tottered and crashed
to ruins; a mighty pillar of smoke and flame burst from the earth and on
its wings great masses of debris soared skyward. A black fog of smoke
and dust and falling timbers enveloped the world, a prolonged thunder
seemed to rumble up from the center of the earth as of walls and ceilings
falling, and amid the uproar and the screaming I sank down and knew no

21. The Breaking of the Chain

"And like a soul belated,

In heaven and hell unmated,
By cloud and mist abated,
Comes out of darkness morn."


There is little need to linger on the scenes of horror of that terrible

London morning. The world is familiar with and knows most of the
details attendant to the great explosion which wiped out a tenth of that
great city with a resultant loss of lives and property. For such a
happening some reason must needs be given; the tale of the deserted
building got out, and many wild stories were circulated. Finally, to still
the rumors, the report was unofficially given out that this building had
been the rendezvous and secret stronghold of a gang of international
anarchists, who had stored its basement full of high explosives and who
had supposedly ignited these accidentally. In a way there was a good
deal to this tale, as you know, but the threat that had lurked there far
transcended any anarchist.
All this was told to me, for when I sank unconscious, Gordon, attributing
my condition to exhaustion and a need of the hashish to the use of which
he thought I was addicted, lifted me and with the aid of the stunned
policemen got me to his rooms before returning to the scene of the
explosion. At his rooms he found Hansen, and Zuleika handcuffed to the
bed as I had left her. He released her and left her to tend to me, for all
London was in a terrible turmoil and he was needed elsewhere.
When I came to myself at last, I looked up into her starry eyes and lay
quiet, smiling up at her. She sank down upon my bosom, nestling my
head in her arms and covering my face with her kisses.
"Steephen!" she sobbed over and over, as her tears splashed hot on my
I was scarcely strong enough to put my arms about her but I managed it,
and we lay there for a space, in silence except for the girl's hard, racking
"Zuleika, I love you," I murmured.
"And I love you, Steephen," she sobbed. "Oh, it is so hard to part now—
but I'm going with you, Steephen; I can't live without you!"
"My dear child," said John Gordon, entering the room suddenly,
"Costigan's not going to die. We will let him have enough hashish to tide
him along, and when he is stronger we will take him off the habit
"You don't understand, sahib; it is not hashish Steephen must have. It is
something which only the Master knew, and now that he is dead or is
fled, Steephen can not get it and must die."
Gordon shot a quick, uncertain glance at me. His fine face was drawn
and haggard, his clothes sooty and torn from his work among the debris
of the explosion.
"She's right, Gordon," I said languidly, "I'm dying. Kathulos killed the
hashish-craving with a concoction he called the elixir. I've been keeping
myself alive on some of the stuff that Zuleika stole from him and gave
me, but I drank it all last night."
I was aware of no craving of any kind, no physical or mental discomfort
even. All my mechanism was slowing down fast; I had passed the stage
where the need of the elixir would tear and rend me. I felt only a great
lassitude and a desire to sleep. And I knew that the moment I closed my
eyes, I would die.
"A strange dope, that elixir," I said with growing languor. "It burns and
freezes and then at last the craving kills easily and without torment."
"Costigan, curse it," said Gordon desperately, "you can't go like this!
That vial I took from the Egyptian's table—what is in it?"
"The Master swore it would free me of my curse and probably kill me
also," I muttered. "I'd forgotten about it. Let me have it; it can no more
than kill me and I'm dying now."
"Yes, quick, let me have it!" exclaimed Zuleika fiercely, springing to
Gordon's side, her hands passionately outstretched. She returned with the
vial which he had taken from his pocket, and knelt beside me, holding it
to my lips, while she murmured to me gently and soothingly in her own
I drank, draining the vial, but feeling little interest in the whole matter.
My outlook was purely impersonal, at such a low ebb was my life, and I
can not even remember how the stuff tasted. I only remember feeling a
curious sluggish fire burn faintly along my veins, and the last thing I saw
was Zuleika crouching over me, her great eyes fixed with a burning
intensity on me. Her tense little hand rested inside her blouse, and
remembering her vow to take her own life if I died I tried to lift a hand
and disarm her, tried to tell Gordon to take away the dagger she had
hidden in her garments. But speech and action failed me and I drifted
away into a curious sea of unconsciousness.
Of that period I remember nothing. No sensation fired my sleeping brain
to such an extent as to bridge the gulf over which I drifted. They say I
lay like a dead man for hours, scarcely breathing, while Zuleika hovered
over me, never leaving my side an instant, and fighting like a tigress
when anyone tried to coax her away to rest. Her chain was broken.

As I had carried the vision of her into that dim land of nothingness, so
her dear eyes were the first thing which greeted my returning
consciousness. I was aware of a greater weakness than I thought possible
for a man to feel, as if I had been an invalid for months, but the life in
me, faint though it was, was sound and normal, caused by no artificial
stimulation. I smiled up at my girl and murmured weakly:
"Throw away your dagger, little Zuleika; I'm going to live."
She screamed and fell on her knees beside me, weeping and laughing at
the same time. Women are strange beings, of mixed and powerful
emotions, truly.
Gordon entered and grasped the hand which I could not lift from the bed.
"You're a case for an ordinary human physician now, Costigan," he said.
"Even a layman like myself can tell that. For the first time since I've
known you, the look in your eyes is entirely sane. You look like a man
who has had a complete nervous breakdown, and needs about a year of
rest and quiet. Great heavens, man, you've been through enough, outside
your dope experience, to last you a lifetime."
"Tell me first," said I: "Was Kathulos killed in the explosion?"
"I don't know," answered Gordon somberly. "Apparently the entire
system of subterranean passages was destroyed. I know my last bullet—
the last bullet that was in the revolver which I wrested from one of my
attackers—found its mark in the Master's body, but whether he died from
the wound, or whether a bullet can hurt him, I do not know. And whether
in his death agonies he ignited the tons and tons of high explosives
which were stored in the corridors, or whether the negroes did it
unintentionally, we shall never know.
"My God, Costigan, did you ever see such a honeycomb? And we know
not how many miles in either direction the passages reached. Even now
Scotland Yard men are combing the subways and basements of the town
for secret openings. All known openings, such as the one through which
we came and the one in Soho 48, were blocked by falling walls. The
office building was simply blown to atoms."
"What about the men who raided Soho 48?"
"The door in the library wall had been closed. They found the Chinaman
you killed, but searched the house without avail. Lucky for them, too,
else they had doubtless been in the tunnels when the explosion came, and
perished with the hundreds of negroes who must have died then."
"Every negro in London must have been there."
"I dare say. Most of them are voodoo worshipers at heart and the power
the Master wielded was incredible. They died, but what of him? Was he
blown to atoms by the stuff which he had secretly stored, or crushed
when the stone walls crumbled and the ceilings came thundering down?"
"There is no way to search among those subterranean ruins, I suppose?"
"None whatever. When the walls caved in, the tons of earth upheld by
the ceilings also came crashing down, filling the corridors with dirt and
broken stone, blocking them forever. And on the surface of the earth, the
houses which the vibration shook down were heaped high in utter ruins.
What happened in those terrible corridors must remain forever a

My tale draws to a close. The months that followed passed uneventfully,

except for the growing happiness which to me was paradise, but which
would bore you were I to relate it. But one day Gordon and I again
discussed the mysterious happenings that had had their being under the
grim hand of the Master.
"Since that day," said Gordon, "the world has been quiet. Africa has
subsided and the East seems to have returned to her ancient sleep. There
can be but one answer—living or dead, Kathulos was destroyed that
morning when his world crashed about him."
"Gordon," said I, "what is the answer to that greatest of all mysteries?"
My friend shrugged his shoulders.
"I have come to believe that mankind eternally hovers on the brinks of
secret oceans of which it knows nothing. Races have lived and vanished
before our race rose out of the slime of the primitive, and it is likely still
others will live upon the earth after ours has vanished. Scientists have
long upheld the theory that the Atlanteans possessed a higher civilization
than our own, and on very different lines. Certainly Kathulos himself
was proof that our boasted culture and knowledge were nothing beside
that of whatever fearful civilization produced him.
"His dealings with you alone have puzzled all the scientific world, for
none of them has been able to explain how he could remove the hashish
craving, stimulate you with a drug so infinitely more powerful, and then
produce another drug which entirely effaced the effects of the other."
"I have him to thank for two things," I said slowly; "the regaining of my
lost manhood—and Zuleika. Kathulos, then, is dead, as far as any mortal
thing can die. But what of those others—those 'ancient masters' who still
sleep in the sea?"
Gordon shuddered.
"As I said, perhaps mankind loiters on the brink of unthinkable chasms
of horror. But a fleet of gunboats is even now patrolling the oceans
unobtrusively, with orders to destroy instantly any strange case that may
be found floating—to destroy it and its contents. And if my word has any
weight with the English government and the nations of the world, the
seas will be so patrolled until doomsday shall let down the curtain on the
races of today."
"At night I dream of them, sometimes," I muttered, "sleeping in their
lacquered cases, which drip with strange seaweed, far down among the
green surges—where unholy spires and strange towers rise in the dark
"We have been face to face with an ancient horror," said Gordon
somberly, "with a fear too dark and mysterious for the human brain to
cope with. Fortune has been with us; she may not again favor the sons of
men. It is best that we be ever on our guard. The universe was not made
for humanity alone; life takes strange phases and it is the first instinct of
nature for the different species to destroy each other. No doubt we
seemed as horrible to the Master as he did to us. We have scarcely tapped
the chest of secrets which nature has stored, and I shudder to think of
what that chest may hold for the human race."
"That's true," said I, inwardly rejoicing at the vigor which was beginning
to course through my wasted veins, "but men will meet obstacles as they
come, as men have always risen to meet them. Now, I am beginning to
know the full worth of life and love, and not all the devils from all the
abysses can hold me."
Gordon smiled.
"You have it coming to you, old comrade. The best thing is to forget all
that dark interlude, for in that course lies light and happiness."

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